Virgin Virus - Ch3: Time

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#3 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Three-

  • Last Chapter: -

Raiko is diagnosed with a comma, putting some relief on Dose and his friends. They wait for Ariyoshi and Rude, who come back from their assignment with a petrified guest in tow. Their guest in question happens to be Yun, a wingless incubus of those of the highest military factions. Not even Carl, his master, was able to convince him to help, so it's up to Dose to try and explain just what happened with the Virgin Virus. Yun was oblivious to the event, but after hearing Dose, he agrees to help, ensuring that he'll risk life and limb if necessary. Dose then decides to take a rest, before their next assignment takes them somewhere more dangerous...

It is a long series, and each chapter is usually gonna be long. Some will contain more drama, others will contain more yiff, others more actions. Some will be perfect, some will not. Above all, I pretend to make a series of stories that leave you with something more.

Disclaimer: If you're on this site it's assumed that you're 18 years or older. If you're not reading this from Yiffstar, then someone must've stolen this. Most content is homosexual, so if you don't approve, don't bother.

*NOTE: Grammar has been revised. I didn't notice how many errors I had...*

Midnight goes by setting darkness into the demons' underground hideout. The comatose Raiko and their new guest Yun both lay on the metallic test tables. Yun was still tied below thick metallic restraints; this would be the 4th hour with him unable to move. Yun could've gotten out of it, if it weren't for the injection Dose had administered. He felt so much weaker than he actually was. The tables were at least warm. The clever doctor Oscar had placed heaters on them. He even cooked for us on one of them while testing the heater. Not only is he a genius, but he cooks great as well.

Raiko's peaceful state made Yun silently envious, seeing that he for some strange reason couldn't manage to go to sleep. He was still wondering why they'd leave him restrained after agreeing to help. The only thing the left with is the doctor saying that he "isn't going to take any chances". He wiggled his wrists, reminding himself of just how careful his imprisonment was. Giving himself up for the nth time, he turns to look at Raiko. He raises his brow, noticing that sparks are skittering around Raiko's body, bumping him up in spasms.

Raiko snaps out of his comma abruptly, springing up on the table and taking a big gasp, his eyes widen. He turns his around to try and catch up with where he was. Yun's ears perk up, seeing the comatose incubus rise so suddenly. He could almost feel startled. Raiko then stretches and groans as he recovers the movement of his body.

Then, he catches Yun looking at him.

  • "Huh? Who are you? You have any freaking idea of how I got here?" - The blonde asks.

  • "I just got here a few hours ago, and you were sleeping there the whole time." - Yun answers.

  • "Huh. You still haven't told me who you are." -

  • "Call me Yun. And you are?" -

  • "I'm Raiko...- " - Raiko looks around, distracted by his own thoughts.

  • "You a lightning wielder?" - Yun wonders.

  • "Well, yeah..." - Raiko clicks his thumb claw with his index claw sparking up some electricity.

  • "Cool. We have a lightning wielder back at our base." -

  • "Base... as in military? You a military demon?" - Raiko's attention is now fully directed at Yun.

  • "I belong to the head faction of the Military Realm Defense." -

  • "Awesome. Do you have to be wingless or some sort of other requirements?" -

  • "Depending on how you are you get different tests... that's all I can say." -

  • "Hey, what's that under your hips?" - Raiko points at some hilt like object under Yun.

  • "That's my sword, Shiroi-Aoi. It has aura-offensive capabilities." -

  • "You're the first demon I meet that can wield weapons." -

  • "I'm an Outsider after all." -

  • "Outsider? As in those that are born Incubus outside of the realm?" - Raiko just gets more puzzled, Yun nods.

  • "The lightning wielder in our ranks is called Lestat. You know him by any chance? They say that if you wield the same power, you carry the same blood." -

  • "Lestat... Lestat! LESTAT! That bastard violated me! I'm gonna kill hi-!" - Raiko snaps in utter rage, this creates a violent surge of electricity that shorts out all the consoles in the room. Then, another instant, and Raiko faints.

