Big Brother - First Date

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#14 of Big Brother

In the morning, Eric woke up quite alone. The teenage ocelot yawned as his ceiling came into focus; he'd had a restless night, and he let out a soft sigh as he remembered why.

He'd fought with his sister, last night; she'd been angry because of how demanding he'd been. He hadn't realized it, at first, but then he'd come to realize why - and that's why he was going to get her to forgive him.

He got out of bed and quickly dressed, in a pair of jeans and, after a moment's thought, a buttonup shirt. It felt a little uncomfortable, but that was only fair, he supposed as he recalled some of the expressions on Sara's face these past couple of days.

Stepping out of his room and down the hallway, he paused outside her shut door for a moment. His hand lifted, as though to knock, and then he shook his head, lowering the hand. Not yet; there were other preparations to make first.

Eric ducked out past his parents, grabbing a cold piece of the barely-touched pizza from last night along the way. He still had some change from that, but it wasn't going to be enough.

He sighed, digging through his pockets to see what he could pull up. It was sadly lacking, and he sighed again, pausing for a moment. There was a bit of money, but he'd been saving it for that new game - he really didn't want to spend it on this, but... getting Sara back was more important.

A few trips later, and his pockets were empty of funds but he carried a small bunch of flowers in one hand, and something else in a pocket. He'd wanted to get larger, but the prices had been downright scary, and so he'd made the best he could of it.

It was about noon when he returned home. The phone rang as he came in the door, but Eric ignored it. As he was halfway up the stairs, though, his mother came to the bottom, phone in her hand.

"Oh, there you are, Eric."

He paused, turning partway back towards her and trying to hide the flowers behind his body. "Yeah?"

"It's Theo, calling for you..." she replied, holding the phone up towards him.

"Oh, uh... yeah," he said, taking the phone from her and putting it to his ear. "Hi, Theo."

The otter on the other end of the phone replied, "Hey Eric! You coming over like we planned? Dani's already here, so we're just waiting on you!"

"Er... I can't, actually." Eric glanced up, and saw his mother still waiting in earshot. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay? But I can't come over right now. Sorry."

There was a pause, and Eric fidgeted awkwardly, before his friend replied, "Oh. I'll... see you later, then."

"Yeah. Later!" replied the ocelot, and ended the call.

He backtracked a few steps down the stairs to hand the phone back to his mother.

"Anything going on?" she asked.

He shook his head. "No, uh..." he began, not knowing how much Theo had said on the phone beforehand. "Just going to be working on a project, today. For, uhm..." he glanced down at the flowers in his hand, and improvised. "Science! It's a biology project..."

She nodded, with a smile. "Sounds fun. Give a call if you need any help, okay?"

Then she turned to go back to her business, and Eric gave a sigh of relief as he headed up the stairs once more. He paused outside his sister's door, still shut, for a moment to work up his courage, and then knocked.

"Go away!" came the muffled voice from inside. She sounded like she'd been crying.

"S-Sara? It's me..." he replied hesitantly.

"I don't wanna talk to you!" was the rejoinder, her voice growing angrier.

He paused a few moments, thinking how to continue. "I'm... I'm sorry, Sara. Really. I am..."

He heard the pounding of footsteps inside, and then the door was flung open. Sara was dressed in her nightie, her fur tousled from a night's sleep that looked as restless as his own. She glared at him, lips parting to speak, and then she paused, seeing his contrite expression and the bouquet in his hand.

Eric pressed the advantage, offering her the flowers as he spoke, one word tumbling after the next in rapid succession. "Really, really sorry. I mean... I wasn't thinking. Not of you... I mean, I was thinking a lot about you, but not about what you wanted, and, uhm... I was kinda a jerk. And I'm sorry."

Sara was quiet for a moment, and Eric's gaze fell. Her fingers clenched and then slowly unclenched, and she reached out to take the flowers, which made Eric look up hopefully to her face, still upset but slowly relaxing.

