Virgin Virus - Ch4: Fear

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#4 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Four-

  • Last Chapter: -

Yun and Raiko layed there alone at midnight, when Raiko suddenly wakes up and chats with Yun. Mentioning his brother, Raiko snaps in rage, and faints into his comma again. Yun is released from his restraints, only to come face to face with Rude, who shows him who's the strongest of the two. Ariyoshi is the only one that stops the fight. Meanwhile, Dose gets a nightmare and is soothingly comforted by Rafael, who adds to the comfort a crazy idea. And with things clear, or at least seeming so, they get ready for their next job...

It is a long series, and each chapter is usually gonna be long. Some will contain more drama, others will contain more yiff, others more actions. Some will be perfect, some will not. Above all, I pretend to make a series of stories that leave you with something more.

Disclaimer: If you're on this site it's assumed that you're 18 years or older. If you're not reading this from Yiffstar, then someone must've stole this. Most content is homosexual, so if you don't approve, don't bother.

  • "Doctor, Morning." - I greet Dr. Oscar, who was busy at work, checking the information his instruments relayed. Several cables were attached to Yun, who layed there on the test table; he appeared bruised, and his face had a bump. The most curios thing was that his headband and pants were gone.

  • "Hello doctor." - my lover Rafael says hi as well.

  • "Oh, guten morgen. would you boys know; first thing I find out after my morning cup of coffee is that I have to come here and fix up our guest. Guess he had a scrap of sorts. And I'm sure it was not here." - as he finishes his sentence he turns his head, and all three of us look at the hole in the middle of the lab.

  • "Holy- who did that?" - I ask, my eyes widen.

  • "That would be courtesy of our earth-wielder, Rude." -

  • "Of course it is..." - Rafael sighs and mutters.

Yun starts coming back to his senses, groaning and grunting, then he cracks his eyes open and turns to look at me, as he leans up on the table.

  • "Ungh... when will I get a bed in here..." - he complains.

  • "Oh, you're awake. Sit on the table to check if you're completely healed." - the doctor swings around the table to face Yun's back. Yun slight tilts his head, keeping the doctor in sight range.

  • "Kay." - Yun sighs.

The doctor then performs a few taps of medical pressure to check for broken bones or veins, any swelling, anything odd. He checks the shoulders, arms, neck, spine, thighs, chest, stomach. Yun does not complain, just blankly staring at the console in front of him. The doctor removes the cables that were stuck to him, and claims he's fine.

Having heard that, Yun checks himself, looking at his own body parts, touching himself. As soon as he touches his head he whines:

  • "where's my headband?" - then he looks down, facing his exposed groin.

  • "Ah, what the hell! I'm naked!" - he snaps and faces me and my mate, and we both hold an uncontainable laughter, barely snickering. It was amusing for us, since all of us demons never use clothes, with some exceptions. But it seemed he was not used to being naked.

  • "I'm not an exhibitionist or an animal! Bring me back my clothes!" - Yun growled at Oscar.

  • "Well, boy, I had to remove them to have the repaired and cleaned. Isn't that nicer?" - the doctor explained.

  • "well... that's thoughtful... but still..." - Yun calmed down.

  • "Incubi live without clothes. It's more comfortable and natural that way." - I say.

  • "I never lived in the actual real. The base is a lot like a human emplacement. So I got used to at least wear pants." - Yun clarifies.

  • "Achtung, boys. Briefing time." - Dr. Nuenberg calls our attention.

  • "Yun, Dose and Carl are going to the realm. There's this route I found that I believe will take you to the Realm Defense safely and quickly. Yun, you'll have to correct me on that once you get there." - Oscar looks at Yun, who nods.

  • "You're to deploy an Impromptu Portal. I will not risk you three by going right into their lair." - the Doctor sighs.

  • "You thought well, sir." - Yun finally comes to his senses, and comments.

  • "That pole device over there is the IP. Dose, you're in charge of it." - the doctor points at a spear-like device that leaned on the wall behind the doctor, near some cabinets. I nod.

  • "And what does your son fit in all of this... We're talking about military perimeter here, aren't we?" - I got worried as soon as I heard Carl's name.

  • "I was talking to him about this, so let me explain, quoting his words: Yun is his familiar, and when they're together, Yun's full potential is at their grasp. Without the familiar's host... my son, Yun is just an average incubus." - the Doctor adjusts his glasses.

  • "This is quite risky, sir." - Rafael leans forward a bit.

  • "Indeed. I thought many times about this, but this only half the first step of the renovation process... and, I have faith this will work." - the doctor said in all seriousness.

