Big Brother - Movie Night

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#12 of Big Brother

Eric returned home with his sister in the midst of the whirlwind of their parents' preparations to head out for the evening. Slipping into the living room, the teen pulled out the movie they'd gotten earlier.

He briefly considered putting it on, but then their mother poked her head in with a question, and he decided it would be best to wait. The boy sprawled back onto the couch to wait, and extended his hand to Sara, but she shook her head.

"I, uhm... I'll be back in a bit," she said, turning to head out of the room.

"Okay. Think what you're gonna want on pizza!" he replied, and then watched her - more specifically, the curve of her rump under the tight denim of her skirt - as she left to go upstairs.

Eric leaned back against the couch lazily, waiting for his parents to finish up their preparations and depart, and for his sister to return. After a while, she came back down, having changed her outfit to an oversized shirt and loose shorts, suitable for sleeping in. He grinned, pulling her next to him on the couch to wait.

Finally their parents walked out the door, waving and admonishing the pair not to stay up too late. They both dutifully nodded, waiting until they heard the sound of the engine and the car leaving the driveway.

Eric let out a sigh of relief, and leaned in to nuzzle at the side of his sister's neck as his fingers tickled up and down her sides.

She giggled, squirming, and bumped her nose back at his cheek. He just laughed, nosing at her muzzle and then giving her a kiss.

"So, what sorta pizza? Mushroom and olive?" Sara made a face, and he amended it. "Oh, fine. Just mushroom, then?"

She nodded in agreement, and he grinned.

"Okay. I'll order it, you get us something to drink... maybe popcorn, too... and we'll start the movie!"

Sara got up and headed towards the kitchen while Eric put in the call for pizza. Then he slid the movie in, ignoring the opening trailers as he went back to flop on the couch again.

His sister returned shortly, with a pair of cans of soda and a bag of microwave popcorn, and handed him one, which he set nearby, before sitting down beside him.

As they were getting comfortable, the movie started. It was a romantic drama sort of thing, not exactly what Eric would generally pick - but they'd been in rather a rush. The ocelot teen found himself getting bored, though, and as he did, his paws began wandering.

He put an arm around his sister, petting softly along her chest through the shirt, and leaned in to rest his muzzle on her shoulder. She squirmed a bit, flashing him a smile, but the majority of her attention stayed on the movie.

Eric made another effort to watch the movie, but it was useless, his attention captured instead by the warm body of his sister against him. He petted down along her belly, then slid his fingers up underneath her shirt to pet through soft fur.

Sara squirmed as her brother's fingers groped up to her flat chest and teased at one of the little nubs of nipple. He purred, kissing at her cheek, and he hugged her close as his other paw went down to unfasten his pants.

After a tweak to her nipple that made her squeak, Eric stroked back down along his sister's belly, sliding his paw into her loose shorts and petting over her mound.

The sound of his purr competed with the soundtrack of the movie as he slipped a finger down to rub against her folds, making the younger ocelot squirm. His cock grew erect as his fingers teased and stroked, and Eric wriggled out of his pants, pushing them down around his knees.

Sara glanced over at all the squirming, and blushed. "Aren't we gonna watch the movie?"

"Mmh. You should watch it from my lap," her brother replied, nuzzling along her cheek and kissing her firmly as he began tugging her towards him.

She squirmed awkwardly, glancing between her brother and the suave wolf on the screen, and then gave in, climbing over to sit in her brother's lap with his hard cock poking at her through her thin shorts.

Eric purred, his hips rolling against his sister, and one of his paws wandered up along her belly again to tease at her flat chest and the two little nubs of her nipples to make her shiver.

His sister shifted as he teased her, her soft rump rubbing against his legs and the point of his shaft, and Eric let out a soft moan.

Hooking his fingers into the waist of her shorts, he tugged them downwards, working them past the curve of her rear and down her thighs. He purred as his shaft nudged in along the softness of her folds, tickled by her fur as he rocked his hips slowly back and forth.

