Nightmare In the Lunar Republic Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#12 of MLP

Nightmare Moon Adjust to life in this Alternate Equestria

A beam of sunlight awoke Nightmare Moon from her sleep. She glares at the light and groans as she wakes up. It has been days since she agreed to help out this version of Luna. Luna decide Nightmare Moon should eventually run her republic during the day, but only after they reveal her in battle. She was their secret weapon. She stretches out as her doors open. A unicorn mare with sky blue fur and a purple mane and tail. Lavender Sky was Nightmare Moon's top aid and the one least intimidated by the alicorn's appearance.

"Uuuhhhh!" Nightmare stretches, "Morning Lavender, what's on today's schedule?"

"Good morning Lady Moon." The unicorn pulled out a scroll and quill. "Hhhhmmmm, well you have breakfast with the princess, then your latest lessons on republic laws, lunch, then some magic practice with the Lunar Guard, free time, dinner with the princes, military meeting before the princess's Night Court." Nightmare Moon went to her vanity mirror and applied her eye shadow before commenting.

"I hope this is the last day of republic law, it is far more complicated then the rules of the Children of the Night."

"You can blame the House of Nobles for most of it, though the House of Commons does have a hoof in it. But yes we should be done by the end of the day."

"Thank the moon." Nightmare Moon decided to skip her armor for now and heads to the private dining room Luna used when not entertaining guest or foreign officials. As she walked the halls with Lavender in tow she noticed the guards eye her. She has yet to earn there respect and as it should be. Before she realize the truth she would have been annoyed at this reaction but she couldn't let it get to her. She was an alicorn of the night yes, but she was not the Princess of the Night. It's ironic, she had hoped to get her Luna to join cause with her at the Children's compound. Yet here in this world when the truth of her existence was all but slapped in her face, THIS Luna gave her a purpose to live for and got Nightmare Moon to side with her.

The doors to the dining room open and Nightmare Moon saw Princess Luna settling into her chair and notice Nightmare Moon walk in.

"AH, my dear Moon, I trust you had a good rest. I didn't notice any (snicker) nightmare's last night from you."

Nightmare shook her head and groaned.

"That was bad princess, really bad, however I did have a good night. I think by body is getting use to being awake during the day." Nightmare Moon sat down as a waiter came up to her as another brought out a pasta of some type to Princess Luna. Nightmare Moon scanned the menu and ordered some pancakes. The waiter quickly went to lavender who just ordered a daisy sandwich.

"So how does your lessons progress?" Luna asked as she took a bite of her pasta.

"Well according to Lavender I should be done by the end of the day." Nightmare Moon glared at Luna. "You have way too many laws for practicality."

"Yes, I know." Luna sighed. "The nobles are hell bent on their traditions. They seem to forget that many of these are also shared by the Solar Empire. I use the Royal Canterlot Voice so often that my guards have their own tradition betting on how long it takes me to use it and how many times I use it a night. I think the current record is thirty minutes and fifty times." The small smile Luna had suddenly died. "Handling the nobles like this was Celestia's job when we ruled together."

"You miss her don't you?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"Yes I do. We were always there for each other, amusing ourselves with the antics of Equestria's nobles. I don't know what your Celestia and Luna are like but my Celestia was not only my sister but my best friend, but I lost her a thousand years ago." Luna broke down and cried at her lost. Nightmare Moon extended a wing and hugged the smaller alicorn.

"I believe the relationship of my world's sisters was similar to yours. The Children's tales of them says they rule well and together for centuries or even millennia. The idea of the colony that started the Children of the Night and wanting more to appreciate it tore them apart. I cannot replace your sister, who could. But you have a friend in me. You gave me a reason to exist. I thank you for that. Time will not take me from you." Luna answered by hugging her.

"Thank you Nightmare Moon, my dear friend."

"Anytime, no finish your meal." Luna pouted before replying.

"And who gave you permission to order me around?"

"Well I am the bigger alicorn." Nightmare Moon replied with a smile. Luna smirked back before glowing white and expanded. When the glow faded Nightmare Moon saw a much taller and slightly more purple tinted Luna.

"I can be big if I want to, but I prefer the smaller size to better relate to my little ponies."

"Well your pasta will get cold."

"Fair point." Luna goes back to her default form and takes a bite as Nightmare Moon's pancakes arrive. Ever since she discovered pancakes she has loved them. Especially with that maple syrup, YYYYUUUUUMMMM! The two alicorns ate and made some small talk. Eventually the food and drinks were gone and Luna yawned. "Well I am off to bed, may you have a pleasant day Nightmare Moon."

"Rest well Princess Luna."

Hours later a frustrated Nightmare Moon walked back to the dinning room. She was FINALLY DONE with lessons on republic law. She was sorely tempted to burn that entire room to ash so she didn't have to look at it again. Almost worth any scolding Princess Luna would give her.

"Lavender, if I see one more scroll of laws I will reveal why I took the name NIGHTMARE MOON!" While Lavender was tempted to joke that there was one more scroll the lighting flashing in Nightmare's made said to lay off the joke. As they got into the dinning room Lavender went to the kitchen.

