Virgin Virus - Ch5: Absolution

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#5 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Five-

  • Last Chapter: -

Dose, Yun and Carl were sent on a rather simple assignment. Arriving in the southern Rainlands, they begin their trek to the Military Realm Base, along the tunnels of Resolution and Absolution. Along the way, Monk snatches Carl for a moment, but Yun forces the young demon to stick with them. Inside the tunnel they face a dead end, a Manticore. And before they can get away, Monk is captured. Then the Manticore makes the ceiling collapse, separating Monk from his friends by a wall of debris..

It is a long series, and each chapter is usually gonna be long. Some will contain more drama, others will contain more yiff, others more actions. Some will be perfect, some will not. Above all, I pretend to make a series of stories that leave you with something more.

Disclaimer: If you're on this site it's assumed that you're 18 years or older. If you're not reading this from Yiffstar, then someone must've stole this. Most content is homosexual, so if you don't approve, don't bother.

Monk soon found himself in the monstrous grip of the Manticore. The beast's huge hand covered Monk's whole torso, the young demon's member inevitably rubbing against the monster's thick fingers. He's cut off from his friends by a wall of rubble, a barricade that had been created by the Manticore's powerful punch; he had driven it meters into the solid rock, leaving a gaping hole beside them, and another above where the loose rocks collapsed. Monk was clearly frightened, more frightened that he had ever been. But he faced the lion-beast's grimace, thinking to himself:

  • "I was trained for this, I can do this." -

His breathing was hard since the beast's hand was pressing tightly, making it hard for his lungs to inhale and exhale properly. And the Manticore gripped harder, ever so slightly.

  • "I couldn't get all of you. To make up for it, I'm going to rape you, how about it? You'll be a tight fit, though." - Monk's eyes almost pop out of his demon skull at the ultimatum. He looks at the lion-beast's crotch, being faced with a footlong, half-foot thick member. Monk practically started to shiver.

  • "Oh, don't be afraid. I think you will even enjoy this, if you're not split apart by it." - the Manticore growls mockingly.

Monk gets slammed into the ground, face into the cavernous dirt, ending up pinned with his rump completely exposed. With the big claw thumb of his equally large hand, the Manticore probes the young demon's tailhole. The digit feels just as hard as any member and even more flexible. Monk yowls in pain, followed by a yelp of estranged pleasure.

  • "As soon as he starts shoving his snake up my ass, things will turn in my favor... but I don't know how much is this gonna hurt." - Monk kept thinking to himself.

  • "Oh, I'll take it easy on you, since you're my nicest looking catch yet. I never thought I'd find a male more lovely than any female." - the Manticore growls deeply, trying to sound seductive.

  • "Ugh, what the hell does that mean?" - Monk yelps in surprise and worry, the Manticore's free hand holding his neck down and keeping him immobile.

  • "As in, if I heard you moan from pleasure, I'd make you scream and torture you." - the Manticore bellows triumphantly, with a following chuckle that reverberates around the cave.

  • "Oh... ok..." - Monk finds himself breathing shallowly, feeling pleasure from the lion-beast's work with his thumb, spreading his young tailhole further.

  • "I'm going to need more space." - growls the beast as he sneaks his index clawed finger in with the penetrating thumb. This forces out a moan from monk, who starts to squirm a bit but to no avail.

The monster's fingers kept rubbing against the little demon's prostate, Monk found himself enjoying this, buckling back against the thick fingers spreading his tailhole so much wider. His own cock was hard and throbbing, bumping against his belly, trickling pre cum to the ground.

  • "Aaagh!" - it echoed throughout the cave when Monk's rear was invaded with the monster's middle finger, and with the increased pain came the increased bliss. His blood began to pump faster, his muscles tensed up. The trickle of his precum soon turned into a steady dripping, and it pooled below Monk. The young demon kept his eyes closed, thrusting himself into the three fingers that had expanded his tailhole much wider than the norm.

