Alter Destiny Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#10 of MLP

A new quest begins

Star looked around her dreamscape, it was still the same grassy plains she had gotten used to over these past few days. Her actual body was with the others in a room in Twi's castle. She waited patiently for the others to appear.

"Everypony okay?" She asked. Everyone nodded

"So where is your guest?", Twilight asked.

"Behind that door." Star said, gesturing to the door behind her.

The others look at the door in the middle of nowhere and seemed to lead to nowhere. Star walked up to the door and opened it to reveal a new room. It was a long and narrow room with a long table with several chairs. The chair nearest to them had an occupant. Star recognized the admiral as he sat there looking out the windows on one side of the room.

"Hey Admiral."

He looked over and his eyes brighten a bit.

"Star! Good to see you. I see you brought guests."

Introductions were made and Star gave a summary of what they found on her side. He thought in silence going over what he just heard before responding.

"Well you have been more fruitful that I have. I have been able to figure out that I'm only a fragment of my full being. My existence is limited to my time on this vessel. But what you told me has helped. I think I know a bit of what's going on. Somehow I got separated and those fragments ended up on your world. They fact that someone tried to kill Star shows that my being in this world is no accident. Someone wanted me here and out of the way. As I currently am, I can't leave you so we are left with two options. One you help find my other parts and with my powers restored I can separate myself from you and you can go on with your life and I can return to mine. Two you do nothing to help and you are stuck with this part of me in you for the rest of your life. I think the choice is obvious."

Star looked to her friends and asked what they thought.

"Well I have never heard or read of something like this before. Not that I wouldn't be willing to find some spell but it could take years if I even find out Star. Luna you have any ideas?"

"I have not heard of such a thing in all my years, but the preferred solution is sound. I sense no lies from this creature and as someone who has had two persona's in her life, living as such is not pleasant so I go for getting the Admiral out of you."

"Nothing within the Children's Archives covers this so I can't directly help you either, sorry." Star looked at the floor for a minute before looking up with a determined look on her face. She looked over to the Admiral.

"I'm gonna find your other fragments and get you whole again. It's best for me and you and I don't want you in my head for the rest of my life, no offense."

"None taken, and I promise to do everything within my power to aid and assist you when I can."

"And I'll have Nightshadow join you in this quest." Nightshadow looked at her princess in shock.

"But what about my kids?"

"They will be looked after by their Aunt Luna of course." Luna gave out a small grin before growing serious again. "Being my student is not meant to be always easy Nightshadow. Whiles things can be taught many lessons can only be learn by experience. And that means going out of your comfort zone. Twilight did so when she went to Ponyville and now she is a Princess."

"Yup, going to Ponyville was the best thing to happen in my life. I wouldn't have the dear friends I have now much less being an alicorn."

"And I would still be the original Nightmare Moon and either banished again or destroying the world in Eternal Night. Instead I have redeemed myself, reconnected with my sister, and new friends, and been reunited with my adopted children."

"Face it Nightshadow, you don't really have a choice here. Besides, think of the experience you have and with young ones waiting, you have an incentive to return." The unicorn held her head in resignation and before anyone could talk further they hear a chime.

<Admiral we are approaching Starbase 216.> A voice said from an unseen speaker. The Admiral got up and went to the windows.

"Ladies, please join me by the window." Seeing no reason not too the group head over to the curved windows. There the girls saw come into view and brilliant red orb that bathed them all in a red light. Twilight was the first to break the silence.

"Is that a.."

"A star? Yes, beautiful isn't it?" All four did nod. Their eyes widened as they suddenly saw an object appear. Silhouetted by the star, the girls made out it's features. It had a bulbous head with a rectangular....doorway? From the bulb it came down to a flat area with many windows that were lit.

"What is that?" Nightshadow asked the admiral, who just grinned back.

"That is Starbase 216. My Firefox coming to bring them new equipment and get some R&R." They all saw the metaphorical light bulb go off on the Admiral's face. "Say, you want to see my ship from the outside?"

"How?" All four ask cautiously. He smiled with a grin that, to Twilight, seemed a little too much like Discord. Then he lifted his hand and snapped his fingers and they all were engulf in a flash. Twilight was horrified for a moment.

When the white disappeared Star saw a star full night and a slight sheen in front of her. Star looked around and felt something beneath her hooves. When she stepped she heard a metallic sound.

"Where are we?" Star asked.

"Just outside the Starbase. We are standing on it's hull, but look over there." He pointed to their upper right and Star look and saw a what she guessed was his ship. Half of it looked like a giant plate, she couldn't tell the color of the hull thanks to the star's light. From the plate she saw a curving neck attach to the bulbous second half. That had had a weird red and blue circles painting that glowed. From the second half she saw two stubby wings that curved up into two long pill like objects. From this angle the ship looked majestic floating among the stars like she had seen Princess Luna a couple times in the night. All of the ponies made complementary comments of the ship and stared at her for a few minutes as she came in close.

