Big Brother - Show and Tell

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#11 of Big Brother

Once they were a few blocks away from the video rental place - and their near-miss with being caught there - Eric and Sara began relaxing. The teenage ocelot put his arm around his little sister's middle, and she smiled up to him softly.

Pausing for a moment at the street corner, Eric considered where to go next. After a brief thought, he glanced down to Sara and said, "Hey, I need to check something with Dani... you wanna come?"

His sister pondered for a moment. She was friends with the raccoon's younger sister, which is part of why Eric had asked, and she nodded. "Well, okay."

Eric grinned, and the pair turned in that direction. Dani's house had a tired look about it, sagging around the edges, and the lawn they crossed over to knock on the door didn't look like it had been mowed in several weeks.

It was answered by her older brother, who nodded familiarly to the pair. "Hey, guys. Molly's out, but Dani's back in her room," he noted before stepping aside to let them inside.

"Thanks!" Eric said as they stepped inside. He knew the way well enough to Dani's room, heading there with Sara and knocking on the shut door, though it had only been hers for a couple years at this point - since the eldest of her brothers went off to college.

"Whaaaat?" came from inside, and Eric opened the door and let it swing open. The room still looked pretty much the same as when it belonged to her brothers, down to the soccer posters and the swimsuit pinup on the back of the door.

The teen raccoon was sprawled on her bed, reading a book that she closed with a snap when she saw who it was, sitting up. "Oh, hey!" Eric grinned, padding in as Sara followed more shyly. Dani chuckled as she looked over the pair. "Brought the girlfriend, eh?" she asked her ocelot friend teasingly.

Sara blushed brightly, and Eric laughed, reaching over to poke Dani in the side. "Hey now, it's not like that!" he retorted, and then paused as the raccoon smirked. "Not exactly, anyhow," he amended.

Dani laughed. "Yeah, sure, whatever. So what're you lovebirds here about, anyhow?"

"Er, yeah..." Eric paused a moment to recover his train of thought. "Do you remember if the science lab is due this week, or..?"

She shook her head. "Next week. Haven't even started the writeup yet."

He nodded, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Okay, cool..."

There was a moment of quiet, while Sara squirmed awkwardly as Dani's eyes roved over her curiously, seeing her in a new light now. Then the raccoon leaned towards Eric and she asked softly, "You two have been... you know, fucking... though, right?"

Eric smiled warmly, and nodded again. "Well... yeah," he replied softly as Sara blushed and ducked her head.

Dani hesitated for a moment, uncharacteristically quiet, and then spoke again. "Can I see?"

Sara glanced up sharply, startled and embarrassed, but Eric laughed, smiling to his friend before reaching out to catch his sister's hand in his own. "Sure, why not?"

The ocelot boy pulled his sister towards him, wrapping the other arm around her just beneath her rear, along the softness of her thighs and hiking up her form-fitting jean skirt just a bit. She blushed, squirming as he drew her closer.

Dani grinned, the raccoon scooting aside a bit, watching with intent curiosity as Eric let go of his sister's hand to tug up her shirt, exposing flat eleven year old chest. He pulled the purple tank over her head and pinkened ears and dropped it in a clear spot on the floor.

Eric leaned in to nuzzle along his sister's furry chest and give one nipple a raspy-tongued lick, and then got to his feet, pulling his shorts and undies down and stepping out of them.

Sara turned around and looked to her brother awkwardly, her tailtip twitching. The ocelot teen grinned, and pressed her back against the bed. She squeaked, losing her balance a bit and sprawling backwards, and Dani giggled as the bed bounced with the younger girl's landing.

After fumbling briefly with his sister's skirt, Eric managed to get it tugged aside. The boy blushed a bit himself as he realized she didn't have any panties on under it - they were still in his pocket, where he'd put them for safekeeping and gotten distracted by the video store near-miss.

Dani smirked at the lack, her gaze wandering along Sara's slender body and Eric's slightly more muscular one, cataloguing the differences that three years and different sex made past the overall similarities.

Spreading Sara's legs with his hands, Eric started to rub his sheath, still soft but quickly firming at the sight before him, against her inner thighs. His shirt got in the way, though, hanging down and making the tip of his pink cock poke at fabric instead of fur, and he grunted and pulled it off, tossing it aside.

Sara blushed up at her brother, and turned her head to one side. It didn't help that the side she picked was the one Dani sat on, and the ocelot and raccoon girls made eye contact for a moment, making Sara blush harder.

Then Eric began pressing his cock, now mostly hard, up against her folds, and Sara gasped softly, closing her eyes as his firm tip slid between her lower lips. The ocelot boy climbed atop his sister for a better angle, pressing in between her legs with a familiarity he hadn't had just a few days ago.

The raccoon girl drank it in with hungry eyes, watching how Eric's hips flexed as he thrust in, how they arched as he drew back, the steadiness of their rhythm as he began to settle into a pattern, grunting softly in pleasure at feeling the warmth of his sister's passage around his shaft once more.

Sara moaned as her brother quickly settled into a regular rhythm, steadily thrusting into her wet and clinging tunnel. His barbs scraped along her inner walls, invisible to the watching raccoon except in the way it made the girl squirm, and her hips softly rocked up to meet his, making the bed bounce underneath them.

Soon Eric was shuddering against his sister, his cock twitching inside her body as he buried it deeply with enthusiastic thrusts. He moaned, closing his eyes, and his shaft began to spurt his thick seed into her warm passage, wave after wave as Dani watched curiously, seeing the secondary reactions of face and body even if the primary orgasm itself remained invisible, shooting up into sibling warmth.

Dani smiled as Eric collapsed against Sara's body in the wake of that pleasure, drained in energy as well as the contents of his balls. A few moments passed, and then the ocelot boy slowly drew himself back up, and out, his glistening shaft already softening.

"Wow... that was hot," the raccoon murmured, with a grin to her friend.

Eric giggled, and leaned down to kiss at the corner of Sara's lips. His sister opened her eyes, and after a moment's pause gave him a soft but troubled smile before looking away.

The older ocelot didn't really notice her reaction, still caught up in the afterglow of sex and the enjoyment of having shown his friend. He sat down on the edge of the bed, and he and Dani chatted about other things for a few moments while Sara quickly put her shirt and skirt back on.

Sara squirmed as she waited for her brother to be done, his cum beginning to drip down along her inner thigh from inside her. Finally, tired of waiting, she nudged Eric into motion, and the ocelot teen put his shirt and shorts back on while she fidgeted impatiently.

"See ya later!" Eric said as he picked up the bag from the video store and checked around for anything else of his before heading out.

Dani nodded. "Yep. Tomorrow at Theo's, with whatever it is he's gonna show us this time."

"Oh yeah, that's right..." Eric noted, with a grin. "I'll see you then!" He waved on his way out, and the pair of young ocelots made their way towards home in the late afternoon light.

Big Brother - Mornings and Movies

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Condoms, Rose. Condoms!

Some bulk mail appeared in my mailbox this morning. The subject line read: "Condoms, Rose. Condoms!" The voice of the internet has spoken. \* \* \* It was February 13th, and Rose stared unhappily across her bedroom. The teenage wolf had...

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Big Brother - Morning Shower

In the morning, the sun came in at an unfamiliar angle, dancing over Eric's eyelids and making the teenaged ocelot toss over, grumbling and pulling a pillow over his head, before slowly awakening. He thought he was still asleep for a moment when he...

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