  • "Yes but..." - I mumbled.

  • "He... also bugged me to go the realm, so... hell, I guess he'll have an interesting adventure." - the doctor sighs deeply and scratches his nose.

  • "Well... Rafael, you're to go find Sebastian. We'll be needing everyone." - the doctor leans up as he orders Rafael.

  • "Yes sir... should I look for Boto and Jason as well?" - Rafael replies.

  • "No, Cisco already went to them. Yuri and Aoi will be looking for Nina." - the doctor clears up, then he stands up.

  • "So we're all clear?" - the doctor clears his throat as he finishes his sentence.

  • "Get close the perimeter and install the device. Got it." - I quickly answer.

  • "Well, understood... but I'm still naked and concerned here..." - Yun sighs.

I chuckle at Yun, who groans, then look at Rafael. My lover embraces my shoulder and kisses my forehead.

  • "I'll leave now... I want to be here as soon as I can." - he says.

  • "Ok, love. Careful now." - I say as Rafa stands up.

  • "You be twice as careful." - Rafael grins, then turns and glides out the metallic door, giving me a lovely glance of his shiny rump. For a moment, I swoon.

An instant later, Carl walks into the lab, with a pair of green leather shorts. Carl himself was wearing a tight red muscle shirt which defined his well formed young body, and black jeans, which definitely seemed comfortable. His usually spiky hair also sported a nice new shine.

  • "Stop complaining Yun." - Carl slowly threaded towards his father, leaving the shorts on Yun's lap, and giving his father a hug.

  • "One bruise, and it's the last time I let you go in there." - the Doctor whispers.

  • "I know... I know dad." - Carl groans. Yun meeps happily and quickly slides his shorts on. It fit his legs like a second skin.

  • "Rawr, thanks master." - Yun nudges Carl's shoulder as they both smile. - "We're ready, sir." - Yun hops out of the table.

  • "One last thing." - the doctor looks in a drawer for a pair of necklaces and a brace. - "The necklaces are the same devices I give you all the time, but now easier to carry. Ain't that convenient? And the brace is basically the transceiver, with a clock and a One-Way Emergency Portal." - Oscar hands us the necklaces, which me and Yun put on, and puts the brace on Carl's left arm.

  • "If in a mess, just press the big green button. It will take you and either one of you who's close enough. Don't hesitate to use it." - he grabs his son's shoulders as he says this.

  • "Got it, dad." - Carl moans.

  • "Sir, I will protect him with my life. Do not worry." - Yun lets Oscar know. I get the IP from the corner it lied on and stand next to Yun. The technological rod gadget was kind of heavy.

Doctor Oscar does some quick typing, and soon the portal machine besides us begins surging with power, and the ethereal portal opens. It quickly reminds me of Raiko, and I glance at the second table. He still remained there, in his comma. I sigh.

  • "Godspeed, boys." - the doctor shouts. Yun mounts Carl over his shoulders, and the three of us slip into the portal.


The distortion field quickly clears up, the portal behind us closes and vanishes, we're once again in our world. This time, we were somewhere completely new to me, the only familiar thing was the dark sky. The sun pierced it more this time, and there was no smell of rain moisture. We were surrounded by tall, leaf abundant trees; the ground we stepped on was covered in layers of dead leaves and seeds. And, this time we warp straight to land, not the usual freefall. This instantly catches me off-guard, and I land off balance, almost going face first on the leafy floor.

  • "Clumsy?" - Yun quickly helps me up. I dust off the leaves that stuck to me.

  • "Well, I'm used to these zany freefalls every time we warp here... this place is so new and the freefall-less arrival just made it newer." - I look at Yun and Carl, who was over his shoulders, looking at everything around him, his face full of curiosity.

  • "Do you know where we are?" - I look around myself, trying to assess where the hell we were, but finding nothing in my memory.

  • "The Southern Rainlands. The doctor was right, this is very close to the base." - Yun joins the scanning, and confirms.

  • "We just have to go through one of the twin caverns." - Yun points northeast, and we start our walk.

A minute goes by, and all I could think about was the mention of familiars, so I relieve my confusion.

  • "So you're Carl's familiar? How does that work?" - I ask.

  • "Well, the doctor explained the benefits. So... when Carl saved my life, let me tell you, I hated humans before. But this boy proved a lot of things I had thought wrong. So... in his honor, I decided to be his familiar..." -

  • "I have heard of that... but barely" -

  • "It's a blood pact. I have to draw my own blood to do it, and the ritual is something General Hoyt taught us." -

  • "I see..." - I look at Carl as we continue walking.

