Big Brother - Sweet Dreams

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#8 of Big Brother

Eric was confused for a moment as he woke up, looking around the room, and then his gaze drifted to his little sister still asleep behind him and the ocelot smiled. That was it; they'd fallen asleep together after she'd given him his first blowjob.

He softly petted his fingers through her headfur, smiling. She shifted a little in her sleep, but didn't wake up.

After a few moments, he shrugged - he was awake now, so he might as well make the best of it. He wriggled out from his sister's grasp and swung his legs out of bed. His pants were still down around his ankles, and he tugged them up - luckily, it seemed neither of their parents had stopped by to check on them!

Giving Sara's ear a kiss, he stood up, looking around her room. It was about what one would expect from an eleven year old girl; a row of plushes looked down at him curiously, and the poster from some fantasy movie hung on the wall over her desk.

He padded over and turned on the desklamp, glancing lazily over the books and papers stacked on it. A couple novels, some class project stuff... nothing that caught his interest. Eric sighed, glancing back towards the bed where his sister still slept.

He could just go back to his room, he supposed, but that still raised the question of what he'd do there. It was a little after ten - still early, by the standards of a Friday night, but late enough he probably couldn't go out to see anybody.

The ocelot's fingers drummed against the surface of the desk for a moment as he pondered. He could go down and watch television, but his parents were sure to still be up, and he didn't want to revisit the awkward conversation he'd had with his mother earlier - or be forced to watch yet another cooking show, for that matter.

He could work on his homework, but he was hardly that desperate, even if he was rather bored. If only Sara was awake, then the two of them could do something, but she showed no signs of waking.

Eric's tapping fingers paused as he had a thought. Just because his little sister was asleep didn't mean he couldn't have some fun with her... He turned again, looking back towards the bed, and felt his cock stirring at the prospect.

He unzipped his pants again as he got to his feet, nudging them down and then stepping out of them. Then he walked over to the bed, reaching down to stroke along his sheath as he did to draw out his shaft, and pulled the covers down a bit.

Sara was still dressed, and so the ocelot set about fixing that, carefully drawing her shorts down with little tugs at first one side, then the other. He smiled as he managed to remove them entirely, exposing her bare crotch and the soft fur of her thighs.

The ocelot spent a few moments simply petting along her warm pelt, purring as he did, and then leaned in to kiss at her mound with a smile. He could smell her scent, warm and softly spiced, and that made his cock harden quickly.

Eric climbed over his sister's sleeping body, careful not to press too heavily on her as the tip of his dripping shaft slid through her fur. Once he was behind her, he kissed softly at the back of her neck, slipping his arms around her middle as he ground forward, his shaft poking in between her inner thighs.

Sara let out a soft sigh, but didn't waken, and Eric rolled his hips, gradually angling his cock further up, towards the slick wetness of her folds. He purred as he found it, humping softly, and held his sister around the middle as he slowly began to press his shaft into her sleeping form.

It was almost like their first time, with her face in smiling sleep - though he'd only rubbed against her while she slept, then, instead of pushing his teenage cock inside her tight passage like this. He moved carefully, letting her adjust to his length, trying hard not to awaken her as he thrust slowly inwards.

Eric shuddered happily as he gave a final thrust and hilted his shaft inside Sara, feeling the young ocelot's warmth enfolding his cock. He drew back slowly, feeling his barbs catch on her inner walls, and then thrust in again, falling into a steady rhythm and beginning to pant against the back of her neck, his breath ruffling the fur.

Sara's passage quivered around his cock, squeezing gently in reaction to the rocking shaft and teasing barbs. The girl shifted restlessly, not quite awake but not entirely asleep, either, as Eric began thrusting faster, too eager to keep his pace slow in that wonderful, slick tightness that was his sister.

The boy moaned, feeling his barbs held by her clinging passage. The sensation of tightness made them want to flex out, to stroke though that squeezing warmth and make it ready for him. Faster his hips moved, pressing his cock in deeper and harder as he began to shiver.

The wet squelch of Sara's folds as he filled them filled the air along with his moans, his barbs quivering as he plunged his cock eagerly into his sister from behind. She slept still, though her hips were squirming too in unconscious reaction, wiggling against Eric's as he filled her.

Then Eric shuddered, his whole body going stiff for a moment as he buried his shaft deeply inside his sibling and it began to spurt, waves of thick seed shooting up into her sleeping body. He rolled his hips slowly, groaning happily, as the spurts continued, filling her with his cum as she slept.

Eric purred as his orgasm ceased, petting softly down along Sara's hip and pulling the blanket back up over himself and his sister. The he let himself drift back to sleep alongside her, teenage cock still pressed deeply in the younger ocelot along with his seed.

He slept through the night with her, though once during those sleeping hours his dreams turned erotic, and his hips started thrusting against her again, burying his cock into her cum-filled passage to deliver another hot load to satisfy his unconscious urges.

The thick seed dripped out during the night, especially once the ocelot's softened cock no longer help it within, soaking the girl's thighs with musky wetness and dripping down onto the bed beneath.

Big Brother - Dessert

Eric had rushed all through dinner, the ocelot almost painfully hard underneath the table from licking between Sara's legs just before, while his younger sister had passed the meal in a pleasant daze for much the same reason. Afterwards, the pair...

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Big Brother - After-School Snack

Eric came home with a jaunty step, the ocelot grinning as he let himself inside. He'd told his friends - and what teenage boy didn't enjoy bragging, just a little - and better still, once they got over their surprise, they'd been pretty okay with it. ...

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Big Brother - Kiss and Tell

When the bell finally rang for lunch, Eric was one of the first out of his seat. The ocelot ducked and weaved through the crowd until he was abruptly stopped by a paw landing solidly on his shoulder, tugging him back. Skidding to a stop, he looked...

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