Alter Destiny Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#9 of MLP

Star Tried to figure just what happened to her.

Night Hammer paused to take a break from plowing. She looked around the night scape and noting the emptiness. It's been a few days since the bulk of the Children decided to follow Luna believing her to be the Princess of the Night. But Night Hammer and a couple dozen others stayed believing Nightmare Moon is the true Prince of the Night and await her return. But she and the others were growing concern. It has been days since they last saw her and what search parties they sent out haven't found a clue of her around. They were all worried that they may have made a mistake. A shuffling sound came to her attention and she looked to where is was coming from. At first she didn't see anything but then she noticed something tall in the trees. "Who goes there?" She commanded and the figure steps out of the trees to reveal Nightmare Moon, batter bruised and limping. "Your highness!" She raced over to try and support the large alicorn. "Easy there, come on I'll get you to the healer." Nightmare Moon said nothing and they walked to the compound. Nightmare moon kept her head down throughout the walk till they entered the compound. Several ponies saw them come in and rushed over cheering. Nightmare Moon looked over them and was saddened. "Is this all that's left?" She asked and Night Hammer nodded. "The rest went with Luna to Equestria." Nightmare Moon then looked over the crowd and a small smile came on her face. "Thank you all for still trusting me. We have a hard road ahead of us but we can do it. Return to your chores while I rest. Surviving a blast like that is no small feat and I need to recover." They bowed and with renewed vigor they went about their chores as Night Hammer lead her to the healer's alcove. She laid down and let the young unicorn healer look her over. "Cuts, bruises, strains, and a few magic burns but not to bad considering. Some anointment and bandages and importantly rest and you'll be fine your highness. Oh your hair it isn't stary anymore." "I know, my connection to the moon has been severed and that is the result. It also means by power is diminished so we have to act carefully. Especially with so few of us now. At least the enemy plaguing us for years is gone." "Thanks to you they are now as I said rest, I'll bring you some food and drink." Nightmare Moon nodded and just laid there and thought only to be interrupted by the food. 'Yes,' she thought as she ate. 'Planning will be everything now. But our main enemies believe me dead and as long as they think that the easier it is for us to act.'

