
Story by Kitsu-senpai on SoFurry

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#1 of The Doctor is in

Fynn had been on his way home from university when his moped had hit a pothole in the road before he had found himself in a large bed with bandages over his left eye, arm and chest. The last thing he remembered was turning the corner along the back road he took as a shortcut home everyday and hitting the pothole that he'd always managed to dodge. Why this day different? Anyhow more pressing thoughts entered his head when he realised his trousers were missing and he had been attached to an IV drip and bandaged. He tugged at the drip immediately realising he ought not to have after the pinch in his elbow confirmed it was attached.

‘What the hell is going on' he whispered to himself.

Looking around Fynn scanned the room he was in, containing merely the four poster bed he lay on, the IV and a medical cabinet.

‘What kinda person has this in their house' he said out loud

The door knob across from the bed turned and in through the door came a well built taur, standing roughly 6 feet and at a guess and exaggeration on Fynn's behalf, that wide across. The taur's chest heaved up and down under a taught shirt presenting his nipples every inward breath, building an odd tension between the pair.

‘My apologies- I'm Dr. Morraugh. I live just off the road you were travelling on- I saw you crash as I was out I the grounds. I was the one who patched you up and bested your way to recovery.'

‘Well thanks- but I ought to get o a hospital, y'know for proper treatment' Fynn replied in a concerned tone. He'd seen ‘Misery' too many times to feel ok by the current situation.

‘That's fine, I can get the car around and take you there in about an hour or so- at the moment you should rest up and ease yourself around the room before you over exert yourself. I can understand your unease at the odd situation.' The taur ended the sentence cheerfully and exited the room closing the door behind him.

Fynn wriggled uncomfortably until he hit the drip in his elbow again this time however he knocked it enough to throw the IV off balance onto the bed with a crash. Next he heard footsteps from the hall come to the door- Dr Morraugh had returned.

‘Oh dear, how troublesome- not to worry.'

The larger fur walked over to the lynx and eased the IV stand off of him before straightening the covers on the bed. He turned around to face Fynn and what happened next would be Fynn's undoing. As the Dr turned to around after straightening the bed covers he grabbed the IV and replaced it with an off green liquid.

‘What's that?' Fynn asked warily

‘Oh nothing but a supplement that'll get you out of bed a little more easily next time- think of it a little like that Red Bull stuff you students drink so much of.'

‘That's ok I think the hospital will give me what I need- is the car ready at all?' Fynn started to get more panicked which increased his intake of the new IV through his blood.

‘Well I should think you can get there soon; however I do think you will need to just relax a little and grow up. I'm not a monstrous captor' he chuckled.

Fynn's arm tingled as the new mix entered his blood. He looked up at the IV then the Dr whose chuckle had turned to a smile and stare that unnerved him. In an instant the world turned upside down as his head began to spin and his body felt odd.

‘What have you done to me' Fynn asked through the haze now forming.

‘It's a stimulant to help you recover and an inducer for your mal adjusted teenaged body.'

Fynn's body felt worse then when he crashed his thighs and his chest felt hard and burned as he lay there. The Dr placed a hand over the Lynx's chest and rubbed it gently. Fynn noticed the pleasure this induced in his mind. He struggled to fight the taur off but couldn't through the haze of the drip. He felt a burning in his arms now and noticed his bandages tearing apart as his chest swelled, pushing the silken bed covers upward. HE moved a hand down to his legs and felt them expanding too. The burning sensation tingled intensely setting his body into a fit of pleasure as every muscle ached for release. His torn clothes stressed and pushed out further as is body did, eventually succumbing to the stress his now bulky body had produced.

‘Well you're well on the way to being recovered- I think its time.'

