Virgin Virus - Ch9: Conviction

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#9 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Nine-

  • Last Chapter: -

The real mission begun, and the trouble with it. They were seven, and they divided into two teams, then tried to break into the base they reached with little effort and no opposition. Inside they faced against four guards, who were able to defeat the intruders. And before Hoyt they stood, frozen and ready for interrogation. Was the plan so mediocre, or were the military demons so cunning? Whatever the answer, they're at the demon general's mercy now...

It is a long series, and each chapter is usually gonna be long. Some will contain more

drama, others will contain more yiff, others more actions. Some will be perfect, some will

not. Above all, I pretend to make a series of stories that leave you with something more.

Disclaimer: If you're on this site it's assumed that you're 18 years or older. If you're not

reading this from Yiffstar, then someone must've stolen this. Most content is homosexual, so

if you don't approve, don't bother.

  • "Ungh." -

Yun felt sheer cold all over his body as he starts to wake up. He cracks his eyes open slowly, his whole frame shivered involuntarily. His senses slowly restart. Soon, he realizes his body is covered up to his shoulders in thick ice.

  • "Ungh... where... what is this? " - Yun groans.

  • "So you're finally awake." - Yun hears Hoyt, but his sight still unable to focus anything.

  • "Oh, Hoyt. Ungh... so this is ice what I'm feeling? I can barely even feel my face." -

  • "Indeed. I have some questions for you and your new friends." -

Finally, he was able to see Hoyt, his glacier blue eyes staring back at his own.

  • "General Hoyt..." -

  • "The rest of the intruders are still unconscious or asleep. If they don't die from hypothermia, then they'll have to answer some questions But for now, you'll have to do." -

Breathing the icy air in the chilled room, Yun felt as if his lungs were to freeze any moment, making breathing difficult, as well as anything else.

  • "So, Yun... Someone I even thought to be loyal, turns to be the first of traitors. Why is that?" -

  • "At first, I was captured. Then, they told me about how our species is close to extinction, because of the Virgin Virus. The doctor asked us to come ask you for help. Knowing how you were, I knew we'd have a lot of trouble..." - Yun pauses and gasps deeply, to recover the breath that the cold rapidly sapped out of his body, talking being a struggle in itself.

  • "Knowing that so well, yet you come so unprepared. The first rule I taught when you were a trainee was that we don't merge with the outsiders, much less because of a blatant lie. Even so, you were the one I let out the most. The Familiar Bond thing was slightly acceptable, but now you're bringing other demons that don't have the right to be here." -

Hoyt growled deeply, his blizzard breath bumping against Yun's face as the general spoke.

  • "What's this Virgin Virus falsehood, anyway?" -

  • "You would know..." -

  • "What the hell does that mean?" - Hoyt's stern position gives way to anger.

  • "The Virgin Virus ravaged our succubae, leaving now female. It happened ten years ago, and in its wake, the remaining males have been slowly losing their sanity and dying by many means. With no new births, our species has dropped to mere quarter of the billions that were around. Didn't you think it was our duty to fix it before it go out of hand?!" - Yun musters a deep, burning rage of indignation.

  • "I received no notice of this. If I had, you can be sure we'd have done something about it." -

  • "Oh, you did know about this. The rest of the unit may not have noticed, but I did. We used to have long patrol missions around the main cities, not just the Outer Shores. But I can recall, ten years ago those missions were no longer given, we were forced to spend most of our time here and around the Outer Shores, traveling only to other bases. And you, you changed! You were not like this!" - Yun snarls back, then almost faints at the loss of breath. Pausing a moment, Hoyt just remaining silent, Yun resumes.

  • "A general like you wouldn't lie to us. A general like you wouldn't hide from his own species, specially when it was at the brink of extinction. But I guess you're not that general anymore, you weren't that general ten years ago, when you were most needed. All power, all dominance, no true conviction. This, all the traps and the capture and the fighting, I expected it. We haven't had action in a while. But it's your fault in the first place! And it's much more than just about us... I may not have lost anyone loved, but, a friend told me everything... It was like living it through his eyes..." - Yun closes his eyes and slumps his head down. Hoyt sighed deeply.

  • "Don't strain yourself..." - the iced demon made some of the ice trapping Yun retreat and melt, freeing his chest. Yun could breathe more easily.

