Big Brother - Mornings and Movies

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#10 of Big Brother

Eric stared into his drawers, pondering what to wear on a bright Saturday morning. This one was brighter than many for the teenaged ocelot; he'd just come from a shower with his little sister, and another chance to play with her. He didn't know why he hadn't started earlier; she was so wonderful to be close to like that.

He finally settled on a pair of dark blue shorts and a light blue t-shirt to go with it, comfortable and easy to wear - or, he blushed as the thought struck him, to take off.

Stepping out from his room, he glanced down the hall and saw his sister's door still closed. He shrugged - she must still be getting ready - and turned the other way to bound down the stairs, two at a time.

He turned towards the kitchen, looking for breakfast, and paused in the doorway as he noticed his mother already there. Her back was to him and he briefly considered ducking past, but then she turned and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Eric."

"Morning, mom..." he replied, padding in and taking a seat in one of the wooden chairs. "You making something for breakfast, or should I just get toast?"

"Just some tea, dear," she replied. "There's a half-loaf of cinnamon bread left, though."

Eric grinned. "Nice!" he replied, padding over to grab a few slices and stick them into the toaster. While he waited for them to brown, his mother's voice came again from behind him.

"Remember, your father and I are going out tonight, so you'll need to stay home and watch Sara."

Working hard to keep the glee out of his voice, Eric nodded. "Oh, uh... yeah." Trying to act casual, he added as he glanced back to her, "Can we rent a movie?"

His mother nodded. "Nothing too violent, though. You can take a twenty out of my purse in the living room, and pick something out with your sister. Use the rest to get a pizza, if you like."

Eric grinned. This sounded pretty good even if it weren't for the extra plans he was already forming for mischief to get up to during that movie! "Okay!" he agreed cheerfully.

His toast popped up then, and the ocelot grabbed it and spread some butter over it before taking it to the table to crunch down on. While he ate, his mother put more bread into the toaster, then returned to her teakettle.

When Eric was nearly done with his breakfast, his sister appeared in the doorway with a hopeful look. She'd taken extra time to get ready this morning, digging a knee-length denim skirt out of her closet and pairing it with a lilac tubetop in what she hoped was an attractive way. She'd spent nearly ten minutes brushing her fur, and had even snuck into their parent's room to use a little bit of cream and vanilla scent behind her ears.

Her brother barely even noticed, glancing up at her a second and grinning, "Hi Sara!" before he shoved the last bit of toast in his mouth and bounded past her to the living room, missing the crestfallen look her face tumbled into as he passed.

Coming back after the moment with the money in hand, he grinned in from the doorway, waiting as their mother spoke to the girl. "Going somewhere special today?"

Sara ducked her gaze. "I dunno. I thought so, but... I dunno."

Her mother patted her on the head. "I'm sure it'll work out," she said, with a smile for the capricious fights of children, thinking her daughter at odds with some friend.

"Hey, c'mon, Sara!" Eric interjected from the door. "You gotta help me pick a movie for tonight!"

She glanced over to her brother, and started to turn that way, then hesitated a moment.

Her mother gave her a gentle nudge. "Go on, then. Here..." she said, giving her the toast. "You can eat on the way."

Sara nodded softly, and smiled. "All right..." she replied to her mother, and went across the kitchen to join her brother and head out.

As they headed towards the video store, Eric noticed his sister was strangely quiet, even accounting for the time to eat her toast. Another part of him also noticed how tight the skirt was over her rump, and how it followed the slight roundness of her form there.

Telling her jokes as they travelled, he managed to coax a few smiles out of her, but she still seemed a little distant as they rounded the corner and arrived at the store.

He grinned as they stepped inside, a mischevious thought occurring to him, and caught her hand to pull her down the aisles to a secluded spot near the back of the store. "Hey sis?"


"You're pretty," he replied, leaning in and kissing her firmly on the lips.

She squeaked in surprise, and then began kissing back, her body slowly relaxing as his lips pressed to hers and her arms coming up to slide softly around his middle.

Eric purred as his lips drew back from hers, smiling warmly and catching the hint of an answering smile in her eyes. The ocelot paused, stroking his fingers around her sides and down along her back, to finally settle just above the curve of her rump.

Sara looked up at him, a soft smile on her lips, glad of her brother's notice. He nuzzled softly along her cheek, smelling the extra sweetness of her scent today, and his hands squeezed her close against his front, and against the small bulge there his sheath was beginning to make.

His fingers stroked down lightly over the curve of her rear, and she squirmed awkwardly, her gaze flicking around nervously up and down the aisle. It was empty, for the moment, but she still squirmed as her brother's fingers stroked underneath her tail, even as she lifted it in instinctive reaction.

"Uhm... someone cou -" she began, before he cut her off with another kiss, his lips pressing firmly to hers. He purred as he drew his muzzle back, fingers wandering down to the bottom of her skirt and tugging it upwards.

Sara blushed, feeling her brother hiking up her skirt in public like this. "E-Eric... someone could see..."

He shrugged. "They won't. Nobody ever comes here this early..." he replied, his fingers stroking up along her inner thigh, underneath the skirt. Something about doing this here, tucked away in the corner of the store, excited him, made his cock poke more firmly out from its sheath.

His sister shivered, still nervous about being caught, and Eric's fingers brushed softly up between her legs, at the softness of panty-clad folds. The cotton stretched over the double curve of her lips, and Eric grinned as he found a spot of wetness centered between them, the fabric damp.

