Birthday gift (Jinxed! Edition 1)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 1Jinx's P.O.VWith light streaming through the window to my small bedroom I opened my eyes and groaned. What time is it? I thought to myself, I looked to the left at my clock and discovered that it was in fact 12pm! I shot out of bed. Crap, I needed to pay the bills, tidy the house, make lunch for everyone and everything else. But ugh! I'd been sleeping badly recently, I got to sleep at a stupid time last night and had only managed to get to sleep after Dakota offered me a message as a kind of early birthday present. Dakota was good with massages, but that was to be expected since he owned a spa. I procrastinated getting up by looking around my room, a sight I had seen hundreds of times. The walls of my room were quite interesting to be fair, Dakota liked all corners of the house to be vivid and lively. He'd dragged me out shopping and made me pick out two colors that I liked, which happened to be black and dark blue. 'Emo' he had playfully teased, but nevertheless the next day paints of dark blue arrived and we set to work painting my room. Then, black fluffy carpeting arrived and we installed that. But Dakota wasn't finished, he payed a professional to take out a chunk of the wall separating my room from his and had a thin, sliding panel installed. The pipes fortunately, didn't go through that wall, so we both used the cut out sections to create a wardrobe dented into the wall. Dakota and I would sometimes slid the panels back and tease each other's sense of style. Dakota had also spent his money on making my room even better, he'd given me a king sized bed with curtains saying that 'When I lost my virginity to him, I'd want my privacy.' Dakota and I were both gay, but we weren't dating. He had his own boyfriend who I'd never met, but they were happy together, so I never intervened. But to be fair, I was jealous of Dakota's boyfriend. Dakota was fit and I'd caught my self wanting to do things to him more than a couple of times. Dakota knew that I liked him and the two of us had spent half a day speaking about it. On the other hand, Dakota could sometimes be a little bit harsh and would tease me about loving him with crude comments and practical 'jokes.' My room had it's own TV, that rested on a cupboard filled with certain items. The TV was hooked up to a few game consoles, although my collection was lacking and took up less than a tenth on my bookshelf. I was an avid reader and had spent a lot of my childhood wanting to become an author, but that reality was smashed early. I'd instead just drifted around jobs, I did get a degree in engineering and computing though, but I'd never put them to good use. So my career was now working in a shitty store every weekend to try and not be a parasite to Dakota. Dakota was friendly to me though, but I don't know why. He didn't love me and I had never done something excessively  nice to him. I wasn't handsome in my

own eyes. My fur was black all over and completely un-broken, how I hated it. It was boring, un-appealing and didn't feel nice. The fur below my neck was too fluffy for my likely yet the fur on other places of my body was short and prickly on the backs of my legs. That was another thing I hated about myself, my body. I was of average height, Dakota was taller than me by far and at a decent weight unlike me. I was almost underweight and I never seemed to put on weight no matter how many times I ate more than I got eat. Dakota would try to make me  feel better by saying I looked nice in the morning. I tried to keep my hair down to a minimum, I only had a small amount that was a small tuft that stuck out from between the ears on the top of my head. I wasn't a very out-going person, I had trust issues and found it hard to socialize with people other than Dakota and my other house mate, who was like a brother to me. According to Dakota I was very feminine. He said that because I had a small body frame, I was shy, I got stressed over little things, I treated Dakota as my superior, I did all of the house work and cooked for Dakota and my house mate. Which is why I felt bad about not getting up early.I sighed and slid out of bed, it was a Friday, so Dakota and my other house mate, Seth, were out at work. Seth was a teacher at the local high-school, he taught physics, the most boring subject ever. Seth had a girlfriend who he regularly went to meet out in public or at her house. Seth was bi-curious though and had tried to sneak a peak at me in the shower a couple of times though. Seth wasn't as nice as Dakota and could be immature around the house, how he was a teacher I don't know. I stretched my legs and slid on a pair of pink panties since I was home alone. I was a little bit of a girl sometimes and although I hadn't completely cross-dressed I did wear panties sometimes instead of boxers and I did sometimes look like a girl in the clothes I wore. I walked down the stairs and into the dining room. Our dining room was stylish, but not over expensive. There was a half wall separating the kitchen from the dining room that was quite nice. The half wall had a solid bottom and glass on top of it that distorted images when you looked through it. The wood on the floor was spruce and I made sure that it was clean of stains every day. The wooden chairs were a lighter spruce and had leather covering them to make them comfortable, the table was spruce as well. The table had a pattern scratched into it of flowers, the same pattern that was on the walls. The walls were brown with cream flower branches on them, they spiraled around all of the walls. I saw Dakota sitting at the table eating lunch, looking at me. My heart slowed down when I saw him and I blushed because he was seeing me almost naked yet again. Dakota was a fox who had a palette of colors splashed on to him. The fur on his back and the sides of his torso was orange, as was the fur on his arms and

