Virgin Virus - Ch7: Reunion

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#7 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Seven-

  • Last Chapter: -

Dose, Monk and Yun had arrived from their assignment and explained what happened. After some talking, Dose decides he had to take a bath. There, he and Yun talk about Carl and their relationship. Then, as Dose leaves, he's swept up and taken into his room by Rafa, and the first thing he sees inside is Tobey. It was all part of Rafa's plan to push out Dose's hyper self and start to control it. This lead to massive amounts of fun and a second bath, but the fun couldn't last forever...

It is a long series, and each chapter is usually gonna be long. Some will contain more

drama, others will contain more yiff, others more actions. Some will be perfect, some will

not. Above all, I pretend to make a series of stories that leave you with something more.

Disclaimer: If you're on this site it's assumed that you're 18 years or older. If you're not

reading this from Yiffstar, then someone must've stolen this. Most content is homosexual, so

if you don't approve, don't bother.

We find ourselves outside the glass window of the Test Lab. The gaping hole that remained in the middle some hours ago had been repaired, sort of. The whole complex was pretty dark, having had such a troublesome assignment and then so much fun, Rafa and I lost track of time. The lab's lights were out, except for the ever present light of the consoles. And Raiko still lied in his comma. Then, I'm reminded of something.

  • "Hmm... hun?" - I look at Rafael.

  • "Remember the first time I asked you to come see Raiko? You were disturbed beyond words. You're not disturbed now... " - I was puzzled.

  • "Ummm... no. Actually, since this morning, he's been normal. A sound, sleeping mind." -

  • "Hmm. You think he's out of his comma and just sleeping?" -

  • "I... would think so. But let's not wake him up." -

  • "Hmm, I didn't notice it got so late so quickly." -

Rafael wraps an arm around my shoulders and we head to the lounge.

  • "So, Sebastian's here?" - I ask.

  • "Yup." - He nods; - "Along with Jason, Boto and Nina. The gang's all here." -

  • "I'm glad. It's been a long while since everyone's been together in one place." - I smile.

  • "Well, we're talking about a very important reunion here." -

  • "Hmm..." -

  • "This can't be in better hands." -

  • "You think so?" - I look at him.

  • "I know so." -

We step into the small room, and it's crowded. One of the couches has Yuri and Aoi on each other, watching TV; Yuri seated and Aoi laying over her lap, very attentive to whatever the TV was mumbling about. The other couch to the left wall had Boto and Jason seated and exuding boredom. Boto was swinging around one of those odd controller thingies, the one they used to play videogames with on the TV. I never understood those things, never learned how to grab that controller. Still, it was interesting to watch them play. And besides them stood Sebastian and Nina, chatting and smiling.

Sebastian, an incubus taller than even Rafael, with silver, lagging hair, a great body and the largest wingspan ever put on a demon. He was talking to the purple haired Nina, her hair styled in a short, silky look. The succubus had a more refined figure than Yuri or Aoi, and as far as personality goes, she's a caring demoness of few words. She was Sebastian first love, and only demon to ever have loved. Now he was Maria's mate, the lovely human girl who visited once every blue moon.

Before Rafael, Aoi and Yuri, Sebastian was there by my side. And I admit with no shame that I had a strong infatuation over him which was hard to get over. He's someone who makes you feel very safe.

We walk in and the first one to notice us is Nina.

  • "Oh, hey! How are you, sweetie?" - Nina hugs me, I hug back, we both smile.

  • "I'm great, and so are you?" -

  • "So am I." - she nods.

  • "Hey, angel man." - she turns to hug Raf.

  • "Hey, glam lady." - he hugs her back.

  • "You little bastard. Would you believe I missed you?" - Sebastian squeezes me for a moment in happiness.

  • "Don't call me that, man." - I mock and angry tone, then hug him back.

We talk for a bit, catching up with what was going on. How things were with Sebastian and Maria, what did they do all this time. What Nina did all this time. What we did. And most importantly, what we were going to do.

