Big Brother - Morning Shower

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#9 of Big Brother

In the morning, the sun came in at an unfamiliar angle, dancing over Eric's eyelids and making the teenaged ocelot toss over, grumbling and pulling a pillow over his head, before slowly awakening. He thought he was still asleep for a moment when he realized the pillow was pink, and that past it a pair of jumpropes hung on the wall.

Then he remembered how he'd fallen asleep last night in his little sister's room, exhausted and happy from making love to her, and smiled. He was alone in the bed, but when he rolled over again he saw her, sitting at her desk.

"Mmh. Hey, Sara."

The girl turned and looked back at him. "Oh.. good morning, Eric."

She looked a little troubled, and Eric swung his legs out of bed and padded over, half-naked, to kiss her on the forehead. "Something wrong?"

"I felt all sticky, when I woke up. Did you..?" she trailed off, looking up at him with wide brown eyes.

Eric blushed. He had woken up while she was asleep, during the night, and made love to her without waking her up. "I.. yeah. You looked really pretty, Sara..."

"Oh," was all she replied, dropping her gaze and turning back to her own thoughts.

Feeling awkward in the silence that followed, Eric fidgeted in place. "Hey, uh... do you want to go take a shower?"

Sara glanced up again. "Yeah. Who's first?"

Eric blushed a little. "Well.. I was thinking maybe we could take one together."

Sara giggled, after a moment. "But.. won't mom and dad notice?"

"If they come up, I'll just hide and you can say I went out already," he replied.

His sister laughed. "You? Out before noon on a Saturday?" she teased him, and he rolled his eyes at her, ruffling between her ears.

"C'mon, it'll be fine."

She paused a moment to think, and then nodded. "All right."

Giggling and teasing each other, the pair, after a cautious peek up and down the hallway, went down it to collect some towels and then head into the bathroom and lock the door behind them.

Sara put the towels on the counter while Eric peeled off his shirt and tossed it into the hamper, fully exposing his richly spotted pelt. The teen stretched; at fourteen, he wasn't yet quite full grown, but his body was starting to reach toward adult proportions and a lithe musculature.

As Eric padded over to start the shower running, Sara hesitated again, her fingers on her shirt. Her brother had seen her naked before, but this seemed different, somehow.

Slowly, she pulled up her shirt, exposing her flat chest, and then reached down to catch her shorts and slide them slowly downwards, working them past her girlish hips and down her legs before slowly stepping out of them and padding to stand beside her brother, looking up.

Eric slipped one arm around her middle, holding the younger girl against his side as he fiddled with the temperature of the steaming water with the other hand.

"There.. is that good?" he asked her, smiling down. Sara reached out to feel the water and test it, then nodded.

"Yeah, that's fine."

Eric nodded, his paw slipping down to give her rear a grope before he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water trace rivulets through his fur. "C'mon in, then."

Sara climbed into the shower with her brother, the water soaking into her pelt and making it gleam softly. He smiled, stepping back to give her the water as he stroked his paws along her sides, ruffling through the fur and helping the hot water soak into it.

The ocelot boy purred, watching how the water changed the contours of fur, made his sister's lithe body look even sleeker. He reached over for the bottle of soap and squirted some onto his palm, rubbing it into her sleek pelt and tickling along her sides as he did.

She giggled, squirming, as her brother's paws ran up and down along her slender body and the soap foamed up behind them. Her sides were first, and then his fingers wandered to her front, leaving soapy trails through her bellyfur and up to her flat chest to wash there.

Eric payed special attention to the nipples hidden in the fur, stroking his fingers around them to soap them thoroughly with a grin for his sister as she squirmed and they perked erect. He was starting to get hard himself, the pink tip of his shaft poking out from sheath.

After her chest was quite thoroughly soaped, he ran his fingers back down along her front again, down towards where her belly made a V between her legs and the softness of her mound. His fingers splayed through the soft fur, pressing it aside to work the soap in deeply.

Sara shivered a little, shifting her position to spread her legs just a bit - and then, as Eric's fingers slid between them to stroke over her sticky folds and soap them, a little farther. She moaned softly as he nudged inside her slit, rubbing the slippery soap in thoroughly.

It took an effort of will for Eric to draw his fingers back from his sister's folds, and even so they gave a soft tease to her clit before they did. That little nub was hard, as was his cock as he gave a soft pet down along her inner thigh.

"Mmh. Turn around so I can get your back?" he said as he squirted another dollop of soap onto his paw.

