Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 10)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 10

Shaun's P.O.V

The whole common room was quiet, the only noise was our heavy breathing. Logan was staring down at his phone, Corbin had just said that he was now through the gates of the university, so he would be back any second now. "Y-know..." "Shut up, Callum!" Leo hissed. Callum mumbled something and gave his partner a light, playful punch on the shoulder. Leo looked at Callum with flirtatious eyes, which only meant they would go further.

On the sofa facing the door, there was Callum and Leo who were touching each other every now and again or stroking each other's tail. Leo was sitting on Callum's lap with his arms around Callum's neck. Callum was dressed in usual complete black entourage of clothes, but today he had decided to not wear socks much to Garret's discomfort. Leo was wearing a pair of short shorts that were light blue, the same pair that I had first saw him in. They hugged his thighs and showed off the rest of his body. Callum had already pulled off his mate's shirt and had thrown it somewhere. Callum loved to touch his mate's chest, especially when he got a groan as a response.

Secondly, there was Darren and Oliver with Jiyeon in between them. Darren and Oliver would awkwardly look at each other, but wouldn't speak at all. Had they split up over the holidays? Their clothing expressed that as well, Oliver used to love wearing colorful tops with text splattered onto them that made little sense, but today he was wearing a flat color pink tank top with a white t-shirt underneath and a pair of black jeans that were loose around the ankles. Oliver's fur was a light brown color and was fluffier than usual, his tail was still bushy though and was pushed underneath his legs.

Darren was wearing clothes that the event look like a funeral. A serious black shirt that had been buttoned up with the cuffs down and black formal trousers. He even had an air about him that made him look depressed, something must have been worrying him seriously. Darren's body was slumped over on the settee, his elbows resting on his knees and his chin resting in his hands. He was looking directly at the door, avoiding looking at the couple touching each other next to him. Darren was skinny beyond belief, but made up for that height wise.

Darren looked the sort of guy to sit in his parents basement all day, playing a game that made no sense to others. His hair was curly and mated so badly that it needed to be cut before it was combed again. It must have been nearly impossible to wash every day. He wore square frame glasses and always peered over the top of them at whom he was looking at.

Jiyeon was a bubbly fox who loved to be different and go against what society wanted of him. For example, when his parents threw him out for being gay and for getting a vixen pregnant (It's a long story) he lived in a brothel, on top of a strip club and started working there as a waiter or dancer there. When he became eighteen, the man running it sent him to this university with all the money Jiyeon had earned for the club. Jiyeon would often go back there to help out, in anyway he could, even if it meant getting down on his knees in front of a stranger. To be honest, Jiyeon was a miraculous dancer, he'd offered Corbin a lesson or two in the sensual arts since Corbin 'had the body for it'; don't get me wrong, I'd be fine with Corbin dancing in a club, so long as no one touched him in a place where only I should go.

Jiyeon had interesting fur, his face, back, sides, rump, thighs, arms and legs were all a nice, smooth orange color. His fur was ruffled in places, but apart from that he had combed himself well. His feet, tips of the ears and hands however, were black. Everything else, (his chest, chin, inner ears and groin) were snow white. Jiyeon's hair was brown, but over the holidays he had dyed a streak dark blue. It looked nice on him.

When Jiyeon heard that Corbin would be back in a minute, he had dashed out of his room with nothing more than his grey boxers on. Levi, Luke and I made cat calls and other noises to Jiyeon which only made him blush. It was kind of strange to see Jiyeon in boy clothes, since he mostly wore panties, skirts, dresses and blouses. Either way, I didn't care what he wore, he had a great sense of fashion.

On the sofa facing away from the door, there was Levi, Luke and myself. Luke had his arm around Levi to keep him close, probably because he thought that I still looked at Levi in a sexual way. That time was long gone now, sure I would have an hour with another guy every so often, but I would never leave Corbin for too long. Luke and Levi were both wearing the school basketball uniform since they were about to go to a game along with the other basketball players in our dorm.

