Nightmare In The Lunar Republic Chapter 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#11 of MLP

Nightmare moon the Princess of the Night makes a desperate move that goes wrong.

Trailer here

Edited by Jomintine


In the Lunar Republic

By Admiral Q

Nightmare Moon strutted through the old ruins. This was a better place to enact her plans than the compound which her enemies knew of thanks to the misguided Children of the Night that followed that fake princess Luna. So she and her remaining followers were in the ancient ruins of the old homeland of the Three Tribes. She looked out at the night feeding upon its beauty. She wished she could do more but her connection to the moon severed. She was lucky to find a new way to regain the bulk of her power thus her ether mane had return. "We're ready mother." Nightmare Moon turned to her lieutenant Night Hammer smiled and replied.

"Let's begin then."

They walked into the main room. There four unicorns stood facing a circle with a large mirror in the center. After months of thinking Nightmare had come to only one conclusion. She had to go back in time. They numbers of her group were too few to challenge Equestria and with Equestria now aware of them they could never spend the centuries to build up enough power to challenge them. Going back in time before Luna is the only solution. She will have the bulk of the Children and time to build her power base. Then she will bring the reign of night. She took her spot and the five of them began chanting and summoning their magic energies into the mirror that will host the portal into the past. The runes written onto the floor began to glow and the air crackled with energy and magic. They heard explosions outside.

"They have found us. Quickly my Children! We must finish!" They renewed their attempts trying to ignore the approaching sounds of fighting outside that got closer. Then a blast came from a wall and a couple of her Children flew through followed by Luna Nightshadow and six mares one a purple alicorn. Her unicorns turned to face them but blasts from the alicorns and unicorns were knocking them down.

"Mother you can't stay here. You have to go in now!" Nightmare heard Night Hammer say. She just looked at the earth pony and unsure of what to do. Night Hammer got mad and shoved Nightmare through and the saw thing she saw was Night Hammer with a tears in her eyes. "I love you Darkmoon." Then Nightmare was taken by the spell.

When Nightmare Moon awoke again she found herself in a room that was dark and fairly cramped for a pony of her stature. She stood and tried to flap her wings only to feel them pinned. She looked over to see strapped down with sturdy locks. She snorted and tried using her magic to pick the locks and get her wings free. Only her magic didn't respond. She lifting a forehoof to her horn she felt a ring on it. She had to hand it to the Equestrians, they were detailed. She had failed. Failed in traveling through time. She had failed Night Hammer and her children. Rage went through her and she kicked the bed sending it flying. And screamed in rage.

"HEY! Keep it down in there!" she heard a male voice say and she looked over to see a slit open in the door and a slitted eye peering through.

"And why should I Equestrian? You won, my Children are defeated and you have me in your clutches. Now all of pony kind worships the sun and those you follow the night follow that imposter Luna instead of ME! NIGHTMARE MOON PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT! Do with me what you will, I have nothing left. My one trump card has failed." She went over and put the bed back. She laid down facing away from the door and silently cried as her failure poisoned her, slowly pulling her into the clutches of sleep again.


Luna sat on her throne going through the latest reports when she heard a knock on her throne room doors.

"Yes?" she asked. The door opened to reveal one of her Lunar Guards that was usually stationed there Star Flare popped her head in.

"Princess, a guard wants to speak with you. It involves with that pony they captured."

"Very well send them in." The doors opened fully and the third guard sheepishly came into her throne room. Luna warmly smiled at him. "Guard I will not harm you. Please approach and tell me what caused you to come before me." Her smile and calm voice worked as his onerousness left and he came forward with a slight smile. He then bowed.

"Dear Princess I just got off shift from guarding the strange black alicorn. She was awake for a bit and she said some strange things. She sounded like she came from outside Equestria, She called herself 'Nightmare Moon' and the title Princess of the Night. And claimed you an imposter." Luna put a hoof to her muzzle.

"Strange. I AM the Princess of the Night. Why would any pony dispute that? Guard what is your impression on our captive?"

"She's broken your highness. From the sounds of it she feels like she lost her battle and awaits her fate."