legs. But his chest was white as was his chin and neck, believe it or not, but so was his crotch. Yeah, someone might have purposely walked in on him when he was drying off and got a quick look. Dakota had teased me about it, but had offered me a closer look, so long as I promised to 'be a dear and help him warm up.' I blushed, so much I had ran out of the bathroom and squealed to myself in my bedroom. Dakota's paws and feet were black as was the tip of his tail. His tail was very bushy and often got in the way when he tried to sit down, but Dakota tried not to ever show his frustration or anger around Seth or me. He had emerald green eyes that were always lustful and he didn't like to have hair on his head, so he had kept it short, so that only his fur was on his head. Dakota was sitting down his boxers showing off his nice body. Attempting to cover my naked body, I crouched down and covered my chest. "I'm so sorry!" I cried out as if I had seen my house mate wearing panties i'd be kind of disturbed. Dakota got out of his chair and walked over to me, ditching his meal. "This is so embarrassing. Do you want me to leave the house?" I asked blushing and looking around at anything, but Dakota. Dakota kneeled in front of me, yet he was still taller than me. "Told you that you were girly, kitty." Dakota smiled at me and gave me a friendly kiss on the forehead. I blushed even more and I could my heart beating slowly in my chest, my stomach felt as if it were knotting up. Dakota put his arms under mine and lifted up until I was standing, I didn't know what to do. "Why are you here?" I asked, it was Friday. He should have been at work and I should be busy washing dishes instead of curled up on the dining room floor. "It's Saturday, I know you drank a lot at the club yesterday night. But I didn't think that your hangover would be so bad that you forgot the day... Heh sorry. I shouldn't have ditched you half way through the night." Dakota apologized. "It's alright. I don't remember it. Where's Seth?" I asked."He's at his girlfriend's. Trying to get into her panties again probably." Dakota noticed his poor choice of words, which snapped us both back into the situation. "So do you want me to leave the house?" I asked again."Jinx. You know that this is house is yours as well as mine and Seth's. You don't have to leave unless you want to." Dakota said trying to lighten the mood."But your money paid for this place and I have some crappy job that.." I complained, yet wanting Dakota to be right. Dakota put a finger to my lips."Shh... Stop whining." Dakota ordered. "You're my friend, my best friend in fact.""B-but but. I'm wearing these..." I looked down at the panties I was wearing. "Are you not offended or grossed out?" I asked, once again wanting to argue with Dakota so that he could be right. "No. Jinx, I see weird stuff every day." Dakota explained. "But if you're so un-comfortable wearing those panties, why not take them off?" He