  • "Yun, you know my story. You know where I come from. You know why I'm wingless. You know how powerful I am. So I believe you. You must also know... that virus... it took the only succubus I ever loved. We were gonna have a beautiful child demon, but that diseases took my woman, pregnant with my son..." - Hoyt looked down, weakness and sadness could be heard in the voice that had been speaking in such an unmoving manner.

  • "I hated my own kind... you know why... as demons, sometimes we can be pure evil. But her, Ivandra, she brung hope to my cold heart. And then, the way she and my son both died... for all I could care, the rest of them could die just like that. I only cared about you, my unit. I had ordered the remainder units to keep silent or resign. Now... you come, you remind me... of how hard it was to accept that loss..."- Hoyt's hand turns into a fist covered with ice.

  • "Sir, I... what about the millions of others that lost their wives, sisters, daughters, mates..." - Yun was compelled.

  • "Ivandra... IVANDRA!!" - the ice demon roars, the deafening sound fills the room, the ice that trapped the rest of the party shatters, freeing them. The massive flame that radiated above Hoyt's throne just blew off. Hoyt's lament was repeated for minutes by the echo and reverberations. Hoyt just turns to sit back on his throne, resting his head on his fist and looking down with blank eyes.

Yun stretches to recover, then proceeds to help the rest of the group. From the door on the east, Maseng , Rose and Gale enter the room in a rush.

  • "Sir, what's wrong?" - Maseng asks.

Hoyt remained silent, in deep sadness.

A scream vibrate my whole body awake. The first thing that inundates my mind is cold. Sheer, absolute, freezing cold. I try to cover my shivering body and look around. A large, oval room, a combination of cavernous rock and bricks. Ice covered every corner, they glowed in a deep blue. The center had steps that led to a throne, and behind it, a wide pillar. On the steps stood an incubus.

A tall demon, his fur had a pale blue sheen. His eyes seemed like crystals. He had a perfectly chiseled form. As I kept examining him, I find large scars on his face, shoulders and abdomen. And his wings, they were like stubs. Were they cut off? If so, that's just ungodly. His hair seemed frozen in place, shaped like a flat top, with a silky, icy blue shine. Looking around, I find everyone standing near Jason, our friendly fire demon, who emanated the much needed heat with a slight red glow. I stumble along to Rafael, cuddling with him tightly, he covers me with a wing. We all look at our captor.

  • "Rafa, where are we?" -

  • "Hoyt's lair." -

  • "Hoyt? The demon standing-" -

  • "Yep, the demon that had us frozen The same demon that set all of this up." -

  • "Well, we found him, or... he found us. Now we need to convince him." -

  • "I don't think it's gonna be easy." -

I look back at Hoyt, beside him stood Maseng, and two more guards. They must've been the ones who captured the rest of us. I felt Rafael kiss my head and give me a squeeze.

  • "You all come in the name of who?" - the general asks.

  • "Dr. Oscar Nuenberg." - Rafa answers loud and clear.

  • "Nuenberg? The doctor that made it possible for gay demons to fuck each other without dying afterwards? I've always wanted to meet him." - Hoyt replies.

  • "So you understand the situation?" - Sebastian asked.

  • "Indeed, Yun explained, and I... explained my previous position... but that is past now. There are still a few things that need to be straightened." - Hoyt looks fixatedly at Jason, who kept us warm.

  • "Like what?" - Yun asks. Hoyt points at Jason.

  • "Fire demon, face me in combat and I shall go with you." - Hoyt smirks.

Everyone gasps and their eyes widen.

  • "I will take no excuses. Leave us, all of you. Fire demon, your name?" - Hoyt commands.

Everyone leaves silently, not wanting any trouble, unhesitatingly Jason looks around, worried and nervous.

  • "Guys?" - Jason mutters, and the door closes. The guards left also where they had come from.

Hoyt steps down, to face Jason more closely. Our lovable fire demon was very sure of himself, but against a demon general of ice who seemed tougher than diamond, anyone would feel insecure.

  • "I'm Jason..." - Jason's unable to look directly in the general's eyes, his own instead focused on the demon's well formed chest.

  • "As you may now know, I'm Hoyt. General of the Realm Defense, master of ice." - he extends his hand in greeting.

Jason follows suit and shakes it. Jason's natural heat contrasted to Hoyt's innate radiating cold, both demons seemed to have a peculiar incandescent glow.

