Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 6)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 6

Shaun's P.O.V

My eyes opened suddenly and everything came back to me at once. I was in the bath still and the water had been cold for ages, Corbin was still on top of me asleep and was probably having a good dream because he was smiling. I was worried that someone would come home soon to find the two of us, naked in the bath, cuddling. "Corbin! Corbin, get up. Now." I commanded, shaking him furiously. I didn't want to slip out from under in him, just in case he hit his head. My boyfriend slowly opened his eyes, although he wasn't too happy about being woken up. "We fell asleep. Someone could come home soon." I worried, my brow was covered in sweat. "Get up!" I cried. Corbin was fully awake now and rolled off of me slowly, he then sat next to me and yawned. "I don't care. Let them find us, I want my parents to know that they hate their son." Corbin whined. "Corbin, stop saying stupid things." I ordered. I got out of the bath and picked him up. "Do you want me to dry you off? " I asked. "Nah, I'll do that myself." Corbin smiled, I put him down on his feet and he picked up a towel on his own.

I looked over at him and caught sight of his ass, I was turned on again. I groaned as my cock slowly grew out of his sheath, O! The temptation to fuck him now, but I'd wasted the chance and someone would come home soon. I started to dry off my fur quickly, but my cock felt so heavy from all the cum I hadn't used yet. It would be a shame to let my seed die off. I looked down at my cock to see that it was still vivid and rock-solid. Maybe I could just touch myself a bit? No!

Snapping out of the sexual frame of my mind, I started to dry myself off quickly. If I was lucky, Corbin would be in the mood for some action and maybe there would still be time. As soon as Corbin was dry I saw him rush out the room and into his bedroom most likely. When I was dry I followed him to find him fishing in his suitcase. "Are you looking for clothes?" I asked. "No. I'm looking for cock rings, we have 2 hours you know." Corbin explained. "Do you want me to get the lube?" I asked. "What did I say before? No lube. I want this to be better than average sex. I'll be a while, why don't you try to catch some shut eye?" Corbin asked. "Thanks." I smiled. I lay down on my back, facing the ceiling.

I soon felt something cold and metal slid along the shaft of my cock and stop at my knot. "Corbin?" I asked. Opening one eye, I saw my mate naked and standing at the side of the bed. "Do you not want to have sex now?" Corbin asked. "Are you stupid?" I asked rhetorically. Corbin laughed and climbed on top of me. I shuffled back, so that I was leaning on the back board. I then moved my torso right, so that Corbin could also rest against the back board.

He was looking down at my cock, which he could just about see over his low-hanging balls. "Ready?" I asked, but in all honesty I was worried that Corbin didn't honestly want this. He was breathing heavily and was reluctant to open his legs for me. "Y-yes." He stuttered. "Look. Corbin, you don't have to do this. We can just cuddle for two hours." I explained, I got back under Corbin, so that he could rest on me. Corbin started breathing normally again, knowing that I wasn't in a position to penetrate him. Avoiding his cock, I put my arms around his waist and held him close to me. "No, I will stick it through. I promised you." Corbin whined. "Then you can break your promise today." I explained. "You can always say no." I said. "I know! I know!" Corbin cried out. "But I want to do this!" Corbin whined. "Shall I get some lube? Will that make you feel better?" I asked. "No. You've waited two weeks and a day for this." Corbin said. Corbin spread his legs again slightly, not enough for me to get inside of him comfortably, but slowly he opened his legs wider. "Okay. If you want it." I said.

I lifted Corbin up by holding the back of his thighs and lifting up. I leaned to the right again, so that Corbin could lean on the backboard for support. My arm was probably going to be sore since a lot of his weight was on my left arm. I let Corbin lie down on my torso again and lifted his legs up even further. Corbin's legs were now completely in the air and only his hand was touching the bed for support. He put his left arm around my shoulder and started breathing heavily again. "Are you-" I was cut off by Corbin's quick answer. "I'm alright. Please hurry up." He begged. I nodded and reached down with my left hand to guide my cock into his rear. "Ugh!" Corbin whined as the tip of my cock pushed apart his anus.

I felt bad for him, it had been two weeks since we had sex, I had a barbed cock, he was tired and we weren't using any lubricant. As soon as more of my cock was inside of him, I moved my hand back under his thigh to support him again. It felt great for me, but I would never truly know how Corbin felt. I loved the way his walls felt as my cock rubbed against them and how Corbin tried to put on a brave face as I went deeper. He was sweating and panting as if he was running a marathon. Although Corbin was the one taking the full force, I was still having a rough time trying to go deeper. I gritted my teeth when I first went in and had to squeeze Corbin's legs and shut my eyes to try to bare the pain. I could tell this was going to be the greatest orgasm I had ever had.

Although I wasn't deep at all Corbin was once again moaning and groaning as I penetrated him. One particular cry was set apart from the others, so I stopped and would have pulled out if such a sudden action would have hurt Corbin. "What's wrong? " I asked, freezing up to avoid further pain to Corbin. Between pants, Corbin was trying to find words to use. "I'm alright, just a little rough y'know?" Corbin answered. "Yeah. It feels like your first time again doesn't it?" I asked. "Mmm, sort of. Our first time was so easy and boring though to be honest, can we call this our first true time?" He asked. "Of course. So long at isn't the final time." I winked. "Depends on how good tonight is." Corbin answered. But in all honesty, both of us knew that even if tonight was terrible, we'd both be back for more.