asked me, something didn't seem right."Errr. I guess so." I turned around to go upstairs, but Dakota wasn't letting go of my arms. Without breaking eye contact with me he put his two hands to the sides of my legs and slowly slipped of my underwear. "Dakota! You have a boyfriend, this is wrong!" I tried to protest, grabbing his arms and stopping him."Come on Jinx, just show some more skin for once. I know you want me to." Dakota teased, I blushed again and I didn't know what to say. "Dakota. Please not right now." I said in a quiet voice. I broke eye contact with him, destroying the moment. "Please?" I asked. Dakota let go of me and let me pull up my panties. He smiled at me, although it was fake and walked upstairs. "Your lunch is on the table!" He shouted down to me.Chapter 2Jinx's P.O.VDakota had always been bad at making sandwiches. For one he always had too much or too little butter and either way he destroyed the bread in the process. He couldn't cut things properly and always made a diagonal incision. But nevertheless, he had tried to make a sandwich for me. It was nice having him make one for me for a change and it tasted better than my own. I smiled and washed my own dishes before remembering that I was wearing panties and it was a Saturday. Anyone could just knock on the door or Seth or his girlfriend could open the door and see me like this, or even Dakota's boyfriend which would be kind of awkward considering Dakota had just tried to get me out of them. I drained the sink and walked upstairs to my room, opening the door I saw something very sexy. Dakota was lying down on my bed face down in a curled up position, so that his butt was in the air. His tail was between his legs to cover himself up, but he had his boxers around his ankles. Dakota heard me opening the door and rolled over, I saw that he attached red ribbon to his neck and around the base of his sheath. "Umm Dakota. What's this?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what he was trying to pull."Just a little birthday gift." Dakota smiled at me. So that was why he had made me a sandwich, he knew that today was birthday. I had never shared it with Dakota or Seth completely, since I didn't want either of them to spend more money on me. "Oh.. Um Dakota. I don't know what to say." I blushed and crossed my legs, trying to conceal my erection. "Don't say anything." Dakota said, he got off of the bed and walked over to me sexily. He touched me and wrapped his arms around my waste. Bringing his muzzle close to my neck he whispered to me, "Besides. Your cock is saying half of the story already." Dakota added, he smiled at me and softly bit the skin on my shoulder. "Dakota, I appreciate this, but I don't want to have sex with you." I tried to get out of the awkward situation, but there was a part of me that wanted to do this badly. "Then just cuddle with me, please. I

don't want to give you some crappy present that you won't like." Dakota explained. "Dakota... I." I looked into Dakota's green eyes and saw that he had lost the playfulness, he was serious. "Yes." I rested my head in the fur of his abs and let him lift me into his arms. Dakota didn't look strong, but he was in truth. He could lift me up easily. Dakota lay me down on the bed before snuggling up next to me. I put my arms under Dakota's and he put his arms around my neck, he pulled me in closely until I could feel his heart beat. Mine however was incredibly slow and loud. I feared that he could hear my heart beat in the silence of the room. Dakota and I stayed like that for ages, breathing in time and sometimes moving our hands to stroke each other. When I looked at the clock beside my bed I noticed that it was now 4 pm. I tried to get out of bed in a hurry, but Dakota was on top of me. "Where are you going?" Dakota asked in concern."It's two already! I have so much to do around the house. I'm so sorry!" I cried shuffling about desperately."Calm down. I did all of the house work for you, there's nothing to do now. Stay here." Dakota begged. I stopped moving under Dakota's weight and slipped out from under in him, so that we were side by side instead. "Dakota... Thank you." I smiled at him. "I know that my room isn't as good as yours, but would you like to sleep with me tonight?" I asked, cringing."Of course I would." Dakota kissed me again."But what about your boyfriend?" I asked, worried that I was pushing the two of them apart. Dakota's eyes changed again, he seemed sad."We split up." He stated suddenly, my heart sank, but danced at the same time."How? Why? When?" I catechized."It was after last night, you and I went out as friends for the night along with my boyfriend. But you got drunk and started getting close to me, by the end of the night you and him were practically competing for me. Then you started looking tired, so we decided to bring you home, but you started crying like a child when I told you that you needed to go home. I sat in the back with you to make you feel better, but that just gave a chance to get closer to me. You started kissing me, like all over my body and my boyfriend noticed that I wasn't really protesting. He called me this morning and broke it off." Dakota explained."I'm so sorry about that." I sniffled. "I'm sorry for breaking you two apart, I'm sorry." I apologized, I was in tears, but Dakota didn't seem to be too bothered."Look it's alright. I told Seth about it and he said that the two of us need to sort out our relationship. So he agreed to stay out of the house for today." Dakota explained. "Dakota, that's great and all, but why?" I asked."So that I could set this all up and see how you felt about me." Dakota explained again, had he really planned all of this?"Dakota, I should have done this. I messed it up." I felt guilt like i'd never felt

