Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 8)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 8

Shaun's P.O.V

I closed the door to Corbin's resting room, the doctor's had diagnosed him with anorexia and that he should wake up in a while, so Jiyeon, Darren and I were free to go. I didn't feel right though, Darren and Jiyeon had gone to find Logan and everyone else, but I didn't need to find anyone, so why wasn't I staying by Corbin? I mean, the smell of chemicals and rubber did make my nose twitch and itch, but was my own comfort really as important as Corbin? After he'd past out, we'd called an ambulance, who had taken Corbin to the only hospital in the city. Since his parents weren't anywhere near the city, I was allowed to go with him in the ambulance to hospital. There I'd explained everything that had been going on (apart from all the sex) and that he didn't want his parents to know anything that had gone on in the dorms. When Corbin woke up, a therapist would speak to him about his eating disorder and try to help get it back on track, the university had also been informed and had agreed to make sure Corbin was at every meal eating at least half a plate of food. There was only one problem though, the bill. They wanted to charge money for the bandages and therapy, so if we didn't pay them before he woke up, we'd be in serious debt. None of us had that kind of money, for one I didn't have a job and if I did, I would have wasted half of the money. I walked down the corridor of the hospital, away from Corbin. The floor, walls and ceiling were all white and light green tiles, it was sickening. I took the stairs, following the signs to get to the staff room. I knew that I wasn't supposed to be there, but I needed to try to haggle the price of the treatment down to something reasonable. I knocked on the staff room door and looked through the glass, I could see Corbin's doctor drinking coffee alone. Corbin's doctor was an owl, he had no wings, but his feathers were always ruffled. His tail feathers stood on point and he mostly spent his time plucking his brown feathers in failed attempts of making himself look neater. His eyes were brown and his beak was an ugly orange color. He must have finished his shift, because he wore an old style green sweater and black trousers. His glasses were half way down his face. He wore a badge pinned to his sweater reading, Dr. Sanders.

Dr. Sanders stood up and put his coffee on the side, taking his time. He opened the door and looked down at me, "Ohh.. It's you. What do you want?" He said his words with spite. I didn't know what to say, "Could you please lower the bill a bit please?" I begged. "No." He said sternly, closing the door in my face. I stuck my foot in the way, "Please?" I asked again. "I said No! What letter don't you understand?!" He mocked, trying once again to shut the door in my face. "I'll do anything!" I begged, "Just so long as the bill isn't so high." I continued. Dr. Sanders stopped trying to close the door in my face and let me in. "Oh really now? Anything." I knew where this was going, "Why don't you go and get, hmmm. The bull and that girly little fox? Then maybe we can talk." Dr. Sanders finished. This time around, he actually shut the door in my face and although I didn't like the idea, I went back to Corbin's room to wait for Jiyeon and Logan.