  • "So, what do you think of this, Carl?" -

  • "Huh? Well, it's been very interesting." - Carl shyly looks at me, then faces forward. I chuckle.

More minutes pass, and soon, a rock wall makes itself visible beyond the many trees.

  • "You know, this place is dangerous because of the Manticores, Chimeras and Dragons that roam the area..." - Yun starts explaining. My eyes widen.

  • "But isn't this part exclusive to our realm?" -

  • "This area is an Outer Shore, just like the Valley of the Beast or the Wind Crater." - what he says catches me by surprise.

  • "But then, wouldn't the base be incorrectly placed?" -

  • "The base is placed very strategically. One of the twin caverns is part of the Outer Shore, but the other is not. Only a mile separates the Outer Shore from our base." -

I get to thinking, but before I can fully space out, Carl asks:

  • "What are manticores?" -

I decide to explain, letting out a sigh first.

  • "Manticores a beast twice our size, a huge bulky body, a lion's head, mane, tail and rear legs, black feather wings and they're usually hyperphallic, and their arms are as long as their bodies..." -

  • "That's an ugly sight." - Carl mutters.

  • "Well, they're not THAT hard to look at, but the worst part is that they hate us. You see, our king, the First Male, is also their father. So, they believe we have no right to use this realm, and that their realm should be composed of this one and the one they already have... but without us in it." - I growl.

  • "They are unreasonable. The only way to deal with them is to fight them or even kill them. Sometimes they like to rape with their huge, snaking dicks... ugh." - Yun shudders, and Carl was explicitly disgusted.

  • "Too much information, Yun!" - Carl whines.

  • "Bzzt... are you safe?" - the doctor's voice could be heard from Carl's arm transceiver.

  • "Yep." - Carl answers.

  • "The IP still in tow?" - the doctor asks.

  • "Yep." - I say, the spear gadget was indeed with me still.

  • "Let's make haste." - Yun says. He leans and kneels forward, and I quickly do the same. At the same time, we both start gliding away towards the rock wall, which is the direction the caverns were located. Carl screams as we zig-zag our way around the trees. And soon, we arrive.

  • "Yun! Put me down!" - Carl shouts as he tries to catch his breath, and Yun gently places his master on the ground.

  • "Are you ok?" - Yun kneels with him, caressing his shoulder.

I look at them as Carl recovers, then turn to face the mountain in front of us, and the dark entrance to the cavern, with a sign above in an odd form of scripture. I try to read.

  • "Ab....sol... ugh, I never fully understood our ancient language." - I could not decipher it.

  • "Absolution." - Yun reads it easily. - "Tunnel of Absolution, Tunnel of Resolution. Those are the only two ways to get to our base." - he says.

Then, I hear a faint rustle in the trees. A presence moves, apparently whoever or whatever it was did not have very efficient stealth skills. Yun picks up the same feeling; as we both look around, Carl worries.

  • "Guys, what's going o-ooooon!" - Carl screams out as he's taken into the woods. Both Yun and I snap and dash to his rescue, stopping as we see him hang upside down from the branch of the nearest tree.

  • "Hey!" - both Yun and me scream.

  • "Guys, help! Someone's got me! Why are you standing there!" - Carl screams, flailing his arms. Yun picks up a scent.

  • "Hehehe! YunYun! I got him! Bringing outsiders here? That's so naughty of you!" - a young demon voice is heard, and Carl is descended just a bit, revealing the hand that grips the poor Carl.

  • "Monk! Put master down and come here you rotten kid! I'm gonna kick your ass!" - Yun roars and snaps forward.

  • "Oh! You're this kid's pet- I mean familiar? I'm so sorry YunYun!" - the young incubus drops down and places Carl on his feet. Carl clumsily runs behind us, and the trickster slowly walks toward us, with a smile and a jolly face.

Apparently named Monk, he was a short incubus, but tall for his age, slender with barely no definition in his muscles, but not skinny thin. His fur was a very light brown, his hair was fuzzy and tied in a ponytail. He was smooth and wingless, like Yun.

  • "Monk, you're sticking with us now." - Yun crosses his arms.

  • "Nuh-uh, my work is done here. I'm hoping out of here." - Monk sticks out his tounge.

  • "You do that and I'll tell Hoyt and the guys at the base your big secret." -

  • "Nuh! Yun, you're my friend. You wont do that, will you?" - Monk strikes out a puppy face, which reminded me of Tobe.