before and Dakota was only making it worse."Jinx. Do you want me to leave for now?" He asked."Please do." I said. Dakota got off of me and un-tied all of the ribbon from his body. "I'm sorry for ruining your plans, could you come back later tonight? Well if you want to. I might be feeling better about this by then." I asked. Dakota didn't reply with words, but instead kissed me on the neck and left me in bed by my self. With I sigh, I rolled over to reflect on my mistakes.Chapter 3Jinx's P.O.VI stayed in bed for a few hours, dozing off then waking back up at the slightest noise. I heard Dakota walking in to them, "Jinx? Would you like something to eat?" He asked kindly. "I'll cook for us both." Dakota offered."No, I'm not hungry. Thanks for the offer though." I said without lifting my head from my pillow."Aww.. Sounds like a little cat is still depressed. Cheer up hun, it's not your fault." Dakota said, sitting on the bed next to me."It is." I responded quickly."Even if it is, I'm not depressed, so you shouldn't be. Do you still want your birthday gift? I'm sure I could find a bit of ribbon somewhere." I laughed slightly."Again, thanks for the offer. But I'm not in the mood." I said turning down Dakota. Dakota chuckled to himself and lay down next to me, he put his arms under mine and brought his muzzle to rest above my neck. Moving his hands down towards to my panties he whispered into my ear, "Well don't start crying when I rape you in the night." He teased, he licked the side of my neck softly."Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food?" I responded to his joke. "And I'd scream, for the record.""In pleasure? and by the way I wouldn't eat you, I'd lick you like a Popsicle." Dakota said, once again joking with me. "Anyway. Are you sure you don't want some food, it's 9 already." Dakota informed me."Oh really?!" I asked in shock. "Then leave me alone, I need to go to bed early, so that I can get up early and make up for this morning's lie in." I said shuffling away from Dakota. "Well then I'm coming to bed with you and you can't sleep in panties alone, you'll get cold. I'll grab you something to wear whilst I get changed." Dakota said, not waiting to hear my argument. He stopped hugging me and went into his room via the wardrobe panel. I got out of bed soon after to slip out of my panties, they'd caused enough embarrassment already. Dakota came back sooner than expected, with clothes in hand for me and in new clothes. Dakota was now wearing a black t-shirt that went down just below his waist. He was always wearing some blue night shorts, he purred as a joke when he saw me naked. "I'm sorry again!" I cried, covering my sheath with my hands."Don't worry." Dakota put my shirt down on my bed, for a second I was worried that he was going to do something sexual to me. "Do you want

