Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 2)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

Shaun's P.O.V

As soon as we pulled into the drive outside of Corbin's house, I knew that it was going to be a hectic week. The house itself was beautiful, for one it was more of a mansion than anything. It stretched along a plot of land that was situated in a very hot part of the country, so the grass was yellow and crackled slightly when you put too much pressure on it. The outside of the house had been painted white and the walls were bricks, yet they had been made perfectly, so that it was hard to tell from a far. There was a patio with a roof over it, the was supported by stone pillars, which were also white. The deck was made of birch wood that was very glossy. There was an old fennec fox sitting in a rocking chair, he looked kind of pissed off, yet he smiled when he saw us pull up. His fur was white all over and his big ears hung down at the sides of his head. There was no hair on his head apart from his fur and his eyes were light blue. Clothed with an olden day jumper over a white shirt and brown trousers that were too big for him, he stood up from his rocking chair and used a walking cane to stand in wait at the edge of the patio as if he didn't want to walk on the grass. His skin was wrinkled and he had a slight beer gut, but he didn't seem like the kind of person who would drink. The three of us got out of the car and before I could even step onto the plot Samantha barked out a few rules. "Alright you two. Don't step on the grass, don't cuss around the kids, be nice to them, speak up when you speak to Grandma since the old crone is nearly deaf. Oh and if I catch you two doing anything, even if you hold hands! You'll be out before you can apologize, understand?" "Mom. We're not gay." Corbin lied. I got Corbin's and my own suitcase out of the boot of the car and hauled them up the pavement. "Good." Samantha said, she marched up the path and hugged the old man. "Hello dad." She kissed him on the cheek. "Have the kids been alright?" Samantha asked. "Hello dear. Where's my grandson?" Corbin's grandfather asked, even though he could clearly see Corbin and was looking right at him. His grandfather has a raspy voice, which was very hard to hear. Corbin hugged his grandfather. "Hi granddad." He smiled, "How are you?" Corbin asked. "Oh I'm fine Corbin. What about you?" He asked. "Oh I've been fine, I'm just tired from the journey." Corbin said trying to make conversation. "That's good, that's good." His grandfather repeated. "And what about your friend here?" His grandfather asked. I finally didn't have to stand in the background awkwardly. "Oh, sorry for not introducing you two sooner. Granddad, this is Shaun. Shaun this is my granddad from my mom's side of the family." Corbin said with his hands behind his back. I smiled and shook his granddad's hand. "Nice to meet you Shaun. You can call me Edd." He said. Edd's hand felt weird, it was cold and un-welcoming. "Okay then." I smiled. "Come on in then you three. Won't do you any good, baking out here in the sun. You're mother's almost done cooking the dinner, Samantha." Edd said as he walked into the house followed by Samantha. Corbin stopped in front of me, "Shaun. If anyone, and I mean anyone, asks you about the two of us. We are JUST friends, okay? No matter how many times they insult gay people or go on about their messed up beliefs. Don't say anything! Okay?" Corbin sounded serious, even down to his body language. His hands had curled into fists and they were shaking now that Edd and Samantha had gone inside. I was... scared to see my boyfriend in such an angry mood. He'd never really shown his emotions until recently and until now, true anger was one I was yet to see. "Okay." I responded, unable to find words longer than four letters now that I was in a place where I was hated. Corbin smiled at me and opened the door, allowing me to go in first.