Sara blushed, glancing back towards him, and her mouth opened as though to protest. Eric cut her off with a kiss, though, pressing his lips firmly to her own as his fingers returned to pet along her bare folds.

He gently nudged his cock upwards, aligning it in the soft slickness of his sister's slit as his lips pressed eagerly to hers in a kiss and the movie played onwards.

After being caught up in the kiss for a moment, Sara pulled back, glancing back to the screen - and then gasped as Eric thrust up inside her, his paws moving to her hips to hold her and help press her down around his shaft. She shivered, her eyes closing for a moment as her brother's barbed cock pushed inwards.

Eric purred; this was much better than watching a movie. Gravity on his side, he quickly sank deeply into his sister's warmth and begin grinding back and forth with little thrusts.

She shuddered again, and her brother nuzzled at her shoulder, the fingers of one paw tracing along her inner thigh to begin teasing at the tip of her folds and the warm nub nestled within.

Sara moaned softly, her body shivering in his lap and around his cock at the sensation, and Eric purred, rubbing more firmly with fingers and thrusting his cock inside her more quickly, the barbs scraping back and forth along her walls.

Eric kept going, gradually moving faster and harder, beginning to pant with warm breath against his sister's neck. His fingers massaged along her clit and folds, and soon she moaned out louder as her warm passage tightened, squeezing in waves along his shaft and making the barbs twitch more firmly in reaction.

Sara shuddered, her body quivering with the waves of pleasure as she lost track of the film entirely, moaning out as her brother's cock pounded up inside her and his fingers teased and rubbed.

The teen kept thrusting, panting as he pushed his cock through the clenching warmth of his sister's orgasm, and then let out a ragged moan as he found release. Thick seed spurted up inside her, hot and sticky as it pulsed through her squeezing passage.

Eric groaned happily, leaning back and closing his eyes, contented in the wake of his pleasure. On his lap, his sister gave another shiver, slowly relaxing from the sensations and the reactions they brought.

"Mmh... way better than that movie," Eric purred.

Sara was silent for a moment. "I actually wanted to watch it," she began, her voice soft at first but growing louder as she continued angrily. "Not that you'd care!"

Eric's eyes flew open. "Huh? What're you talking about? Of course I -"

His sister pulled herself out of his lap, turning back to glare at him. "You just want to use me make yourself happy! You don't care about what I want..."

The ocelot reached out in protest, though his glistening cock made the argument difficult. "Sara, it's not like that. I just -"

She stepped back, shaking her head. "It's all about you! You and your friends... I thought it was our secret, but you just... just blabbed!"

Eric started to get up, reaching out towards his sister. If he could just get his arms around her, it would be different; she would start to see things his way. "C'mon, Sara, it's not like that..."

The young ocelot growled, her tail lashing angrily despite the tears forming in her eyes. "You're just taking advantage!" she declared, and began stalking off.

"Sara..." he tried, chasing after her.

"You're mean, and... and..." she continued as she ran up the stairs, teardrops beginning to stain her cheeks. "And I don't ever wanna be with you again!" she shouted defiantly, before slamming her bedroom door shut behind her.

Eric stood out in the hallway, staring wide-eyed at the shut door. What was going on here? His hand lifted, though whether to knock or just try the knob he wasn't sure, and then the doorbell rang and jerked his attention back.

The pizza was here, though the rest of the night was in shambles.

Big Brother - Show and Tell

Once they were a few blocks away from the video rental place - and their near-miss with being caught there - Eric and Sara began relaxing. The teenage ocelot put his arm around his little sister's middle, and she smiled up to him softly. Pausing...

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Big Brother - Mornings and Movies

Eric stared into his drawers, pondering what to wear on a bright Saturday morning. This one was brighter than many for the teenaged ocelot; he'd just come from a shower with his little sister, and another chance to play with her. He didn't know why he...

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Condoms, Rose. Condoms!

Some bulk mail appeared in my mailbox this morning. The subject line read: "Condoms, Rose. Condoms!" The voice of the internet has spoken. \* \* \* It was February 13th, and Rose stared unhappily across her bedroom. The teenage wolf had...

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