some boxers to wear tonight?" Dakota asked if he was a maid who needed to serve me with their every breath."Yes please." I smiled at his kindness. Dakota walked over to my drawers and pulled a small and tight pair out of them. "I can't wear those!" I complained. Dakota didn't listen and pushed me down onto my bed, he forced me to put on the tight pair of boxers. "There, plus it'll just hide your boner when you get horny." Dakota teased. "I bought these whilst I was out once, I've saved them just for you." Dakota said getting the shirt off of the bed. The shirt was grey, "You would have had the black one, but it matched your fur and you don't like it." Dakota knew a lot about me. "Arms up." Dakota commanded. I did as I was told and let Dakota put the shirt on me, it went down to just below the waist band of my boxers. "Dakota I'm not a child, where are my shorts?" I asked."I didn't buy them. I want to be able to whip you out of your clothes quickly tonight." Dakota winked."I hate you sometimes." I laughed and lied down under the sheets of my bed. To be honest, it felt nice having my upper body covered with my legs open to the air. Dakota turned off the lights and slipped into bed next to me. My heart started slowing down now that he was next to me and my mind flooded with thoughts. What if he actually wanted sex? Would he be there in the morning? Was he going to keep on doing this now? I thought panicking to myself, but soon he rolled away from me to the other side of the bed. He still faced me though and remained vigilant to watch over me in the night.I fell asleep quickly, even though I'd had enough sleep in the day, but my eyes soon shot open after a romantic dream. I could tell because I was harder than a rock, sweating all over and I had a feeling in my gut. My eyes soon adjusted to the dark and I saw Dakota lying closer to me than before, was he sleeping? He looked cute. His mouth was slightly open and he was breathing quietly, so much for watching over me. I smiled and thought about his lips. They looked smooth and tender. They were wet and had so much color to them, like Dakota's own personality. I couldn't help myself and I reached out and kissed him softly on the lips before quickly turning around, worried that he was awake. Thoughts followed my mind again, how was he going to react? Would he hate it? Would he not care? Would he just not notice? I turned back to him after a minute of silence to see if he really was awake. His breathing pattern had broken and seemed forced. "What was that for Jinx?" He asked. I jumped out of my skin and moved backwards from him, almost falling out of bed."You're awake?!" I asked in shock. "I'm, i'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-""How do you feel about me?" Dakota asked, his eyes were serious and had lost their playful tone for once. I didn't respond, "Answer me!" He shouted. I was stunned by his hostility. "I-i don't know how to answer. I love you, but I shouldn't. You've

done so much for me and I can't repay you, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for breaking you and your boyfriend apart, I'm sorry for fantasying over you, I'm sorry for making you spend money on me and- and. I'm just sorry." I cried, I was out of breath at the end of my rant. "Jinx. Thank you." Dakota simply replied."What?" I asked. It was a more of a 'I don't understand' than a 'what did you just say?' what."Thank you, Jinx. Happy birthday as well. I don't say that a lot do I?" Dakota asked."No, it's just me saying thank you. Because I never give you anything." I answered."No. You give me things, you give me affection. You give me your love and your attention. You cook and clean for me. You live, that's enough for me." Dakota said. It sounded, so cliche, but it was nice to ear. Like soft music to my ears, music that I shouldn't listen to or hear. "Thank you." I smiled and blushed at the same time, running out of words. "Don't say that." Dakota ordered."I'm sorry." I apologized."Don't say that either." Dakota ordered. "You put yourself as if I'm more important than yourself.""But you are. You give to society, I just take things like a parasite." I protested, for once I wanted to be right. "I missed work today, I'm terrible.""About that... Your boss called and said your birthday gift from him was the sack. Sorry." Dakota said awkwardly."See?! Even my boss thought I was useless and just costed him money!" I cried."No, now you don't have to waste your time at work in a shitty job you hate. Now you can spend more time at home, making yourself happy." Dakota said."But what about the money?" I asked."We enough from Seth and my own job. You deserve to stay at home and be happy." Dakota tried to convince me. I didn't reply and instead rolled over having lost the argument."Jinx?" Dakota asked. "Do you still want your present?""What is my present?" I asked. I heard Dakota shuffling around and two minutes later he replied."Maybe you should turn around and look." Dakota suggested, I did as he suggested and looked at him. He had the red ribbon around his neck again, I laughed. "Dakota. I don't want you to make me happy with sex, when you don't want it." I said, turning him down again."Oh for god's sake idiot, come here." Dakota snapped. He got on top of me in second pinning me down against the bed with his strong hands. I lost my breathe and mu heart started beating rapidly. I couldn't protest even if I wanted to, I just let it happen. He kissed me passionately on the lips and slowly fell next to me. My lungs felt like they were going to burst we'd been kissing for so long. Dakota finally pulled away and flopped back down next to me on the bed. "Now what do you think about getting your present?" Dakota asked."I still don't think you love me." I said."Really now?" Dakota asked ,I nodded, but I knew that I was only joking around. "Well then. I made you

