Virgin Virus - Ch6: Reflection

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#6 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Six-

  • Last Chapter: -

With Monk in the Manticore's grasp, the Manticore decided to have his way. His immensity

against Monk's small frame. Instead of being split in half, Monk's uncanny ability surprises the

Manticore and saves the day. The rest is a mess. After some resting and recovering the

group returns to the lab, to grab some a nice, necesary bath, and some rest...

It is a long series, and each chapter is usually gonna be long. Some will contain more

drama, others will contain more yiff, others more actions. Some will be perfect, some will

not. Above all, I pretend to make a series of stories that leave you with something more.

Disclaimer: If you're on this site it's assumed that you're 18 years or older. If you're not

reading this from Yiffstar, then someone must've stolen this. Most content is homosexual, so

if you don't approve, don't bother.

*NOTE: Edited the last chapter portion. It was pure copy paste xD.*

We pop out in the Main Lab. Carl dashes to hug his worried father and Yun threads slowly

towards them. I look around, finding that Monk, from the giddy attitude he had moments

ago, I see he's overcome with shyness, frozen on the metallic steps. Tilting my head

further, I catch Jason and Boto standing near the door.

Jason stood to the left of Boto. Jason had a bulky, well proportioned body, not exaggerated

like Gai or Tobey, barely shorter than I was. His fur was reddish brown and his hair bright

red. He just remained with his arms crossed and a serious look. He then catches Monk in

his sights, and furrows a brow.

Boto was relaxed, as he always was. He was a bit shorter than Jason, his fur had a bluish

tone to it. His hair was a silky blue; it appeared as if it was permanently wet. The incubus

had a slim build with minimal definition, and it seemed smoother than the usual demon's fur

covered skin.

  • "Who's the new kid?" - Jason asks after having spotted Monk.

  • "Oh, this is Monk." - I look back and nudge the lad forward a bit.

  • "Wingless... you with Yun?" - Jason asks Monk.

  • "Erm... yes." - Monk nods.

  • "You know Yun?" - I wondered

  • "Yes... long story..." - Jason clears his throat.

  • "Anyway, weren't you guys with Sebastian?" - I thought he was.

  • "Yeah, he's at the surface." - Boto clarifies.

  • "Hmm, I'll go see him in a bit, but tell me guys. Why are you here?" -

  • "Dose, isn't it kind of obvious? The doctor summoned us here, plus, we wanted to see how

Raiko was doing." - Jason answers in a serious tone.

  • "Oh right." -

Jason, Boto and Raiko were a posse of sorts; they always were together, so it was a bit

obvious that they were gonna worry for one of their closest friends.

I decided to depart to the surface, but before I step away, I feel Monk tugging my hand

back. I turn to face the young demon, wondering what he would need.

  • "Dose, I have to go... I just remembered something I have to do. It'll be quick." -

  • "Oh, ok... we'll be waiting." - I answer, sure that my face showed some slight sadness.

He was going so soon, but then again, he said he was coming back, so I just quickly shaved

the brief sad feeling off.

Dr. Oscar looks at me and Monk, still with his beloved son in his arms.

  • "Dose, what exactly happened back there?" - he asks.

  • "We ran into a manticore." - I sigh and lower my head.

  • "What?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" - the doctor raises his voice in surprise.

  • "Ummm..." - Carl didn't know what to answer.

  • "You could've been killed. All of you. That's the kind of situation I want to avoid." -

  • "Doctor, we would've never known there was gonna be a Manticore in there..." - Yun tries

to explain.

  • "Are you sure?" -

  • "Sir, it's an Outer Shore. What appears in there is as predictable as an earthquake." -

Yun sighs.

  • "But nowadays, seismic activity is quite... " - the doctor murmurs.

  • "its unpredictable sir." - Yun mutters loudly.

  • "Dad, Monk took care of the monster for us. Thanks to him we're safe." - Carl mumbles

to his father.

  • "I kept wondering if sending you there was a bad idea or not- Wait, who? Monk? Who's

that?" - the doctor's puzzled, looking around trying to see who this Monk is.

  • "Here, sir." - I nudge the young demon forward into the same metal step as me. He looks

nervously at the doctor.

Doctor Nuenberg gently releases his son, before slowly moving towards young Monk,

following with a hug. Monk's heart skips and the lad turns red, returning the hug.

  • "Thank you. Thank you boy." - the doctor mutters in joy.