  • "Holy shit! Raiko? Raiko! - Yun is certainly startled at the fact that the young incubus wakes up from a comma one moment and faints the next. Trying to reach out to help, he slips out of the restraints. The huge surge of Raiko's electricity released his restraint. He shakes the unconscious demon, but to no avail.

  • "Damn..." - he accommodates Raiko on the test table the same way he started with.

He takes a few steps towards the door, but it opens by itself. The incubus that was entering steps into the faint light that comes through the glass from the outside.

  • "Do I have to turn you to stone again?" - Rude speaks.

  • "Oh, I don't know about that. I said I was gonna help, but you? I have a bone to pick with you." - Yun gets defiant and approaches the earth wielder.

  • "Oh? We should take this outside." -

  • "Really...?" - Yun says defiantly, whipping out the shinning Shiroi-Aoi; a chinese-style blade.

  • "Weird weapon." - mutters Rude.

Taking that as a cue, Yun leaps over the test table separating them, sending a slash aimed at Rude's right shoulder. Yun stumbles out of his clumsy slash, and Rude having sidestepped the attack, grapples Yun from behind in a tight grip.

  • "Disrespectful." - growls Rude. The metal floor beneath both demons gives way, twisting and sinking as the earth wielder manipulates the earth below, taking them deeper underground.

  • "Gyaaah." - is all that could be heard as both sank swiftly into a cavern meters below the lab. The cavern itself was at least a mile in diameter, and well lit. Like if someone lived there. It was also closed off, the only exit they had as the slow plummeted inside was the same hole they came out off, quite a few feet above the solid ground.

Where Rude lands a small crater is made. Yun yowls in pain as he lands on his face, receiving a bloody bump. Disoriented a moment by it, he swiftly recovers the next, both Rude and Yun stand just a dozen feet away from each other. Yun twitches with anticipation; Rude remains calm as stone.

  • "I'm surprised your sword is still in your hand." - Yun growls as Rude says this.

  • "Shut up!" - Yun swiftly leaps at Rude again, thrusting his sword. Just meters away Rude extends his hand, opening his palm; a wall of stone raises between them. The sword slices clean through the rock, only stopping by the hilt. Rude, being busy creating his shield, barely has time to react and is cut across. Rude growls as the surface cut sends sting down his pain receptors.

Rude slowly threads around the rock, Yun struggling desperately to take out his prized sword.

  • "If you keep trying, you'll break it. Try harder." - Rude says mockingly, revealing a defiant smirk.

Yun turns, seeing Rude close enough to attack. He twists his body and hips, sending a violent kick that knocks out Rude in a spin, making him slide a bit on the ground before he's even able to recover.

  • "What a kick..." - Rude says as he cleans the blood that was drawn from his mouth.

  • "That's nothing!" - Yun shouts out as he finally coaxes the sword out of its imprisonment, hoping out of the rock like a spring.

Yun takes another sprint at the static Rude. Just as his sword is about to slash Rude's torso, Rude presses his foot into the ground. A blunt tipped stalagmite shoots out from below Yun, hitting him like a missile, and off Rude's face.

Yun is taken dozens of feet into the air. Rude hops in pursuit, grabbing him by the leg, and plummeting down, slamming Yun on the ground, creating quite a crater. Yun screams at the sheer pain, and the whole scene freezes in time.

Ariyoshi drops down from the whole the frozen fighters had come from. Having walked near Rude, he grinds his sharp thumb claw on Rude's tense bicep, drawing a bit of blood. Ari's brings the earth wielder to Ariyoshi's state of free movement.

  • "Owww... Ari..." - Rude quickly notices the familiar green tint the world gains when Ari's manipulating time, then looks at Ariyoshi.

  • "Now we have to put him back on the table, but to treat him from fractures." - Ari lets Rude know in a mad tone. Saying this, Rude grabs Ari's chin and lifts it so their eyes meet, giving him a silent look.

  • "Oh, now you wanna be sweet?" - Ari raises a brow.

  • "You're the only one I can be sweet to." - Rude leans closer.

  • "And you pick the worst times too." - Ari smirks.

  • "It's been a while." -

  • "I can make time and you know that. But I'd rather you do it." - Ariyoshi makes a grin. Rude wraps him in his arms.