"Whatever Lady Moon orders have a cake made as well." Princess Luna suggested this action if Nightmare got this tick when she was assigned to the new lady of the court. Why she didn't know but Lavender was willing to try anything to cool her employer down. After placing her own order she joined Nightmare Moon at the table and she still felt the angry aurora. She didn't say a thing and let her charge simmer down. Their meals arrive and ate in silence but when that dark chocolate cake came in is a sight Lavender will never forget. Nightmare Moon was drooling at the sight. And just as it got in range, Nightmare Moon's canines chomped down and a carnage of cake ensued. 'Note to self, NEVER get between Nightmare Moon and a cake.' She mentally said as the cake disappeared in the splatter of frosting. Nightmare Moon final came up from the plate. 'Did she even breathe during that?' She licked her muzzle. Nightmare Moon noticed Lavender's shocked look and said.

"I regret nothing!"

"Feeling better now?"

"Much, thank you." Lavender just nodded and after a visit to the little filly's room and retrieving her armor Lavender left Nightmare's side and she joined the part of the Lunar Guard that Luna tasked with her exercise.

The unicorns tester her magical prowess. Luna already knew that as an alicorn Nightmare Moon had tremendous reserves of magic but how could she use it in combat was the question. She proved she had a vast array of spells for combat and could cast quickly and repeatedly. However her telekinetic skills with a weapon her a bit lacking and the guards will focus on that in further days.

The earth pony guards tested her hoof to hoof combat and proved skilled and equal to them so other then keep her in shape they were fine.

Pegasus, or bat pony in this case on the other hand showed while she was competent in flight she wasn't Shadowbolt material. That was among the things Princess Luna of her world showed an advantage in. Most of her remaining training time was with them practicing.

After that she took a relaxing bath and saw the sun go down. Checking the clock she saw it was only six o'clock. Then she remembered the situation of this world. With the Royal Sisters fighting one another in this civil war and agreement was made till the war was decided that each day was six am to six p, and every night was six pm to six am. The world did not want a repeat of Discord's reign. She got out and dried herself before meeting with Princess Luna for dinner.

After a nice dinner (where many familiar with the lore would consider unbelievable) the two alicorns further bonded before heading to the War Room. There many of Luna's top general's were studying the map of Equestria and the figurines on it. Many looked up in surprise at the site of Nightmare Moon.

"My Generals, this is Lady Nightmare Moon. She has recently join our cause and I have kept her secret so that we may surprise our foe when she is revealed."

"Gentlecolts." Nightmare Moon nods to them.

"Generals, spring has arrived and thus sadly the return of war. We need to plan our next move either defensively or offensively."

"Well your Highness," one of the generals began. " We plan on a campaign to take Cloudsdale starting with the seizing of the town of New Hoof. From there we hit Trotville then Coltanapolis then Cloudsdale itself. If we take Cloudsdale we'll have weather domination for the Empire will have to rely on whatever pegasi weather teams that any town will have and it will be a great staging area for a push to Canterlot."

"Defenses?" Luna asked them.

"The first two towns appear to be relatively light, militia primary. But there is a decent garrison nearby and Coltanapolis has a sizable garrison and of course Cloudsdale houses the bulk of Celestia's ariel power including her Wonderbolts. We have already made initial preperations for our main army to head in that direction so at most the Empire knows which coast we are focused on and could guest our intentions but we haven't made any clear moves to show our goal for there are many resource rich territories in the area." A pegasus stepped forward and pointed a hoof on the other coast.

"However a civilian in occupied land gave us disturbing news at Hurricane Falls. She reported the gathering of several mercenary groups in the area and saw a noble paying them bits or gems. The description she gave make it to likely be Prince Blueblood."

"So my so called nephew is out for glory. How big is his force?"

"Enough for a division." The pegasus general replied.

"That could cause a lot of trouble in the region." An earth pony general replied. "Likely target?"

"Crescent Glade. It's the main mining town in the region."

"From what I've heard my nephew is vain and greedy. This little army of mercs would have eaten his pockets and the bits and gems in Crescent Glade will replenish them and the glory of conquering a town will raise him a bit in my sister's court."

"And if he plans it right he could be trying to also negate our attack run on Cloudsdale by redirecting troops to stop him." Luna snorted.

"More likely my sister is make use of his actions rather then directing him. What kind of defenses to we have in the region?"

"A couple of battalions in garrisons troops and several militia forces."

"So another battalion should do from our regular forces. But who should lead our forces?"

"I will." Nightmare Moon stated. "My most recent experience has been defending and you have better equipped forces then I worked with. And they are expecting you with the main force right?" She asked Princess Luna. Princess Luna nods. "So they won't be expecting an alicorn in Crescent Glade."

"An excellent choice Lady Moon. I'll send part of my Lunar Guard and one of my best colonels with you. It will take a couple days to get them organized and I suggest you disguise yourself till the time is right."

Nightmare Moon got a malicious grin. "They will never know what hit them till it's too late."

"TO FREEDOM, TO EQUESTRIA, TO THE LUNAR REPUBLIC!" The generals chanted and Nightmare Moon prepared for war.

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