When Hoyt told us to head out, we did. The guards used another door. I wasn't exactly psyched about the fact that if this went well, we'd be working with them. The didn't seem very friendly.

I take that moment we stood out on the hall to cuddle with my lover, pressing him against the wall and squeezing myself against his body, rubbing my head on his chest. Rafael strokes my back and massages my shoulders.

  • "I'm so glad you're ok." - I mutter.

  • "Me too, hun." - he answers with a pleased sigh.

  • "There'll be time for that later." - Sebastian mutters, sort of annoyed.

  • "Sebas, Raiko, Monk and Yun stood all with their arms crossed. We both look and laugh, releasing each other gently.

  • "I hope Jason's ok." - I mumble.

  • "He's a great fighter. I'm sure he'll be fine." -

  • "I don't know. Hoyt's a master of ice. Jason can barely shot fireballs and put himself on fire." - Sebastian growls.

  • "Hoyt can be a real asshole when it comes to fighting." - Yun says.

  • "I'll say." - Monk agrees.

  • "Why didn't anybody say or do anything?" - Rafael wondered.

  • "Yun and I are his subordinates so... as much as we're on your side, we don't really want to make him angry." - Monk answers and Yun nods.

  • "That's real helpful..." - I sigh.

  • "He's a warrior, as far as I understand what military demons are. There was nothing to say there." - Sebastian replies and Raiko nods.

  • "Well, this reminds me of that time Raiko fought Sebastian." - I smile. Raiko and Sebas look at each other.

  • "I won that one." - Raiko sighs in dominance.

  • "I'm pretty sure it was a tie." - Sebastian glares at Raiko

  • "Are you two going to fight about it now?" - Rafael raises a brow.

  • "Maybe..." - Raiko sharpens his claws.

  • "We should have a rematch" - Sebastian tenses up.

  • "Guys, no fighting." - I growl.

  • "Rafael slides in between the two rowdy demons.

I just wanted to be sure if Jason was all right.

There was not really much Jason could do against the Ice lord. The fire demon flung fire balls and blasted blazes at the general, but there was nothing that could hit him, or hurt him even, that Jason could do. The general just walked around the room, whenever Jason would attack him, a wall of ice suddenly jumps up and absorbs the blast, like nothing happened, and the general continued with a grin. Slowly the large room was starting to be covered in the living ice. At the rate things were going, he would soon have no where to go and be completely at the ice general's mercy.

  • "What do want out of this?" - Jason shouted, as a pillar of ice suddenly rips from bellow him. The fire demon barely dodges it.

  • "Speak no words, boy. You're distracted enough as is." - The demon general continued to thread along the room, his sight focused on Jason.

Looking around, where to go, what to do, Jason began to frustrate. He engulfed himself in fire, and flapped his wings to hover around. Perhaps aerial combat will give him the advantage he needed. Bombard the wingless demon with a few fireballs to see if finally some damage is done.

  • "Forgot I could fly?" - Jason chuckles.

  • "Now you're using your brain." - Hoyt smirks.

Jason takes a dive with a war growl and a fireball ready in his hand. As he swoops down the fireball is flung at his target and explodes like a grenade. The strike was swift, and Hoyt could only react to it by covering with his arms. It seemed that the ice barriers that pop up need some anticipation.

The fire demon repeated the attack a few more times, swooping left and right; one more fireball, two more fireballs. Hoyt's smirk was gone, most likely he was done playing with the fire demon.

Jason takes a huge breath, and holds it, swooping in for his next attack. Just above Hoyt he opens his maw and spits out a fireball just as large as the ones he had been firing so constantly. This one was not expected by the ice demon and he gets hit on the head and knocked into the ground. No sign of burn is seen, Hoyt's natural temperature and his skin are like heat shields.

  • "Damn... this is like the tutor all over again." - Jason was reminded of how elements work. His element worked well against lightning, but it was absolutely weak against ice. And this particular ice wielder was no pushover, not by far.

As Jason hovered, pondering his next attack, Hoyt stood and looked fixatedly at him.

  • "We're done now, boy." - Hoyt growled, and the ice repeated his echo.

Jason listens, but ignores the warning. A freezing trail of ice snakes along the ground and along the cavernous wall. Just behind Jason, the whole wall becomes frozen. But Jason does not notice this. Hoyt extends his hand, with claws open, twists it and close. Suddenly the sound of ice cracking and reforming thunders behind Jason. He looks back, and a maw of ice quickly envelops him afterwards, having protruded from the frozen spot on the wall behind him.