Months Later

Star was about halfway home when she finally grew tired. She just traveled three days worth in one day. What the hay happened to her? Unpacking her kit she noticed her tent was ripped in several places. Thanking Celestia that she was a unicorn she used her magic and repaired the damage set it up and took out dinner. The apple cider helped calm her. 'What a freaking day. Nearly fall to by death a couple of times, nearly crushed by a collapsing castle, then attacked by strange bipedal ponies and that weird dream.' With a jaw breaking yawn she cleans up and heads into the tent and lays down to rest after a trying day. She found herself in a pasture that seemed to be near Ponyville in the middle of a bright sunny day. There was one oddity though. A strange door stood near her and seeming lead to nowhere. Curious she approached the doors and they looked like ones from that weird dream. When she got close they opened on their own and she stepped inside. She saw what looked like a comfy office. Red trimmed in the walls with a gold colored couch with a large painting of some strange thing, maybe some kind of ship flying among the stars. She scanned the room till she looked over a desk to see a creature matching the ones in her dream looking at her in surprise. She saw it lean over a bit to look behind her and she followed seeing the landscape she came from on the other side of the door still. "That wasn't there when I came earlier." The creature now male said. "I just went to bed and woke up on that plain and saw the door so don't look at me." "Why not, you're the first sentient pony to walk through those doors so that is an occasion to remember." The creature got up and walked to her and she noticed the uniform. It was what she wore in the dream. Before she could think further on that he held out a claw. "I think introductions are in order. I'm Paul Rasmussen Q, Marshal Admiral In the United Federation of Planets and commanding officer of the United Space Ship Firefox." She raised her hoof and smiled at him. "Name's Star Wander from the land of Equestria and adventure is my thing." "What kind of adventure?" "Finding lost magical artifacts." He snorted. "Should have you meet a friend of mine. You tow could probably chat for hours. Now then let's see how you ended up on my ship and how to get you back." Star gave a detailed report of her adventure and the Admiral's eyes quirked and the dream she mentioned. "Well that is interesting and seems to point me being in you rather then you being here. You experienced a memory of mine that I don't remember and that would be one that I would remember. Losing a ship is never easy and never forgotten lightly. You have given me much to think on young pony." He got up started walking and when he got to the doors they opened but not to the grassland before but to the bridge. "Miss Wanderer would you like a tour of this fine ship?" She smiled at him and replied. "Might as well, just a new kind of adventure." He chuckled and both head out to the bridge. Too say the bridge crew was shocked would be an understatement. "At ease Jack. We have a guest on board right now. Everyone this is Star Wanderer." She raised a hoof and said a meek hi. A male in the red uniform stammered out. "How...why....? Just when I think I have seen everything." The Admiral put a calw on his shoulder. "Jack when ever you are about the Firefox or the Enterprise, NEVER think that. They will throw you a curve just to spite you. You still have the bridge jack while I take our unexpected guess a tour of the ship." She followed him to an elevator and began their tour. He showed her the ships power plant, main lounge, the school area and ending on the ships Battle Bridge. "Why have two bridges?" she asked. "It's two fold. One should the main bridge be destroyed or rendered uninhabitable this can function in it's place or even engineering. The other is there are times when this ship needs to go into combat thus to protect the civilians on board we evacuate them onto the saucer and split the ship. During such times this is the lower sections bridge." She was about to comment when the whole ship shook. "Bridge what was that?" <Don't know sir are sensors don't show a thing.> He looked at Star and she replied. "I think I might be waking up." He nodded. "Okay well I'll take care of this end. You handle yours and I'll see you when I see you." The next thing she knew was she was yawning with her tent illuminated by the sun. She yawned and stretched and felt relaxed. It seems her body truly rested while she was with the Admiral. Well time to start her day. After a breakfast and other bodily necessities she packed up and kept heading for Ponyville at a good clip, a very good clip and she noticed the landscape go by and the constant slight breeze she had. She was not going to complain. The faster she got to Twilight the quicker they can figure this stuff out. At least it was a nice day and I enjoyed the weather with a small smile on my face. It was nearly sunset when she got to Ponyville. 