With one final push, I was balls deep into Corbin's tail hole. He winced, but was still trying to relax. Pleasure overcame Corbin completely and he let himself relax completely, his eyes were open wide and he was looking at the ceiling for some reason. A smile was taped to his face and he was blushing even though I hadn't really done anything nice to him yet.

"Do you mind if we just stay here and don't move?" Corbin asked. "We can stay here for as long as you want." I whispered into Corbin's ear. "Yay!" Corbin yelled like a child, he smiled and laughed. "Also, could you pull out?" Corbin asked, worried that he might be pushing it. "Okay." I answered, although I was annoyed with Corbin slightly, I didn't want him to be annoyed with me, so I did as he asked. I awkwardly pulled out of my boyfriend and he rolled off of me. Landing at my right, he cuddled with me as if there wasn't a care in the world. He stayed in my arms for at least an hour.

After a while, I opened my eyes to see him looking at my cock. To be honest, I looked at his own merchandise. Both of our dicks were soaked in pre and Corbin's fur was drenched in sweat. I didn't really want to waste what we had left of the night, so without Corbin's permission I put my right under him and pulled him closer to me. I couldn't take my eyes of his cock. The way it glistened in the fake light and the way it throbbed slightly was simply magnificent. I made a fist around Corbin' cock with my left hand, I made sure not to apply pressure, but I also didn't move. "Can I?" I asked. "Of course." Corbin smiled at me, but cried out in shock when he felt my hand pull on his cock slightly as I moved down his length.

This must have been the first time this had ever happened to Corbin, so every little thing was a new surprise to him. I decided to go slowly at first until Corbin got used to the feeling of fur brushing along his tender chalice. I slacked my grip slightly as if went around his knot. It was quite cruel of me, but I pinched his knot lightly. Corbin shot me a sharp glance, "Sorry." I apologized.

"Come here you." Corbin ordered, he his right arm around my neck and brought me in closely for a kiss. I lost focus completely when our lips touched, it felt strange. His lips were warm and calmed me down, even though what we were doing had been banned in this house. I felt his tongue lick my lips, but I wasn't bothered too much. Corbin pulled out of the kiss, "Sorry." He apologized. "It's alright. I'm just to tongues now." Corbin blushed, embarrassed over what he had done and my kind reaction.

In the heat the moment I hit a sweat spot on Corbin's cock, he cried out slightly and I noticed that there was a river of pre flowing down onto the bed. "Shaun?" Corbin asked. I looked at Corbin to see what he wanted. Corbin moved along to end of the bed and put his ass up towards me, he looked back at me with shy eyes. His tail was involuntary swishing side to side. "Can you get inside of me again, please? And go until you cum?" Corbin asked. "Anything you want, sweet." I smiled. I moved over to Corbin on my knees and put my left arm on his back to re-assure him. With my right, I quickly guided my cock back into Corbin's rear end. It went in quickly, well at the least the tip did.

When it got past my barbs, it started getting tougher. I grunted, I had only pulled out of Corbin minutes ago and yet his ass was once again incredibly tight. I had to scrunch up my face as I tried to go balls deep again. Corbin was going through a worse time, he was gripping the sheets and digging holes into them with his claws. Nevertheless, he tried not to loose sight of me for too long; he would crane his neck around to see the look on my face. I pushed harder and soon felt my balls slap Corbin's ass. "Does that feel nice?" I asked. "It feels great." Corbin smiled at me.

I pulled my cock back out of Corbin slightly, my barbs scraping his walls bringing us both closer to our climax. I then pushed back, going balls deep once again. When I felt like it, I started increasing the speed, much to Corbin's approval. Poor guy, I thought, I'd been fucking his brains out for a while now and he wasn't really going to get much out of it other than the satisfaction of anal. I reached forwards with my right hand and touched Corbin's cock. I heard him gasp, but he didn't speak out against the action.

As I had done earlier, I started rubbing him up and down to the pace of me penetrating him. "Mmm... Shaun..." Corbin groaned in pleasure. "Shaun?" Corbin asked. I was too engrossed in the sex to notice his voice. We also didn't notice the sound of the front door opening or his sisters calling out to him. The two of them screamed, probably because they saw two pairs of male clothes thrown about the entry way, leading to Corbin's room. "Shaun!" Corbin shouted. "Stop! Pull out! Hurry up!" Corbin tried, begging for me to stop now that we'd been caught. Fear took over and I pulled out without even thinking, but I didn't have enough time to hide or come up with an excuse.

His sister were through the door a second later and their fury was released upon me, the one responsible for what had happened.

Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 5)

Chapter 5 Shaun's P.O.V I lowered Corbin down and put him just beside the enormous bath. It was unnecessarily big and was shaped like a pool instead of a bath. For one it was square not rectangular, it was cut into the floor and there were ladders to...

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Divided Unity (Chapter 4, Edition 3)

Chapter 4 Shaun's P.O.V As soon as they were out of sight, Corbin squealed with delight and pushed me backwards, bombarding me with kisses. "I love you!" He shouted, happy that he wouldn't face punishment for saying such a thing. "I love you as well,...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 3)

Chapter 3 Shaun's P.O.V Dinner... the most boring time of the day. The table was made for 12 people, 5 on the vertical sides and 2 at the heads of the table. However, we only had four people on each vertical side. Edd was at the head of the table,...

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