When I got back to Corbin's room, it was locked. I could see Corbin in there along with his therapist talking about things, I respected their privacy and stood by the door. I guessed that Logan nor Jiyeon had gotten to Corbin's room yet, because Logan wouldn't leave Corbin side when there was something serious going on. After a minute of waiting or so, I saw the two of them coming down the corridor. I waved to them, and they waved back. Jiyeon was skipping and was for once wearing boy's clothes. He wore a blue hoodie and black jeans, Logan had just come from a basketball game and was wearing the school's kit. He was covered in sweat and didn't look to happy, "Where's Corbin?!" He asked coming close to shouting. "He's speaking to his therapist, we can't go in right now. Besides we have something else to do first." I said, beckoning them to follow. "Hell no, I'm waiting for Corbin first." Logan said, crossing his arms and leaning against the door. Jiyeon was confused who he should follow, Corbin was his friend, but I was also Jiyeon's friend. "Logan, if we don't, Corbin won't be given treatment fully and we'll be in debt." I informed him, "It's a long story, but you'll catch on. Come on." I tugged on Logan's arm, for once he listened and allowed me to drag him up the stairs and into the staff room. Dr. Sanders was once again, the only fur in the staff room. He let us in instantly and filled all three of us in on what we had to do. We were to strip and then pleasure Dr. Sanders, then maybe if we were good at it; he'd pay off all of Corbin's medical bills. Logan was first, he took of his uniform and grumbled to himself. "How good are you at sucking, big boy?" Dr. Sanders asked stroking Logan's chin. Logan gritted his teeth and instead Jiyeon spoke for him, "Logan's the best at fucking, I'm the best at being fucked and Shaun's pretty good at blow jobs." Jiyeon said quickly, Logan and I shot him sharp looks. "In that case, Jiyeon my friend." He used Jiyeon's name as if they were relatives, "Come over here." Sanders stripped down to the nude, his avian penis was fully erect and dripping with pre. Jiyeon did as he was told and stripped as well, he walked over and sat on Sander's lap like a prostitute, teasing Sanders with his soft, delicate touch. "Get off of me." Sanders snarled, pushing Jiyeon off of me. "I want you to suck me off, not dance for me." Sanders ordered. Jiyeon got down on his knees and without warning, Sanders forced his cock deeper into Jiyeon's mouth making him gag. It took him a second to adjust, but he figured out what was happening and started kissing Sanders length and sucking on it. "Yeah.. just like that you little bitch." Sanders growled, grabbing Jiyeon's hair and forcing him into a rhythm. Logan and I watched awkwardly. Sanders then forced Jiyeon's head up and pushed him back, Sanders got off of the sofa and Jiyeon was unwillingly forced to take it. Sanders had a small penis, probably no bigger than the smallest feather on his body. Jiyeon had probably had sex recently, Sander's cock plopped in with minimal discomfort for the both of them. Dr. Sanders set the pace, slow and steady. "His old bones probably can't go any faster." Logan whispered into my ears, I held back a laugh and smirked to myself. Dr. Sanders was too busy to even notice what we were saying, Jiyeon however had the blankest expression ever. Slowly, but surely Dr. Sanders picked up the pace and was soon practically vibrating inside of him. He grunted as he finished, Jiyeon wasn't even enjoying it. Dr. Sander's pulled out leaving behind a sticky trail of semen. Jiyeon yawned and stood up, "I think fingers have gone deeper than you did." Jiyeon taunted. "Shut up!" Dr. Sanders hissed. "Who's next?" Dr. Sanders scanned the two of us, eyeing our sheaths. "How about..."

"DOCTOR SANDERS!" A man bellowed from the door of the staff room, Sanders flinched and all of us turned around to look at the door. There was about a group of seven other male doctors in the door, each one with their own looks of shock on their faces as they stared upon the scene un folding. Three eighteen years old, all three naked and one with cum dripping from his ass and spit on his chin. I looked at the different furs, I can't remember all of their faces. A tiger, with normal orange and black stripes marched into the room and started shouting at Sanders. "HOW DARE YOU ABUSE TEENAGERS! AND IN WORK HOURS NEVERTHELESS!" The tiger shouted, he squared up to Sanders. "GET DRESSED IMMEDIATELY!" The tiger commanded. Sanders didn't protest, but instead got dressed looking at the ground and was escorted out by the tiger. The other nine men snickered and laughed about the whole thing, Jiyeon, Logan and I had no idea about what to do. "Should we go?" Jiyeon asked pulling his shirt on. "You guys can go, I'll explain what's gone on here." I said, Jiyeon and Logan got changed leaving without a problem. The 6 other men didn't bother me until I went to pick up my shirt, a horse stepped forward and spoke to me.

Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 10)

Chapter 10 Shaun's P.O.V The whole common room was quiet, the only noise was our heavy breathing. Logan was staring down at his phone, Corbin had just said that he was now through the gates of the university, so he would be back any second now....

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 9)

Chapter 9 Shaun's P.O.V I lost track of the amount of time the two of us spent cuddling, it must have been close to an hour. Nothing interesting happened, we chatted about, kissed, rolled around, but apart from that it was just us. Just the two of...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 8)

Chapter 8 Shaun's P.O.V Corbin's family didn't really react too well to what Jaz and Merry told them in the morning. Edd and Sally sent the kids directly to their rooms where as Samantha burst out into tears and Eric tried to ring my neck for even...

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