Virgin Virus - Ch2: Earth

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#2 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Two-

  • Last Chapter: -

Dose, Yuri, Aoi, Raiko and Rafael left to the Valley of the Beast to bring back another of their old friends, the big, muscular Tobey. The lug hesitates for a moment, and soon the valley is being dragged out of their dimension. Thanks to Raiko, the rest of them are safe, but he is sent into the darkness. There, he meets someone claiming to be his brother. This stranger helps Raiko, get back, but not before trying to violate him. After an unpleasant situation, Raiko crash lands back on their Earth base, and Tobey rushes to tell everyone that Thunder Guy is back.

It is a long series, and each chapter is usually gonna be long. Some will contain more drama, others will contain more yiff, others more actions. Some will be perfect, some will not. Above all, I pretend to make a series of stories that leave you with something more.

Disclaimer: If you're on this site it's assumed that you're 18 years or older. Most content is homosexual, so if you don't approve, don't bother.

A series of tremors could be heard all over the basement, they could be felt everywhere and they only meant one thing: Tobey was excited.

  • "Thunder guy! Thunder guy!" - Tobey's shouts echoed all around the rocky walls.

I stayed with Rafael cuddling in the lobby, talking with him until I could calm down about Raiko's sudden disappearance. Dr. Oscar was on the lobby with us as well, searching on the junk that surrounded it for something he never made clear. He was probably building something new for us, or for himself. Only he knew.

As Tobey's echoing growl kept becoming louder, Oscar paused his rummaging for a second to see what was going on. Now, I was alone, laid down on one of the benches, just relaxing.

  • "Is that the Tobey" - Dr. Oscar asks.

  • "Yep, that's the Tobey. He's excited about something." - I say

  • "Don't you hear what he's saying...? Thunder guy, thunder guy..." - The doctor looks at the junk as he ponders silently. It also makes me wonder.

  • "Thunder guy? Isn't that-?" - Just as I start speaking, Tobey's huge frame slides out the door and appears just above us on the catwalks, with a big grin and happy puppy eyes. His demon tail even wagged.

  • "Tobey, what's going on?" - I ask.

  • "Thunder guy is back!!" - Tobey makes a quick hop as he says this, the metal platform creaks and complains as it barely holds Tobey's weight.

  • "Thunder guy- Raiko?!" - I stand up at the good news, excited myself. Tobey nods quickly.

  • "Then let's go upstairs" - said Dr. Oscar.

There wasn't anybody else to call, as they were out again, it was only me, Rafael in his meditation, Tobey and Oscar. I grab the Doctor and fly my way to the room.

  • "Oh my." - Says the doctor as I grab him by the shoulders.

We arrive much more swiftly than we would've by walking. Slowly we walk into the room, and Raiko was there, well placed in one of the test tables. I gently release Oscar on his feet and walk by Raiko. I sigh deeply, I'm so relieved that he's alive.

I grab hold of his hand tightly, I see his fur is burnt in some areas. He must've had it rough back in the Outer Rim, or wherever he was. Dr. Oscar rushed to check his vitals and give him primary support. Tobey stayed very obediently outside the door, with the same grin he had when he told us the news, still swinging his tail like a dog's. He had learned not to swing it inside, or things would break something if he did.

  • "Dooseh, Tobey placed Raiko on table... he landed badly on the floor. Tobey did good, rite?" - He asked with a deep but still giddy tone.

  • "Yep, Tobey, you did great, thank you." - I smile back at Tobey, and he marfs.

Tobey certainly could be a sweetheart. He saw that if Raiko, - Thunder Guy as he called him - was alive, Alex was definitely alive as well.

  • "Well, I can immediately say that our friend is in a comma." - The doctor said after having checked the readings.

  • "He's stable, he'll be fine. Thanks to the natural resilience of your species." -

  • "I wonder what happened back there..." - I said, looking at Raiko, a bit envious about how peaceful he looked. Raiko reminded me of Sebastian, he was the first one I told about me being gay.

He obviously worried knowing of our nature, but he accepted me and helped me all the way nonetheless. He's been living for some years with his human girl, who's a very lovely young lady.

  • "Well Dose, we have to wait until my son and your friends come back. You're to accompany them on a new assignment." -

  • "What assignment?" - I ask.

  • "I'll tell you when they get here." -

Well then...

Having heard that, I release Raiko's hand and make my way to Rafael's quarters to bear him the good news. Moving across the ladders and doors I find the quarters. As soon as I step on the gray floor, a pair of thick muscular arms forces me to halt and press me against the soft muscles of someone's chest.