  • "You know I'm staying down here." - Ariyoshi chuckles softly as he tries to slip off Rude's arms, but he squeezes the smaller incubus, not letting him go. Ariyoshi smiles and leans his head over Rude's strong chest, a moment later having disappeared. Time has resumed, and Yun was no longer there. Rude lets out a deep sigh.

  • "Ari, always with his time tricks." -

Rude looks at the whole in his cavern, digs his claw on the ground. His muscles tense as he manipulates the huge cave, closing the hole above him. He then heads to rest on one of the beds he had there, once he blew off the torches.


Ari leaves Yun on the test table with its metallic restraints open. Ariyoshi looks at the bruised brawler.

  • "Rude hurt you up pretty bad. I'm sure the doc will fix you up." -

  • "Uhh unggh... what?" - Yun slowly recovers, still groaning under much pain.

  • "Um, nothing." - Ari smiles and looks away.

  • "You... so fast." -

  • "So fast I'm not even here..." - Yun blinks and Ariyoshi is no longer there.

  • "Wait..." - Yun finally dozes off, the last thought being that he finally met his match in Rude.


What remained of the night was inconsequential. Doctor Oscar Nuenberg's plan to gather a small force of demons to later work together with the stronger factions of their world and later on begin the recovery of their past-pandemic era was going as good as it could.


  • "But I'm not you and you're not me" -

  • "Wrong! We're one and the same. Accept it!" -

Dose dreamt of a figure, a mirror image of himself, an alter ego. The clone crept so very close to Dose. The shadow sported more height and much more muscle mass than the original, he leaned even more close, pressing his muscular chest on Dose's slender form. Dose kept his face turned, unable to do anything, being surround by dark walls and his shadow's rumbling body.

  • "I can't let you take control of me... I... you hurt people..." - Dose looks at his shadow, who only grins.

  • "It will be better for both of us if we work together" -

  • "Why would I want that?" -

  • "You sure seem to like that Raiko a lot." - the shadow mutters.

  • "I care for him." - Dose assures.

  • "You want to fuck him." -

  • "Hey!" - Dose snaps.

  • "Or do you want him to fuck you?" - the shadow mocks.

  • "None of it..." - Dose turns his face the other way, growling.

The bulky shadow of himself slid his thick arms under Dose's own. Dose couldn't contain his excitement, the arousal he felt, the familiar exhilarating feeling everytime he changed form.

  • "Let us be one, and you won't have to argue with me every time you close your eyes." - the shadow whispered, revealing a slight smile. Dose looks at his shadow once again, his face full of frustration. He feels as if he looks in a mirror, being faced by his reflection. Soon, Dose's mouth is engulfed with the shadows in a kiss, the clone's tongue slipping inside his own, toying with him. Their lips caress each other, and for a moment, Dose is in rapture, letting out an involuntary moan. The shadow mumbles in delight. Then Dose snaps out of the kiss, bringing a face of confusion, turning away.

  • "You don't like this, you love this. Give in." - the shadow murred.

  • "Rafael made sacrifices, so will I." - Dose insisted. His own cock betrayed him, throbbing full of pleasure, being pressed by the shadow's much bigger pulsating member.

The shadow grips Dose's arms and bites his shoulder. The shadow slips in, melding swiftly with the host. Dose is wrapped in a sharp pain, his muscles tense, he feels them swell, and his veins pop out. His body grows and expands, and pleasure mixes in with all the feelings. Dose moans, growls, grunts, writhes as his body changes. What he feels everytime he transforms.

And he jolts up, opening his eyes wide, gasping for air. The first thing his sight catches is the ceiling fan spinning, and the TV's still on, only playing static.

Dose closes his eyes for a moment and sighs. His lover laid over him, spread his arms and wings around him, filling him with comfort and warmth. Dose somehow manages to slip out from below his sleeping lover without waking him up.

  • "I love you." - Dose whispered in Rafael's ear.