wear those tight boxers, so that I could look at your cock in the night when you were erect. I got a boner this morning when you came down in panties, I was trying, so hard to get you naked then. I didn't mind when you walked in on me showering, I loved it when she made out with me in the taxi last night and I always pushed Seth away from the keyhole of the bathroom door when you shower, so that I can looked at you." Dakota tried to convince me. "Is that enough to convince you that I want you?" Dakota was out of breath and desperate. I chuckled, "Dakota, you had me as soon as you touched me. I just wanted to hear you beg." I laughed."Prick." Dakota teased, "Maybe I'll have to stop you from getting your present." Dakota teased. I laughed and un-tied the string on his neck gently. "There's one more down low." Dakota winked."Dakota, if i'm doing this for belly button lint. I'll kill you." I snapped, Dakota laughed and smiled when I put my hands into his boxers and touched his cock. I rubbed him up and down only to find there was no ribbon. "Dakota you lied, there's no ribbon." I sounded confused."Yeah I know. I just wanted you to toss me off." Dakota stuck out his tongue at me. I laughed and slapped him around the head. "But seriously..." Dakota's  voice faded out and he pushed me down onto the bed. Dakota stripped of my clothes quickly leaving me naked and revealed. My barbed cock was an ugly sight for me, I blushed when he stared at it. "That's big." Dakota lied to try and get my confidence up. In truth I was only 5 inches."But not as big as yours." I chirped in."So someone has been spying on me in the showers. Were you impressed?" Dakota asked."I would have ran in and gave you some if you asked." I winked. Dakota laughed as we both sat on the bed together. Dakota took of his shirt and shorts, the head of his penis was showing from the rim of his boxers. "Ready?" Dakota asked. I nodded and Dakota reached out towards me.Chapter 4Jinx's P.O.VWhen Dakota first touched me it was if a fire was surging through my length, I winced from the feeling and shivered. Dakota stroked my with his finger tips, brushing the barbs of my cock lightly and going up and down slowly. He touched all of my cock and lightly pressed my fint which turned me on even more, I hadn't masturbated in years, but I knew that I would last for a while. I had to close my eyes from the sensation, I gripped the sides of the covers to keep myself stable. Dakota found my g-spot just beside my tip and a dribble of pre came out and dripped onto the bed. "Do you like that?" Dakota asked. I nodded, unable to respond with words. Every time I cringed, a small flow dribbled out. I started panting and gripping the bed harder, I didn't want Dakota to stop. I wanted him to carry on going forever until the world ended. Dakota started rubbing me harder and faster, but

suddenly he stooped. There was now only the noise of my panting and my heart beating quickly in my chest. When I had calmed down and it felt as if I wasn't about to cum I reached out and touched the head of Dakota's penis. It was still looking out from the edge of his boxers. I carried on rubbing and squeezing his tip, Dakota was enjoying it almost as much as I was. He had closed his eyes and was resting his hands on the sides of my legs for support. Reaching down with both of my hands, I pulled down his boxers slightly. "Can I?" I asked for permission."Go ahead." Dakota groaned as I erotically took off his boxers leaving them around his waste. Dakota was about 8 inches big with a smaller girth, if he was planning on having anal with me tonight, I hoped he brought lube. I got on my hands and knees and licked the tip of Dakota's cock like a pet would lap up water from its bowl. Dakota put a hand between my eyes and fussed me. I took a deep breath and put his tip into my mouth. It felt strange, it was like having food in your mouth, but not being able to chew or swallow it. It  was soft and I could feel every little change or movement he made. I tried to avoid touching it with my teeth as if took the tip of his cock deeper into my mouth. I tried to go as far as I could get his cock into my mouth, I fit 4 inches of his length in before I tried to get another inch in, but I gagged and pulled away. "Jinx don't force yourself to gag, It's better when both of us enjoy it." Dakota gave me advice. With this in mind I tried again and found that going up and down on 4 inches was better. Dakota got used to my strange rhythm and closed his eyes, he put both of his hands on my head trying to keep me there. I pulled away with a trial of spit and pre leading from my mouth to his cock hole, I wiped my mouth and lay back down away from him.I spread my legs apart slightly, so that my tail hole was showing. "Dakota do you want...? I asked, leaving the final few words out a Dakota had already got the point. "Are you sure Jinx?" He asked, worried that I might be rushing."It was part of my birthday gift wasn't it?" I asked."Yes, but I thought that you would have liked to give it to me." Dakota explained."That's alright. I'm not really the one to give." I blushed."Okay then Jinx, if you want me to stop just say so." Dakota got off of the bed to get ready. I positioned myself near the side of the bed and prepared myself. I'd waited too long to be here with Dakota, I didn't want to mess up or put him off by taking control and messing up. I felt Dakota come up behind me and put one hand on my shoulder. He squeezed me slightly, "Are you ready?" He asked. "Be gentle, it's my first." I said. Kissing my arm, I felt him press the tip of his cock to my tail hole. It was cold. I flinched, but soon the temperature didn't bother me. Dakota pushed gently until the head of his cock was submerged into me. I moaned in pain and pleasure as

