Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 3)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 3

Shaun's P.O.V

Dinner... the most boring time of the day. The table was made for 12 people, 5 on the vertical sides and 2 at the heads of the table. However, we only had four people on each vertical side. Edd was at the head of the table, Samantha was to Edd's left with who I presumed to be her husband opposite her. Corbin's father was completely unlike what I had expected. Where as Corbin was a timid, shy and weak person in general, Corbin's father was the opposite. He looked a little thick, but he was built with muscle and only muscle. He must have been well over 7 in height and his weight must have been off the scales. His father always had a big grin on his face, that didn't match his kind's usual shyness. All of Corbin's family were fennec foxes, so I felt a bit out of place and un welcome, but they tried to speak to me. "Shaun. This is my husband, Eric." Samantha explained, gesturing to the all muscle man. "He used to work as a wrestler, but he gave up when we had our second set of cubs." Samantha explained. Before I'd even sat down at the table, Eric had come up to me and shook my hand. If he had applied anymore pressure, I think my hand would have broken in two. Eric didn't speak to me at all, but he didn't seem like a bad guy. Next to Samantha there was a small girl, who kept on playing with her food. She had long brown hair that flowed down to her shoulders, it had been curled, but looked like it had never been properly cut. "Shaun, this young lady is Amanda." Samantha introduced me to her, "Hello." I said, trying to sound polite. "I don't like you." Amanda said, before completely annoyed. Samantha, Edd nor Eric cared about Amanda's rudeness, but in fact ignored it and carried on eating the dinner. Amanda was wearing a white and blue dress that ended just above her knees, she had a headband holding some of her hair out of her face whilst she ate. But, that didn't stop her from getting food everywhere. She ate like a pig and would stuff more food into her mouth before she swallowed, a habitat her parents didn't correct. "Just next to Amanda you have Peter." Samantha informed me, Peter mumbled something to me that sounded like a greeting. I said hi back to him and he smiled a bit, but didn't look up from his food. Peter was incredibly skinny and his formal trousers were too big for him, they sagged onto the floor even with a tight belt. His shirt was un-buttoned at the top and his black hair was incredibly mess, like Amanda's, it hadn't been brushed recently. Next to Peter there was Corbin, who was eating his food neatly and quickly. But every now and again when no one was looking, he'd push a tiny bit of meat onto Peter's plate and tell him to try to eat. Corbin didn't look at me once, it was if I wasn't there. I was opposite Corbin and between Edd and I there were two small kids who were just like one another. They were both small, but weren't very skinny like Peter. They wolfed down their food without hesitation and would kick each other or steal food when they thought that no one was watching them. "The two next to you are Jordan and Jake." Samantha introduced, but the two didn't respond or even acknowledge that they had been mentioned. The two of them both wore the same clothes as Peter, but they weren't too big and they looked a lot smarter. Their hair was slicked back with a fist full of gel making their hair gleam under the fake light of the chandelier. Finally there was a big, brute of a woman had the second head of the table. She was hideous, with glaring eyes, snapping to every at the table. Her nose and ears twitched at every mention of her name and she drank her water with posh movements, but everything about her was annoying. Every down to her expensive slippers to her ball gown dress that would probably cause arguments if it were to be worn in public as the dress was even more beautiful than anything in royal wardrobes. "And Shaun. This is my mother, Sally." Samantha introduced us, Sally glared at me, but ignored me.

The dinner was even worse than most of the people eating it, the meat was chewy. The gravy was too thin and the vegetables must of been soaking in chlorine before they were served. The taste of everything was bland and not even the cranberry could make it taste better. The pudding was worse, rhubarb pie and custard. The custard was gloppy and i'd never liked rhubarb, but nevertheless I tried to put on a smile and eat the pie. Peter also didn't like the rhubarb, he gave all of his pie to Corbin and asked to me excused from the table. 15 minutes past and it looked as if Peter wasn't coming back, but yet again no one seemed to care. Apart from Corbin, who would glance upstairs every few seconds hoping to see his younger brother. When everyone had finished their pudding, Edd stood up from the table to speak. "Now then young 'ens. Sally, Edd, Samantha and I are going to a dinner tomorrow. Since we thought that Corbin and his friend here weren't coming down today or tomorrow, we book eight seats. Corbin? Would you and your friend mind staying here?" Edd asked. "Sure that's fine by us. Will the older ones be coming back?" Corbin asked. "Yes. Your two sisters should arrive at 11:00pm. But we will be back at one in the morning. No funny business you two, keep everything locked as your sisters have their own keys. Okay?" Edd asked. "We understand." Corbin said, speaking for us. Edd coughed again to clear his throat, "Shaun you are excused as are you three." Edd said to Jordan, Jake and Amanda. "But Corbin, I want you in the kitchen helping to clean up. Dismissed." Edd said. Everyone left the table, I walked up to Corbin's room and closed the door to wait for Corbin. I lay back on his bed and soon fell asleep.