  • "I just did what I was trained to do... um, sir." - Monk mumbles.

  • "You saved them, you saved my son. I must repay you in some way." - the doctor

finally pulls back, looking at the young demon's light brown eyes.

  • "No, no sir." - Monk shakes his head. - "Truth is, thanks to your son being there, I was

able to find them. I smelled him from a mile away and decided to check it out. Yun forced

me to stick around with them, then we faced the freaking manticore. If your son weren't

there, Yun and Dose would've had a very hard time, since I wasn't gonna be there to help."


  • "Certainly." - the doctor nods. - "And how precisely do you fight them?" -

  • "Umm, maybe I'll tell you later." - Monk cracks a nervous grin.

  • "Yes, please, lad. That'd be fascinating." - the doctor nods and smiles, releasing Monk.

  • "Sir, could you turn the portal back on? I need to go back for a moment." - the young

demon asks diligently.

  • "Why, yes." - the doctor moves towards the console, typing on its keyboard until the

machine behind us surges on.

As Monk steps into the device, I grab his shoulder.

  • "I expect you here soon." - I lend him a loving smile.

  • "I sure will." - Monk giggles, then vanishes back into the other realm.

With Monk gone to do whatever he needed to do, I decided I was gonna take a bath. Yun

was already gone. Jason and Boto said that they were gonna go relax on the Waiting

Room, and the doctor and his son walked to Nuenberg's room. Before Jason and Boto move

any further, I ask them one last question:

  • "Where's Rafael?" - I really wanted to see him.

  • "He went to the surface looking for Sebastian." - Boto answers, then turns and continues

his way.

  • "Thanks. -

Then, at that moment, Raiko comes to mind, I wasn't sure why...

Either way, I'm pretty sure I'm the cleanliest of all us demons. Even Hayden and Ari don't

clean up as often as I do. I slide into the showers, which are like always, lonely.

Slipping under one of the showers, I turn on the comfortable hot water, letting it drench my

dirty, dusty fur clean of imperfections, then I grab the special soap. Then I proceed to relax

under the heat and steam.

As I lather my whole body, I could hear a series of steps slowly approaching the showers.

Everyone's step sounded different against those peculiar tiles that adorned the showers,

and these were different, leading me to believe that it was Yun who stepped in. I didn't

give it much thought, and just continued to pay special attention to the crotch area, making

sure it's very clean.

  • "Yo." - my momentary suspicions are revealed to be true, as Yun steps under the shower

behind me and greets.

  • "Oh, hey" - I turn to find Yun reaching for the special soap. Someone must've told him

about it beforehand; he then turns on the water. And for some reason, my eyes focus on

his rump, which was round and smooth.

Having finished cleaning, I start to rinse myself. I kept thinking about that kiss Yun and Carl

shared at the cave...

  • "Heh, when I mentioned my need to take a bath, Carl asked if he could come so we did it

together. I dunno... it would've been... weird." - Yun chuckles.

  • "But don't you love him?" - I ask.

  • "Love him? I'm responsible for his well being, and I try to make him happy whenever

we're together, but saying that I love him is kind of pushing it..." -

  • "Are you sure? What about that kiss? And letting him cuddle with you?" - I turn as I insist.

  • "The kiss is a seal we've always shared back at the base as THE symbol of absolute

loyalty. And I let him cuddle because if anything can keep him warm, it's my body, and I

don't want him to be suffering cold or anything." - Yun sighs.

  • "I think it was more like a sign of love." -

  • "Dose, buddy... I renounced love the day I knew what it meant. It just complicates

things." -

  • "Have you ever been in love?" -

  • "Nor I plan to." -

  • "Not even liked someone. You seem to like Carl." -

  • "I know what you mean and no, I don't like Carl that way. I do have a weakness for

strong females... but there are no females left now, are there..." -

  • "Oh... right..." - I look down, and pause my insistent questions, we had just reminded

ourselves of the Virgin Virus... it's a bit hard to realize just exactly how much it fucked up

our species...


  • "What if Carl tells you he loves you? What if he says he can't live without you?" -

  • "I... why do you ask me this anyway? If that happens I'll deal with it my own way." - Yun


  • "I wanna be polite, but you're getting out of hand, Dose. So, no more questions...

please." - Yun adds, turning to face me for a moment, then resuming his cleaning. I had

stopped completely as I got into questioning, then sighed and looked down.