  • "When will Dooseh talk to Tobey? He still hasn't talked to Dooseh the things he wanted to talk about." - It was obviously Tobey.

  • "Lemme go to Rafael's first, buddy. Remind me later 'kay?" - By saying this the big lug lets me go.

  • "Dooseh is very sweet to meh. Almost as sweet as Alex." - He says this and I look at him.

I expected some sadness in his face I just see him smile.

  • "Alex must be ok, you and I both know it. We'll find him soon." -

Tobey gives me a gentle hug and heads to the lobby, his big tail swinging merrily behind him. As I slowly walk to my room, I hear a loud crash followed by a - "Tobey!!" - coming from down the lobby. So clumsy the big lug, I had to chuckle.

I find Rafael's room, which was also mine. As I open the door, I find him amidst his meditation, which such a phenomenon. He floats in midair with his legs crossed and his arms over them in some sort of sign, his shining wings radiating a golden light, dispelling the darkness of the room. I gently close the door behind me and just stare in awe. I was not used to seeing my lover like this.

As I approach, he opens his eyes, and light shines through them as well, he turns his head to face me. He feels my presence, he slowly descend from his levitation and the light that surrounds his beautiful wings begin to dim. Meditation keeps his powers on check and allows him to expand his abilities and improve them. It also keeps him calm on the harshest of situations. He isn't even sure of the extent of his capabilities.

As far as he knew, his family had also ability to wield light, although he himself could not wield it save during his meditation. Rafael snaps out of his trance and looks at me with a smile, which I return; I approach him, he warps me in his arms and wings and kisses my forehead.

  • "What's up, hon?" - He asks as he leans his head over mine.

  • "Um, Raiko's back, Raf." - I answer while I return the embrace.

  • "Really? That's great! - We look at each other.

  • "How's he doing?" -

  • "Battered, burnt and in a coma, but he'll recover in around a week, at least that's what the Doctor said." -

  • "Well, let's go see him." -

Rafael takes my hand and we exit the room.

  • "He should be in the Testing Lab now." - I say, gripping his hand tightly.

We make our way along the corridors. Along the walkway that leads directly to the Testing Lab, Rafael backs up, bumping me out of the way, with his hand on his head and an expression of discomfort.

  • "What's wrong, love?" - I grab his hand with both my own.

  • "Ungh, Dose... his mind. I can read every thought, every emotion, every memory, all involuntarily, like it just hops into my head, like if his mind's screaming." -

He backs up into a wall and looks up, closing his eyes, letting out a sigh. I hug him by the waist and press myself against him.

  • "Can't you only read minds when people lie?" - I ask him; he had told me that every time someone lies, their mind broadcasts the truth, and he quickly picks it up.

  • "Yes, but, it seems that a comma creates that same effect, and since it's more than just an instance, it's really an open book." - He says.

  • "Let's go, he's our friend, a very good friend. Whatever things he feels, whatever he has to say, I don't wanna know until he wants me to." -

With that said, we slowly make our way back in to the dorm, and we both sit on the edge of the bed. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me to him.

  • "You know I love you, right?" - he says.

  • "And you know I love you more?" - I say, looking at him with a grin.

  • "Hehe, stop that... I'll miss you tonight, this thing Oscar is sending me in is gonna take a long time." -

  • "Awwr, well, you can wake me up, you know." -

  • "What if I don't want to? Seriously, you look so gorgeous when you sleep." -

  • "Hahaha, you watch me when I sleep?" -

  • "Yeah! It helps me sleep when I otherwise wake up in the middle of the night. You should know, I've told you before." -

  • "Sleeping's not very fun, since I'm not spending time with you then." -

  • "Come on, Dose, no time to get mushy!" - as he says this he kisses my lips, sliding his tongue gently into my mouth, and makes me moan softly.

  • "Mmm, I want some more of that." - I say, groping his exposed crotch. He meeps, then stands up, pulling me up along the way, having a big smile on his face.

  • "Hehe, hon, I'll go now, they're probably at the docks." -

  • "Allright, allright." - I smile, and we both squeeze each other before he leaves out the door in a sprint, leaving my heart full of happiness.

I let out a sigh of satisfaction, then decide to wait for Ari and Rude at the surface. Twisting along some rusty hallways, I find the ladder leading to the surface. I poke my head out of the steel manhole disguising the entrance, then take my whole self outside.

The sun welcomes me with intense ultraviolet rays. I quickly sit on the plastic chair that laid just alongside the manhole, below the ceiling of an abandoned building. The whole place was an abandoned complex, surrounded by a concrete wall. It was near the docks I used to frequent when I fed around this area, and the sea could be heard whispering very softly in your ears.

