Virgin Virus - Ch8: Ice

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#8 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Eight-

  • Last Chapter: -

The whole gang reunites: Dose, Rafael, Yuri, Aoi, Nina, Sebastian, Ariyoshi, Rude, Tobey, Jason, Boto. Raiko wakes up and even Alex is brought in by someone mysteriously familiar. It is a relaxing moment. And Raiko just spends the rest of the night thinking about many things...

It is a long series, and each chapter is usually gonna be long. Some will contain more

drama, others will contain more yiff, others more actions. Some will be perfect, some will

not. Above all, I pretend to make a series of stories that leave you with something more.

Disclaimer: If you're on this site it's assumed that you're 18 years or older. If you're not

reading this from Yiffstar, then someone must've stolen this. Most content is homosexual, so

if you don't approve, don't bother.

The heat of morning dawn breaks into the underground base. As the day begins, it was just a matter of time for their dwellers to awaken.

Raiko stands on the crossroads between the dorm hall and the various catwalks that lead to the underground's various labs. Still not fully awake, his mind had been running reruns of the same thoughts over and over again. His head was busy replaying his childhood instead of resting, and he was sort of zombie like as he stood.

He threaded to the glistening halls of the showers. He had been cursed to always bathe alone; his electric nature could shock everyone in the room. He was sure that rinsing water would restore his energies and snap him awake. Cold water was in order.

With a few dozen steps, he stands under the shower head, and turns the water to the coldest setting. His tense muscles somehow relax under the chill of the water that rained upon him. He lifts his head, his eyes closed, shivering a bit at the cold, but overall just enjoying the shower. He took the special soap and began to properly scrub his body clean.

He put some instinctive attention on his groin, his flaccid member, thinking about what he had talked with Monk a few hours into the midnight before. He chuckled at himself, and the mere thought had driven to his cock, being fondled and scrubbed by his left hand, and it started to throb a bit.

  • "I'll probably end up taking that proposition..." - he said to himself.

The shower didn't last long, within minutes he had shut off the water, satisfied and much more, relaxed, and clean above all. He dried himself quickly, with his own yellow towel, and then stepped outside.

  • "Hmm... it's been so long." - he touches the unique tingle of hunger.

  • "What if I ask him now..."- he kept thinking to himself. He abstained to jack off to thoughts of the lad, but as he kept thinking, it was harder to keep a straight face and a well behaving dick. He slid to the dorm hall, and looked around the dozen doors of each wall.

  • "There are so many doors..." - the dorm rooms were basically half occupied, the other half vacant.

  • "I wonder which one hides Monk..." - Raiko tiptoes his clawed feet along the gray hall, looking at the closed doors, which all looked the same.

  • "This one." - he randomly chose a door to push, expecting to be locked out, but this one opened. Raiko widened his eyes once he peeked inside.

  • "Bingo." - Raiko saw Monk sleeping on the bed, face down near the left wall, while Yun lay on the bed to the right wall. Raiko found himself ogling at Monk's smooth, round rump, which stood out from the messed up sheets.

  • "What are you doing?" - before Raiko could think or take another breath, he's caught by the red haired Jason. Raiko turns and meeps to face the cross armed incubus with a serious face.

  • "Ah! Hey dude..." - Raiko laughs nervously and scratches his head.

  • "Close the door, will ya? They're trying to sleep." - Jason orders, and Raiko sighs then obeys. The door clicks close, and Jason grins.

  • "I missed you buddy. Why so shy all of a sudden?" - Jason hugs Raiko, who almost blushes, then sighs in comfort.

  • "I missed you too!" - Raiko squeezes back, sending some tingling static into Jason.

  • "Dude, things are not the same without you." - Jason mutters.

  • "Heheh, I know. I've been thinking a lot." - Raiko smirks.

  • "Bout what?" -

  • "Uh... I'd rather not tell." -

  • "Well, you know I don't forget. If you don't tell me now I'll burn your ass later." -

  • "Yes, oh mighty flame lord." -

Both look at each other's eyes and snicker like kids.

  • "Let's look for Boto. He misses you even more than I do." - Jason pats Raiko's back.

  • "Later we have to get back to the lab." -

  • "Yeah, sure." -

Both agree and walk together along the dorm hall, to look for Boto...

  • "Sin!" - his name echoed every hour, on the hour. My head didn't stop. I thought that my shadow would finally let me sleep, but this voice keeps haunting me. It's not Sin's. But, what is Sin, anyway?

I'm soon deprived of sleep, or rather, saved from the nightmare, but a loving, warm sensation all over my body, and I open my eyes.

  • "Hehe, my kisses transcend dreams." - Rafael smiles warmly.

  • "They certainly do, hun." - I smile back.

  • "Come, wake up, we have a big day today." - Raiko tugs my leg.