After having manipulated the demon's inside some more, he shoves them out with an echoing pop. Monk gasps at the sudden sensation of emptiness. His flesh had been expanded to a significant with, just enough so the Manticore could work his way into the tight demon without much problems. The beast grabbed the base of its hyperphallia, which pulsated its visible veins violently with two feet of thick flesh. Gripping it, he squeezes it and bellows a soft, grave moan. Slowly he presses the absolutely thick cock head against Monk's expanded tailhole, not entirely fitting in by itself. Monk gasped the grit his teeth, anticipating the enormous cock soon to fuck him inside out. The manticore kept Monk tightly pined with his left hand while he pushed his hips, the cock head began to slide in thanks to the copious amounts of pre-seed that the beast cock had already produced. Monk screams a moan as his flesh is expanded even more to accommodate the hypephallic demon. A breath, a grunt and a third push and the cock head slid in. The young demon shouts a louder moan and a tear escapes his eye at the sheer pain and accompanying pleasure that followed. The Manticore chuckles, and with his hand tightly wrapped around his massive cock, his tightness clenching around his giant member sends rippling bliss all over his beastly body.

The Manticore pushes until his fist bumps the young demon's soft pillowy rump, having placed an entire foot of his enormous size into his victim. Monk was breathing shallowly, frozen from absolute bliss ; the hyperphallia fit snuggly inside him, keeping his essential prostate squeezed.

  • "Oh jeez, this feels so good." - he kept thinking to himself.

The initial push turned into a rhythmic thrusting and pulling, dragging the screaming Monk back each time the Manticore pulled his tightly gripped cock. Both moaned wildly, the Manticore from such an intensely tight fight, and Monk from the incredible fucking his tailhole was receiving. Monk's body kept pumping blood faster into his tensed muscles, slowly expanding them with each tidal wave of pleasure that the Manticore's hyperphallic trust sent. As Monk grew, so did his own cock, which bumped against his chest now that it grew at least twice as big as it was, the streaming pre-cum splaterring all over. His growing body clenched the beast cock tighter, driving the Manticore crazy, and as Monk's muscles grew absorbing the immense bliss, the Manticore soon was accommodating more and more of his monster dick with each thrust.

  • "This is working perfectly... and it's too fucking good." - Monk's head was awash, out of this world. The Manticore's moans became deeper and more guttural, as his hyperphallia thrusted big wads of pre-cum inside Monk's chute, keeping him filled and lubricated. The Manticore released his cock, letting the member ease in uninterrupted. Monk had now grown twice as big as he started with, so much more muscular and powerful. The enormous monster flesh that robbed him of his strength was now empowering him. Soon, the grown demon could fit all three feet of the Manticore's snaking penis.

He could not believe how much pleasure he was getting from this little demon. Not one he ever fucked could fit him so perfectly that the only thing stopping him was his crotched. The Manticore's enormous swollen balls boiled with the massive orgasm that begged to be released. Little did the lion-beast know that the demon he kept pinned down under his fucking had grown to a considerable size, and kept growing.

Both demons roared constantly, filling the underground tunnel with echoes of sexual sounds. With one final ripple, the Manticore flaps its black feathered wings. Follows an intense spasm, a deafening roar. Monk's rectum is injected with sudden gallons of overflowing cum. The sudden blast sends a sharp sensation all over Monk's grown body that makes him scream almost as loudly, making him shiver and gasp. The lion-beast pulled, then pushed again as each new blast of monster seed came and flooded the young one. The hot musky seed splashed out of the tail hole and slobbered Monk's legs. With more subsequent blasts, Monk's belly started to fill with each blast of seed. With one final burst, the exhausted Manticore falls on its back, swinging Monk along, still attached to the immense cock that had impaled him. The Manticore tried to catch his breath.

Monk twisted himself on the monster cock to face the Manticore that had given him such a ride. Monk had now grown just as big as the Manticore, his ripped muscles popped with pulsating veins, and his own enlarged cock was throbbing proudly. Monk breathed hard, examined himself for a moment and was amazed to see how big he had become, then he grinned. The Manticore grabs a moment of strength to look at his victim, and his big yellow eyes widen.