"Thank you Guard. Go get some rest." He bowed again.

"As you wish your highness." He left and Luna was left to thinking on this strange black alicorn.


The sound of a door unlatching awoke Nightmare Moon. She moved her head to face the door and squinted from the light. When her eyes adjusted she saw two guards in blue armor with a strange crescent logo on the chest piece.

"Come on, Princes Luna wants to speak with you." She got up and walk towards them, determined to meet her fate with royal dignity. Outside her cell she had four guards waiting. She followed them, and discovered that she was in a castle that was trimmed in dark blues, purples, and black. She also noticed banners. They were all either a strange crescent moon on it's side facing up with a star above it with wings then a more normal white crescent moon that Luna wore. She also noticed how all the guards looked. All had the same light gray fur, bat like wings, and gold colored eyes that were like her own. Must be some magical enhancement to their armor.

Her group approached a set of dark blue doors with a large winged logo and more normal crescents as handles. The guards stationed there opened upon their arrival. They entered a throne room with pillars to either side displaying banners with the normal crescent and on the left side a rising sun shone through the pillars. Looking forward Nightmare Moon saw a black throne with Luna sitting on it with the regalia she had last seen her wear. At her side was the gold colored unicorn with red and gold hair and green blue eyes and above them was the winged crescent. Her group stopped ten hoofsteps away from the throne.

"So Luna are you gonna gloat or just give me my punishment?"

"You will treat the Princess with respect!" The unicorn stated when a dark blue wing went in front of her. She looked over to Luna.

"Peace my student." Luna then looked at Nightmare moon with a very curious look. "Now... Nightmare Moon was it. I am not aware of you breaking any laws of the Republic and I think I would be aware of an alicorn breaking them. I have never met you before."

"That's impossible! You were there when I was reborn! You and I defeated the darkness that was attacking the Children of the Night! Then you challenged me for the title and sadly won. They were big moments for me I can't see why they wouldn't be for you!"

"I have no memories of these events." Nightmare moon just dropped her jaw in shock and Luna put a hoof to her muzzle and tapped it a couple of times. "Tell me Nightmare Moon, do you know how to cast a truth spell?"

"Yes at limited range." Luna got off her throne and circled the larger alicorn. She noticed her cutie mark the taller alicorn had. Like hers but teal color and facing the opposite way. She then used her magic to remove the ring.

"Your highness!" the guards and her aide screamed.

"SILENCE!" Luna used her royal Canterlot voice. Then innocently smiled at Nightmare Moon. "I trust you won't try to escape?"

"Where would I go. Apart from being in your castle and who knows where but other than Equestria. Why would you allow me to cast the spell?"

"Consider it a gesture of good will." Nightmare Moon castes the spell.

"There, any answer given is truth as you perceive it."

"Good. Then I swear before you that the even you describe I have never witnessed. I have been preoccupied with my issues with my sister." It was truth to Nightmare's spell.

"What year is this?" Nightmare asked.

"Three thousand A.D." (After Discord)

"That's five years ago. Could my time travel spell have worked? Please have you ever heard of the Children of the Night?" Luna thought for a bit before responding.

"I believe some called those who loved my night by that name and all of those formed the core of the initial Lunar Republic. Please tell me about them?" Seeing nothing to lose Nightmare told Luna about the Children of the Night up till she fled through the portal.

"Strange, There was a fight between me and my sister but the only thing that could banish me is the Elements and they were not used that night. I was forced to flee my home that night, gather my supporters and started the Lunar Republic." She then looked over to the unicorn. "What do you think Sunset Shimmer? I know you study many things. Is what I beieve possible?"

"That Nightmare here is from another Equestria? Very possible my Princess. She is using a truth spell so judging by that we can't doubt her words. Now she was working on the time travel spell to change her history but never really got it completely finished. My studies on other worlds and traveling to them showed a close connection to time travel spells. My guess is that the unfinished spell sent her here rather then to the chosen target. So the events she witness did happen but didn't happen in this Equestria."