  • "No daddy. I wanna stay here." - I giggle.

  • "There won't be any dessert for you if you stay here." - Rafael grimaces.

  • "Ok, ok daddy. I love you." - I sit on the edge of the bed, my eyes half open and my arms spread, asking for a big hug.

  • "I love you too my little demon." - Rafael and I share a warm hug.

  • "Oh, stop the mushy nonsense. I'm not so little when I go hyper." - I snicker.

  • "Oh? So should I change rules just like that? You're not hyper right now, are you?" - Rafael moans and giggles.

  • "Nah." - I stand up, hugging his waist and pulling him to me.

  • "Let's go see the doctor." -

  • "When we get back, you must get hyper on me." - Rafael whispers.

  • "Oh, yes baby." - I answer.

We both make our way to the Main Lab, as we're so accustomed to do, closing the door behind us.

Inside the lab, there was Sebastian, Raiko, Yun, Monk, Jason, Carl and of course Oscar.

  • "What a crowd." - the first thing that crosses my mind at the sight.

  • "Morning." - I greet.

  • "Guten Morgen." - the doctor mumbles loudly to answer, as he typed away at the console in front of him.

  • "Hey guys." - Raiko greeted

  • "Yo." - Sebastian and Jason said in a chorus.

  • "Hey." - Carl and Yun as well.

  • "Morning all." - Rafael returns the greetings.

  • "Today, we begin a big assignment. Our Main Objective is to convince the Military Leader to join forces with us. Yun, any information you can lend us?" - the doctor stands in the middle of the room, looking around as he explains.

  • "His name is Hoyt, general Hoyt. He's an Ice wielder of the highest class, which makes him quite fearsome." - Yun says

  • "You think diplomacy can be held?" - Oscar asks.

  • "Well, yes, but he's kind of unpredictable sometimes." -

  • "In case negotiations don't become a possibility, I have a backup plan." - the doctor mumbles.

Everyone nods, all our faces in dead seriousness, full of determination.

  • "In case I need to bug you, or if you need help, I'll hand the transceivers now." - the doctor hands us each a wrist device like the one he had given his son on our previous assignment, and we strap them on in a moment's notice.

  • "I will be able to track your movements more efficiently with those, but around the Outer Shores, the signal has a lot of trouble catching you." - he said, then he turned back to the console to resume his typing. He commands the portal device to turn on, and in moments the familiar portal materializes.

Carl squeezes Yun goodbye. No words are shared, the looks they gave each other was enough. Asking one to take care, the other not to worry. Carl steps beside his father.

I looked around, I really couldn't tell what everyone was thinking. Everyone seemed ready for the task at hand, and willing to take the necessary risk. We had been relayed the minimal information we needed. My mind and heart was just focuses on duty. Rafael ha kept squeezing me tightly and lovingly as the doctor kept barking up orders. Then we step into the portal, one by one.

The familiar distortion and its following dissipation, and we pop where we last left off, behind the rock with the otherworldly tree atop. They sky seemed brighter than the last time, but still scattered with dark clouds.

  • "Yun, lead the way." - Jason said. After all, this rocky path was familiar only to Yun.

We follow all in a line. As we traversed the rocky road, each turn was blind, and each curve became more and more pronounced.

  • "Bzzt... So I'll explain the details." - our transceivers had buzzed on with the doctor's voice.

  • "Jason, Rafael, Raiko and Dose will form team A; Yun, Monk and Sebastian will form Team B. Team A will go in first, then later on Team B. Further into the mission, if deemed necessary by you or me, I'll send Rude, Ariyoshi and Hayden, as Team C. In case you need to engage and find yourselves in trouble, the button on the wrist will allow you to speak to your teammates." - the doctor explained

  • "Press and hold to speak, release to end... I think that covers it. I'm monitoring your movements closely. Godspeed." - the doctor buzzes out.

  • "Let's haste." - Yun pauses and turns a moment, looking at us with worry. - "This place is too desolate for comfort." -

We all shift to glides and dashes along the cliffs that flanked us. A mile goes by faster with our sped up pace. Yun stops again.

  • "I'm surprised we haven't faced any guards. Stay alert." - Yun warns us.

  • "Moving several meters further we come across a structure, something I had never seen before. That must've been the base. It had two levels, the bottom one with a huge gate, and small windows marking sub-floors. And the top level was further back, leaving a balcony of sorts over the first. The top level had just small windows. The base seemed to be carved out of the solid cliff rock. And over the gate, a sign, written in our ancient language. I try to decipher.

  • "Mit... milt... ugh." - I even force my eyes but I simply could not understand what I read.

  • "Military Realm Defense." - Rafael reads it fluently.

The gate that sealed of us was made of a metal. It seemed rusty, but sturdy beyond its years.