With this statement the Dr took another drip pouch from the medical cabinet, piercing the bottom, and squirting it into his own maw. His body jumped and burst open his shirt as his body grew exponentially. He mounted the bed and knelt over Flynn who at this point could no longer move with the size he'd grown to. His pecks were rock hard and now sweating profusely as he watched the taur burst from his trousers and reveal a large thong under his slacks. Fynn's mind was in turmoil from the imposing fur but his body had become oddly aroused and his cock was nursing a now large bulge under the silk bedclothes. He didn't want this but the toxin was making his body more lustful and sweat ridden but he second.

His body tingled as his nipples brushed against the silk, and pushed the head of his manhood against the covers.

‘I see a release is in order' remarked the Dr as he bent over Fynn pressing him into the bed. Fynn's ass cheeks twitched as they connected with a well placed spring in the mattress. He groaned slightly as this happened inadvertently urging the Dr to push their lips together. The taur's tongue invaded Fynn's mouth and lathered it up nicely, roaming and probing Fynn's tongue for a pleasurable return. Fynn couldn't muster the strength to resist and gave into his carnal needs. He probed back into the Dr's mouth as the two massive furs bodies pressed upon another as they continued to imbue more muscle upon each's own frame.

‘This calls for a definite physical. The patient clearly is under stress and needs releasing.' The Dr playfully remarked out loud. At this Fynn's cock split the taught remainders of his underwear and pushed himself further into the Dr's mouth. His senses were on fire as his body burned and his balls churned for release. The Dr was more then obliging as he pulled back the covers to reveal his patient fully.

Fynn's manhood stood proud as the Dr lowered himself towards it with his maw, enveloping it as it grew thicker. Fynn's he rushed as he felt the taur's probing tongue lap up his tip. Morraugh moved his hands under Fynn's ass cheeks and felt for his tail hole and pressed his fingers lightly against it, pulling them back over his perineum lightly ticklingit. Marvellous shudders went through Fynn as the Dr worked him.

‘Now it would seem I need to prescribe you some medication- perhaps an injection of something may help.' At this the Dr forcefully flipped Fynn and rammed his face into his butt cheeks, inserting his tongue deep into Fynn's ass. He worked his butt hole hard with his tongue, lathering it well before inserting two think fingers inside. Fynn shuddered again as pleasure amounted in his balls and cock. He twinged as it rubbed gently against the silk sheets, nearly blowing his load as he felt the Dr probe him deeply.

‘Awwww sooo good! Deeper!' Fynn yelled. The Dr obliged by pushing his fist then arm inwards stretching him out. At this Fynn's eyes went wide and watered upon feeling the larger taur impale his large body. Suddenly the Dr pulled out his arm and turned Fynn over briefly.

‘Now this could hurt a little, this is where I need to ‘inject' you with my needle' He flexed his twelve inch long, 6 inch wide boner at Fynn. He turned him back over and began to feed it into Fynn's stretched pucker. Each pleasurable inch moved made his body feel full. His ass stretched wide to accommodate the length and girth, in doing so it pushed out his lower abdomen revealing a tip shaped bulge appear, moving slowly up his innards. He felt so good as his body was filled by the mammoth taur, the bulge increasing as his belly distended, giving his muscular body a hanging gut. The taur hilted himself and began to pump himself slowly, pushing himself deeper still on the inward thrust, making sure his patient was well looked after. His body quivered as he entered and exited the lynx repeatedly bringing his bulbous balls to churn hard. The sweat on his body had begun to pool in Fynn's ass groove making it easier to thrust into the muscular fur's body.

The taur's hands wandered as he ventured over the muscular physique of his patient. Fynna groaned loudly in unison with his Dr as the large hands reached the lynx's ears. They twitched eagerly as the taur rubbed and taunted them. Fynn felt a weight hit his prostate as the body of the taur moved over to lay on top of him, pressing the mammoth member inside him against his belly and innards harder. The Dr began to kiss Fynn's neck and suck little parts of his back as he embraced him, pinning him to the bed. The mattress underneath groaned pleasurably as the two on top continued, buckling under the increasing weight of the muscular pair. The Dr's nipples brushed against Fynn's back sendig a shudder through the taur and into Fynn making him come close to release. He cuoldn't bear the tension as the Dr moved in and out faster, harder and more powerfully as he drove his cock home. Fynn felt the bull cock swell inside him, placing more pressure on his prostate and belly, distending his further outwards against the bed, throwing his mind over the edge with ecstasy. He came hard as the bull's knot reached into his belly and pushed at his stomach clenching his sphincter around the Dr's cock. Next he knew he was turned over facing the now panting Dr.