Rafael decides to take Sebastian to his and Nina's room, but before they leave, Nina asks something to Aoi and Yuri:

  • "You guys wanted to show me something. What was it?" - Nina leans over.

  • "Oh, right! The - " - Aoi speaks, Yuri cuts her off.

  • "Don't spoil it, dummy." - Yuri murmurs.

  • "Right, right." - Aoi laughs nervously, then stands. - "Come now! No time to waste!" -

The voluptuous demoness grabs both Yuri and Nina's arms and glides out somewhere, tugging them along. Yuri seemed indifferent but Nina was pulled out in worry. I wondered what they could possibly want to do.

  • "You guys mind if I sleep outside? I could really use some quality time with the ocean." - Boto looks at me and mutters.

  • "Knowing Oscar, he would only ask you to be back here on time." - I reply.

  • "Okay then." - Boto stands, stretches and leaves. Jason stands as well.

  • "Good to see all of us together again, ain't it?" - Jason smirks.

  • "Definitely." - I smile.

  • "Now I'll go grab some rest." - The fire demon walks out the lounge, most likely to his room.

I wondered when Raiko would wake up. He was the only one left for the gang to truly be whole again. But... I decided it was a good idea to climb outside and breathe the night breeze for a moment.

Going up the stairs, ladders and along the catwalks, I come out the manhole, facing the starry sky above. The star filled cosmos of the human world is even more beautiful than in our world, even if it's harder to catch the sky in its full splendor. I just gaze upon it, feeling the loving evening air soothe me inside out and out. It makes me shiver. I just grab the nearest wall, stargazing.

  • " Beautiful isn't it? I never get tired of this." - the deep voice of Gai spoke, he was leaning against the wall beside me, but staring upwards in a gaze.

  • "Heh, how have you been?" - I ask, turning to look at him.

  • "I've been fine." - he smiles.

The guy's as big as Tobey, and muscles and bulk, but better proportioned. He lacked the hyperphallia Tobey had, which meant it was easier on the eyes, but still, it was quite big. He was Hayden's mate, which is kind of funny. And Gai was the first demon I ever had a serious conflict with, but now we're good friends.

When we first had met him, he was in a rampage caused by the Hax, but now he's cured. The effects however, were permanent, and despite his powerful appearance, his Aura is brittle. And that is a huge weakness.

Looking around, I see Hayden and Ari. I decide to snoop in on their conversation.

  • "Mind if I ask what we are talking about?" -

  • "Oh, just our powers, trying to understand them better." - Hayden answers.

  • "Well, it's a conversation I can't join." - I mock a frown.

  • "Hehe. Perhaps not. I've wanted to talk to you for some time, Dose." - Ari comments.

  • "About what?" -

  • "Oh, I'm the middle of a conversation here now. I'll tell you later." - Ari smiles.

  • "Oh, right. I'll bother you later." - I say and step away from them so they can resume.

The only one left to wonder where he was would be Rude. The thought of him crosses my mind, and behind me a crash is heard, the earth around shakes and gives way to small crater. I almost jump from the surprise, or the feeling that something was gonna fall on me. I cower back, covering my head.

  • "Yo." - Rude greets, standing on the small crater.

  • "Uhhh... hey... be careful next time..." - I was still shaken up a bit.

  • "I was just practicing my rock hops. These wings here can't sustain flight, so they're as useful as stubs." - Rude shrugs.

  • "There's no need to cute them off..." - I mutter.

  • "Hmm..." - Rude smirks, then hops off into the night. His jumps take height and distance faster than any one of us could with our flying. Maybe Sebastian with his wind-assisted glides...

I sigh, then descend back into the lab, down ladders and metallic trails. I was gonna give Raiko one last check... and maybe try to wake him up.

Slowly threading along the silence of the underground, someone creeps up to me.

  • "Dose, umm. The dorms... where are they?" - Monk asks and I turn to face the lad. He was soaked and dripping, a towel in his hand. My head screamed "How cute!", but that was not the appropriate answer. I clear my throat and smile.