  • "I'm still concerned that we haven't met with resistance, but let's continue in. Remember what he said with our devices and communicate if you need to." - Yun said in a loud voice.

I look at Rafael, who stepped behind me, hugging me.

  • "So now it's Jason, Sebastian, Raiko and Dose, right?" - mutters Monk.

  • "Yep." - Jason just stares at the military emplacement.

  • "What should we expect inside? What path should we take?" - I ask.

  • "Why don't I go with Team A. They sure will need me as guide." - Yun comments.

  • "Then I'll stay with Team B." - Rafael adds.

  • "Good. So we're ready then?" - Yun asks. Raiko, Jason and I nod.

  • "So, Team B: stay on your toes. Guards are bound to find you and they're combat trained, as you can expect. They must be on break now or something." - Yun announces, then we, Team A, turn to face the structure.

  • "Let's go." - Yun hops away and slips into one of the windows high above. I squeeze Rafael and give him one last glance, and I follow, along with Raiko and Jason.

Inside, we step into a lobby, a dim lit room. It was expanse, and behind us, the metallic gate. But the switch was not around, so we couldn't concern ourselves about that. The floor had a tiled design to it, most likely their War Emblem. To the walls on the east and west were doors, the same rusty metal as the gate, and in front of us, a set of stairs that led to three more doors. If you look above, the ceiling had a sort of circular metal door. I wondered why that was there.

After my moment of looking around, Yun leads us over the stairset, to the middle door at the north wing. It was locked, just like the rest. To its side, at hand level, a small crystal pad. Yun placed his hand on the pad, and the door slides upward, revealing the path we were about to take. The tiling design changed from a peculiar red to grey, and a black line divided both. Yun steps into the hall, and so does Jason, but my toeclaw barely goes past the division, when the door shuts back down, severing our team.

  • "Hey!" - Raiko shouts. Suddenly, we were separated. We had to tell Tea B.

  • "What the hell?!" - I knew something weird was gonna happen soon. We all knew it. But we really couldn't expect it.

Raiko tries to drive his lightning-surging arm into he metal door, but he almost breaks his claws. A loud clank is echoed into the room.

  • "Ow!'s too hard." - Raiko grabs his hand.

  • "I knew something like this was gonna happen." - I mumble.

From the ceiling falls a demon through the metal gate, which closes soon after. The demon slams at the center of the emblem design. Slowly, he tilts his head to look at us, with a grin.

  • "Outsiders! We've been tracking you. Hoyt was merciful to delay his punishment this far. It is odd that Yun forgot about this place and its hidden traps." -

The guard that faced us had a bulky body, similar in shape to Jason's. His head was shaved, and his fur greenish brown. He had three black stripes painted vertically across his face.

  • "Let's avoid bloodshed, yes? Surrender now!" -

  • "We're here to see Hoyt." - I say.

  • "Hoyt is very straightforward, and he had ordered us to stop you once you made it here. If you can get past us, then you may have the chance to see him. He will not be as soft as I will be on you." -

Raiko drops from the staircase, to face the guard more closely.

  • "You talk a lot. And you don't need to go soft on us." - Raiko tenses up, readying for action.

  • "None has dared to cross our paths in years." - the guard grabs a black hilt protruding from the back of his shoulder, much like were Yun hides his sword.

  • "So you're just bored then?" -

  • "Oh, don't try to make this amusing... Come, face Maseng!" - with a swinging motion, he pulls out the hilt, releasing a huge hexagonal morningstar, spinning it with his hands before grabbing it, spreading his legs into battle position. The spike-ridden head of the mace shined and Maseng's eyes burned with singular fury.

The metal trap had severed Team A in half, leaving Jason and Yun in the long, badly lit hall. Jason smashes a flaming fist against the door.

  • "Damn it!" - Jason shouts.

  • "Yun, you know this place. Did you know about this?" - Jason faces his partner. Yun looks along the hall.

  • "They must've been tracking us." - Yun growled.

Before Jason and Yun's eyes, blue lightning crackles out of the air and converges into a single point, an instant later dispersing with a blast of static, and in its wake, Lestat. Unfamiliar to Jason, but Yun knew him. Lestat slowly leans up to face his captives, with a grin.

  • "So silly of you to forget these obvious traps. The other doors were gonna be much worse though." - he spoke in a devilish voice.

  • "Lestat!" - Yun readies his battle stance, sliding out the Shiroi-Aoi. Jason readies as well.

  • "Betraying us now...? It was just a matter of time." - Lestat mutters mockingly.

  • "We need to see Hoyt." -

  • "Everyone needs to see Hoyt. You know how he works. He ordered us to take care of you. If you get past me, you'll face him, but Yun; you know he's much worse." - Lestat chuckles.

  • "That won't be a problem." - Jason tightens his fist, which envelops in flames.