Nightmare took all this news in. She was in a different Equestria. The events that had caused her Children of the Night to exist had happened differently. But as different as they were, enough was the same which means she had to come to a dark truth. The Luna from home was right, she was the Princess of the Night. She had turned against her own princess the mother figure of her people. She had been wrong and how many had lost their lives because of it. She took off her chest plate and brought it to her face. A light blue armor piece with her teal crescent moon in the center. The symbol mocked her. In anger and disgust she tossed the piece followed by her helmet to the surprise of everyone. She then sat on her haunches and kept her head low.

"Nightmare Moon what is it? What's wrong?" Luna asked.

"I just realized I was wrong. As much as things are different here there is much the same and that only tells me that my world's Luna was right. She was the Princess of the Night and I'm a fraud. A fraud a good pony sacrificed her life for. Then several more gave up everything to support me and I led them down a path of lies. My only excuse is that I didn't mean to deceive them." She closed her eyes and was on the verge of tears. She Nightmare Moon on the verge of tears. The mighty have truly fallen. She then felt a feather touch her muzzle and she opened her eyes to see this Luna looking at her. And looked at her with compassion. Something she had never thought she see.

"Okay you made bad calls as both Darkmoon and as Nightmare Moon. But the one thing I see most of all is that you gave everything for your people. I have witnessed the two main drives that I see in you. I share the drive to protect your people. As a princess I can do no less. But I have also seen the drive that puts your needs above the people. That is what you must control Nightmare Moon. I'll tell you this. You made mistakes but that doesn't mean you can't correct them. In fact I could use your help." Luna then unstrapped the binders on Nightmare's wings. "You are no enemy of mine Nightmare Moon but you could be an ally. Follow me." She watched Luna walk away with Sunset following. With nothing better to do or place to go she went with them followed by the Guards.

They left the throne room and traveled the halls for a few minutes before they entered another great room. There was a balcony above them with several ponies around doing various tasks. A handful were in front of the large table with a map of Equestria and parts of the nearby regions. Nightmare Moon also noticed how big Equestria was in this realm. The area where her Children of the Night had settled was labeled on the map with a castle and a city with a handful of blue colored troop markers. She looked over the map and saw markers in blue and red strategically placed all around Equestria.

"For the past thousand years my sister and I have fought each other." Luna began. "As you can see both sides are pretty even in territory. Both of us have the resources to care for our own section of Equestria and supply our war effort. Even our battles do not get momentum going. I take a city, she takes a mountain range elsewhere. The only edge she has got now is in tactical ability. Recently I felt the Elements of Harmony changed and that could mean only one thing. They have new bearers and since they're none of my ponies they have to belong to my sister."

"Elements of Harmony? That sounds vaguely familiar." Nightmare commented.

"Celestia and I found them and used them to defeat Discord back in the day but they hadn't been useable since my sister and I fought. Our bond to them had all but broken. I am worried about on how my sister will use them. Then you appeared. Another alicorn on my side could tip the balance and bring an end to this horrible war. You have power Nightmare Moon I see it in you and I can guess where you get it from. The deal I can make you Nightmare Moon is this; help me restore peace to Equestria and I'll do all in my power to get you home." Nightmare looked at the map then at Luna.

"I...I have to think on this." Nightmare replied and Luna nodded.

"Tis not a simple thing I ask is it? Take the time you need. 'Til then you are a guest here. Corporal Mayweather, escort Lady Moon to some guest quarters."

"Yes your Highness. This way please Lady Moon." A mare in guard armor said. Deciding to be polite Nightmare addresses Luna.

"Good night your Highness." She followed the guard out.

Minutes later Nightmare found herself in a spacious room. Multiple couches, a handful of seats, a couple of tables and a small bookshelf were immediately viewable. She walked in getting a closer look at things when she heard the guard speak. "Do you need anything Lady Moon?" Looking back at her Nightmare replied.

"Food and drink if you please."

"We'll get right on that my lady. Just tug that rope and a servant will come."