  • "True... I just don't want to see any broken hearts, or anything of the sort. But we're

mature enough to deal with them... I just don't think Carl is..." -

  • "Hmmph." - Yun shuts off the shower the same time I do. We both look at each other,

amused by the coincidence.

  • "This was a nice chat." - Yun chuckles and proceeds to the locker room

  • "Indeed it was." - I could not help but ogle at his wet body.

We both dried ourselves with the appropriate towels, Yun continues on his own way with the

towel over his shoulders, and I just put mine in the basket. As I walk out, my fur still a bit

fuzzy, a familiar arm pulls me into the shadows.

  • "Heya, hon." - Rafael whispers.

  • "Oh, hey." - I smile and peck his lips. - "Why are we hiding and whispering?" -

  • "I found a way to unlock your Hyper form." - Rafa grins.

  • "Whoa, well... that sounds good. What is it?" -

  • "It's something I can only show you for you to understand." -

As he says that, he pulls me through the underground corridors into our room, using his

wings to take us there in a glide.

Closing the door behind us, he clicks on the light switch, illuminating our usually dark room,

and immediately, I see Tobey's face grin with his toothy mouth. Now I'm confused.

  • "Tobey?" -

  • "You kinda ignored him after you said you were gonna talk to him." - Rafael wraps his

arms around him hips, leaning his head over my shoulder.

  • "Oh, yeah... I was planning to do that later." - I scratch my head.

  • "its ok, Dooseh." - Tobey starts swinging his big tail.

  • "He's gonna help us." - Rafael murrs.

  • "Uh... how... wait... no..." - I shake my head...

  • "And I'm gonna watch." - Rafa chuckles.

  • "Oh, you better! Once I go Hyper, your ass is mine." - I growl.

  • "Oh, yes please!" - Rafael squeezes me and grabs my chest, I caress his hand, and then he lets

me go, pushing my rump.

  • "I'll just sit here while you two do your business." - Rafael sits in an idian position against

the door.

  • "And how exactly is this gonna help?" - I ask, still confused.

  • "You go hyper when you get overexcited, don't you? Even my amazing sex skillz don't do

that. But his might." - Rafael grimaces.

I sit on the bed, then I look at Tobey, who just kept a big fangy smile and his tail wagging

like a puppy.

  • "Rafa, you're seriously approving of me cheating on you? Isn't that wrong? And then with

Tobey, of all? It's like I'm being unfaithful to the third degree!" - I exclaim.

  • "It's not cheating. Tobey's our friend, and our goal is something better. Plus, the three of

us care for each other. And yes, I approve." - Rafael smiles, holding his flaccid member.

  • "You're such an angel." - I say with the best sarcasm I could put up.

  • "And you're my lovely demon. Now have fun!" - Rafael smiles wide and chuckles.

Tobey then stands in front of me, and I face him. He leans forward until his muzzle bumps

mine, forcing me to lean back.

  • "Is this gonna be awkward?" - I ask nervously.

  • "Nuh." -

  • "Well, let's make this as fast as possible." - I declare.

  • "Dooseh'll enjoy Tobeh very much." - Tobey grimaces once again.

I sigh, and push off his big muzzle, then I proceed his big, soft member, which hung at a feet

already. It was a bit startling to see it start to harden so quickly at my mere touch. I grip

what I can, it doesn't fit my hand since it's so thick. Bringing my second hand, I start sliding

them up and down his cock, stroking it, just doing an average handjob on an above-average

cock. Quality stuff was always saved for my lover.

Tobey's hardon grew quickly, forcing me to lean back so the slimy head doesn't bump my

nose. The big demon was panting in excitement and buckling forward each time I pulled

my strokes. Every few pulls, I could feel it grow and pulsate more, it radiated incredible

warmth. The tip's leaking pre-cum became a trickle, and my legs were starting to get

slobbered slowly with his lubrication.

The muscular demon was breathing much more heavily, his cock had grown twice as big,

but it still wasn't fully erect, I was at least very sure of that. The trickle of pre-seed had

become a steady, slobbery stream, and it covered my entire crotch. The sensation was

quite pleasurable, and I found myself breathing quickly. My handjob had sped to a swift

pace, the big lug moaning hard. The instinct to suck the huge male meat between my

hands came in raging, and I really couldn't contain it. Tobey's rhythmic buckling had his dick

bump my chest and slime it with his pre-cum.