  • "Oh, we have a fire wielder here. Lovely." - Lestat shrugs, then slides both his hands out of his folded wings. Lightning surges through them.

Monk, Rafael and Sebastian stand outside, waiting for the appropriate cue.

  • "So... this is for the sake of our species..." - Monk mumbles to himself.

  • "I never thought I'd get involved in something like this..." -

  • "You're Monk, right?" - Rafael asks the lad.

  • "Yes, I am." - Monk answers.

  • "Isn't this place a little underprotected? I mean, a military base should be watched on its perimeter at all times, shouldn't it?" - Sebastian wonders.

  • "Well, yeah. This is an odd occurrence." - Monk mutters.

  • "We probably fell into a trap." - Rafael comments.

The trio steps forward, but multiple arrows fall on the feet and burrow themselves, like spears. Above on the abode, a pair of demon guards; an incubus and a succubus, both sporting mohawks, and the male an eyepatch. Both the same height, minimal definition, cream-brown fur. The female had five black stripes painted on her face, the male four. The incubus also held a bow, and a quiver was attached to his back sideways.

  • "Monk, you know why we're here." - the succubus speaks.

  • "Uh, oh... umm... we need to see Hoyt." - Monk steps back.

  • "We? You are siding with them?" - the incubus speaks.

  • "It's a matter of survival or extinction." - Rafael prepares for conflict.

  • "So you're guards. We have to force our way through you then?" - Sebastian growls and spreads his magnificent wings.

  • "So we're up against a pair of blues. Great." - the succubus grins.

  • "Leave the big one to me." - the eyepatch incubus growls, tightening an arrow in his bow, pointed at Sebastian.

  • "Where's the rest of the unit?" - Monk asks.

  • "Does not concern you, traitor." - the mohawk succubus shouts.

  • "I thought this would be more diplomatic." - Rafael growls, spreading his angel wings.

  • "Where's the fun in diplomacy." - the succubus mocks, adopting an offensive, cat-like stance.

  • "Just who are you?" - Sebastian shouts, flapping his wings, making him hover.

  • "Gale." - the eyepatch incubus keeps his arrow pointing straight at Sebastian's heart.

  • "Rose." - the succubus opens her claws, they extend like a felines.

  • "You, on the higher plane. Stay where you are. Two versus one is not very fair, is it?" - Maseng points at me, with his huge mace.

  • "I only need myself to finish you." - Raiko growls in a cocky tone, and swipes his claw forward, whipping a thunderbolt at Maseng, who catches it with the hexagonal head.

  • "You have wings and lightning. I expect a challenge from you." - Maseng maintains his dominant grin.

Not letting a moment waste, Maseng hops towards Raiko, slamming down his mace. The tiles break below its impact, and it bounces. Raiko dashes to the left in a sidestep. Maseng roars again and swings the mace leftward, forcing Raiko to dodge by jumping. As soon as Maseng sees his attack miss, he slides forward and swings the morning star upwards at the airborne Raiko. Leaning back, he barely dodges the hit; he still gets hit on the shin by Maseng's swift hit. Raiko's slammed back to the ground, the tiles below him cracking.

Raiko stands swiftly from the cracked tiles. He lunges at Maseng at lightning speed, Raiko engulfed with electricity. The instant Raiko's above Maseng, he dives with the force of a meteor. Maseng manages to hop away from Raiko's offensive, the thunder demon blasting another small crater.

  • "Hoho, you can do better, Can't you!" - Maseng thrusts the blunt head of the mace at Raiko, who still was recovering from his strong attack. With no chance to avoid it, Raiko's stricken, his body sliding a few meters along the cold tiled floor.

The heavy mace hit so hard that he was gasping for air. Raiko manages to lean up. Maseng wastes no time, slamming the hilt in place and pole-vaulting with his mace off the ground into a diving kick.

A war cry is heard form Maseng as he impacts the floor, sinking a foot at the sheer strength of the attack. Raiko had rolled to the right. He stands and embraces Maseng, who remained stuck on the floor.

  • "Try absorbing my lightning now!" - Raiko surges his victim with hundreds of watts of electricity. Maseng struggles and roars in pain between Raiko's grip and the heavy surge of energy that's damaging him.

  • "Bastard!" - the guard manages to take control and headbutts Raiko out of his shocking grip. The sudden to the head rendered Raiko dizzy for a moment. Maseng hops and backflips away to recover the mace, which remained driven into the ground.

  • "No more playing!" - Raiko faces his foe, raising his hand above his head. A ball of lightning concentrates above, the size of his own torso. Raiko swings his arm down. A massive arc of yellow electricity is sent at Maseng. As the bolt impacts the ground, it generates an electrified explosion, further destroying toe floor. Maseng had hopped out of the way.