The inside of Corbin's home was stunning. His family must have been extremely rich to afford a place like this. The entry way was bigger than my university room and way more expensive than anything I owned and was quite empty considering it was such a large space. The roof in the first little segment was low down and flat, but expanded upwards inside of the main entryway to allow for two flights of stairs to lead up to the upper floors. The floor in the entry way was marble, but had been elevated from the rest of the entry way with a small step. Two potted plants that were vibrant with life stood in the corners, they were so green they looked fake. The main floor of the entry was also marble, but was decorated with patterns. The middle of the room and the flights of stairs had been decorated with a grey carpet, probably Edd's choice judging by his cold and lifeless mood. There appeared to be shapes such as squares and rectangles etched into to the marble where carpets were supposed to be, these shapes always ended just before a door. The door to the right had a lovely smell coming from it, so it probably led to the kitchen; the left however had sounds of children shouting, so it could have been a living room. Corbin took off my shoes for me and carried them upstairs. "Follow me." Corbin said, before I could get distracted by starring at all the little details the entry way had. The landing was just like the entry way, but a lot smaller with more doors. I counted them quickly, 6 doors, but led to another hallway. Corbin dragged me to the door that was furthest away from the stairs and pushed me through the door. The room was different from the entryway, for one the flooring was now carpet and it didn't look over expensive. The carpet was a dark red that felt comfortable underneath my paws. The walls were brown with two golden lines running along the bottom of the wall paper. Corbin had a spruce wardrobe that towered up to the ceiling set up on the left wall with a bookshelf being shadowed beside it. His bed was a double sized one and underneath it there was a few boxes with child hood memories and forgotten toys stuffed inside. There was a chest of drawers on the right side of the room and a TV hanging on the wall facing the bed. Corbin must have been into reading because he had the bookshelf had been crammed with old, dusty and ruined books. Underneath the TV there was a desk, equipped with writing materials and paper to last a decade. There was a door leading to Corbin's own bathroom just beside the desk. Corbin looked the door and put our shoes under the desk, I leaned the suitcases on the opposite side of the door before inspecting Corbin's bed. As there was only one bed I suspected that Corbin and I were going to be sleeping together. Corbin tackled me onto the bed from behind and nibbled my ears softly, I laughed, but soon shut up in case his parents heard us. Corbin spread his legs over me as he anchored me down, but I soon rolled over to face him. Corbin stopped pecking at my ears and put his hands under my jumper as he felt up and down my body. "Corbin..." I moaned with a quiet voice, I closed my eyes and relaxed, placing my full trust in Corbin. He carried on pushing up my jumper until it was just below my nipples. Corbin stroked the sides of my torso with the back of his hand as he kissed my stomach, worshiping me. He un-zipped my jeans, but left my boxers as he kissed up and down my body. Corbin pulled my jumper back down and moved so that I was on top of him whilst we cuddled. I wrapped my arms around Corbin and his arms around me, we stayed in this position until someone knocked on the door, it sounded like a little girl. "Corbin! Corbin's friend! Mom says dinner's will be ready in half an hour, so get ready." The child shouted like a bossy person and stormed off somewhere. "Who was that?" I asked, getting off of Corbin. "Amanda, the youngest of my sisters." Corbin said. "Well Amanda, sounds like a brat." I said. "She is." Corbin replied, we both laughed and Corbin got out of bed with me.

The two of us dug through our suitcases until we found some formal clothes for us to wear. I was unable to dig out anything too fancy, but I did find a nice white formal shit and a black waist coat to go with it. There was an expensive watch I'd packed, but never worn in the bottom of my suitcase that I dug out. The watch was silver, or at least it looked like silver and so far hadn't lost so much of a second. Its tick's were quiet and could only be heard in complete silence. I found a pair of formal trousers that were slightly small for me, but I'd just borrow a pair of Corbin's socks. I turned around to see that Corbin was already dressed and he looked extremely handsome, "You look nice." Complemented him. "How nice?" Corbin asked politely. Corbin was wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath, his red tie was done poorly "Bangable." I smirked. "But... Your tie needs doing again. Come here." I said. I walked in front of Corbin and tied his tie for him again. "There, do you have socks I could borrow?" I asked. "Sure." Corbin threw me a pair out of his suitcase, when I had turned around to take off my clothes. "What's wrong? Embarrassed to get changed in front of your boyfriend?" Corbin teased. He walked up behind me and squeezed my ass roughly. "Hey! What if someone hears us?" I hissed in a quiet voice. "Good point. Do you want help getting dressed?" Corbin asked. "No thanks." I replied. Before I could say anymore Corbin pulled off my jumper. "I said don't!" I cried. "Too bad. My room, my rules. Unless you want to get changed on the landing with such a big erection showing." Corbin pointed out. I blushed and let Corbin take off my vest, leaving me exposed. "Let me do this, I'm used to quick changing people." Corbin said. Corbin took my shirt from my hands and pulled it over my arms before buttoning the shirt up quickly."Why's that?" I asked. "6 years of changing diapers and baby clothes." Corbin replied, Corbin had gotten my waist coast on. He kissed the back of my hand and kneeled to get my jeans off. "I can do that by myself." I complained, pushing Corbin away. Corbin grumbled something, but nevertheless let me get dressed on my own, when I'd done that, he lead me downstairs and into the dining room.

Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 1)

Chapter 1 Shaun's P.O.V "Sweety? It's time to get up." My mate whispered with his soft voice. I didn't respond and instead tried to shuffle along the train seat wanting to get a few more minutes of sleep. "Shaun." Corbin whined, I felt him nuzzling...

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