  • "Just turn left on that catwalk. And next time, dry yourself in the showers. Dr. Oscar likes this place dry and clean. " - I point the metallic walkway behind him, guiding him in the right direction.

  • "Thanks." - Monk smiles wide then slips along. I smile back and resume my path, right after glancing his lovely tail swinging around.

I step into the dark lab once again, a few of the monitors had been turned off. I just sit on the first table, placing my hand on Raiko's chest.

  • "Wake up, blondie. We need you." - I whisper.

I could feel his heart pumping and his lungs breathing.

  • "You know, when I saw you vanish, I - " - Before I could finish, as I look down, choosing my next words very carefully, I could feel energy surging in the air. It was not from Raiko. Looking around, I could see the energy converge into one spot.

The blue electricity shined bright as it surged stronger, then it bursts. The shockwave releases sparks all around the lab, shorting out the consoles that remained on, and pushing me off the table, landing on my back on the cold floor.

I stand, groaning from a bit of pain. In front of me lied an incubus, unrecognizable by the darkness, kneeling, keeping another demon in his hands. Then he slowly stands, the incubus helping its companion. He looks at me, glaring with glowing blue eyes.

  • "Who are you? How did you get here?" - I ask, but no response.

He turns and looks at Raiko, then faces me again.

  • "I bring you a guest... take care of my brother yes? I wish to see him off that table soon." - the incubus spoke in a soft, devilish voice, then he vanished in the same burst of energy that he came from. His companion remained standing there, holding onto the table, seemingly out of balance.

  • "Dose." - it was not a demon, it was a man, and his voice sounded very familiar. He steps into the dim light that shined through the glass window, and soon I'm able to recognize the naked man.

  • "Alex? Alex!" - I smile then hug him, and he hugs me back.

  • "Where's Tobey?" - he asks, sighing with ultimate relief.

  • "He's sleeping." - I pull back gently.

  • "Dose... I have a lot to talk about to you guys... but I'm so tired - " - he slumps onto the table.

  • "Whoah, hold on there." - I grab him - "You better lay on that table. It may not be the most comfortable thing, but when we all wake up, the doctor will attend you." - I mutter.

  • "Ahh... allright." - I help Alex lay on the table. His eyes close without hesitation. I turn on the handy heater, then glance at him before turning back at Raiko.

Alex was a human that had been experimented on then tossed into our realm, deemed as a failed experiment, much like Tobey. His and Tobey's stories are probably the toughest ones to tell and hear. As far as the man himself, he was just my height, a lightly toned skin, smooth like all humans. His hair was jet black and short, and he had a tail much like ours.

  • "ungh... Dose...?" - as one friend goes to rest, the other wakes up. Hearing Raiko's voice, I gasp.

  • "Raiko!" - I react into a hug, as tight as I could.

  • "Oh man... I had the weirdest dream... you were in it." - Raiko groans a bit, returning the hug.

  • "You have to tell me about it." -

  • "No, not now." -

  • "Well, when you feel like it." - I pull away for a moment, grabbing his arms.

  • "I thought I was a goner." - he mumbles with some sadness in his eyes.

  • "So did we and I... I was not gonna bear it if you really were gone." -

  • "You... guys really care that much?" -

  • "Of course I... of course we do... When Tobey came and told us you were back, that was an immense relief." - Raiko hugs me again.

  • "Dose... the whole thing... this Virgin Virus... everything we've gone through... I really couldn't bear it if it hadn't been because you were there with me." -

  • "But, what about Boto and Jason?" - I stuttered a bit, my heart skipped when he said that, but still, I wondered.

  • "They're not like you, man. You care and you show it every waking moment." -

  • "Thanks." - I blush hard.

  • "While I was offline, I was thinking a lot, feeling many things." - he tries to sand from the table, but almost trips doing so. I help him keep his balance, holding him.

  • "Whoah there." - I say, grabbing his hips.