The basketball uniform had seen some improvements over the holiday. The body of the shorts and top were white with orange rims, but the text was now purple. The school hated it when the uniforms got dirty, so they were cleaned regularly otherwise that player was off the team. It was a stupid policy. Luke dug around the front of Levi's shorts, grabbing at Levi's jock strap. Levi was more interested in waiting for Corbin then being tossed off.

On the final sofa facing towards the TV, that we had set up only days before, there was Tyson, Garret and Logan. Garret was a rabbit, a satin rabbit to be precise. He was bisexual and the quietest person in the dorm, but Tyson and I knew he had a thing for feet. His fur was white all over his body and his eyes had always been a light red color. They were very off-putting, but Garret was mostly a kind person who was easy to blackmail. His floppy ears always hung down and he loved playing with me when no one was watching. The most adorable thing about him was his buck teeth. The small rabbit would often glance quickly at the orca or the bull sitting next to him, either at their feet or the bulge in Tyson's pants. Garret was wearing denim shorts that reached knee length and a white shirt with his usual pendant, it was a chipped crystal that looked expensive.

Tyson was an orca and had no hair on his body anywhere, but his skin had a beautiful pattern. He was blessed with the normal colors of black and white, his back, fin, tail, arms and the backs of his legs were a shiny black, but the rest of him was white save for the black around his face and white blobs above his blue eyes. Tyson was strong, tall, dark and handsome and according to the girls who had slept with him, he had a enormous member to make even Mason jealous. Tyson was wearing the same basketball uniform as Logan, Luke and Levi.

Corbin opened the door and slowly closed the door, his eyes darting from one fur to the next. He put his black messenger bag back on the floor. "Hi guys." He said slowly with a chuckle. "I hope I'm not about to be gang banged." Corbin joked. "Not unless you want to." I said, vaulting over the sofa to hug Corbin. I stood behind him and put my hands on his hips, guiding him towards an empty space on the sofa. "So, are you going to tell us about how it went?" I asked. "I'm a waiter, of course it went well." He said sarcastically. "That's too bad." I said, I sat him down in my lap with his legs resting on Levi's.

Leo started speaking across the room to Corbin, avoiding Callum's kisses and groping hands. "So Corbin, I hope you don't mind, but all of us have been told about your... finance issue." Leo said, being selective about the words he used. "Oh. Erm.." Corbin said, he twiddled his thumbs, not liking the way this was going. "So. We've all been doing some fund raising and so far we have a grand for you." Leo smiled, Corbin's face lit up, he didn't know what to say. "Oh guys. Thank you, thank you so much." He stuttered. "I don't really know what to say, but please don't keep on doing this." Corbin begged. "No it's alright, you're a nice guy and it would be a shame to see you leave. So, we're going to carry on trying until we can pay for your next year." Tyson said, we all looked at him in surprise. "What?" He asked.

"Well, it's err. Rare to see you say anything nice about me, us." Corbin explained. "That was last year, I'll try not to be such a dick to all of you, so long as you don't provoke me." Tyson warned. "Thank you." Corbin smiled. Tyson didn't smile back, but instead looked away wanting to avoid the conversation.

"Anyway. I've put the money in a bank for safe keeping. Who knows, maybe we might get some interest." Leo joked. No one laughed at his joke, but more at the awkward silence that followed. At that point, Leo was the first to get up and leave the common room. Followed closely by Callum, who was probably hoping to get some action. Then Logan, Levi, Tyson and Luke left for the basketball game with Garret, who was eager to watch his friends play. After that Jiyeon, Darren and Oliver left without a word leaving Corbin and I in silence.

"Y'know you didn't have to raise money for me. But thank you." Corbin said. "I did. Besides, don't thank me. I've done a few bad things for that money." I explained. "Like what?" Corbin asked. "Well... I slept with Callum a lot, Leo once as well." I answered. "That's fine. Just don't do it again, I don't want to loose you." "You won't." I promised, I kissed Corbin's forehead making him smile and close his eyes as I kissed all of his forehead.