  • "I saw that coming from a mile away." - Maseng jumps towards Raiko. He dived with the head of his mace pointed downwards, legs supporting on it and adding to the weight. Raiko dodges Maseng's asteroid attack by inches, and stumbles a bit. Maseng hops from the small crater, shoving out the mace from the floor and spinning it back to a battle stance.

  • "You're quite agile." - Raiko commends his enemy.

  • "I thought you wouldn't last so long." - Maseng grins.

  • "Oh, but we've just started." - Raiko growls, swinging a hand upwards, and from below Maseng arcs upwards a lightning bolt that he can't dodge. The shock sends him stumbling on his back, tearing a burn across his body.

  • "Ungh... ingenious! Let's see you do that... ungh... again!" - Maseng dusts off the burn and dashes forward, driving his mace into the ground and swinging form it into a propelled flying kick. Raiko was distracted for a moment and gets hit on the ribs. The impact sends Maseng sliding over Raiko's body

Maseng grabs the bottom of the mace with both hands, raising it above his head, preparing for a lethal smash. Raiko recovers back on his feet from under Maseng as the morning star comes down with the strength of a wrecking ball. Raiko counters by swinging an electrified claw at Maseng, but his foe snaps back.

The guard swings the mace under Raiko's feet, sweeping him off his foundation. Maseng then grabs the mace pole lightly, and slams the base on Raiko's ribcage.

  • "AAarrgh!!" - Raiko screams from utter pain, grabbing where his rib is hurt.

  • "That'll put you down for a while." - Maseng smiles victoriously as Raiko faints, his body surging with tiny sparks.

  • "You bastard!" - I scream and hop down from the abode on the crater filled floor. I had been gripping my member as they fought, just like Sin did in my dream, squeezing it. As I come down, the transformation takes but an instant, the usual pain of the sudden bulging of my muscles but a mere tingle.

  • "Wasting no time in mourning, eh?" - Maseng only glances, then comes down with a vertical swing. I instinctively block the heavy mace, managing to grab it.

  • "Hell! This is too heavy or you to even hold, how are you blocking it?" - Maseng struggles.

  • "Never underestimate - " - I growl, in control of my powerful transformation. Maseng was gonna pay.

  • "ME!" - finishing my sentence, I push Maseng into the ground.

The guard struggles against my boosted force, and our struggle causes the floor to crack.

Frustration filled his face as he gazed back into my snarling face. The mace bumps the guard's chest as I push it further down on him.

  • "How are you-? How did you?!" - Maseng exclaims in the struggle.

I just roar in response, leaning back one of my arms while the other keeps Maseng under submission. With a loud grunt, I drive my hand, aimed at Maseng's face. He turns, and my claws barely scratch his cheekbone. I shove my hand out of the hole it made, to ready another thrust.

  • "You're not as strong as you think!" - Maseng growls, and he manages to push me off of him and stand. As he recovered, he picks his morning star back up, breathing heavily, his energy wasted in the struggle.

I stand, feeling the throbbing erection I usually get whenever I go hyper, as it bumped my body. The struggle against Maseng definitely shaved off some arousal into my body. I see Maseng looking fixatedly at it, and I just clench my clawed fist.

  • "Amusing. You got quite a weapon there between your legs." - Maseng chuckles as he readies his position, tensing his muscles, holding the head of his mace behind him.

  • "Eyes on me!" - I roar, dashing with a swipe ready at his body. Stepping in front of him, the slash comes out, but I only cut the thin air.

  • "You're slow!" - Maseng had stepped under the cutting arm and behind me he countered, bashing my muscular back with the spiked head of the mace.

  • "AAargh!" - I roar in pain, turning to face Maseng, who slowly stepped sideways around me.

Stepping in front of one of the columns, he swings the mace at my knee. Seeing it, I react to grab it. The spikes pierce my hand, but I stop the morning star mid-swing, then grab the pole with the other hand, pulling it and dragging Maseng along.

  • "Hey!" - Maseng tries to pull back, but my strength dominates.

I swing it to the side, trying to yank it off of Maseng, but he manages to hold it. It turns into a tug of war for the dreaded weapon.

  • "Let go!" - I growl deeply.

  • "I'm not just goanna hand it to you!" - Maseng shouts, he pulls himself closer along the mace's pole. Once in front of me, he looks down at me with a chuckle. I snarl, then he reaches for my erect member. It doesn't fit in his hand because of its hyperphallic size, but he squeezes what he grabs hold of forcefully, forcing a moan out of my muzzle.

  • "Ahh!" - his touch sends a surge of pleasure that ripples all over my body. The moment of weakness makes me lose grip of the mace, and Maseng pulls it off my hands, dashing back into a defensive stance.

  • "You have a very visible weakness between your legs." - Maseng grimaces.