She let out a soft sigh. "Sorry's just words," she replied quietly.

Eric nodded. "I know..."

After a moment, and a long look at the flowers in her hand, Sara sighed again. "So what do you want?" she asked, sounding less angry and more tired, now.

Eric blushed a little. "Well, this is going to sound kinda silly, but... will you go out with me?"

She looked at him questioningly, and he shifted his position awkwardly before continuing.

"I just sorta realized I've been taking advantage of you, 'cause you're my sister... but I want you to be more than that, because I really like you... so I want to... to have you say yes, so we can be together. Because I really do like you. A lot."

Sara was quiet again as she thought, and Eric shifted awkwardly, digging a hole in the floor with his toe. Then she nodded. "All right."

Eric looked up with a smile, not quite believing his ears. "R-Really?"

She nodded. "You can be a jerk, Eric. But I like you too... so I'll try it. But if you're mean like that again, I'm going to break up with you."

Eric nodded, beginning to grin like a fool. "Yeah, okay... that's fair."

Sara slowly began to smile back to him, leaning in to take a sniff of the flowers he'd given her.

"So," asked Eric, "What do you want to do today? Uhm... We still have that movie, if you wanted to watch it."

She gave him a quizzical look. "I thought you hated it."

"Well... I did. But if you want to, I could try. It's my fault you didn't get to see it last night, anyhow."

Sara gave him a soft smile. "You'd really do that?"

He nodded. "I'm trying to not be a jerk anymore..."

"All right. Let me get dressed first, okay?" she said with a smile, and shut the door.

Eric leaned against the wall as he waited, listening to the sounds of movement from within. After a few minutes, she emerged again, in a loose tee and some shorts.

"Let's go see the movie, okay?"

Eric nodded. "Holdon, though..." he said, and reached into his pocket for what had been making a bulge there - a small box of chocolates, only a little melted by now. "Here. You can have these while we watch."

Sara smiled to him. "Aww... thanks, Eric."

They went down the stairs together, and Sara started the movie over again. It was just as mind-numbingly boring as Eric remembered, but he worked on patience, or at least only figetting unobtrusively.

Partway through, Sara leaned against him, and that made things a little better. He petted at her hair softly, watching her quietly instead of the movie. Undressing with his eyes didn't count as being a jerk, her figured, as long as he didn't distract her.

When the movie was over, and the credits began to roll, he let out a loud sigh of relief. Sara giggled softly.

"Still didn't like it?"

Eric shook his head. "I just don't get it. So boring."

She smiled. "Well, thank you for watching it with me, then." She paused, and then leaned up to kiss his nose. "Let's go upstairs and do something I know you like better, then?"

Eric grinned broadly. "Okay!" he replied, starting to get up, and then paused as a thought struck him. "Hey... Sara? That's not something you do just because of me, is it? I mean... it's not like the movie, right?"

Sara reached up to pet along his cheek. "I do like it, Eric. Just... I don't like you demanding it all the time..."

Eric nodded softly. "All right. As long as you're having fun too..."

She nodded, and gave him another kiss. They headed upstairs, to her bedroom, and as soon as they'd shut the door behind them they kissed again.

Lips pressed to young lips in little kisses, one after the next, and they shared warm breaths as Eric put his arms around his sister to stroke along her rear.

She purred, tongue flickering out against his lips, and her fingers stroked forward along his hips to undo his jeans and slide them downwards. His lips parted, his own tongue pressing out to brush along hers, and Eric moaned as he shifted his hips to help those pants slip off, along with the undies beneath them.

Eric drew his lips back for a moment to catch his breath, smiling warmly to his sister, and stepped out of the pants pooled around his ankles. He stroked down along her belly, and then hooked his fingers into her shorts and panties, tugging them downwards.