He teased around that spot with his fingers, pressing the soft cloth in against her folds, and Sara bit her lip to keep from moaning, her head tilting back against the shelves.

Eric continued stroking over those panty-clad folds for a few moments, making Sara shift from one foot to the other, squirming and beginning to softly pant, before he hooked his fingers over the edge and tugged them downwards.

Sara gave him a softly pleading look, though whether it was to stop as her blush would indicate, or to keep going as the squirms of her hips suggested, was rather unclear. He kept pulling the panties down, past her knees, and after a moment's hesitation she stepped out of them, leaving her bare beneath the skirt.

He slipped the panties into the pocket of his shorts for safe-keeping, and returned his fingers to her newly-exposed folds, stroking along the outer surface before parting them to let a finger slide inwards.

Sara shivered at the touch slipping within her sensitive folds, closing her eyes. After a moment, Eric's other hand caught hers, drawing it in past the waistband of his shorts. Her fingers brushed along his hard shaft, and her eyes opened again to catch the shudder of pleasure that chased across his face at the touch.

His touch teased against the warm nub of her clit, then wandered down through her folds to her deeper opening. As her fingers softly curled around his shaft, his hips pressed up eagerly, thrusting back and forth against his sister's paw.

As Eric's fingertip slipped inside her, Sara couldn't help gasping softly, quickly clamping down on the sound as she shuddered. His thumb pressed up to her clit as his finger slid deeper, rubbing in little circles and spirals as he pressed a digit into her warmth.

The cock within Sara's paw dribbled pre as Eric's hips rocked back and forth, and as his teasing fingers continued to massage her nub and passage, she leaned back against the shelves, working hard to moderate her breathing and beginning to pant raggedly regardless.

Eric leaned in against his sister, his barbs flexing in her paw as he rocked back and forth, feeling her hot wetness around his finger and the pulsing of her nub as his thumb teased along it. He purred, shivering at the sensations, and pushed his finger deeper, pressing against his sister as she leaned back to the video-filled shelves for support.

Sara bit her lip as a shuddering wave of pleasure ran through her body, hot pulses squeezing down around Eric's finger and making her own fingers clench around his cock. She squirmed, rocking in place as her body tensed and went limp in quivering waves.

Eric purred, thrusting his shaft harder against his sister's fingers, pressing forward to poke the tip at her belly through his shorts and her skirt. His fingers kept up their stroking rhythm, coaxing more waves of pleasure from his sister until his own arrived.

He gave a stifled mew, thrusting forward, and his thick seed began spurting out, spattering the inside of his underwear and his sister's paw reaching inside them with hot pulses of sticky wetness. That thrust had another effect, though, dislodging a row of cases from the overburdened shelf to tumble to the floor.

Lost in their orgasms, neither of the ocelots noticed the videos beginning to fall - but they noticed the clatter as they hit the ground, and looked at each other wide-eyed as someone else seemed to notice as well.

"Hey, something wrong back there?" called out a voice from the front, and as footsteps approached the pair quickly tried to bring themselves to order, Sara pulling her paw out from Eric's shorts and wiping it on the back of her skirt, and he drawing his fingers away and tugging her skirt back down.

The face of the clerk, a fox in his early twenties with a perpetually dazed look, appeared around the corner and took in the dishevelled pair. "Hey, you kids okay?" he asked, looking from one flushed face to the other, and at the obvious wet spot growing in the front of Eric's pants.

"Oh, I, uh - yeah -" Eric began, stammering.

"We're okay, I, uhm -" his sister took up the thread as he stumbled over words.

"I tripped! And, uh, stumbled into the shelves, and..." the ocelot trailed off again, looking down sheepishly at the scattered cases.

The clerk gave them a very skeptical look, and they both blushed in what might as well have been an admission of guilt. Then he shrugged. "Pick this stuff up, will you?"

The pair looked up again, surprised, and the fox chuckled, turning back towards the front desk.

Quickly, the ocelot siblings picked up the fallen movies, and with a far briefer argument than usual selected one to watch that night, blushing to each other the entire time.

They brought it up to the counter, and the vulpine clerk grinned again, his nostrils flaring a bit as he looked over the sheepish pair. "The park's got plenty of secluded spots, you know," he noted casually as he checked out the movie for them. "If you should be looking for someplace to spend your day, that is."

Eric blushed, nodding as he handed over the money for the rental. "I.. thanks," he replied, letting that simple phrase serve multiple purposes.

As the pair hurried out the door, the fox grinned at their youthful eagerness - and then grinned wider as he noticed the girl's skirt riding up, and the lack of any panties currently beneath!

Condoms, Rose. Condoms!

Some bulk mail appeared in my mailbox this morning. The subject line read: "Condoms, Rose. Condoms!" The voice of the internet has spoken. \* \* \* It was February 13th, and Rose stared unhappily across her bedroom. The teenage wolf had...

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Big Brother - Morning Shower

In the morning, the sun came in at an unfamiliar angle, dancing over Eric's eyelids and making the teenaged ocelot toss over, grumbling and pulling a pillow over his head, before slowly awakening. He thought he was still asleep for a moment when he...

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Big Brother - Sweet Dreams

Eric was confused for a moment as he woke up, looking around the room, and then his gaze drifted to his little sister still asleep behind him and the ocelot smiled. That was it; they'd fallen asleep together after she'd given him his first blowjob. ...

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