I had never thought about it... Not only does the hyper form last a short time, my cock always grew and throbbed in desire to be pleasured, and as I ignored it, it remained hard and steady. And it made the perfect weak spot... I just groan at the realization.

  • "You may want to carry some sort of restraint next time." - Maseng mocks.

Not even I know why, but what he just said made me snap. In a dash, I thrust my right claw, going to rip his core out. I was very sure it was gonna hit, but I couldn't see him kneeling. My hand just flies past him. Then I feel the base of his mace's shaft bump my core, hard.

  • "This was too easy." -

That last hit was a mere touch, but suddenly I feel weak, vision becomes blurry and I fall on my back. Did my hyper mode just run its course? Or was it his doing?

  • "Pressure points are fun to toy with, that's how I shut off your buddy back there." - Maseng looks at Raiko for a moment.

He squats beside me, holding the mace with one hand, supporting on the shaft.

  • "This is quite a piece of work you have here." - I feel his rough hand touch my solid cock.

  • "Sometimes I dream of having a thing as big as this." - Maseng chuckles, playing with my cock's tip. I just blink heavily, trying to stay awake. Then a shudder overcomes my body, making it shiver whole as it shrinks in just moments back to normal size, not before by huge cock releasing a few streams of cum.

  • "Oh! Hey!" - Maseng's startled at the unexpected orgasm. Before I lose my battle to stay awake, I catch a glimpse of him slurping some of my cum that lands on him...

The guarding incubus slips his index finger out of his mouth, swallowing the thick wad of cum that covered it.

  • "Tasty. I've always wondered what another male tasted like." - Maseng looks at Dose, who lied there, exhausted and unconscious from their brief scrap.

  • "Time to take you to our boss." - Maseng chuckles one last time as he picked up both bodies above his shoulders, having embedded the mace in his body, the small portion of the shaft sticking out of his shoulder just like he started.

  • "Think fast!" - Lestat growls at the intruding demons before him. He swipes his claw, a lightning coming forth at Yun. Yun releases his sword and blocks the electric strike, but when he focuses again, Lestat was no longer there.

  • "Where is he?" - Jason shouts at the sly demon's disappearance. Lestat had slipped behind them, and he grinds a claw on Yun's lower spine, forcing out a surge of electricity into Yun's core.

  • "Gyaah!!" - Yun cries out at the ambush, unable to move from Lestat's paralyzing shock. Jason blasts the thunder demon with a blazing fireball.

  • "Gah!" - Lestat is forced to step away, releasing Yun from the shock.

  • "Two against one ain't very fair now, is it? I guess our friend Yun is out for the count anyway." - Lestat grins as Yun wobbles in place, his vitality sapped by the intense surge. His knees buckle and give away to his collapsing body. He manages to hold with his sword stabbed into the floor. Jason holds Yun's shoulder.

  • "Yun..." -

  • "He put me out so soon... that son of a - " -

  • "Don't give up... we can take him." -

  • "No. Actually, you can't. Yun specializes in hand-to-hand combat, I specialize in these lovely lightning bolts - " as he speaks, he extends his hand upwards, blue electricity surging around it - " It's like rock-paper-scissors. And scissors just shocked paper out of commission! can't you see the smoke sizzle out of him?" - Lestat laughs.

  • "You babble too much. I'm gonna incinerate your ass!" - Jason roars, engulfing his whole forearm in fire and swinging it in Lestat's direction. Lestat just warps out of the way, and in front of the fire wielder.

  • "Come now!" - Lestat leans forward, breathing at Jason's startled face. The lightning demon swipes across Jason's chest with his claw, piercing his skin like a diamond blade. It was just a scratch, but blood flowed out of the wound like water. The demon wastes no time in cauterizing his wound with his own flame. The quick process is twice as painful as the wound itself, but he couldn't afford bleeding to death. He growled sharply as he ran his finger along the line, which went across his chest.

  • "Ungh..." - Jason grunts.

  • "You're boring me." - Lestat says as he changes his playful face for the cold eyes of a killer. He reaches at Jason's left hand, which was over the fire demon's chest. Making contact, Lestat grips and sends an intense amount of energy into Jason, crackling loudly.

  • "Let's see how much can you take!" - the devilish demon shouts, baring his vampire-like fangs. Jason is now paralyzed as the electricity slowly saps his life away, his body twitching. Not having many options, the fire demon engulfs himself in flames.

  • "What are you - " - Lestat's eyes widen as his victim's body soon is seemingly made of fire. His shock treatment stops being any effective as the fires concentrate on Jason's core. The raw fire burns Lestat's hand, forcing him to release. The lightning demon looks at his burned hand, with severe wounds on it.

  • "Bastard!!" - Lestat is distracted and snarls at the sting of the burns, not noticing that the fire demon's flames burned the walls and ceiling, almost reaching Yun's body who kept back the whole time.