  • "Holy shit..." - Jason thought. He was completely frozen.

  • "Let's let your friends in now. This was a fun battle." - Hoyt chuckles.

Minutes later Jason is freed from the deep freeze, and all around the room the ice that popped up had retreated to the corners of the room, just like it started.

  • "Go, tell your friends to come in." - Hoyt tells Jason, and Jason silently and humbled, follows orders.

  • "So what exactly happened in there?" - I ask.

  • "It was like fighting against something you cant hurt. And, I don't think there's much I cannot hurt, so this losing battle was a bit frustrating..." - Jason muttered lowly.

  • "He was playing with you. That's the way he tests someone's skills, and the he follows that with training." - Yun murmurs.

  • "He wants to train us?" - Raiko asks.

  • "I have no idea, we'll have to ask." - Yun replies.

  • "Well, he wanted me to tell you guys that we have to come back in." - Jason mumbles.

  • "Then let's go." - I shrug.

We're dragged back into the icy room, Hoyt sitting on the throne. The tower behind him had a huge flame burning at its top, radiating heat and light into the entire room, from mosaic floor to dome ceiling. The deathly chill was replaced with a comfortable warm glow.

  • "We have to lay out a few things before I go, but before I start, do you have any questions?" - Hoyt speaks.

  • "Yeah... how did you know we were coming?" - I asked.

  • "Monk had been sent to track down a Manticore that had been around wandering for days." -

I look at Monk, with a raised brow. Was he spying on us or something?

  • "He never reported back. But the device you left was found by Gale, who I had sent to look for Monk. Gale reported the object and I planned accordingly" - I sigh at his reply. How could he predict this only seeing the device...?

  • "Sir, where's the rest of the unit?" - Yun asked.

  • "I sent them to merge with general Wendigo's unit. He said he was having trouble with the Chimeras there." -

Yun nods and a peaceful silence follows. Hoyt growls, filled with impatience.

  • "So no more questions, then?" -

Everyone shakes their head.

  • "Then, I'd like to ask... the doctor, is he gay? I mean, why would a human help gay demons get a vaccine so they can fuck each other without dying afterwards?" - Hoyt seemed amused, I got annoyed and growled silently.

  • "Isn't that irrelevant? He has two sons, his wife was killed by demons of our kind. His first son is a Cambion because of it." - I clarify, looking at him intensely.

  • "I'm just trying to understand... the humans. They have nothing to do with us, but this on in particular sent you to ask for help so we can restore the dying species of the same demons that killed his wife and gave him a half-monster son. I just find it a bit hard to believe that there is no ulterior motive." - Hoyt ponders.

  • "You'll have to ask him yourself." - I growl, his doubt was really getting on my nerves.

  • "True enough... very well. Anything I need to organize must be with the leader, not his subordinates." - Hoyt belows.

  • "We have the portal device outside, whenever you want to leave." - Rafael comments.

  • "No need, and I know that already. Do not worry, I have my own method of transportation. I'll move in later after talking with my unit." -

The party turns, I just stare at him. His gaze unmoving, just like the way he talks, the way he behaves. This is such an odd fellow

Out the hallway, I grab Yun's shoulder, he turns.

  • "Oh, Dose, anything you need?" -

  • "Stay here. That way we have someone who we can communicate with in any case." -

  • "Sounds reasonable, but it's gonna be awkward..." - Yun's ears flatten.

  • "Why?" - I asked.

  • "Eh... meh... you guys go." - he shrugs.

  • "Ok then." - I squeeze his shoulder, he pats my back.

A minute later we're outside.

  • "What did you tel Yun? Why's he staying?" - Rafael leans close as we glide to the portal device.

  • "So we have someone to relay back to us from here." - I say.

  • "Smart. Wonder why I didn't think of it." - Rafa smiles.

  • "Cuz I thought of it first." - I smile back.

  • Hey guys, wasn't that Hoyt a creepy guy?" - Raiko asks.

  • "Kind off." - Sebastian shrugs.

  • "He's imposing." - Rafael replies.

  • "He's a cool guy, but most of the time he seems like a cold asshole." - Monk sighs.

  • Seems like it." - Raiko mutters.

We arrive at the portal and slide into it one by one without hesitation.

After the battles we had, the capture and the explaining, the six of us pop back at the lab, tired with a strong desire of rest.