  • "Ugh..." - Raiko rubs his eyes. - "How long was I out?" -

  • "Two days, but the doctor said you were gonna be off for seven." -

  • "Umm, wasn't there another demon here just now?" - Raiko asks.

  • "How did you...? Well, no. Not really." -

  • "And then, isn't that Alex?" - he turns, looking at the table next to him and catching the sleeping man.

_ "Yep. He arrived out of nowhere." -

  • "Hmm..." - Raiko drifts into his thoughts.

  • "It's late, I should be sleeping." - I say as I help him along the catwalk, towards the dorm hall.

_ "But then, who'll keep me company? I just woke up and I have no plans of going back to sleep..." - Raiko whines.

  • "Heh, I would like to, but I'm too tired..." - I smile.

  • "Hmph, fine." - Raiko nudges my shoulder playfully.

I help him down the lobby, then turn back to my room, after a glance and a soft smile. I head out with a relieved heart.

Slipping into my room, I find that Rafael was sleeping like a rock, and the sheets were tossed aside. I lay in the comfort of our bed, wrapping my arms and kissing his lips.

Raiko remained alone in the lobby, rummaging on the junk that surrounded the benches. Dr. Oscar didn't like anyone to call the rubbish "junk", or "trash", or even "discarded materials". Instead, he liked to call them "supplements" or "replacements", or "remainders", even if they were unusable. But the doctor always found an use for everything he had, even if it was melting it or using it for alchemy.

Raiko laid on the nearest bench and spaced out, resting his head on his hands. His eyes where close, but he was far from asleep, very aware of his surroundings. At that time of night, if a pin fell, the demons could hear it loud and clear.

  • "urgh... Do I really like Dose that much...? I mean, Nina, Aoi, Yuri... that Juno girl... those other succubae. I've found many of them hot, either ending up infatuated or something. But I haven't had a chance to really talk and spend time with them, but Dose. Dose and I have gotten so close. I feel so good around him, but-but I can't tell him that..." - Raiko talks to himself, ending with a deep sigh.

  • "What if it's more than that... ugh... and the worst part is that I can't stop thinking about it... about him. I almost blushed back there, and I'm not sure he noticed I was getting hard." - Raiko squeezes his growing piece.

  • "Well, what's the big problem? I find Dose cute too." - Raiko hears an uninvited voice and opens his eyes, to meet with Monk's light green pupils, hanging from the metal ridges of the catwalk above, upside down.

  • "Gaaah!" - Raiko jolts up. - "Who are you? You scared me!" -

  • " I got here today. We can talk about that later, but I wanna know more about this big secret of yours." - Monk drops down, sitting beside Raiko.

  • "Why should I?" - Raiko growls.

  • "Cuz I'm gonna tell you a big secret of my own." - Monk grins.

  • "Oh? But I don't know you..." - Raiko's annoyed.

  • "I'm Monk. And you are?" - the lad extends his hand, expecting it to be shaken.

Raiko shakes it, as he grabs it, he lets a little static run though Monk.

  • "Ack!" - Monk immediately pulls his hand and snaps back, his ears flattened, looking at Raiko with anger and worry. Raiko had a devilish snicker in his face.

  • "What was that for?!" - Monk whines

  • "A warning. If you make me angry, I'll shock you into a coma." - Raiko growls.

  • Ok, ok... so hostile..." - Monk mumbles.

  • "Well, on with the secret, little stranger." - Raiko demands.

  • "you know what Manticores are?" - he asks.

  • "Yup." - Raiko nods.

  • "Well, I'm... attracted to them. I don't know why, don't ask me why, but I would just die if one would treat me like a mate." - as Monk says this so naturally, almost swooning. Raiko's faces petrifies into one of disbelief

  • "Umm... hello?" - Monk waves a hand in front of the stupefied demon to check for signs of life, but Monk's apparent secret worked on Raiko like a gorgon's gaze. Realizing this, Monk pinches the blonde's bicep.

