Just Deserts

Story by Kitsu-senpai on SoFurry

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#3 of Dining for one

Lex awoke with a start to the audible ring of the phone on the desk beside the couch. His now massive size hindered him as he tried in vain to reach it before it stopped. His belly twitched sending a pleasurable twinge through his gut into his navel, in turn making his now mammoth genitals swell slightly. The previous night had seen both Dean and Guy become what Lex had now considered his calling- 'The body that must be fed'. Although he tried whilst struggling pathetically, the phone rang off and silence returned to his apartment. The now 70 stone bear couldn't quite manage to comprehend how he managed to accumulate so much weight in such a little time, and to that end what started all of this necessity for sustenance. Either way he was growing more and more pleased with every 'meal' head had, more so now that he could feed himself orally, anally and now vorishly through his giant member.

Lex took the chance to scope out his body in the black TV screen of which he could just about see the bottom of his stomach sitting above his tire sized balls and tree trunk sized cock.

'If I'm to stay like this then I need to keep up with feeding I suppose' he thought. It was only then that he realised things like work would get in his way. Money was the route of his food, how could he eat more luscious delivery 'food' without cash. The phone began to ring again this time making him jump a little sending another pleasurable surge through his body enlarging it somewhat then before. Pleasure it seemed fed the beast's need for food more then anything, so as long as Lex could keep the beast in tow by restricting it then he could get enough work done to get cash so he could feed again- this on the other hand would prove more difficult then he assumed.

Lex managed to get to the phone only to be greeted by the shrill little voice of his boss on the other end.

'Lexington! What the hell kinda article is this? You're a food critic not a goddamned beefcake on a binge in the city! Your work is sloppy and your article lacks what I need in the paper, you either rewrite this or find a new job!'

'Sure sir not a problem, I can email you another later today.'

'Email!?! No its going to be hand delivered my fat friend!'

'Its going to be a little difficult to do so sir, I'm not in a position to come in to do so, im laid up at home.'

'Excuses, excuses! I'll come over then, and we can 'discuss' your future here at eh paper. I'll be doing so with some of the research team from downstairs. Unfortunately the board need to see us about finances- you are a pit stop and that alone, you got that?'

'Yes sir' remarked Lex with a heavy sigh. He put the phone down and began to think of his declining career. His depressing mood lightened his body somehow, allowing him the freedom to move again. Most noticeably his once mammoth bear-hood, shrank underneath his stomach, to which reduced somewhat as well. It seemed the beast suffered from mood swings and the less pleasure surely equalled he less mass.

'Oh well it was fun while it lasted' he sighed. In a flash it hit him, that small bastard of a boss would be coming over soon with guys from the research department, if they saw him it'd be all over anyway. However if the boos was the only one to come up then no problem. Lex moved quicker under his reducing bulk, his stomach growling audibly as he tidied up the food and thick cum that had laden the room. The clothes he had removed from Guy and Dean were thrown into the washing hamper in his bedroom and the door closed as he rushed to sort the rest of the kitchen out.

About 2 hours later Lex could here a familiar growl of a van outside and thoughts of dread pervaded his body, heightening the expectations he had of what was to come. A sharp rap on the door made him move faster then ever before, opening his door slowly the small figure of his boss stood there. No more then 5ft 4inches this yappy Jack Russell had a small yet defined frame having spent his early youthful years in the gym extensively.

'Now lex lets sit and have a chat' the dog said with a sarcasm laced only with malice.

'Your future at the paper is wavering my boy and it is your slothful ways that is making your work sloppy, hindered and useless to me. It seems I can no longer use you, you were good but I'm sorry we have to let you go, your laziness is not conducive to our working ethos.'

'Bu-' interrupted Lex before being cut off.

'There are no buts my boy, you simple cant fit in with such a large degree of laziness, there is simply no way we could sustain you for much longer'

With that final remark lex reached for the nearby phone and clocked his boss on the head, knocking the built dog to the floor unconscious. His rage fuelling him, lex went to the window and called down to the car-

'The boss will meet you there, he said he'd take a cab, this might take a while.'

'Sure thing dude, good luck- that guys an ass!'

'Yeah...' Lex trailed off, shutting the window and locking it tight. He heard the van move off leaving him alone with the dog unconscious on his floor.

'What the hell am I gunna do now?' he thought to himself?

Revenge never had suited Lex but now was his chance. A pang hit his stomach, making him quiver. He wouldn't be missed... He was a bastard to everyone, had no family ties and wasn't all that important to the company as a whole. He only ran the bloody company paper. On deciding his boss's fate Lex's stomach growled loudly. One thing hindered his immediate need to grab the dog by the ankles and let him slide down his gullet like the feline before him- his size. The dog was too tiny to be of any real pleasure to vore. He had to make him bigger. Thinking back he knew how Dean had savoured every drop he gave him, distending his belly so much he lost all muscular form. But his boss wasn't going to suck him off. He had to force feed him and quickly before he regained himself.