  • "That was good; now I'll show you what I can do." - Monk said between huffs, readying a fist. His fist is fired directly at the Manticore's muzzle with a reverberating grunt. The impact cracks the monster's facial bones, and knocks him unconscious Monk just looks in surprise at how effective his attack was, still trying to catch his breath. He had grown as strong as the Manticore, if not more.

Then, he gulped and screamed one last time as his body spasmed forward releasing the orgasm that he held for so long in one huge, long skyward eruption of demon seed. As his swollen cock kept blasting the unconscious demon with waves of his own seed, he manages to slide out of the feet of hyperphallia that he had thrusted into. The walls and even the ceiling of the cave got splattered in demon semen, just like both demons were covered in it.

And, absolutely exhausted, Monk passes out over the monster's cum covered body. His body begins to slowly and carefully shrink back to normal.


The top of the debris wall that separated the demon party soon gave away, and Dose was the first one to step forward and check for Monk. Dose gasps at the sight, almost losing his breath, then turns to Yun and Carl, motioning them to turn back.

  • "What, what is it?"- asked Yun, moving closer to see. Catching a glimpse, he reacts just like Dose, and threads back, not wanting Carl to see.

  • "Stay here..." - Yun says. Carl nods.

  • "I'd say Monk took care of things." - he says looking at Dose.

  • "You sure?" - asks Dose.

  • "Yep. If he didn't, the Manticore would've been gone a long time ago and Monk most likely dead. They're both most likely unconscious now." -

  • "I see." -

  • "He was trained precisely to fight Manticores." -

  • "Fight? All I see is the vestiges of... sex..." -

  • "Yes well... that's the best way to fight them, and our little friend is the only one who can do that all by himself..." -

  • "Wouldn't that hurt...?" -

  • "He doesn't seem to mind..." -

I look back at Carl.

  • "It's a mess dude. You don't want to see." -

  • "Umm, gore?" - Carl's confused.

  • "Uhh... close." - I couldn't find an appropriate answer.

Yun looks at me.

  • "So are you gonna bring Monk back up here? We can't leave him..."

  • "Uh... yes..." - I look at him with a furrowed brow; why didn't he do it himself?

Nevertheless, I headed down the pile of rubble to pick our young friend. The air was intoxicated with extreme demon musk, I could barely breathe, and it was very hard not to step on some spooge, it was all over the place. I enjoy a cumfest as much as the next guy, but when it covers the entire world, it's not so pleasant, at least for me. It was certainly kind of scary.

I try to tiptoe and hop around the big puddles of white stuff, and climb the big bad unconscious manticore, picking up Monk by the stomach, the gliding my way back to our other side of the collapsed rubble. The sticky cum hesitated to let go of the demon, that had been stuck on the bigger monster's chest.

Walking back down the rocks with Monk over my shoulder, I was inevitably covered in some of the seed. Yuri saw me and our friend and reacted just like all of us.

  • "Whoah..." -

I placed him gently on the ground, and the three of us sat down around him.

  • "He's so dirty... will we just leave him like that? There's not a lot we can do about that in particular..." - I say.

  • "His body adapts faster than most of us. With some rest, his body will look as good as new." - Yun explains.

  • "Like a healing trait?" -

  • "It's a sort of superficial regeneration..." -

  • "What else can he do?" -

  • "I guess I should tell you." - Yun sighs and looks at me.

  • "Monk's body absorbs energy just like the rest of us, through contact, pheromones and fluids. Thing is, while our energy goes straight to our cores, his body absorbs it in his muscles, and they expand very quickly depending on how much energy he absorbs. He gets bigger, tougher and bulkier. He remains like that until he orgasms, then he shrinks again. He'll wake up very sore in the morning."

  • "Well... I see he's quite unique." -

  • "Yes... there is a sort of love for him back at the base. Everyone cares for him. It's more than just his anti-Manticore skill." -

  • "What if Manticores don't rape him...?" - I ask

  • "They always do, his pheromones produce that urge." -

  • "How convenient." -

I pause for a moment, looking at the passed out demon.