  • "As long as you stay with us." - Yun wins the short argument, Monk pouts and crosses his arms. Carl and I just snickered and chuckled, and we all walked in tow with our reprimanded guest.

Soon, we were inside the poorly lit tunnel. It was miles wide and miles high, and it was all rocky and cold.

  • "So Monk, what's your story." - I ask Monk, who walked beside me.

  • "I'm a trainee, outsider. They took me in because I have an outstanding talent... you see - " - before Monk continues, Yun cuts him off.

  • "You're not talking about that now." - Yun demands.

  • "Meh, I wanna!" -

  • "I'll freaking cut your tounge out!" - the argument is once again done, and Monk snorts and growls.

I pat Monks back, who looks at me and smiles, then faces ahead. I grip the IP gadget, then I see a hilt sticking out of Yun's bare back. This was odd, I hadn't noticed that before.

  • "Yun, that hilt on your back...?" -

  • "Oh, that's my sword. It's tied to my aura, so I can just stick it on me. If anybody tries to kill me with my own sword, they'll only tickle me." - Yun answers, still threading along, with Carl over his shoulders.

  • "Except that time when..." - Monk grins.

  • "Stop the nonsense, Monk. That time Hoyt caught me off guard... now let's concentrate." - Yun looks back with a piercing glare at Monk, the poor incubus whimpers and his long ears flatten.

I glance at him, and extend my arm.

  • "I'm Dose." -

  • "Oh, I'm Monk." - we shake hands.

I could not help but look around, at the strangeness of the cavern. It felt so different from anywhere I've ever been, even if it was just rocks all around. As I looked back, the light of the outside was getting farther, and we were surrounded by torches that hung from vines.

  • "So what are you guys doing here, anyway?" - Monk asks.

  • "Umm... you know about the Virgin Virus?" - I ask, sighing deeply, readying a brief explanation.

  • "No... sounds bad..." -

  • "It struck ten years ago, and wiped out all the succubus... Since you're wingless and confined to this areas, I'm sure you barely knew, but, our species is dying. We're going to contact the military to get their help..." - As I say this, I look down, and Monk's eyes widen and his ears perk up.

  • "Wait, is this true. We're out of women? That means, no new of us are born?" -

  • "No new of us HAVE been born in ten years, and half of us that remained, have died..." -

  • "Holy shit..." - Monk looks up, sighing, covering his face with his arms.

  • "How did Hoyt not tell us this..." - he mumbles to himself. Yun growls, having heard the story again.

  • "Whatever errands you run, whatever you do... count me in it..." - Monk looks at me, into my eyes, with an unexpected seriousness. I pat his shoulder.

  • "Definitely. We need all the help we can get." -

We continued further, and it slowly went getting darker. Monk was pensive about what I just said. Soon, the rest of the pathway remains pitch black, not even the light at the end of the tunnel could be seen.

  • "Monk, get us a torch." - Yun orders the young demon. Monk swiftly hops, grabs one and bounces back with graceful agility, giving the torch to Yun.

Yun and Monk walk to light the way, he leaves Carl with me. The light bounces off an object, whatever object was blocking our path.

  • "If this is a boulder I can cut through it." - Yun says as he grasps his sword hilt.

Some snorts and heavy breathing echoed in the cave. Yun slides his sword out, and approaches, but the instant he steps forward, a huge hand and arm swats him like a fly, hitting both him and Monk into the cave wall.

  • "Yun!" - Carl shouts in worry.

The demon pair get up, trying to recover, and hop back to our position. Monk had dropped the torch, and it illuminated a body, or at least, the feet of a body, and they were not from an incubus. A step is taken, vibrating the floor beneath; another step is taken, and the light draws a tall figure, so much muscle and mass. The maned lion head snorted, and the light of the dim fires bounced off the monster's eyes. The large eyes glance at the four of us, and we all take a step back. It was a Manticore, no doubt about it. He was as tall as the caved allowed it too; he let out a deep roar as he proceeded to speak.

  • "Three demons and a human, in the wrong tunnel, at the wrong moment. Could your luck be any worse?" - it leaned forward ever so slightly.

  • "These are our tunnels, not yours." - Yun takes a step forward, his muscles tensed up in anticipation.

  • "This is Resolution. Yours is the other way." - the Manticore tilts his head.

  • "Wrong, this is Absolution. Now step out of our way." - Yun growled.

  • "Guys, I think he's right." - Monk mumbled. I was holding back, not sure of what to do, and Carl remained close behind me.

The beast just stood there, it's breathing rumbled throughout the rocky tunnel.