I sit, relax, let out a sigh, and try to doze off. It feels like several minutes pass, when an explosion snaps me awake. A section of the concrete wall falls and breaks just yards near the manhole I got out off. I look at the section that was blown off to see who the perpetrator was, but the concrete dust made it hard, so I stared. It obviously wasn't human, or explosives.

The smoke clears, making the obvious visible: it was Rude. Stepping out of the dust cloud, he was carrying some sort of statue over his left shoulder. He still had a few meters to walk, and whatever he was carrying didn't make it any easier. Moments later Ariyoshi lands with Carl over his shoulders.

  • "Hey, Dose!" - says Ari as soon as he sees me, and Carl just waves hi.

  • "Hey guys. How was the job?" -

  • "Well, in a nutshell? It had a humorous outcome; just ask Rude over there." - Ari says with a grin.

  • Also, do I wait for him to help? -

  • "Nah, just go down, I'll help him." - I motion them to head down the manhole, and the do so.

Ariyoshi was always a very nice to have around, and very sweet, loyal and caring demon. He had light brown fur, normal height, a slim build unusual of us Incubi. His hair was short and brown, and his eyes were green like Emeralds; looking at them inspired peace into your soul. He always seemed so serene, which, at least to me, seemed ironic.

He was an exile, banished to death on Earth, but he managed to live. He settled with humans, had a lot of experiences with them and learned a ton from them. Thanks to such, he's well used to earthly life. Normally, we Incubi don't wear clothes, but he was wearing an open button-up white shirt and some nice denim shorts.

This whole image he portrayed hid the fact that he possessed one of the greatest powers: He could control time and space.

And because of his power is that he was exiled in the first place, but that's a whole other store by itself.

Rude finally steps in front of the manhole and drops the statue on its feet, then he stares at me.

  • "Heavy, huh?" - I ask

  • "Yep, and it's not my problem anymore." - He says, and I meep.

Rude almost never stays down in the underground dorms, he hates it for some reason. And it was gonna be my problem to take down the statue, which seemed twice as heavy as any of us. And I'm by no means any strong. So I sigh, and approach the statute. Looking at it, it was the statute of an Incubus, one I'd never seen before. I didn't even know they made statues of us demons, so I had to ask:

  • "Where's this statue from?" - I look at Rude, and he raises a brow.

  • "It's a wingless incubus that got petrified." -

  • "You can turn demons into stone?" -

  • "There's a lot I can do that I haven't shown you." - He says, crossing his arms, giving me a familiar look. If I didn't shut up at that moment I was gonna get hit.

  • "Ok, ok... but can't you make it lighter?" - I try to nudge the statue but it doesn't move.

  • "Like change the consistency?" - He puts an arm over the statue's shoulder, and I nod. He closes his eyes in concentration, grunts, and makes the statue vibrate slightly for just a moment.

  • "Try picking it up now." - he backs up, and I do as I'm told. It's definitely lighter, weights as much as Rafael. So I can carry it.

  • "Eh, thanks." - I say as I make my way down the manhole.

  • "Meh." - He doesn't even look at me.

Rude's a very unfriendly and insensitive demon with a very unfriendly look. He has a black mohawk for his hair, his fur is of the darkest brown I've seen. He had very well defined muscles but wasn't bulky, and he can control earth. Even so, he's one of the more interesting guys among us. He's Hayden's half-brother, and always partners up with Ari since Ariyoshi is the only one he'll listen to. Like Ari, he's an exile, and sometimes he'll wear some sort of ragged, tore up jeans. It was thanks to him that Ari survived his banishment. The only thing redeeming his unfriendly ways is that if you need help, he'll risk life and limb if necessary to protect you.

With the petrified demon's arm hanging from my left hand as my right holds on to the ladder while I go down, it's a serious struggle to not fall down and break something; but I manage. I grab it from behind, wrapping my arms under its own, wondering what kind of assignment Dr. Oscar had sent them to. It was very odd that he sent Carl with them. And even more so that he wasn't worried, nor was Carl. But I guess it's not precisely my business.

Making a turn, the statue's left arm bumps slightly on one of the handrails, and I see that a small chunk of the stone covering chips off, revealing some of the fur.

  • "So... petrifaction is like encasing someone in an eggshell... weird." - I thought to myself, sort of fascinated by this odd discovery.

After I'm done spacing out, I find myself going through the metallic doors of the Testing Lab, Ari, Oscar and Carl sitting on the far side. I leave the statue beside me.