I decide to stop my stroking. Tobey keeps buckling, rubbing his cock between my hands.

He slows down and stops after a few moments, looking down on me with extreme lust.

  • "Dooseh's almost as good as Alex." -

I pressed the swollen tip of it with both hands and squeezed, moving my muzzle to lick

Tobey's big bad slimy cock. Each lap of my tongue brought huge wads of his pre-seed that

I had to swallow. The wads themselves tasted like aphrodisiacs, and soon my own cock

was throbbing hard. Actually, it had grown a bit further than usual.

My lashing tongue sent visible shivers all over Tobey's body. Before I could go on any

further, the lug thrusts his huge member, the dominating cock pushing me flat on the bed.

  • "Hey, what's the big deal?" - I mutter.

He grabs both my legs, lifting them to my shoulders as he leans down on my tailhole, his

muzzle approaching with its tongue out. I quickly felt the wetness of his slick tongue

penetrating and tasting my insides, a few inches deep. The shivers of pleasure had me

squirming and moaning as he twisted, pulled and pushed with it.

Then I felt his thick cockhead pressing onto my tight hole. I grit my teeth, I was nowhere

near half as wide enough to fit him, but he was gonna insist and there was not much I could

do about it. My chute was lubricated with his saliva and his own cock slippery with his

pre-cum, but I really didn't think it would be enough. He starts pushing and grunting, and

sharp pain rips through my spine. As he forces his cock head into me, the pain and

pleasures combine into a sort of ecstasy and I drift away...

["He's forcing me out."]

  • "Huff... huff... huff" -

["Just a bit more..."]

  • "Huff... huff... I want you... I want you out..." - In his head, Dose mutters to his bulkier

shadow, his Hyper self.

["Instead of me having to force myself out? You kept thinking about my proposition, didn't


  • "Soft of... huff.." -

["Really, you've made quite a step now. Normally, I would've just jumped out and put you in

here, but somehow, you're keeping me at bay. We've never reached this middle point

before"] The shadow chuckles.

  • "For a shadow... huff... you... talk a lot." -

["I'm just a part of your own personality, so don't tell me to shut up. I've always been here,

I was just woken up when the doctor injected you."]

  • "What are you saying... huff?" -

["Heh, the only thing you need to know is that if you want me out, masturbate while

meditating. Or when adrenaline fills your body. Those two ways will work."]

  • "Who'll be... huff... In control?" -

["That's up to you."] The shadow grabs his host's cock, squeezing its enlarged head.

  • "Ah... AAH!" -

["That's right. You squeeze yourself like that."]

  • "You..." -

As Dose battled in his mind, he was involuntarily squirming and moaning out roars, Tobey

had managed to squeeze into Dose his entire length, expanding Dose's body. The big

demon was roaring out of bliss himself, his head arced back as he trusted Dose's body.

Soon, Dose's body began to grow and bulge out rapidly. Tobey's cock no longer worked its

way awkwardly into Dose's growing body.

["That's it, It's my time to shine."]

  • "No, you're not... huff... step aside." -

["Oh? Host! Say my name then!"]

An otherworldly voice whispers to Dose, and he could only bring himself to repeat what he

just heard.

  • "Sin!" - In his head he screamed.

Dose's body bounced upwards, letting out a demonic roar. Tobey followed with a guttural

moan as his immensity orgasmed into Dose, the big demon's cum overflowing out of Dose's


Tobey's wrought in the weakness that followed his single, massive climax. The cum was

dripping from the bed onto the floor. Meanwhile, Dose had completed his transformation.

The average demon was now as big as its partner. Dose leaned up, grabbing Tobey's


  • "Whoa... Dooseh's so strong now... was it Tobeh?" - Tobey mumbled in the dizziness of


  • "No, it's all me, Tobey." - Dose growled.

Dose violently shifts Tobey around, Dose ending on top of his buddy. He steps on the floor,

grabbing and spreading Tobey's thick muscular legs.

  • "Gah, Tobey was not expecting this!" - Tobey growls loudly.

  • "Neither was I buddy!" - Dose roars as he shoves his own cockhead into Tobey's naturally

wide tailhole in a single blind thrust.