  • "Try running from this." - Jason growls from inside the flames. The fire that covered his body became an explosion. The burning force sends Lestat across the hall. Jason kneels, unable to remain on his fit because of how much energy he lost, he was surrounded by burned walls that emanated smoke.

  • "Jason... be careful next time." - muttered Yun, who remained seated as his body remained unresponsive from Lestat's initial shock treatment.

  • "That certainly hit him hard." - Jason mumbles as he catches his breath.

Several feet across, Lestat struggled to stand up, having been blasted off by Jason's explosion. As he walks towards them again, Jason growls.

  • "Hmph, he's still standing." - Jason grunts.

  • "This is the second time they do this to me." - Lestat complains as he stands before the weakened Jason and Yun.

  • "Oh, you spent yourself back there. And I thought I'd finally met a worthy opponent." - Lestat grunts.

  • "You seem to have felt the sting." - Jason growls loudly.

  • "Hmph." - Lestat's body was pretty burnt up, blackened spots all over.

  • "You're a real fucker for burning my hand." - Lestat extends his hand, his eyes shift yet again to those of a killer. A web of electricity rips through both Yun and Jason. A moment of spasming and convulsing, and both faint.

  • "I would kill you two now, but I'm sure Hoyt has a better, more appropriate punishment at hand." - Lestat looked down on his defeated opponents.

Rose and Gale stood with fierce eyes, ready to face the two intruders.

  • "I guess we don't have a choice, do we?" - Rafael mutters as he dashes at Rose, who twitched with anticipation. Pulling back then thrusting himself forward, Rafael strikes with his angel wings, using them as blades. Rose hopes out of the way. As Rafael retracts his wings, Rose comes down on him with her claws engulfed in violet aura. Her attack misses, but her claws cut clean through the ground, then slip out like nothing.

  • "Those are I beautiful. A shame I have to cut them." - Rose grins.

  • "I don't really want to fight you." - Rafael says.

  • "You made the first attack, fool. And don't give me any bullshit because I'm female!" - Rose swipes her left claw backwards, forth comes a wave in unrelenting speed. Rafael covers himself with his wings, the attack not fazing them.

Rose growls seeing her attack have no effect, then hops sideways.

Gale releases the arrow he had tightened at Sebastian. The sharp projectile flies faster than sound, but with a flap of Sebastian's huge wings, the arrow flies skyward.

  • "Hmph." - Gale snorts. - "You wield the wind itself." -

  • "Yes." - Sebastian growls, hovering majestically.

  • "Then I've found myself a match." - Gale mumbles to himself as he brings out three more arrows from the quiver. The tightened arrows ready and aimed at Sebastian.

  • "Don't compare yourself to me." - Sebastian roars. He pulls back his hands then pushes forward with a simultaneous flap, a concentrated gust blasted at Gale.

The burst of wind fails to hit Gale, he rolls away from it, the quickly aims and fire the triple arrows at Sebastian. Like the first time, the volley's arrows failing to hit their mark due to the wind blowing in all directions.

  • "This is gonna be harder than I thought." - Gale thinks to himself.


  • "Don't waste your time. You wanted to fight, fight!" - Rafael suddenly is filled with fury, dashing at Rose. She backflips away from him.

  • "Oh, battles are not just about lunging at your opponent. You obviously have had no battle training. Unusual for a blue like you." - Rose swipes out another violet wave that Rafael blocks with a single wing.

  • "It seems I have the advantage here, miss." - Rafael approaches Rose slowly.

  • "So it seems..." - Rose swings her claw and forth comes a vertical aura blade. Rafael just steps away from it. Then, he dashes forward, using his right wing to strike. Rose hops out of the way.

  • "You have impenetrable wings." - Rose mutters.

  • "You have impeccable agility." - Rafael growls.

Rose looks around, seeing her partner Gale running from the flying Sebastian's wind blasts, countering with arrows that get blown off like flies.

Gale's options were severely limited against Sebastian's command over the wind. He could only run away from each potentially deadly blast of hurricane-force winds. Gale's arrows were just useless.

  • "Why do you keep running?" - Sebastian hovers effortlessly over the supposed guard.

  • "Crap, we have to change tactics." - Gale thought. The next blast sends him dragging across the dusty ground as he barely dodges it.

  • "Fight me, coward." - Sebastian lands, still buzzing his wings, creating a sort of vacuum around him.

Gale looks around for options, but he doesn't find any, he just sees Rafael going at it with Rose. Neither scoring a direct hit.

  • "Rose! Let's switch targets!" - Gale shouts at his partner.

  • "Why didn't I think of that earlier!" - Rose shouts, turning her back on Rafael before rushing towards Sebastian. At the same time, Gale tightened a pair of arrows and dashed at Rafael.