‘I held off the strong stuff for you until now young man, but I think its time for you to really take you medicine!' groaned the Dr. Fynn leaned forward and thrust his lips against the Dr's guiding his hands over the taur's taught body, probing the sweat ridden body, gliding gently over his bulky form. Eventually he reached Morraugh's balls which were larger then he imagined possible; the size of melons and getting larger as the pair continued rutting. He felt lower to his tail hole and around the circumference of the bull's member massaging it as it entered and exited his body. With the added pleasure the Dr could no longer hold back and made a final thrust inwards, injecting copious bull seed into the muscle bound lynx.

Fynn's distended belly grew outwards and upwards as cum filled his bowels quickly; with nowhere else to go it entered his stomach increasing his gut faster, making what was a bulbous lump into a now fully growing over hang. His belly flopped either side of his frame as it filled more with seed. The Dr pushed and thrust more forcefully as wave after wave of pleasure rocked the pair on the bed. Fynn couldn't take much more as his stomach stretched and he groaned feeling fully then ever before. He felt underneath him towards the bull's masterful member and towards his balls. THEY WERE STILL HUGE! The waves of cum kept coming as the rest of his body fit to accommodate the masses. His gut felt odd as if it had extended too far, too much so that he could no longer move. This was indeed the case as the Dr leant over him again and whispered-

‘I think its time to really prescribe you the full dosage.' With this he thrust hard jiggling Fynn's gut pumping the length of himself into the lynx. Fynn felt something coming up his throat and without warning the Dr forced the lynx in long kiss moving deep into the feline's mouth. The rising feeling grew in his chest as it pumped outwards culminating in two sensitive and flaccid pecks that wobbled. The bull cum kept coming and expanded him further then the IV had making him swell with pleasure at getting filled. Next however the Dr stopped his tongue as Fynn felt salty seed in his mouth- the cum had made it up his throat and into his mouth. At his point the Dr began to swallow his own seed in copious amount as Fynn lay there bulbous and growing still under the taur. The taur began to relish this and with one final thrust emptied himself into the distended lynx and slumped over his oddly cushioned/muscled patient.

Fynn felt sleepy and full as the taur fell asleep on top of him, pushing him further into the bed then before. The weight of the pair knocked out the supports making it buckle, making him feel a thud underneath his body, sending more quivers in through his and the taur's body. The pair shuddered and he felt himself receive more ‘medicine'. The bull awoke from his dozing, kissing Fynn tenderly then proceeded to lick at his cum laden lips. His hand went over Fynn's face, tenderly brushing over his bandaged eye.

‘Now you do realise that you must take this course of treatment three times a week and provide regular samples to me when I request them?'

‘Of course Dr, you are of course the expert. But I must ask, was it you who put the pothole in the road?'

‘I confess it was, I needed some way to make sure I gained a patient to try out my serum effectively on.'

‘Well if that's the case then perhaps a second test is in order?'

‘Oh?' quizzed the bull

‘I know several people who take this route all of which who have no local GP.'

‘Simply tragic. Students today don't look after themselves properly'


The pair laughed and kissed again as the bull released himself and lay on top of his patient.

‘You know I could use an assistant- you'd be perfect for th job once you've been properly examined'

‘I had hoped so' Fynn replied eagerly

‘-perhaps then we can come to some arrangement and so help the other members of the student body to register for free? Morraugh replied eagerly.

The pair chuckled and felt one another's bodies cool as they drifted off, both comfortably nestled in some part of the other's burly bodies.

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