Dose had acquired a sort of berserk state that turned him into a bulky monster almost as big as Tobey or Gai. He lost control most of the times, and hurt many people, including Rafael; who sometimes attempted to help. Dose could not control this form, and he only turned to this whenever his body gets an intense, uncontainable amount of pleasure. The only thing he disliked about Oscar's experiments was this unique side effect.

He began to thread down to the lobby, along the clanking catwalks, ladders and stairs. Once over the lobby, looking up, he see the sky, as if they were on the surface. But they weren't they were still underground, yet, the moon bathed the abandoned room in its moonlight. It was certainly magic, but something he had never seen before.

After a moment of being frozen in awe, he looks down, seeing the dark haired Hayden with his hand manipulating the window of magic above them.

  • "Hayden." - Dose says to himself as he drops down, skipping the rusty ladder.

  • "Oh hey Dose. I was just about to go to sleep." - Hayden smiles.

He was a slim, slender, medium height incubus, always calm and collected. His fur was almost black, his hair lagged. He's a demon of few words.

  • "I just woke up." - I said as I chuckled. - "Where's Gai?"

  • "He's already sleeping. I'm not sure how he flew back with how exhausted he was." -

  • "Oh, you guys just got back?" -

  • "Yep. Long story, man." -

I look up again, and couldn't help but ask Hayden about it.

  • "I didn't know you could that." -

  • "Me neither, but guess playing around with my powers paid off." -

Hayden could manipulate the darkness and the shadows, but without a source of light, he was powerless.

  • "Well, out I go... Night." - with a sigh, Hayden slips into the shadows and vanishes. And I'm alone in the lobby. I lean on one of the benches and rest my head, looking at the rocky ceiling now that Hayden's magic was gone.

I start to drift off, thinking about my other form, about the next assignment. My hand slips down and starts softly stroking my member, I was undeniably horny. Quickly I was forming plans to masturbate there, toying with my sac as I kept drifting off. Then, I feel a presence behind me, and before I could ask, I hear a whisper.

  • "I love you too" - Rafael's arms quickly embrace me.

  • "Oh darn, I woke you up." - I say to him with a smile as he swiftly leans on top of me.

  • "I'm so glad you did." -

  • "It's morning anyway." -

  • "Perhaps it is." -

  • "I feel we're on the same vibe here, no?" - I feel his member already hardening as he pressed over my body.

  • "That's saying the obvious." - Rafael pecks my lips. I pull back to me, pressing our mouths and lips together, giving him a swift, a deep tongue lashing kiss. Rafael growls in excitement.

  • "Now handsome, take us to our lair." - I demand. I was not gonna wait anymore, before whatever the heck our next assignment was, I needed some sex. The Virgin Virus restoration could wait.

Rafael quickly stands up, taking me into his strong arms, and quickly we float away to our room.

  • "Such a strong angel." - I grin.

  • "Such a sexy beast." - He replies.

He releases me on the bed, closing the door behind us with a kick. Rafael pounces on me, and we both giggle. I drop on my back, and he lays on top of me.

  • "You think anybody heard us?" - I mumble.

  • "Doesn't matter." -

Rafael and I pause for a second, slowly approaching our mouths for a kiss. We connect, mouth to mouth, kissing, thrusting our tongues into each other, licking them. Rafael knew how to make you orgasm with just a deep kiss, but I knew he was not gonna do it today. Slowly we slid off the kiss, shifting to pecks and nibbles. I was already moaning softly, at his mercy. Our cocks were sandwiched between each other, we squirmed in delight, and our members sent out ripples of pleasure as they rubbed each other between our bodies and slowly became thicker and harder.

Slowly he pulls away, just a breath away, we look into each other's eyes. His heart was pumping faster than mine. He leans up, putting one of his hands on my chest, rubbing all of it, caressing it, and I make a happy sigh. He then leans his lips to start loving it with kisses and licks. He reaches my nipples and toys them with his teeth, gently. Playing with one his fingers squeeze and pull the other. And I moan and squirm, looking at him go down my body.

His kisses slide down to my abdomen, his own muscular body sliding body rubbing against my hard ten inches pleasuring me so. The further he goes down, the more slightly I lean up. He squeezes in bites in between kisses, each makes me yelp and grunt and he chuckles back in delight.