Smiling, Sara started undoing the buttons of his shirt as her shorts slipped down to expose her slender hips and lightly muscled legs, stepping out of them at the same time as Eric shrugged off his shirt.

Grinning, Eric dropped to one knee to nuzzle softly along his sister's mound, taking in the rich scent and letting his raspy tongue flick out to lick warmly at the soft fur. She giggled, squirming, and pulled off her shirt.

As her shirt fluttered down to the floor, Sara petted softly along her brother's ears. "C'mon..." she said, stepping back from his licking towards the bed.

He nodded, his cock poking out erect from her musky scent and the faint glimpses of her warm folds as he got up to his feet. Purring, he padded after her as she went to the bed and lay back, legs spread.

Leaning in, Eric gave another kiss down between her legs, at the warm, slightly damp slit of her folds. She laughed, reaching down to pet along his cheek, and then her fingers went to his shoulders as she gently pulled him up against her.

Purring, Sara kissed at her brother's nose, then down at his lips. He smiled, kissing back and grinding his hips against hers, letting the tip of his shaft tease along her folds and gently nudge between them.

With his point nestled against her deeper opening, Eric paused. "Is it okay if I...?"

Sara nodded, and Eric pushed inwards, the pair moaning in harmony as his tapered shaft slipped inside her warm, tight passage. Slowly he began to rock back and forth, gradually sliding his shaft through her tunnel as his barbs grew more erect to tease inside her.

He kissed her again, deeply, his tongue twining to hers as his cock stroked inside her warmth. He shuddered, fighting the urge to quicken his pace; he wanted to give his sister as much pleasure as he could, first.

Her hips rocked up to meet his, and she moaned into the kiss as she ground up against his motions, feeling those barbs tease her inner walls as her brother's shaft pushed in and slid out.

Eric purred, shivering as he thrust against his sister. He was panting, now, trying to keep from reaching his own tipping point until she did, pushing his cock in deep and then pausing with a groan before drawing it back.

Sara moaned, grinding up firmly against her brother, and then with a yowl she began to shudder, hot waves rippling along her passage and around Eric's cock inside her as she moaned and Eric's lips sought hers.

Feeling those hot squeezes around his shaft, Eric was hard-pressed to keep from climaxing on the spot, but despite his shudders he kept on thrusting inside her. He wanted to please her more before he joined her, and so he continued his back and forth motion, moaning as he kissed her.

The waves of pleasure running through Sara's body slowly subsided, and she kissed her brother firmly, arms encircling him in a hug. He kept rocking inside her, back and forth as those barbs teased along her inner walls, and it wasn't long before she moaned out, climaxing again.

This time, Eric couldn't help himself, and his cock began jerking inside her, spurting waves of thick seed into her shuddering passage as it squeezed and rubbed around his shaft. He moaned out happily, filling his sister once more with his hot cum.

She purred, shuddering around him as he came inside her and petting along his back, and leaned up for another kiss as the thick spurts, and her own quivering pulses, slowed together.

Panting, Eric slowly relaxed in the warm fog of post-orgasmic bliss, kissing his sister and nuzzling back along her cheek. "Ohhh... I love you, Sara."

She smiled, holding him close against and inside her as they relaxed together, and replied, "Love you too, big brother."

Big Brother - Lonely Night

Eric grouchily flopped back against the couch after tossing the pizza onto the table. Everything had gone wrong, tonight; he'd fought with his sister, she'd stormed off... and the movie was total crap, he added to himself, turning it off. He couldn't...

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Big Brother - Movie Night

Eric returned home with his sister in the midst of the whirlwind of their parents' preparations to head out for the evening. Slipping into the living room, the teen pulled out the movie they'd gotten earlier. He briefly considered putting it on,...

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Big Brother - Show and Tell

Once they were a few blocks away from the video rental place - and their near-miss with being caught there - Eric and Sara began relaxing. The teenage ocelot put his arm around his little sister's middle, and she smiled up to him softly. Pausing...

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