She nodded softly, her tail giving a slow twitch behind her as her body shivered again and then she turned. The hot water splashed against her front, washing away the soap as Eric started rubbing at her back, over shoulderblades and then working down along the spine slowly, over the large rosettes.

Sara's tail kept twitching as she arched her back up against her brother's strong hands kneading the soap into her pelt, little flicks with the occasional thump against his legs. The hot water ran along her front, washing away the soap from her breasts and belly and cascading down along her mound to send teasing little rivulets between her legs.

Eric's hands worked downwards, kneading along her lower back and then over her tail, stilling it for a moment. It only lashed more furiously, though, as his paws wandered from there down over her rump, feeling the taut curves of her body.

Leaning in, Eric nuzzled at Sara's cheek over her shoulder, purring softly. His arms slid around her hips, hugging her, as his front pressed to her back and his shaft poked up between her legs.

She gasped softly, feeling that hard tip sliding through the extra slipperyness of her soapy folds, and Eric took that as encouragement to grind forward harder, poking forward to her nub with his cock and then sliding it back to press at her warm opening.

Eric began to rock his hips, slowly thrusting his shaft up into his sister's tight passage, filling it once more. She shivered, her rump lifting as she pressed back against her brother's shaft.

Sara moaned as Eric began thrusting more firmly, sinking his cock into her warmth as his arms hugged around her hips. She leaned forward, bracing herself with her hands against the tile of the shower wall as his barbed cock buried itself inside her, bit by bit and the hot water splashed against her, pouring down her slender body.

He paused, for a moment, with his shaft fully seated inside his sister, and then purred as he began to thrust back and forth, drawing his cock partway out until the water running along her body splashed hotly against his length and then pushing it back inside, moving from one wetness to the other with slow strokes, at first, but quickly increasing in intensity and speed.

The girl shuddered, feeling the barbed cock thrust in strongly and then tease back through her passage, as the shower water poured in rivulets through her fur and ran hotly across the exposed skin of nipples and folds.

Soon, Eric felt her warmth squeezing around him, waves of tightness rippling through her passage as she moaned. He gasped himself, rocking back and forth inside her when he could, when the intensity wasn't too much to let his shaft slide past.

Sara quivered, leaning in against the wall, her rump pressed back against Eric's lap as he continued thrusting inside her, shuddering a little but not quite to his own climax yet, despite the pleasure of her squeezing tightness; even teenaged cats start to run out eventually.

He continued at the same pace as Sara's shudders subsided, purring as he ground his cock deeply into her warmth. Nuzzling along her cheek, his muzzle wandered back along her jawline until it brushed at the back of her neck, and he mouthed at her scruff softly.

She gasped, feeling his barbs moving at that rapid rhythm through her newly-sensitive passage and the gentle grip on her neck, and before long she began moaning again as another, harder wave of orgasm rippled, squeezing, along her passage.

Eric let go of her neckfur, gasping, as that second wave hit and his did along with it, burying his cock deeply as it began jerking and spurting thick seed within his sister's warmth. She shuddered, leaning against the shower wall as her own orgasm quivered in waves around him, and the pair gasped and moaned together as brother held sister close.

Panting, Sara shivered in aftershock as the water coursed along her body and her brother's cum flowed inside her. Eric hugged her close, purring as his body relaxed into warm happiness.

Slowly the ocelot pulled out, letting the water sluice through his sister's folds and clean them of her juices and his - though most of the mess of his cum was still deep inside her. He purred, leaning in and kissing at her cheek before he stepped back and soaped himself, smiling as she turned and began to help him.

Together they finished their shower, helping each other dry off and brush out their fur - it was so much easier, with someone else to help reach the awkward spots - and then, with a kiss in the hallway, they each headed to their seperate rooms to get dressed for the day that was just beginning.

Big Brother - Sweet Dreams

Eric was confused for a moment as he woke up, looking around the room, and then his gaze drifted to his little sister still asleep behind him and the ocelot smiled. That was it; they'd fallen asleep together after she'd given him his first blowjob. ...

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Big Brother - Dessert

Eric had rushed all through dinner, the ocelot almost painfully hard underneath the table from licking between Sara's legs just before, while his younger sister had passed the meal in a pleasant daze for much the same reason. Afterwards, the pair...

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Big Brother - After-School Snack

Eric came home with a jaunty step, the ocelot grinning as he let himself inside. He'd told his friends - and what teenage boy didn't enjoy bragging, just a little - and better still, once they got over their surprise, they'd been pretty okay with it. ...

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