"Shaun?" Corbin asked. "Yes?" "Would you be mad, if I told you why I've been speaking to Jiyeon on so much?" Corbin asked. "Depends on what it is. What is it?" I asked curiously. "Jiyeon's teaching me to dance. Not waltzing and tango, as in pole dancing and stuff." Corbin said, it sounded like he was about to cry. "That's fine, do you like it? You haven't been spending too much money on it have you?" I asked. "I love it and I haven't spent a penny on it. That's sort of the issue... You see. I've been sort of paying him in, well sex." Corbin said awkwardly.

"Then we're even. I've been banged by Callum and you've been banged by Jiyeon. How did it feel?" I asked. "That's a strange question. But, it was kind of nice. If you like going incredibly slowly." Corbin joked. "Well, Callum's kind of rough on me. You should have seen when him and I were tag teaming Leo." I smiled. Corbin laughed slightly.

"Corbin, how do you feel about having an open relationship?" I asked. "A what?" Corbin asked, not because he hadn't heard me, but because he didn't understand. "An open relationship. It's when both of us agree that we can have other sexual partners, to a certain degree." I explained. "Oh well. Sure." Corbin agreed. "Good, but don't let anyone whip you okay? I don't want them ruining your body. Otherwise I'll hit them." I warned.

"What if it's someone like Logan?" Corbin asked. "Well then, my fist will hurt. A lot." I joked. "Why do you care anyway?" Corbin asked. "Because you're my little fennec. It's my job to keep you safe." I smiled. "Thanks. You're my cat." Corbin smiled back. "Even if you do sleep around a bit." He added.

"Speaking of sleeping around, do you want to go to the bedroom? We haven't had any for a while, so now might be a good opportunity." I asked. "Sure. Carry me though." Corbin demanded. I smiled and picked up Corbin in my arms, turning him to face me as we went. "Don't drop me." "I won't."

From then the rest of the day and night was filled with me and Corbin making sweet gay love to each other. We locked the door and went straight to the bathroom where we shared a bath together. I made sure not to let him cum too early by tossing him off for a few seconds then leaving him until I'd finished what I'd doing. After that we cuddled in bed, kissed, fucked and hugged until the it was night. We lost track of how many times we'd had anal in that night, but no matter how many times I came, it never got old and always got better. Especially the way he smiled or smirked when I filled him with amounts of my milk.

It was drawing close to midnight and Corbin had just finished riding me, his chest was covered in his own sperm, but I didn't care when he flopped down on top of me. We nuzzled each other as we rolled about in the double bed, messing up the covers even more than we already had. Corbin ended up lying on his back facing me, "Ready to do it again?" He asked panting. I rolled over and smiled back at Corbin "I think it's your turn." I said.

"With pleasure."

And with that I bring Edition 3 officially to a close, sorry for that ending, but I hope I covered everything and left nothing un-answered. Anyway, I want to go back to Edition 1 and re-write it, since it's terrible and I want to improve it on it. The original will be deleted, but the story should stay the same, but with more detail and little details to the characters to explain them better. Please tell me what you think.

Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 9)

Chapter 9 Shaun's P.O.V I lost track of the amount of time the two of us spent cuddling, it must have been close to an hour. Nothing interesting happened, we chatted about, kissed, rolled around, but apart from that it was just us. Just the two of...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 8)

Chapter 8 Shaun's P.O.V Corbin's family didn't really react too well to what Jaz and Merry told them in the morning. Edd and Sally sent the kids directly to their rooms where as Samantha burst out into tears and Eric tried to ring my neck for even...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 7)

Chapter 7 Shaun's P.O.V We were all too shocked to make a move. I observed both of them. They were obviously fennecs, like the rest of Corbin's family and they looked a lot like Samantha. One even wore a sundress. They were identical twins and if it...

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