Big Brother - Lonely Night

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#13 of Big Brother

Eric grouchily flopped back against the couch after tossing the pizza onto the table. Everything had gone wrong, tonight; he'd fought with his sister, she'd stormed off... and the movie was total crap, he added to himself, turning it off. He couldn't see why she'd even wanted to see it - surely making love was better.

He certainly thought so; her warm round rump in his lap, the way her passage slid along his cock as he bounced her up and down. The teen ocelot began to reminisce with a smile, and then growled to himself.

It was all her fault! She'd led him on, made him want her - just look at what she'd been wearing today! It wasn't his fault that he'd wanted her; he'd just wanted to share something nice, and she was being totally ungrateful.

He sighed, forcing himself to relax. He'd figure out a way to show her how wrong she was later, and she'd come back around. She was younger than him, after all - and a girl, besides. Of course she'd be irrational sometimes.

Eric opened the box of pizza and took a slice. At least they'd gotten the order right.

Somehow, though, he wasn't terribly hungry. He ate about half a slice before he started just picking at it, finally setting it down on top of the box and giving another sigh.

He needed something to distract himself; just sitting here made the thoughts of the fight run through his head over and over, mixed with a desire for his sister that cycled right back to that fight over again.

After fidgeting for a few moments, he got up and padded upstairs, past Sara's tightly shut door with a moment's pause to try and listen, though with no avail, and then into his own room. He shut the door and sat down at his computer, wiggling the mouse to start the old desktop into life.

Nobody seemed to be online to talk to, so Eric opened a web browser to begin exploring. He drifted from one site to the next with no clear aim, finding himself drifting towards the sorts of sites that involved lying about his age.

There was hardly anything good; at least, not that didn't want him to pay with the credit card he didn't have. His thoughts came circling back to his sister, and he sighed. He didn't like having her be angry with him, even if it wasn't his fault.

Finally, he found someone's photo gallery online, with a directory of nude pictures that had been left unsecured. A vixen in her late teens or early adulthood posed for the camera, and Eric slid down his shorts and he flipped through the pictures.

Hoping to be distracted, he stroked his fingers along his soft sheath, looking at the mature curves of the fox woman on the screen. His shaft seemed reluctant to emerge, but slowly the tapered pink length poked outwards and his fingers curled around it.

He clicked on to the next picture, trying to focus on the images as he had on many a lonely night before these past couple days, before he found the pleasures of being with his sister. His finger rubbed along his barbed shaft, but it wasn't working; he couldn't focus on the voluptuous curves of the vixen.

Eric teased the head of his cock with a fingertip, and sighed. He'd had so much fun, playing with his sister; she had to realize, it was just his enthusiasm. He just wanted her, that was all.

On to the next picture, a new pose for the fox, and his fingers kept rubbing back and forth, stroking at himself as a little droplet of musky pre swelled at his tip. He didn't mean for Sara to be angry; he just wanted to have her, and share it with his friends, because it was so exciting and wonderful.

It was the nicest thing, to feel her slender body underneath his hands, or sliding around his cock like his own hand did now. The busty vixen became forgotten, Eric opening a family photo gallery instead, looking at the laughing face of his sister from their last vacation as he pawed at himself.

He hadn't meant to make her angry; he wanted her to be happy, he just - she was so beautiful, he didn't want to control himself, wanted to make love to her whenever he could. His shaft was hard as a rock, now, the barbs poking out against his paw as it slipped back and forth.

Eric moaned softly as he got closer. He wanted his sister - wanted her to be with him, even if that meant not getting what he wanted all the time. Even if he only got to make love to her sometimes, that was still better than this fighting.

He could almost imagine she was there, instead of just an picture; could almost smell her soft scent hanging in the air. His paw stroked up and down, making his hips squirm, and he realized that he actually could.

Eric reached into the pocket of his shorts and pulled out the panties his sister had been wearing earlier that day. He'd taken them off her in the video store, and had forgotten entirely to give them back.

That was, he realized, probably another part of why she'd been so mad at him; it must have seemed like he was intentionally keeping them, instead of just having forgotten.

For now, though, he was glad to have them, because the white cotton held the musky scent of his sister, making her seem closer to him as his paw went back and forth along his length.

He wanted her; the scent and pictures were almost too teasing, not enough like the real sister who lay just down the hall in her room. But she was angry with him; he didn't want that scowl, that glare directed at him.

Eric wanted to see her smile, like in the picture on screen, and have that smile meant for him. Just to have her warmth squeeze around his cock, like his fingers did now, massaging it as his barbs flexed, squeezing until the ocelot shuddered as he pushed himself over the edge, hot seed spurting out to be caught in his paw.

Eric groaned, rubbing his fingers along his shaft as the barbs twitched and his paw grew sticky with waves of his cum. He'd make it up to Sara, somehow, and get her back; whatever he had to do, it would be worth it.

He closed the browser and went to lie in bed, staring at the ceiling as he planned how he'd convince his little sister to forgive him and gradually drifted off to sleep for the night.

Big Brother - Movie Night

Eric returned home with his sister in the midst of the whirlwind of their parents' preparations to head out for the evening. Slipping into the living room, the teen pulled out the movie they'd gotten earlier. He briefly considered putting it on,...

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Big Brother - Show and Tell

Once they were a few blocks away from the video rental place - and their near-miss with being caught there - Eric and Sara began relaxing. The teenage ocelot put his arm around his little sister's middle, and she smiled up to him softly. Pausing...

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Big Brother - Mornings and Movies

Eric stared into his drawers, pondering what to wear on a bright Saturday morning. This one was brighter than many for the teenaged ocelot; he'd just come from a shower with his little sister, and another chance to play with her. He didn't know why he...

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