"Thank you guard pony." the guard nodded and left. Alone again Nightmare went to the window. Night had truly come and Nightmare decided to watch it from a window after moving a couch under it. She loved the night as both Darkmoon, as she had once been, and as Nightmare Moon. It helped her think. Here she was in a different world. One where the true Princess of the Night fought against her own sister for control of Equestria. What options did she have anyway. She has no support here. No way to replicate the spell on her own and has no resources to make any of it happen. Join a thousand year war joining sides with a pony she tried to kill at one point. Scratch that one that looks like a pony she had tried to kill. Even knowing that fact this Luna is still willing to ask for her help. A knock on the door broke her train of thought. An Earth pony mare pushed a cart in filled with food and a goblet of liquid.

"Your dinner ma'am." She said and walked out. Nightmare treated herself to the meal while still thinking on what to do. This wasn't her fight per se, but it shared a common cause with her own at one time But her cause had nothing but a lie. Luna in this realm proved it..

She....She needed to fly and clear her head. To her pleasure the room had a balcony so she went on to it and lifted off. She first flew around the castle. It was a big castle and easily could fit hundreds of ponies in it. It was made to handle a pounding by the looks of it. Yet it was also graceful and built of dark materials, going with the theme of the night she had seen inside. She realized she recognize the area. They were near where her ponies lived in for nearly a millenium. She flew low when she heard

"Rain Cloud, Get down from there!"

Nightmare looked and saw a young pegasus mare playing on a battlement roof of all things with an earth pony mare below her. The filly ignored her mother and cheerfully played till she slipped and fell over. The filly screamed and, in her panic, tucked her wings in. Nightmare dove in and caught the young filly. She had closed her eyes during the fall. She managed to open them when she felt things change and saw Nightmare. The black alicorn smiled at her and swooped around to land near the earth pony.

"Mom!" The filly yelped and hopped out of Nightmare's grip and ran to her mother crying as the tear filled mare hugged her daughter.

"Rain Cloud don't you ever scare me like that again! I couldn't lose you too!"

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry!" The mare then looked to Nightmare.

"Thank you, Thank you so much. I lost her father in the war and she is all I live for." Nightmare just nodded and turned to lift off when the mare spoke again. "Ma'am can I please know the name of my daughter's savior?" Nightmare looked at her and smirked before answering.

"My name is Nightmare Moon."

"That's a beautiful name. Again thank you." The mare then urged her daughter and they started walking away but little Rain Cloud turned and waved.

"Bye Nighty and thanks again." Nightmare couldn't help but wave back. She took off, heading back to her room.

Once back in her room she noticed a maid pushing a cart in with her armor on it. "What are you doing?" Nightmare asked. The maid was startled but recovered quickly.

"Ma'am you left these in the throne room. The Princess thought you might still want them."

Nightmare approached the armor she had throw off when she learn she was a lie. She picked up the helmet and looked at it. A new thought entered her mind. Yes what she had recently fought for was a lie but she had forgotten a very important fact. Darkmoon had cast that spell to have the power to save the Children of the Night from extinction. Now Nightmare didn't think she realized the full cost of that spell but she always honored the unicorn's sacrifice. She had been summoned to protect, but she forgotten that but no more. The maid was still there waiting for a command.

"Deliver a message to the Princess for me."

"Of course ma'am, what is it?" Nightmare put the helmet back on her head.

"Tell her she has Nightmare on her side."


Meanwhile in Canterlot Celestia looked out into the night from her balcony. She had a very serious expression on her face. She felt it, she had felt a powerful presence enter the world. Scouts had not reported any sighting in the territory under her control. Which means Luna has met this power first. She walked away from the balcony. She could not let her plans be undone now. Not after a millenniumof planning. She went to her desk and took a sheet of paper and a quill and began writing.

To my Faithful Student,

I have felt a new power enter our world and fear it is now in the hands of the Lunar Republic. I do not know when or where this new power will show itself but I want you and your new friends to wear you Elements at all times so you can be ready to be deployed at any times. If you can take the power or if it's a pony convince them to join us do so but be prepared to take all measures if hostile. Hopefully it won't be needed but Equestria must be protected.

Princess Celestia.

Nightmare In the Lunar Republic Chapter 2

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