I woke back up again without any clothes on, I panicked feeling violated by whoever had stripped me down. However, the thoughts of danger stopped when I felt Corbin's presence next to me. He sounded awake, as he was shuffling around trying not to make a lot of noise. I rolled over and hugged my boyfriend from behind, spooning with him. His hair and fur tickled my nose and maybe I did get a little bit of an awkward boner, but nevertheless I enjoyed the intimacy. I lightly bit Corbin's nape, sending shivers down his spine. Corbin moaned, "I swear Shaun. If it didn't have fur, I'd be covered in love bites from you." Corbin teased. He put his arms over mine and squeezed my hands. "Corbin, did you un-dress me whilst I was asleep?" I asked. "Yeah. Don't worry, I left your boxers on. But maybe I did look at you a bit..." Corbin admitted. "Did you like it?" I asked, squeezing my mate. I moved on hand up and fondled one of his nipples, hoping to turn him on. "Yeah. But it looked better before I got cum on your chest." Corbin snickered. "What?!" I cried, moving away from Corbin, I moved backwards to check my white fur for cum. Corbin laughed and rolled over to face me again. "Calm down. I wouldn't, I'm sure that such a thing is some form of rape." Corbin confessed. "Well good. What if someone were to smell it?" I asked. "We'd be screwed and on our way to a new country." Corbin laughed. He pushed out of bed, showing me his nice little ass. I purred playfully. His ass had always been sexy, even though I'd ruined or bruised it a few times. I'm sure that if you pushed his fur slightly to the side, you'd find some form of mark I'd left behind from weeks ago. Corbin also had a nice shape to his body now that he was properly eating, you couldn't see his ribs anymore and his stomach had a little bit of fat on it, but hopefully Corbin didn't know that. His arms and hands were still kind of small, but if he flexed it did look like he had a tiny bit of muscle. His thighs and everything on his legs from the knees upwards were average size and overall, he sort of had a nice glow to his fur. Personally, I'd noticed it was a lot softer, but apparently Corbin felt no difference. His tail was another feature of us that was beautiful, more importantly, Corbin's tail wasn't always between his legs now. Well, that was when he wasn't trying to cover himself from my prying eyes. He grabbed his tail and moved it to cover his ass and his sheath. "Awww... Is Corbin not happy with his body?" I asked. Corbin turned around and smiled at me, "Shut up." He stuck his tongue out. "I like my body now, I'm fine now." Corbin said with confidence. "But still, that doesn't mean you should scoff the rhubarb pie." I teased. Corbin turned away to get dressed, but I caught the returning sad look in his eyes. I immediately launched myself out of bed and behind Corbin, I slipped my arms under his and held him still. "I'm sorry. You're not fat. I promise, it was just a joke. A lie." I apologized, desperately trying to make Corbin feel better about himself. I didn't want to, no, I couldn't lose Corbin now. I loved him too much, we needed each other. If it weren't for him I wouldn't look forward to getting up in the morning and if it weren't for me, Corbin could easily have been dead by now. It was a thought I didn't want to think about, ever, or growing old. I wanted to stay young with Corbin, so that we could have forever to love each other. That way we could take everything slowly and get to a time where everyone wasn't bothered by our sexuality. I could get away with kissing Corbin in public or holding his hand whenever he got nervous meeting new people. Corbin had plenty of issues because of homophobia and everything else. I hadn't asked him about why he had been a-sexual, or why he would sometimes cry in his sleep. Or even why it was that Corbin's family hated anything that was straight. I didn't even think that Corbin knew.