Stepping off of the metallic steps, I see Dr. Oscar turn his office chair to face us. He was covered in some sort of soot, his face looked kind of dirty.

  • "We're back, doctor." - Jason announces.

  • "Excellent. How was the mission? Took you longer than I expected." -

  • "We can say it was a success, but there was a lot of fighting and us getting captured." - Monk says.

Carl comes in, running towards us.

  • "Yun's back! Yun!" -

  • "He stayed." - I say to the lad, he halts in front of us, full of disappointment

  • "Aww... why did he stay?" - the lad asks.

  • "He's our link back there. He'll be back here soon." - I pat Carl's shoulder, the boy slumps back to where he came from.

  • "Well, two of you stay with me and explain to me what happened. The rest of you can march to your respective quarters or wherever for your much needed rest. It's been over a day since I sent you, and normally you're out for only an hour or two unless it's around here." - the doctor clears his throat.

Both me and Jason decide to explain things. Raiko, Monk, Rafael and Sebastian then leave, Rafael not forgetting to squeeze my rump as he left.

The three of us in the lab sit down.

  • "We divided before going in, like you said. Four guards took us down, although I think Monk had surrendered... We were frozen by Hoyt, then... Yun explained to him our mission and he freed us. He asked us a few more things and then told us that he's coming after organizing with is unit." - I try to make it brief.

  • "When we told him we come in your name, he got kind of excited. And while he challenged me, he was talking about how much we need training." - Jason adds.

  • "And how soon will he come?" - the doctor aks.

  • "Yun stayed with a transceiver, so you can ask him." - I said.

  • Good." - the doctor makes a slight nod.

  • "Also, doc, why are you all so dirty." - it kind of bothered me.

  • "Oh, there are quite a few areas you haven't seen from this base. I was just fixing them up for our soon to come guests." - the doctor smiles.

  • "Heh." - Jason chuckles.

  • "I'm glad you're ok. And more importantly, with the joined forces we can begin the restoration properly." - the doctor sighs in satisfaction, adjusting his glasses.

  • "So, boys, go relax. My work is keeping be busy still." - he stands from his office chair.

  • "Ok doc." - both Jason and I stand. Jason extends his arm to shake hands, but Oscar hugs him, then I get hugged as well. This was the first time I saw the doctor hug anyone of us, although he did hug Monk the day before. It was nothing special, but it felt nice. I smile, and we split paths. I wanted some alone time with Rafael.

The 4 guards stood before Hoyt, the ice demon held his hands closed and crossed behind him, chest outward, chin up.

  • "So we will be going to the human world and join the humanitarian demons." -

  • "What?!" - Rose shouts.

  • "I already explained what and why and my resolve around the Virgin Virus, and Yun had explained to you all what actually happened ten years ago." -

  • "I didn't live it, but a friend of mine told me all about it. And Hoyt is a victim too, aren't you sir?" - Yun adds.

  • "One of those intruding demons I presume..." - Maseng growls to himself.

  • "Still, I an done mourning, we have to take action. And we will join them.. This is not about us, it's about something greater." - Hoyt speaks very dominantly, then follows a moment of silence.

  • "I believe this is going to be interesting." - Maseng turns his nervous, skeptical face into a devious smile.

  • "Meh..." - Gale turns his face and sighs.

  • "I wont be helping." - Lestat mutters and shrugs.

Everyone in the room turns to look at the lightning demon.

  • "I will take you there, then vanish. I don't want anything to do with this." -

  • "I will not stop you. But if you get in our way, I will personally kill you. And don't think joining us after saying what you just said will be that easy." - Hoyt pierces Lestat with his freezing gaze.

  • "Don't worry, I just have other plans. I'm not as bad as you all think." - Lestat chuckles.

  • "I wouldn't know about that." - Yun glares.

  • "So, take us, Lestat." - Hoyt commands.

  • "Right.

" -

Lestat kneels; Hoyt, Rose, Maseng, Gale and Yun surround him. Blue electricity surges into the lightning wielder The ground around them crackles with sparks and glows, the each of the demons is filled with the intense energy. A feeling similar to being subjected to a jet of wind blowing at the speed of light.

The distortion around them fads into clear view. Standing at the surface, they had arrived. Everyone but Hoyt crumbles from weakness, holding onto their bodies. Hoyt wobbles in place and holds his head, he was not immune to the aftereffects. Lestat remains in the same kneeling position, recovering his energy. Rose even gets a sick stomach and gives out.