  • "So, what's the story on this guy?" - I ask

  • "Ah, yes. We were waiting for you two." - Says Dr. Oscar as he stands and approaches the statue.

I help him place the statue on the second Test Table, the one to the left of Raiko's, who was staying there as he was monitored for his comma. With the press of a button some thick metallic restraints lock up around the statue. The doctor grabs a hexagonal hammer he left over one of the consoles.

  • "This guy is a wingless demon of the main military faction of your world." - Dr. Oscar explains as he looks at me.

  • "Wow! But, how would us getting to our own military help?" -

  • "They're a force to be reckoned with, as some of your other friends have told me, and from some research I've done about it. They'll be the key for us to spread order in your world and begin recolonization." - I nod.

  • "Why did Rude have to petrify him, though?" - I ask, looking at Ari.

  • "Carl has some close ties with this demon. He was trying to reason with him, but he didn't want to, and Rude... you know how Rude tires quickly from stubborn characters... so he went from behind and petrified him." -

I sit down on the nearest seat I could find, then look at Carl. The doctor was arranging something in the console, but I wasn't really paying attention to that.

  • "What kind of tie do you have with this demon, Carl?" -

  • "I kinda saved his life." - Carl furrows his brow and sighs as he says this.

  • "Wow, and how could you do that?" - That really had me intrigued.

  • "Umm... I'll tell you later." - Carl looks away as he says this, and I get the message. I stop bothering the boy, but the only idea that came to my head was that he shared his energy with this demon in the only way we can get energy. I'd have to ask him later. I was still wondering what his name was.

  • "Does this statue have a name?" -

  • "Yun." - Ari answers.

The Doctor stands in front of Yun's petrified head, his hexagonal hammer ready to do its job.

  • "Before I begin, where's young Rude?" - He asks.

  • "He's at the surface." - I answer.

  • "Oh! Yes, yes, I kind of forgot. Anyhoo, let's welcome our guest. Erm, Dose, boy, would you mind getting us the HACS?" - He points at the big needle on the shelf behind me and I take it, pressing on it a bit for a test squirt. This one, as he told us earlier, was a different variety, that was gonna keep him on hold, even if the metal restraints ever failed; that by itself was unlikely, but Dr. Oscar has learned with time not take any chances.

With a quick gentle swing he bangs the hammer on Yun's petrified chest, cracking it, making a dull sound on the hammer.

  • "What kind of material is this?" - The doctor asks.

  • "Granite." - Ariyoshi answers, then I see he's looking at Raiko's comatose state.

  • "What's wrong with Raiko?" -

  • "Our last assignment ended up with him in a comma... we thought he was a goner." - I explain to Ari, looking at Raiko myself.

  • "Achtung, boys. I'm about to free the specimen." - The Doctor calls our attention and bangs the hammer with much more force this time. The granite trap turns to dust, some shards fly, startling even the Doctor himself. He dusts off some of the granite particles on Yun as the guest writhes and wiggles in his tight restraints, slowly waking up with some groans in between. In moments, he cracks his eyes open and snaps.

  • "Aargh!" - He screams, looking all around him, tilting his head swiftly.

  • "Who are you people?! Where am I? Master Carl, what's going on?!" - he slumps his head back on the table and settles, quickly realizing that the immovable restraints have him trapped.

Doctor Oscar backs up a bit, looking at his shiny hexagonal hammer with pride.

  • "Gotta love Resonance Hammers. Now please, Dose, do us the honors." - the doctor cues me to inject the modified HACS.

The broken granite casing reveals a tall incubus with brown fur, red hair with a sort of pompadour, a green headband and some red baggy pants. Seeing that he had clothes, he must've been either an exile or an Outsider.

I grab Yun's trapped bicep, sliding the needle in with little effort and making the injection. I quickly back up as I see the whole content drain into his veins, I look at him.

  • "Bastard, what are you doing?" - He snarls.

  • "Yun, please, calm down. We need your help." - Carl stands from his seat and slowly approaches Yun's table.

  • "What a way to ask for my help... man... where's the guy that did this to me?" - He looks around apparently looking for Rude, but not finding him.

  • "As you can see, he's not here. And neither am I." - says Ariyoshi with almost a giggle. Carl, Oscar, Yun and me all startle as Ari disappears in the blink of an eye.

  • "Whoah." - Is all I can mutter for that moment. The Doctor adjust his glasses and clears his throat.

  • "Yun, we need your help us reach the military faction of your world." -

  • "Why would I do that? Why should I trust any of you?" - He looks at me while he says this.