"Well, you should all get going. You have a big day tomorrow and I wish you the greatest success. Have a good night." It was then the girls saw a door appear and open back to that grassy plain.

"A pleasure meeting you Admiral Q." Luna said to which the Admiral gave a slight bow.

"A similar pleasure. Hopefully we can meet outside of Star's mind. I don't think she'd wanted us going through her most embarrassing moments."

"YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!" Star screamed causing smiles all around before the girls step through. The next thing they were waking up again where fallen asleep in for that meeting.

"Well let's see where Star and Nightshadow are heading to first." Twilight stated and led the others to a map room she had put in. "Okay Star find the nearest fragment." Star closed her eyes and tried to access the admiral's unique magic for guidance. IT was an amazing feeling, raw power and wild, but inherent goodness as well.

'Okay, now where is you next piece?' she mentally asked. With her eyes still closed she points to where she feels where it is then opens her eyes. Her hoof was on top of a mountain.

"Canterlot?" She asked in surprise. Twilight takes a closer look and shakes her head.

"No, if the fragment is the same as the one in you it would be noticed unless Celestia has it hidden somewhere. Luna can ask her, but Star's hoof isn't on Canterlot itself but on Mount Canterhorn. I bet it's within the mountain more than the city. Let's get some rest tonight and I'll arrange for a pair of train tickets to Canterlot for you two tomorrow." They nodded their heads and, after a late night dinner all turned in, save for Luna who headed back to Canterlot.


The next day after a breakfast Twilight saw them to the train station and wished them luck on their quest. Star knew that the young princess wanted to go with but her new duties prevented her. Twilight may have accepted that fact she's a princess now, but that doesn't mean she likes all that goes with it.

Four hours later, the two unicorns got off the train and walked to the castle while having a short conversation and getting to know each other till they reach the gates. In minutes they met Celestia who said there is nothing in the Archives like the orb Star described to Twilight and Luna last night, so that left the caves in Canterhorn. Celestia led them to the entrance that Twilight and Cadance used to escape the caves three years ago. Star and Nightshadow saw some equipment laying by the entrance.

"I had my servants pick up some climbing equipment for you since I don't know much about these old mines. I wish you Luck and safety my little ponies." With a nod from both of them the Princess of the Sun returned to her royal duties and the two unicorn's looked over and divided the equipment between them before heading in. Soon they had to emit light from their horns as the explored the cavern. Nightshadow followed Star's lead since Star was the one who could truly sense the fragment. The unicorn in question was using her innate ability to seek out magical artifacts and that sense she now has from the Admiral now in her. But the quiet was still too much for Star so she decided to get to know her companion better.

"So you have kids?" She heard Nightshadow chuckle.

"You could say that, they were orphaned in our war with the darkness. I ended up caring for them. I am now their legal guardian and I consider them my little sisters and they made me their big sister. Then of course Princess Luna became their aunt."

"I'm not surprised by that." Star chuckled before continuing. "After her first Nightmare Night back she adored children. In honesty they were the first to accept her back. I was one of two not scared of her when she arrived, alog with Twilight. I thought her entrance was awesome, especially with that bat cloak thing. I pitied Twilight trying to get the town to warm up to her, especially when Pinkie had the WORST timing possible during all of that. So what are their names?"

"Eclipse a pegasus filly and Twilight Moon and unicorn filly."

"A unicorn name Twilight?"

"Yes the irony was not lost on me." Nightshadow said with a smirk. The approach a ledge and see the other side 20 hooves lower then them. Star made the leap with ease and landed solidly on the rock and looked back at her companion with a smirk. Nightshadow backed up a bit and Star heard the sound of her partner galloping, but just as Nightshadow was about to leap a piece of the ledge gave away. She was starting to scream when she notice she wasn't falling. She was surrounded by a light green field.

"Don't worry I got you." Star brought Nightshadow to her own ledge. The dark unicorn took a minute to catch her breath.

"Th-thanks.....for the......grab." Nightshadow managed to get out between breaths.

"No problem, such adventures are dangerous. I nearly died three times when I got my new guest." Star's face became serious. "This way." She started walking with a more cautious Nightshadow following.

Minutes later Star saw the tell tale light patterns she had seen from the other fragment. At least this time the area where it was located was far more stable than the one at the castle. There in the center of the room was the same style pulsing orb she saw before. The orb felt somehow welcoming to her, like it knew she had another piece of it. Nightshadow walked next to her with her eyes closed and a slight smile on her lips.

"I may love the night but this feels so nice and warm." Star nodded but before they could say further they heard something behind them. They turned around and Star saw two more of those biped equines. Frowning, Star quickly ran towards the orb and held her horn against it.

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