"Shaun..." Corbin whispered. "Shaun, you sound so desperate." Corbin teased, he turned around and kissed me on the lips. He lifted his left leg in the air and got up on his tip toes to get to my height, "Is that what 2 weeks without sex does to a man?" Corbin asked playfully. I laughed and put my arms under Corbin's legs, I lifted him back onto the bed. I dropped backwards, he landed in a kneeling position above me. Corbin had moved his tail a while ago, revealing his sheath. Looking down it, I could see his pink cock slightly erect. Corbin noticed what I was thinking and got off of me quickly, "Wait until night. Then you can fuck me in every position that exists." Corbin smiled at me and bit his lower lip, trying to look sexual. "Corbin. That look doesn't suit you at all." I said, Corbin stopped biting his lower lip for me and instead put his arms around my neck. I looked into Corbin's eyes and once again thought about how much I loved the boy. He was like the sun to me, sure, he had his downsides, but he was necessary and I expected him to be there every day. In a more literal sense, he did brighten up everything for me. His smile always raised my spirits and his cute laughed would tug at my hearts sinks. Unfortunately, the opposite was the same. When Corbin was depressed back before his mental help, I'd just feel like shit around him; even during pillow talk. Now, foreplay was Corbin's favorite part of sleeping with me, even when it didn't end up with some sex, he'd just tease me by lowering the back of his boxers or 'accidentally' touching my sheath. I'd always return the favor by 'touching him with my finger.' That was another thing about Corbin, he didn't mind me holding him from behind, he'd seize up for a few seconds until he recognized the way I held him or he'd be taken by a cold sweat until I took my hands away. "If you say I have beautiful eyes,. I'll knee you." Corbin spat, but the threat wasn't aggressive. "You. Have. Beau. tiful. Eyes." I teased, purposely doing it to annoy him. Corbin wasn't lieing, he instantly kneed me in the chest. I made a strange noise of pain and crumpled up, but Corbin's blushing face was worth the pain. I'd go through any pain, so long as I would be with Corbin at the end of it. "Now get up and get dressed creeper. You need to eat, and then when my family leaves. I'm showing you the bath, you kind of smell." Corbin mocked. He leaped out of bed, trying to drag me out with him. "Can't you dress me again?" I asked, Corbin laughed, but didn't reply. I slid out of bed when the pain had left and wrapped my arms around him one last time. I kissed his back, "Love you." I said quietly. "I love you to. See, I even made sure to make my jeans loose, so that you can whip them off as soon as my parents are out of sight." Corbin said. "That's a strange present, or is the real gift inside?" I asked. "The real gift is me not hitting you again, get changed or the next meal you have will be cock." Corbin joked. "Sounds great." I purred, but nevertheless. I let go of him and go changed. I picked out a smarter choice of clothing today, a black shirt and a pair of black, tight jeans. Maybe the formality would make Edd, Samantha, Sally and Eric like me more. Corbin once again looked like he was about go on a holiday. With one final kiss before we let the comfort of the room, Corbin took me downstairs again.

The following 6 hours were very... normal. I helped Corbin with various chores, Corbin and I helped his little brothers and sister with their primary school homework and we ate alone together in Corbin's room. Unfortunately, the meal didn't involve a kiss from Corbin or any kind of 'payment' from me. Finally, it was time for everyone else to go to the boxing day meal. "Corbin. If anything happens between you and Shaun similar to what happened with...him." Edd said with a spite in his voice, "I will personally murder Shaun with my own hands. Do you understand?!" Edd asked. Corbin once again looked very sad upon the mention of 'him.' But nevertheless he agreed to the terms he was probably going to break in a few minutes and the 8 of them departed. Corbin and I eagerly watched from the key hole as they left.

Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 2)

Chapter 2 Shaun's P.O.V As soon as we pulled into the drive outside of Corbin's house, I knew that it was going to be a hectic week. The house itself was beautiful, for one it was more of a mansion than anything. It stretched along a plot of land...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 1)

Chapter 1 Shaun's P.O.V "Sweety? It's time to get up." My mate whispered with his soft voice. I didn't respond and instead tried to shuffle along the train seat wanting to get a few more minutes of sleep. "Shaun." Corbin whined, I felt him nuzzling...

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Birthday gift (Jinxed! Edition 1)

Chapter 1Jinx's P.O.VWith light streaming through the window to my small bedroom I opened my eyes and groaned. What time is it? I thought to myself, I looked to the left at my clock and discovered that it was in fact 12pm! I shot out of bed. Crap, I...

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