more and more of his length penetrated me. It was like a searing pain was ripping the tissue and muscles inside of my ass into shreds slowly. Dakota no longer needed his hands to guide his cock, so he wrapped them around me to comfort me. Dakota didn't force all of his cock inside of my ass, instead he stopped going in at 8 inches and stayed there for a second. "Do you want me to carry on?" Dakota asked."Yes please." I replied. Dakota slowly moved his hips back, pulling out some of his cock with the moment. Dakota went softly, but I was still in pain. I buried my head into the covers of the bed and made soft grunting sounds. Dakota moaned as the walls of my ass made resistance along his length. I got used to the feel of Dakota being inside of me. "You can go faster now." I told Dakota. Dakota smiled and started pushing and pulling his cock inside and out of me at a faster rate. Our two heart beats matched each other's as we both came closer to our own climax. I flinched one last time as a surge flew through my cock and out of my hole. My cum splattered onto my chest hard, I bent my back slightly and closed my eyes tightly, gritting my teeth Dakota groaned louder and I was afraid that the neighbors might have heard us. He stopped humping me, I felt his milk jet out into me and splash against my walls. Dakota pulled out letting some of his cum leak out onto the bed sheets. I turned around to face Dakota as he pressed up against me, our two cocks touching slightly. Dakota didn't mind getting some cum on his fur for me. "Happy birthday, Jinx." Dakota smiled ,he kissed me on my lips lightly before wrapping his arms around."Dakota?" I asked, seeing if he was still awake."Jinx?" Dakota asked, waiting for my question."Is this going to be a one of thing?" I asked."You really are dense Jinx." He kissed me again. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Dakota asked, I felt his hands rest on my back and ass. He rubbed and soothed my muscles making some of the pain leave my body. "Yes." I snuggled up to Dakota and expressed my happiness by smiling and kissing Dakota as we fell asleep together for the first time. I knew that from now on, Dakota and I were going to be sleeping together.

Divided Unity (Christmas short 3)

Chapter 1 National stadium Luke's P.O.V I sat on the team bench alone at the front watching my idol practice with two other people in his team, my idol was of course the fast, the famous, the furious cheetah: Brent Donnell. I wasn't actually in the...

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Divided Unity (Christmas short 1)

Chapter 1 Leo's P.O.V Leo's home: 10PM I was pushed down onto my own bed for once. It felt good to be back home for once. After months of being at university I was allowed to come back home to my family. My family had always been small,my aunts and...

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Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 9)

Chapter 9 Shaun's P.O.V "Where do you think you're going?" The horse asked, me stroking my back. "You have some explaining to do." The horse made me panic, he had dark brown fur and a black mane that was neatly kept, his tail swished back and forth...

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