Down to my obliques, he tastefully caresses it all over with his mouth, the excitement intense as his muzzle rubs with my hard cock, which sticks up proudly beyond my middle. His tongue plays around my pubic fur, while gripping my thigh tightly. The pleasure forces me back on the bed, the breathing gets heavier as I'm being dominated by the intense feeling.

My cock pulsates, wildly in need of his loving mouth, but Rafael just nudges it aside, licking my sack all over, squeezing gently my balls into his mouth and giving them a lovely massage. Then he slowly takes his tongue and starts sliding it along the ridge of my cock, before reaching the head, and shoving it inside his mouth. And give out a deep moan of pleasure.

  • "Oh, suck me dry!" - I scream.

Swiftly the whole length of my cock is driven into his throat, gently resting on his skillful tongue. His lips only stop as the caress the pubic fur of my body, and slowly my cock is being slid out of his mouth, caressing the top of his throat. His tongue plays and wraps around my member, while it just streams pre-cum. The seeping slime is one of the tastiest things, he always told me, and as I almost screamed moans of pleasure so was he as more and more of me filled him. There was no fear of gagging, we were made for the maximum pleasure. Just as he took my entre cock deep in his throat his breath was hard. And mine was getting faster as my lover slowly coaxed the climax further.

  • "The ambrosia... give me your seed!" - Rafael roars, having slid out my cock out of his mouth for a moment, the sudden reset sending a sharp wave of pleasure. Feeling my body spasm up and squirm further, he starts clenching my cock tight in his jaw. With a few of these stunts, soon I'm screaming.

  • "I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm-!! - the body jolts up a bit, and my cock is soon flooding my lover's mouth with the seed he so desperately wants. The huge satisfaction that fills my mind is just as pleasurable as the work my Rafael had put on to earn it, and with each spurt of cum, we both moan loudly. After minutes, my first orgasm is dried out and I try to recover my breath.

Rafael slides back up to me, opening his mouth and letting me taste the warm, musky smell of my own cum, before kissing me once again. We both grin to each other. He slides off me again, putting my hips over his as he sits on the bed. He grabs my legs and puts them over his shoulders, and he slowly leans back up.

  • "Get ready." -

  • "Oh, I'm always ready." -

Instinctively he thrust and shove half his cock inside my ever ready tailhole. Having done this for 10 years he no longer needs to aim, he just decides it and the next moment he's mounting me. The sudden invasion of his wide member strikes me a quick yowl, and the second thrust drives his whole member inside me, his hips bumping with my butt and his sac slapping it. As my inside rips his body with pleasure, mine does as well, and we both moan like an opera chorus.

The single thrust becomes the methodical fucking, rocking me back and forth on the soft bed, both of us awash in ecstasy. As his loving member rubbed my essential prostate, my cock got hard and ready again. It was swinging aimlessly as Rafael's pumping got faster and more furious. And soon, Rafael's body was announcing its own climax.

  • "Sucking you off just gets me so...UNGH!" - the last oomph drives his cock extra deeper in me and we both scream.

  • "Fill me up!" - he had only been pumping for minutes but I could see my lover was not going to be able to hold it much longer.

I start pumping back onto his cock, trying to coax his climax myself.

  • "Don't stop!" - Rafael let me know in between the hard breathing and the frantic thrusting.

And a deep guttural moan from his part makes his body shiver and his cock release the torrent of cum he had been holding. He sighs deeply in pleasure as his single spurt fills my insides with his warm seed. The sudden feeling of warmth and comfort makes me moan and sigh myself. His orgasm only lasted one blast, the cum was overflowing out of my tailhole and drenching the bed. My exhausted lover falls on me, and we both start heaving. I wrap my arm over him.

  • "We could keep pulling a few more, you know." - Rafael panted.

  • "Yeah, multi-orgasm and all... but let's clean up. lover-lover." -

We lie there a few more minutes, still hilted. I chuckle and giggle as I feel his cock getting hard again.