  • "Yun, you trust me don't you?" - Says Carl.

  • "I trust you master, but it's not just about you." -

  • "Of course it's not!" - I let him know in a loud tone of voice. I look at Carl and Oscar.

  • "Let me talk to him alone, explain what's going on." - They silently agree and lock the lab door behind them.

Once they leave I bring myself closer to him, trying to hold on the sadness that builds up in my eyes every time I think about the Virgin Virus's legacy.

  • "You know what the Virgin Virus did, don't you?" - I look into his eyes.

  • "Virgin Virus?" - He asks me with a puzzled look.

  • "You don't know?" -

Yun shakes his head. I sigh, and ready the explanation.

  • "Our species is in the brink of extinction. Ten years ago this... thing that later was called the Virgin Virus... it struck all our Succubae. A year later all of them disappeared. The disease by itself was one that caused so much suffering on the ones that were unfortunately hit by it. Many of us saw loved ones die. You could see them die on the streets by the thousands. No one could help them." - I look down as I continue, trying to struggle from tearing up.

  • "Then, not only did we lose our females... the males that were left... they started going crazy. Some were pairing up, some were exiling themselves, some were suiciding. If this keeps up, we'll die as a species within a few years, since without any females, no new births have taken place in such a long time. And we can also expect attacks from Manticores and Chimeras, as soon as they hear the news." -

Yun grabs my hand tightly, I look at him.

  • "I see this is not about anyone... this is about everyone. You have my help." -

  • "How could you not know that?" - I look at him, unable to hide the feelings I felt from remembering that.

  • "We live so far away from you winged ones... things are different... hey... I'm sure what you just said doesn't even begin to describe what happened. I'm sure I cannot even begin to imagine. But let's put that aside. You have my life." -

As he says that... a sort of smile cracks up into my face. I almost want to hug him, but even if I did want to, it would've been impossible since he was tightly held by thick metallic bars.

The metallic door unlocks and opens and Doctor Oscar thread through into the room.

  • "I believe you have him convinced? Now it is my turn to have some alone time with our guest." - He says as he stands beside Yun's head. I walk myself out, hearing him saying something about making some tests and Yun complaining before the door shuts behind me.

I decide I was gonna take a nap before our next assignment. The living room was just a floor below, thinking it would be more appropriate to rest there. If I went to my own room, I would probably end up sleeping the rest of the day. The only thing that would keep me from that is the semi-comfortable sofas and the noisy TV. I enter , the lights are off, the TV's screaming by itself. and Aoi and Yuri are sleeping on each other. I couldn't help but wonder if they either went out on assignment or escaped from Oscar's clutches, and what could they possibly have done this time that got them so exhausted. Aoi rested her head between Yuri's bosoms as they both remained in peaceful dreams. She was even snoring, but in a gentle, female way. I just smile and slowly slide myself into one of the other sofas, not able to take my eyes off Yuri's breasts. They looked so much more comfortable than any pillow anyone could ever find; I found I'm blushing at such thoughts. Sighing, I rest my head on the handrest, trying to catch what was going on the TV no one was paying attention to. It was some weird show about some doctors making some sorts of jokes. I could never understand human humor.

Resting my head on the pillow, looking up at the gray ceiling, I start to drift into sleep. I close my eyes, and start imagining Rafael doing naughty stuff like he always does.

The first memory that quickly went to mind was that one time that he decided he was gonna suck me off in midair. So far, that was the craziest, most exhilarating thing I had ever done. I had my legs over his shoulders while his hands held my back, he took off, and I was so freaking scared. Once we were miles above the ground, he started licking my crotch, taking my cock into his mouth, using his gentle tongue to play with it... Aaah! My head was spinning!

Then it all gets fuzzy and distorted and... Yaaawn... I'm so sleepy...

Sleepy, sleepy...

Virgin Virus - Ch3: Time

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Three- - Last Chapter: - Raiko is diagnosed with a comma, putting some relief on Dose and his friends. They wait for Ariyoshi and Rude, who come back from their assignment with...

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Virgin Virus - Ch1: Wave

_ **Incubus: Virgin Virus** _ [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 - Silence](%5C) [Ch11 -...

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Incubus: Esperanza y Pureza

Aqui esta gente, el capitulo siguiente. No tengo mucho que decir. He pasado por muchas cosas. Pero creo que esta demas comentar sobre mi cuando esta historia es de Dose y Rafa. Toma un giro diferente. Si gusta dejelo saber. Y por cierto si esta en esta...

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