Tobey yowls at the instant invasion, and Dose wastes absolutely no time I pushing the rest

of his swollen cock into Tobey's warm chute. Dose's hyperphallia wreaks havoc in Tobey,

the Hyper demon thrusting wildly. The force of each push kept Tobey's huge cock swinging,

and the wads of his own cum that still covered it splattered all over the room. Dose's

swollen legs were drenched from the cum that had flooded his own tailhole.

Climax approached rapidly for Dose. A few dozen thrusts, the roars, whines and moans

that followed...

  • "Graaaah!!!" - Dose screamed as his cock blasted Tobey's innards with his seed. Tobey

responds with his own loud yelp and a following sigh of comfort and satisfaction. Dose

doesn't give much thought to pulling out his cock, the cum that filled Tobey now dripping

onto the floor rag.

Dose sits on the edge of the bed, most of it was covered in their vestiges. He looks at

Rafael, who looked exhausted. He had his own cum all over him, a trail leading from his

cock all the way to his hair.

  • "That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen..." - Rafael said, breathing heavily.

  • "Thanks hun... now... we all need a shower." - I said, amused at how my voice had

changed due to the transformation.

  • "And who'll clean all of this up..." - Rafael looks at the mess the room was made into...

  • "Maybe we can ask Ari to do that Rewind trick..." -

  • "As soon as he sees this he'll have no other choice." - me and my lover both chuckle.

This was not the first time a room was covered almost entirely in cum.

After a moment's rest, the three of us dash to the showers. The water was set to the

hottest temperature. We had aligned to wash our backs, me behind Rafael, and Tobey

behind me. I found it kind of annoying that I had to take a bath again so soon... but I just

shrugged it off.

  • "We had fun, didn't we?" - I ask, soaping up Rafael's back along his spine.

  • "Yup." - Rafa says, lathering himself

  • "Will we be doing that again? Tobey would like to." - Tobey asked as he soaped up my

back, still big and muscular since I retained my form.

  • "I'm sure we will." - Rafael answers. I chuckle and squeeze his shiny rump. Tobey

giggles and squeezes mine, then, we turn to wash the other's back.

  • "You're uncontainably sexy, hun." - Rafael murrs as I feel his hand spend time on my


  • "You know it." - I growl, massaging Tobey's bulky shoulders.

The rest is some more small talk, giggling, humming, cleaning, rinsing, and then moving to dry

ourselves. I had told Rafa what went through my head, and the three of us laughed like

crazy. It made me seem like a lunatic or something. We're all drying ourselves, Tobey's

the first one to end up all free of moist, which was kind of funny since he's so big and thick.

As soon as the lug dried up, he dashed out of the room, I wasn't sure why. Rafael

chuckled as he finished his own drying up. As I pressed the towel on my head, I felt myself

shrink, and within moments I was back to normal. At least it was painless. Rafael looks

and his eyes widen.

  • "You shrunk already?" -

  • "I guess so." - I grin.

  • "At least you weren't the snarling monster that we couldn't reason with, like other times."


  • "That's the most important part." - we both smiled.

  • "Love you." - Rafael hugs me tightly, and I blush.

  • "Love you too." - I return the hug, even tighter, closing my eyes.

I was suddenly filled with absolute satisfaction. I couldn't think of anything but happiness.

  • "You had fun didn't you?" - I open them as I hear Ari's voice. He was suddenly standing

behind Rafa. The place glowed green... Ari had stopped time.

  • "Ari...!" -

  • "Heheh. Yes, I cleaned it up." -

  • "Thanks." -

  • "You're welcome. We'll see each other soon yes?" -

  • "Yes-" - before I could finish my sentence, the world had gone back to normal, and Ari

was gone... So elusive he is...

  • "Who were you talking to hun?" -

  • "Oh, nothing." - I smile, and we share a light kiss on the lips.

I really couldn't think about what was gonna happen tomorrow...

Virgin Virus - Ch7: Reunion

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Seven- - Last Chapter: - Dose, Monk and Yun had arrived from their assignment and explained what happened. After some talking, Dose decides he had to take a bath. There, he and...

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Virgin Virus - Ch5: Absolution

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Five- - Last Chapter: - Dose, Yun and Carl were sent on a rather simple assignment. Arriving in the southern Rainlands, they begin their trek to the Military Realm Base, along...

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Virgin Virus - Ch4: Fear

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Four- - Last Chapter: - Yun and Raiko layed there alone at midnight, when Raiko suddenly wakes up and chats with Yun. Mentioning his brother, Raiko snaps in rage, and faints...

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