  • "Windy, try dodging this!" - Rose swipes both her hands, sending a cross-shaped aura wave at Sebastian. The wind wielder tries to blow them with his gales, but to no avail.

  • "Argh!" - Rose's attack hits Sebastian on the chest, leaving a bloody mark in its wake. Sebastian is forced to land and grab his body from the pain. The agony fills his nerves.

  • "Well, that was kind of dumb, don't you think?" - Rose dashes at Sebastian's weakened form.

  • "What is that?" - Sebastian struggles and groans.

  • "Aura projection, with an added touch of poison." - Rose chuckles.

  • "Poison?" - Sebastian begins to breath heavily.

  • "Yes, poison. Do I have to spell it out for ya?" - she stands in front of Sebastian, who was forced into a kneeling position and slowly faded away. He turns, looking at Rafael struggling against his new opponent.

Gale fired constant volleys of two-three arrows at an inhuman rate, Rafael could only block them with his wings. The angelic feathers served as diamond shields, the piercing arrows breaking against them.

Rafael could not bring himself to strike or even dodge, Gale's precision was uncanny.

  • "Strike me down, why don't ya." - Gale kept shouting.

  • "I'll just wait till you run out of arrows." - Rafael mutters.

  • "Oh, I don't run out of those." - Gale mocks as he continues to fire volley after volley without pause.

Rafael blindly threads forward, turning so Gale doesn't flank him, keeping his impenetrable wings to shield him.

  • "Those wings of yours, what are they? Metal?" - Gale complains.

  • "They're untouchable." - Rafael replies.

  • "But you're definitely not." - Gale stands inches from Rafael, aiming at the angel's face through a gap between his wings.

  • "Neither are you!" - Rafael forces open his wings, striking Gale, sending him sliding on his back. Rafael approaches his downed opponent with a glide, and steps on his chest. Gale grabs Rafa's leg. The angelic demon hops off, then Gale stands.

  • "Think fast!" - Gale shouts, and before Rafael could even blink, three arrows where embedded in his core, inches into his body, piercing organs and gushing blood. Rafael collapses and faints almost instantly.

  • "Did you just kill him?" - Rose furrows a brow as she asks her partner, moving towards him.

  • "It was an arrow short of a lethal blow." - Gale looks down on the defeated angel.

  • "Rafael!" - Sebastian screams.

  • "Shut up, windy." - Rose sinks a nail into Sebastian's neck, and the wind wielder goes unconscious.

  • "Let's go." - Gale picks up Rafael's body.

  • "Isn't he gonna bleed to death?" - Rose wonders.

  • "Na, the arrows pierce then seal." -

  • "Why would they do that?" -

  • "Would you shut up?" -

  • "So no bleeding to death then. -

  • "No." -

  • "Well, up we go." - Rose picks up Sebastian's body over her shoulders. Both pause for a moment, and look back at Monk.

  • "Come, boy." -

  • "Y-yes..." - Monk had remained immobile the entire fight. And now he surrendered to his superiors.

  • "These are the intruders, sir." - Maseng bows.

  • "Hmm..." -

  • "They were formidable opponents - " - Rose bows, but she's interrupted.

  • "Of course they were." -

  • "If they went any further - " - Gale bows, but again, the deep voice commands.

  • "They weren't going to touch me." -

  • "Even I had trouble..." - Lestat reluctantly bows.

  • "Hmph." -

The four guards kept their heads bowed, Behind the, the seven captives, all encased from the ground up to their shoulders in ice. They're surrounded by walls of bricks, and an immense torch lights the room like a small sun. Sitting under the torch, on a throne, is their leader, Hoyt. The room shines as the light is reflected off the frozen corners of the room, seemingly giving the radiance as their own. Any heat the torch produces is dissipated by the sheer cold.

Hoyt leans forward. His form is about perfect, muscles sculpted immaculately, of the right size and shape. His fur, brown under a pale gray, his eyes; they glowed icy blue like the ancient glaciers. His voice resonates in the room, giving the feeling that each pillar repeats his commands in chorus.

  • "Five strangers, two traitors, what moved them...? I guess we will find out when the wake up, won't we?" -

This long chapter sets thing in motion for more exciting things, both of the adrenaline and yiffy sort. Stay tuned!

Virgin Virus - Ch9: Conviction

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Nine- - Last Chapter: - The real mission begun, and the trouble with it. They were seven, and they divided into two teams, then tried to break into the base they reached with...

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Virgin Virus - Ch7: Reunion

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Seven- - Last Chapter: - Dose, Monk and Yun had arrived from their assignment and explained what happened. After some talking, Dose decides he had to take a bath. There, he and...

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Virgin Virus - Ch6: Reflection

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Six- - Last Chapter: - With Monk in the Manticore's grasp, the Manticore decided to have his way. His immensity against Monk's small frame. Instead of being split in half,...

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