  • "Do we carry him around like this, or do we wait a bit to see if he wakes up?" - I ask.

  • "We can wait; if in an hour he's still out cold, we'll take him." -

  • "Sounds good." -

  • "I'll set the clock." - Carl readies the clock on his arm device.

I lean on the cold rocky wall, just like Yun, and Carl takes the moment to lay himself over Yun's lap. I put my hand on Monk's chest, pleased to feel his heart still pumping like normal. Yun wraps an arm over Carl's belly, and we all doze off.

It's hard for us to actually measure time, specially when we're busy resting our eyes and heads. During this time, I began enjoying a dream I was sharing with Rafael. Thinking about a love position wanted to try. I wasn't really sure if I was moaning loud or something, but it was so good. They must've been sleeping anyway. I'm sure my member was visibly aroused and erect. The dream keeps going and getting more intense, and then it shifts. I find myself on all fours, with Tobey behind me and Rafael grinning at me. Was it just turning into a nightmare? Tobey's shoving his hyperphallia up my shut and I get this perfect combination of pain and pleasure rushing everywhere in my body, which clearly becomes a screaming moan. It echoes into the whole cave, so loudly it wakes me up from my own dream.

I almost jump as my own resonating voice drills into my head. It definitely wakes me, probably more so than how I started. I feel the throbbing erection I had down on my crotch, and a familiar wet feeling at its base. It was Monk, who was happily suckling on it as he dreamt; of whatever he dreamt. It felt uniquely good, but I slid away, I always liked to save myself for my angel, it was the right thing. The dreaming demon finds himself sucking on air, and pouts and whimpers. Looking at him, his body is all clean, I was not sure how much time I spent sleeping, but it was enough for his body to clean up, just like Yun said it would. I poke Monk's head three times in an attempt to wake him up. The lad wiggles a bit, cracks an eye half-open and looks at me, then leans up on his arm, rubbing his eye and stretching with a yawn.

  • "Dose.. aaaaahhh... hi." - Monk utters. A puny tear could be seen on the corner of his eye, the kind of little tears that form when you close your eyes too hard.

  • "Oh boy, I'm so sore right now..." - says Monk, laying back on the floor, looking at the rocky ceiling.

  • "You sure took care of that manticore." - I said.

  • "Yep. I was trained for that. But you have no idea how old and decrepit I feel right now." -

  • "Well, I can imagine." -

His eyes catch my hands, which were covering my crotch.

  • "Oh, why you hide your pride?" - he grins.

  • "One thing is to see each other naked every day, the other is to see each other horny. It's not exactly right." - I said.

  • "You sound like the tight-ass you don't seem. You're between friends here." -

  • "Don't... talk. I'm trying to distract myself so it'll go down." -

  • "Why don't you jack off then?" -

  • "In front of you?" -

  • "I don't mind." - Monk smiles.

I pinch his nose, putting a serious face.

  • "I have a mate, so stop it kid. I'm a decent demon." - with that said, I release his nose and let him breathe.

  • "Relax, I'm just flirting... something I do when I'm comfortable around someone. It doesn't get further than that, and there's not much I can do anyway, I can barely move." - Monk clarifies.

  • "I'm just a bit self-conscious" - I sigh. - "You know... we were really worried back there." -

  • "I was terrified, but I had to do what I did. And um... did you hear all the noise we made?" - Monk blushes.

  • "Only roars and screams..." -

  • "Oh... heheh" - Monk laughs nervously.

  • "And jeez... that mess." -

  • "When it's not your doing, it's disgusting... I know how you feel. but honestly? It even felt cozy." - Monk chuckles.

  • "You have to be kidding." -

  • "I'm not! I'm serious!" - Monk laughs, and manages to sit in an indian position with some struggle.

  • "We better wake them up and take ourselves home. I wanna go home to my mate." - I say.

  • "Say, could I come?" - Monk asks, expecting me to say yes.

  • "That's a real nice idea. We'll have to talk to the doctor about it first." -

  • "Ok." - Monk nods.