  • "You have two choices; one, I take your lives; two, I let you run while I try to take your lives." - the huge demon declared, extending it's hand and lifting one, then two fingers.

  • "This is the our right tunnel, your wrong tunnel. I'm sure you're just looking for trouble." - Yun shouts.

  • "Even if I am, you have no change." - the Manticore grinned.

  • "I have orders to kill outsiders. Having a human in tow just made your day worse." -

Yun turns to face us.

  • "We can take this guy, but if we do, we severely risk Carl's life. This guy's too tall for his own good, we'll run under his legs." - Yun whispered.

  • "On three?" - Monk asks.

  • "On three." - Yun confirms, and we all prepare. I mount Carl over my shoulders.

  • "Do I have to decide myself?" - the lion-beast growled.


  • "No, we already did." - Yun hid his sword back in his body.


  • "What will it be?" - the Manticore asks.


Monk finishes counting, and we three dash under the demon's legs, me with Carl in tow. The gap between the demon's legs was big enough for us to slip past the beast.

  • "Now comes the hard part." - said Yun as he dashed along.

I could feel Carl grip my head tightly.

  • "Carl, you ok?" - I ask.

  • "Mhmmm." - Carl answered, trying no to worry us, but his face and voice said otherwise.

A demonic roar ripped the cave's insides as the Manticore's prey escapes. As it's body turns about face and begins to glide, its black flapping wings vibrated the underground passage.

  • "The chase is the thrill of the hunt!" - he made a guttural roar.

Within moments, he was catching up to us, and Monk was falling behind. It swiped with it's immense arm, trying to catch us. I reach out to help Monk, who struggled to keep up with my gliding and Yun's sprinting. Before my hand grabs his, the monster's huge hand wraps Monk and pulls him from us.

  • "Fuck! He got me! Guys!" - Monk screamed. We both freeze and turn.

The manticore backfists its obscenely long arm into the cave wall, driving it meters into the solid rock. The impact makes part of the ceiling in front of the monster collapse, and before we could do anything, our path was blocked by meters of debris.

  • "Say your goodbyes!" - was the last thing we heard from the Manticore.

  • "No!!" - I scream out, punching the stones with all my strength. I let down Carl, who kneels on the floor.

  • "Shit!" - Yun slashes and splits some of the debris, then stabs the sword on the ground, and sighs. He looks at Carl, and hugs the kneeling boy.

  • "At least you're safe." -

  • "I have never been so scared in my life... Yun, don't let go of me, please..." - Carl held his familiar's arms, as he was visibly shaking.

  • "Go back home, us the device the doc gave you." - Yun grabs the arm with the arm device.

  • "No, I want to stay here with you." -

  • "What? Carl... you'll be safer..." -

  • "I'm gonna stay here, Yun..." -

  • "Carl, look at me." -

Yun and Carl's eyes meet, and Carl's young lips are kissed by the demon sworn to him. Carl's expression transforms to one of bliss and astonishment, his fear vanishes, being replaced with sudden warmth and comfort. Yun pulls away, rubbing his master's arms, looking down on him.

  • "That's our clan's seal of absolute loyalty." - Yun declares.

Carl was red with blush, and just stood and hugged Yun, placing his head on Yun's strong chest.

Amidst the whole mess that had just formed, that was a relieving moment, but Monk was still at the mercy of the beast, at the other side of the barricade.

  • "Guys... we can't waste time. We can't lose Monk."

  • "Yes... but... don't worry much, Dose. Monk will hold on long enough for us to get there. He was trained specifically to fight Manticores." - Yun looks at me.

  • "This is gonna take a while to get through... look at all those rocks..." - I look at our obstacle.

I sigh deeply, worrying about Monk, who I just met and suddenly he ends up in such trouble... wondering how Raiko's doing; and just where might Rafael be...

If I could only tap into my hyper self...

Virgin Virus - Ch5: Absolution

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Five- - Last Chapter: - Dose, Yun and Carl were sent on a rather simple assignment. Arriving in the southern Rainlands, they begin their trek to the Military Realm Base, along...

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Virgin Virus - Ch3: Time

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Three- - Last Chapter: - Raiko is diagnosed with a comma, putting some relief on Dose and his friends. They wait for Ariyoshi and Rude, who come back from their assignment with...

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Virgin Virus - Ch2: Earth

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Two- - Last Chapter: - Dose, Yuri, Aoi, Raiko and Rafael left to the Valley of the Beast to bring back another of their old friends, the big, muscular Tobey. The lug hesitates...

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