'Amazing.' She thought. She went right to the the castle and knocked on the large doors. A familiar baby dragon opened the door. "Hey Star, Twilight said you went out adventuring. I didn't it I would see you again for a few more days." "Something came up and I need to see Twilight. Where is she?" "I'll give you one guess." In unison they both said. "THE LIBRARY!" The both chuckled and Star left Spike and heads to the library. She glanced around. Twilight has worked hard making her new home comfortable and pleasant rather then the cold sharp look it had when it was formed. She did see an occasional guard to, at both Celestia's and her brother's insistence Twilight was forced to have a platoon of Royal guards with her now. Twilight fought hard against it but lost but she did get a concession that they only guard the castle not her directly. Frankly Star agreed with the Celestia and Shining Armor. The castle was not Golden Oaks Library and was too big for just Twilight and Spike. That however did not stop Twilight. She maybe a princess now but in her mind she was still the town's librarian and not even Celestia could dissuade her. Among the first things she did was order in books to replace those lost with Golden Oaks and setup a new library in the castle. When it is open is when you see the most guards and they guarded the more private areas of the castle from those visiting the library. But the Library was closed to the public at this hour so the Guard did a patrol of the castle so she was able to open the doors to the library and looked in. The one thing this place had of old Golden Oaks was room. Star thought Twilight was trying to rival the Royal Library and was probably a good idea. If a disaster befell one the other could be safe. She found her friend immersed in a book. Star also guess she had to do some royal duty before hand for Twilight was wearing her crown. Knowing her friend she probably forgot about it. Downside of the non elemental crown, Twilight had less incentive to keep track of it then it's predecessor which had the Element of Magic imbedded in it. Her friend was so engrossed in her reading it was just too perfect to pass up. Star started sliently approaching the purple alicorn. Twilight was deep in study on a magic theory when someone yelled in her ear. "HEY! SPARKS!" "EEEEEEEAAAAAAAAA!" The next thing she knew she was halfway to the ceiling and she heard loud laughter, a familiar laughter. Looking down she saw her unicorn friend hugging her sides still laughing hard. "Star Wander you are so going to get it when you least expect it!" The unicorn just brushed it off. "Nah you'd for get in a week." "You just keep thinking that. So that was a short trip for you, was it a bust?" "Not quite, I've got a dozy of the story to tell you." Star went about what happened at the castle ruins and her trip back. Twilight listened intently tapping a hoof to her muzzle throughout it all as she absorbed what her friend said. "So you now have a being or maybe a part of a being in you that you can only talked to while sleeping and had your abilities increased. Time for the lab." Star had just enough time to shake her head as she is pulled behind the alicorn. "SPIKE! Send a message to Princess Luna. I need her here as soon as possible!" "GOT IT!" Star saw a flare of green behind her as she was lead down to Twilight's new lab. After the library the lab was the second most completed section of the castle. Very little of Twilight's original lab was salvageable but being Celestia's former student and then a Equestrian princess she manage to replaced the equipment quickly. In no time Star found herself strapped in a series of devices. "Okay Star lift those weights and move them around." Star nodded and focused her magic. A gold glow appeared on her horn then around the spheres and then they lifted at various heights. Then she flew them around at various speeds before forming them in that weird star delta that the admiral wore. "Okay that's enough." Star put them back and asked. "So what did you find?" Twilight looked at the graph. "Well your magical aura is different then last time I measured it and tad stronger but what's really interesting is the brain scans." Twilight pointed to the readings and Star looked. "It's faint but noticeable. You have two brain patterns in your head." Star just stared in stunned shock at the implications. "Star, Star you okay? I know it's a lot to take in." Star looked to her friend in shock. "A LOT TO TAKE IN! TWI I HAVE A BUCKING CREATURE LIVING IN MY HEAD DOING CELESTIA KNOWS WHAT TO MY BODY!" She felt a hoof on her shoulder. "Hey it will be okay, from the sounds of it this Admiral seems like a nice guy and wants answers as much as you do." "How do you know Twi? He may not mean to but he could change who I am. No one can understand what this is like." "I wouldn't be so sure of that young unicorn." Both Twilight and Star look over to see Princess Luna and a black unicorn looking a bit winded. "Princess Luna! You got here fast thank you." Twilight said. " When a fellow Princess, especially one I owe much too says to hurry of course I would come quickly. Plus it was a good test on Nightshadow's teleporting abilities." "GEE, thanks!" The Unicorn groaned causing Luna to grin. Twilight was happy for the Night Princess. Taking Nightshadow as a student has done well for her. She is even more expressive and mischievous than before. Much like her older sister. She then approached Star. "Twilight Sparkle has spoken well of you Star Wanderer and I am charmed to meet you. Now shall we meet this guest of yours?"

Alter Destiny Chapter 3

Star looked around her dreamscape, it was still the same grassy plains she had gotten used to over these past few days. Her actual body was with the others in a room in Twi's castle. She waited patiently for the others to appear. "Everypony okay?"...


Girl From Equestria Chapter 2

She awoke the next morning with the sun shining in her room. She stretched and got up grabbed her clothes. She opened the bedroom door and peaked out. Not seeing Spirit and went to the bathroom and after some relief she decided to try the shower....

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Alter Destiny Chapter 1

Altered Destiny By Admiral Q As Celestia's sun shown through the window it was time for Star Wanderer to begin her day. She was a unicorn with red fur and a gold mane with a red zigzagging stripe going through it and her tail with a gold six...