I then lean near Yun and Car and gently nudge Yun's shoulder, seeing if he wakes up.

  • "Yun wake up." - he doesn't budge.

Not wanting to wait, I just pinch his nose. Almost everyone wakes up from the need to breathe again. The other rare cases stubbornly stop breathing, resulting in their death, but that was not what I was going for. All it takes is a moment for the sleeping Yun to realize that if he didn't wake up, he'd stop breathing and pass away. So writhes a bit and jolts up, I release his nose and he takes a deep gasp. He looks at my devilish smile with anger.

  • "Dose! Don't ever do that again!" -

Carl groans and squirms a bit, half-opening his eyes with a smile at Yun.

  • "That's the best nap I had in a while." - the lad mumbles.

  • "I'm glad master." - Yun looks at Carl, sitting up straight.

  • "So we're all awake then?" - I ask. Everyone nods, and I stand up.

  • "Let's get moving." - I motion them.

Monk stands up next to me, then Yun and Carl.

  • "How long has it been?" - Yun asks.

  • "Hmm, well, it's been at least half an hour." - Carl says, looking at the time on the device he had on his forearm.

He resume our thread, half a mile of peaceful, silent walking along the dimly lit cavernous trail. And soon, natural light, we were finally outside the tunnel. Overlooking us remained the ever dark sky, and cliffs of solid rock still flanked us. In front of us was a a long, unknown trail. A few, scarce trees had grown there, so few you could count them with your hand. They were of a kind I had never seen before. I did not lose for once the IP device. It even surprised me that I managed to unconsciously keep track of it, for a moment I thought I really had lost it.

  • "We should just install the device here." - Yun points at a very secluded spot behind a very large rock, adorned at the top with one of those otherworldly trees.

I grab the high tech device with both hands and drive it into the ground. We paused for a moment, expecting it to turn on all by itself, but it just remained lifeless, mocking at our ignorance.

  • "How do we turn this on...? I don't see buttons or switches.?" - I was perplexed

  • "Use your necklace guys." - Carl pointed at our necklaces.

  • "Oh!" - Yun rips his necklace off and I slide mine out, and we insert the round shaped devices on appropriately shaped slots on the pole's sides. With this done, lights begin blinking and energy begins surging through it. It expands a pair of thin poles from its sides, and like a curtain, a portal materializes before our eyes.

  • "But... how will we keep this powered? I know it wont last forever." - I mutter with a furrowed brow.

  • "I guess we'll periodically come to replace its batteries." - Carl shrugged.

I look at Monk, who stood beside me. He seemed kind of sad. So I asked what was wrong.

  • "Oh, well... I enjoyed being with you guys..." -

  • "You're sad because we're leaving, right?" -

  • "Yes..." - Monk's ears flattened.

  • "I enjoyed it too. Plus, if it weren't for you, we'd probably be dead by now." -

  • "Hehe." - Monk smiles.

  • "You know I said we had to talk about it? Screw that, you're coming with us." - I pat his shoulder.

  • "Really" - Monk's ears perk up and his face brightens at the announcement. Even his tail begins to wag. I look back at him with a wink, and I slip back into the portal. He giddily follows.

And that sure was a story to tell. Just like curiosity kills cats, raping killed the Manticore. Maybe not killed, but it certainly hurt him. Monk would certainly be a great addition to our cause.

The second day is coming to a close. I hope you've enjoyed, cuz more is coming swiftly. Ciao!

Virgin Virus - Ch6: Reflection

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Six- - Last Chapter: - With Monk in the Manticore's grasp, the Manticore decided to have his way. His immensity against Monk's small frame. Instead of being split in half,...

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Virgin Virus - Ch4: Fear

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Four- - Last Chapter: - Yun and Raiko layed there alone at midnight, when Raiko suddenly wakes up and chats with Yun. Mentioning his brother, Raiko snaps in rage, and faints...

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Virgin Virus - Ch3: Time

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Three- - Last Chapter: - Raiko is diagnosed with a comma, putting some relief on Dose and his friends. They wait for Ariyoshi and Rude, who come back from their assignment with...

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