  • "Come on, you horny angel, let's go." - I lean up, pushing him, and kissing his lips. Then Rafael picks me up from the bed, I still attached to each other by his cock, and he rams through the door, flying to the showers. I just giggle all the way along with him, always amazed at how gracefully he can glide along the narrow corridors.

We land, I remain in his godly arms. The showers could be the loveliest place in certain times of day, maybe because it was even cleaner than Dr. Oscar's sterile labs. Rafael takes his time, strolling to the locker room. Gently he kneels, my rump being placed on the bench, and slowly he slides his hot, wet member out of me, making me feel kind of empty. He goes for another peck on the lips, then we both dash under a showerhead together, at the other side.

The shower gets turned on, we grab our lovely soap, which was specially made for us and our demon fur. We start lathering each other, sticking to each other like glue as we smile and clean each other up. The steam from the hot water that rains on us just makes the moment that much more enjoyable. Then I remembered my dream, the one I had in the morning. That one was the longest one of the recurrent dreams I had been having of my hyper self. So I look at my lover, into his gorgeous eyes.

  • "Rafael... you know about my... other form, right?" -

  • "Yes, of course I do. I even had sex with your big bad self a few times, remember?" -

  • "Oh, yes..." - I blush and he smiles. - "But... besides that... I've been getting these urges... and I really don't want to give in." -

  • "Urges of what?" -

  • "Of..." - and I gulp - "...raping people... hurting them." - Rafael's eyes widen. - "And... you know I'm not like that." -

  • "You're the cutest, sweetest little demon... I know you're not." -

As he says it I just lean on his chest.

  • "But... every single time you go animal... you save us. What if we control it?" -

  • "Control it? But here I'm precisely saying that I don't want anything to do with it." - Rafael grabs my arms, and we look at each other.

  • "Remember the situation you're in. We need all the help we can get, and that form of yours can be one of our biggest assets, like a secret weapon." - This definitely puzzles me.

  • "Are you saying I'm not as helpful as I am?" -

  • "No no!" - he goes for a quick kiss on the lips, nibbling on my lower lip.

  • "But... I'm being serious. I'll be with you all the way. We can come up with something. Let's just try this once." -

  • "Rafael... this is so unusual of you." -

  • "Is it bad? You just have to say no, you know." - Rafael gets a worried face.

  • "No, it's just odd, coming from you. We'll give it one try. Just say when." - I grab his hips and slightly pull him on me.

  • "Does it hurt? How bad is it when you transform?" -

  • "Well... it does hurt; a lot. But... then it gets so... exciting. But all the exicitement vanishes when you see everyone around you hurt and everything around you destroyed..." -

  • "But we'll make it so that when it happens, it's all you." -

  • "I hope so..." -

Once I cleared that up, ending up with new questions, Rafael give his big, wing-covering hug, still wet after just having turned off the showers and having finished rinsing ourselves clean.

We quickly dry each other up, my fur ends up all fuzzy. I look in the mirror and groan at the fuzziness, and Rafael just laughs and pulls my tail. I grope his rump on the way out.

  • "So now our day begins." - he says.

  • "A new day begins..." - I hug his waist and lean my head on his shoulder, heading to the lab to listen to Dr. Oscar bark up some new orders.

The first thing we see from outside the lab, through the glass window, is Oscar standing behind Yun, who laid on the table with some cables. His restraints were released, and the doctor was running some sort of tests using some lab utensils.

I wonder what happened in there...

And so, Chapter 3 is done. Hope you liked the yiff, it'll only get better. Stay tuned for more crazyness. Ciao!

Virgin Virus - Ch4: Fear

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Four- - Last Chapter: - Yun and Raiko layed there alone at midnight, when Raiko suddenly wakes up and chats with Yun. Mentioning his brother, Raiko snaps in rage, and faints...

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Virgin Virus - Ch2: Earth

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Two- - Last Chapter: - Dose, Yuri, Aoi, Raiko and Rafael left to the Valley of the Beast to bring back another of their old friends, the big, muscular Tobey. The lug hesitates...

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Virgin Virus - Ch1: Wave

_ **Incubus: Virgin Virus** _ [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 - Silence](%5C) [Ch11 -...

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