  • "I hate... warping with you..." - Rose mutters and coughs.

  • "Thanks." - Lestat mocks.

  • "So, we're here? All I see is ruined buildings, a broken wall and the night sky." - Gale mumbles.

  • "We have to go into the manhole, the base is underground. It's a familiar setting." - Yun points at the manhole they were all standing next to.

  • "I'm sure." - Maseng looks with curiosity at the metal door.

  • "I'll go ahead to tell the doctor you've arrived." - Yun opens and heads into the manhole. The rest of the unit follows with the general last, and Lestat had already vanished without a word.

Dropping down from the metal ladder, Yun threads along the ridged catwalks, to the Main Lab. He finds the doctor hard at work, as always. Stepping lightly through the doorway, he announced.

  • "Doctor, they're all here." -

  • "Oh! The moment I've been waiting for. By the way, do you know what time it is?: - the doctor stands with excitement, approaching the door.

Yun shakes his head, then steps away to allow the rest of the unit, Hoyt stepping in front to face the doctor.

  • "Oh, you're quite a specimen, general." -

  • "You're a nosy man." - Hoyt growls.

  • "I believe we have a lot to talk about. I understand you're a renown strategist." - the doctor extends his hand.

  • "You cured a liability in all of demon kind. It is of very little use, but nonetheless, it is quite an accomplishment. I believe you're quite the genius." - the demon shakes the frail man's hand, sending an intense shill into the mortal's body.

  • "Oh my; ice demon, blue blood. But why are you wingless?" - the doctor snaps back at the cold, then looks at the tall demon, adjusting his glasses, looking with absolute curiosity.

  • "Irrelevant." - the ice demon growls, apparently annoyed.

  • "Indeed. So, I'll show you all to your quarters. I don't know how good will it be to you and your unit. It probably wont be as good as your base." - the doctor walks out of the lab, the military demons follow.

  • "Our base is all about practicality, no comfort." - the ice demon mumbles.

  • "Anything is better than that dump. Back there we had nowhere to go. To tell you the truth, if the actual motive of you guys didn't convince me, your base would've." - Yun snickers.

  • "I can agree." - Maseng mutters, looking around.

  • "I dunno, it's very similar to our base." - Gale mutters.

Rose remained silent, holding her stomach as she had remained sick from the trip. As they went down further, beyond the junk-surrounded lobby, an area not even the familiar demons know about.

  • "I was working on this. I call it, the Vault." -

The walk along a rocky path, and in front a few feet from them a huge, metal door, a dozen feet in diameter. The name certainly suits it.

  • "We have a lot to talk about, but right now, my brain is not at full intellectual capacity. I don't think it's appropriate for me to talk in this... tired state. Make yourselves comfortable please, and let me remind you, it's an honor." - the doctor mumbles and yawns as he types up the code to open the huge door.

Pressing the last button, gears turn and locks free. The hinges slide and the door slowly opens inward. The inside light clicks on automatically, illuminating the shiny blue floor. The room itself had a monochrome tone of blue. There were ten rooms to the left, consoles and portal device to the right.

  • "I'll see you tomorrow, general." - the doctor heads back upstairs with a smile, leaving the ice demon and his unit to their new quarters.

  • "This is so much better than the base!" - Maseng is the first to step in.

  • "Awesome. " - Rose is finally able to speak, and steps in herself.

  • "Ok, I'm liking this." - Gale steps in as well.

  • "Whoah, this is better than my room." - Yun follows.

  • I'll be honest, I can trade the base for this." - Hoyt steps in with a smirk. The door closes automatically behind him.

Virgin Virus - Ch10: Silence

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Ten- - Last Chapter: - The demon general joins the rest of the group, and provides the help they really need. The doctor had prepared for them a new headquarters, just showing...

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Virgin Virus - Ch8: Ice

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Eight- - Last Chapter: - The whole gang reunites: Dose, Rafael, Yuri, Aoi, Nina, Sebastian, Ariyoshi, Rude, Tobey, Jason, Boto. Raiko wakes up and even Alex is brought in by...

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Virgin Virus - Ch7: Reunion

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Seven- - Last Chapter: - Dose, Monk and Yun had arrived from their assignment and explained what happened. After some talking, Dose decides he had to take a bath. There, he and...

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