  • "Oww! Damn sharp kitten claws!" - Raiko snaps, grabbing his arm.

  • "Well, you froze up." -

  • "Of course I did! What you told me is the weirdest thing I've heard. And you know there are only male Manticores right?' - Raiko snarls at the younger demon, forcing him to slide back a bit.

  • "Really...? Well, I couldn't handle a female Manticore anyway, Manticores, as much as I like them, are kind of ugly. I can't imagine a female now that you mention it." - Monk gets thoughtful.

  • "There are only herm and male Manticores." - Raiko says in a dry tone.

  • "I could go on, but I guess I would just horrorize you." - Monk snickers.

  • "Please..." -

  • "Now your secret, blondie." - Monk grins at Raiko.

  • "I think I love Dose. But the problem is that I don't even think I'm a homo. So it's very, very confusing.

  • "What if you really like both?" -

  • "I don't know... I can't just be saying that without being sure myself..." -

  • "True." - Monk nods. Raiko grabs gently the back of Monk's neck, sending a slight tingle down' the lad's spine.

  • "If you tell anyone about this, I'll blast you out of here." - Raiko warns with a fierce growl.

  • "Ok, ok... but the last thing I'm gonna say is that you should experiment." - with Monk's suggestion, Raiko releases him. Then Monk sighs.

  • "With who?" - Raiko gets confused.

  • "Who do you know is into guys around here?" -

  • "Dose, Rafa, you seem like a homo." - Raiko jostles at Monk, who giggles. - "Hayden, Gai, Tobey... Gai and Tobey are too much. Ari and Rude haven't really told anyone, nor we have caught them cuddling or doing anything weird, ever. Sebastian, Jason and Boto are the only genuinely straight ones here." - Raiko finishes pondering.

  • "That's kind of funny." - Monk seems amused.

  • "Well, if you think about it, it makes sense that these couples are here with the doctor. They looked for him to get treated for the Hax, which later was widespread. They all eventually crossed paths and formed bonds, and here we are." - Raiko sighs, looking at Monk.

  • "Wow... well, if you really want to experiment, tell me." - Monk stands, smiling at Raiko.

  • "Hmm... I'll think about it." - Raiko looks into the young one's greens.

  • "You'll enjoy it." - Monk grimaces and hops his way to his room.

  • "That... was a nice talk." - Raiko thinks to himself. He stands and hops onto the catwalk above, threading himself to his room. He cracked the door open as lightly as he could, finding Jason well covered in his sheets while Boto remained spread on his messy bead, sheets on the floor and his hand covering his crotch.

Raiko hops on his own bed, and his mind drifts into a deep sleep, not wasting a second.


  • "Mom, why is this door always closed?!" -

  • "Rai? How many times have I told you? Leave it alone, boy!" -

  • "But mom! I wanna what lived there behaved very badly, so they grounded him out of the house." -

  • "Why?" -

  • "Young boy, keep asking and you'll be done the same! Now come here, we have to get you something to feed on!" -

  • "Oh, allright." -

Raiko's head just replayed a particular flashback of his childhood over and over again. This would continue to bother him into the new day that would come...

It is done. Next chapters are gonna be a bit longer than usual. Stay tuned for more. Ciao!

Virgin Virus - Ch8: Ice

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Eight- - Last Chapter: - The whole gang reunites: Dose, Rafael, Yuri, Aoi, Nina, Sebastian, Ariyoshi, Rude, Tobey, Jason, Boto. Raiko wakes up and even Alex is brought in by...

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Virgin Virus - Ch6: Reflection

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Six- - Last Chapter: - With Monk in the Manticore's grasp, the Manticore decided to have his way. His immensity against Monk's small frame. Instead of being split in half,...

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Virgin Virus - Ch5: Absolution

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Five- - Last Chapter: - Dose, Yun and Carl were sent on a rather simple assignment. Arriving in the southern Rainlands, they begin their trek to the Military Realm Base, along...

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