Lex ran into the kitchen and rummaged under the sink, eventually finding the duck tape he needed to bind his soon to be meal and a length of hose pipe he had kept to inflate his waterbed from college with. His arousal had returned, expectant of the meal he was going to undertake. His balls swelled quickly leaving Lex struggling to move easily as they stroked lovingly the inside of his thighs. He penis swelled again to a larger yet flaccid state enabling him to freely stroke it with determination. His stomach distended again, bloating his body out followed suit by his thighs and his arms. Each of his fingers pudged outwards in tandem, completely masking his former digits with inflated bulges. His mass filled the room as his now fully transformed bulk slowed him. As he bent over his prey, the dog lay ever silent, only the quick successions of breath from his mouth an indication of life.

The bruin had to work fast; he grabbed the body and moved it to the bedroom throwing It onto the bed like a toy. He bound the dog's arms and legs together with duck tape and stripped him down to his skin. Next Lex grappled with the pipe, lubing it up gleefully with pre now ebbing slowly from his slit, forcing it gently down into his shaft and into his ball sack. The ecstasy was immense, the anticipation of this meal was beginning ot overcome him. Revenge truly would never taste so sweet. However fun had to be had first! Lex knocked the pipe in his shaft accidentally forcing his member to jolt and squirt pre through the tube over his victim. He hadn't expected the tube to add pressure to the flow; this would make things far more interesting he thought. Next to the bed he opened his dresser drawer and extracted his dildo, which had a squirting water feature for just such a time he needed a little more simulation in his masturbation.

'This will do nicely' he remarked, fitting it in the end of the hosepipe with such force that the fake shaft stood proudly out form the pipe. The pre that covered his boss proved useful in lubing up his make-shift pump and insertion was even easier. The dog stirred slightly, groaning mildly as the thick silicon head made its way into his small rectum. Lex could no longer hold his anticipation he needed to start this now before it was too late. With one hand he held the dog down, and the other stroked his balls softly. He moved his hands over his perineum, softly stroking it back and forth. His giant member twitched, making his balls ache, the sensation was maddening. Such torture was only good for one thing, to which he stopped and began to stroke his shaft hard, wrapping an arm around it as he motioned up and down. In doing do the pump began its work in inflating the small dog. Small globs of pre entered the dog's ass, making him groan again. He writhed slightly as he was bound, showing unknowing pleasure at his situation. Lex grew more heated by this and frapped harder sending wave after wave of pre into the small form.

By this point the dog's belly had swollen somewhat and wad started to bloat outwards. His ass was already full of pre, evident from his swollen abdomen. Lex enjoyed seeing the little dog fill up, only wishing it'd happen faster. Lex moved his hands faster, his immense balls began to constrict as his shaft tensed, he could feel it, and the orgasm was here! With a gush like fire-hose, his 4ft cock blasted cum down the hosepipe faster then ever before, so much so that the bruin grasped onto the dog as the pipe bulged outwards stretching the little pucker wide. The dog's stomach grew outwards, so much so that it flopped over the little dog's erect penis. His chest began to swell now, his once formed pecks gave way to large sags as cum filled the tiny canine. His arms and legs pudged outwards as if like a water balloon, giving his little form the appeal that Lex found hard to resist. Grabbing the canine firmly he covered him in globs of escaped cum, lubed him gently and sat back on the bed. Lex could feel his penis flowing steadily and noticed that the dog's body had enlarged more so then expected. The canines penis was now a bloated mass, the same size as a water melon, the balls that of basketballs. He admired his inflating meal as the flow dropped off, releasing the pipe from the dog's ass with a squelch. The two moaned, and Lex panted, but he needed more. He needed to offload more into the dog in order to get the meal he wanted.

With that he turned his boss over on his back and positioned himself ready, the now 6ft blob wobbled in unconscious pleasure as the bear made for his next act. The dog's ass was surely ready, it was slick with sweat and cum and so with ease Lex slid his massive member between the warm, smothered cheeks of his inflated prey. The dog groaned more in his unknowing dream state, as the huge cock invaded his ass. Lex's mind was beginning to lose to his stomach again, but he had to hold on a little longer to get what he needed done, done. He pushed in further finally meeting some resistance, at which point he stopped and began to pull back out. With a slick squelch he thrust home and began to pound the wobbling mass that was his boss. Ecstasy filled him again, his cock had never felt so good, his balls ached again for release, he could feel it building within him and soon his wishes were granted. His cock exploded once more into the canine blob, inflating him faster then ever, the arms filled more evenly, sending cum down to the fingertips, plumping them out and making them loose form. The dog's face and muzzle were only visible under two think folds of his cheeks, his chest now so bloated it obstructed his head, making it look like a button enclosed by a sea of cushion.

'This is it!' I'm there! I'm there!' Lex let out loudly. Removing himself, the bear sat back and panted in pleasure as he admired his handy work. He propped his boss upwards against the headboard and slapped him across the face. With a start the dog awoke in a groggy daze, confused at his lack of motion and inability to see.

'What's going on? Lex? What the hell have you done?!?'

'Nothing you didn't have coming to you.'


'Now stay there and enjoy the ride'

With that Lex placed his puckered hole over his boss's inflated penis, sliding it inwards into his own crevice.

'Ooooooohhh my gooood that's gooooood' the two groaned in unison. The inflated, softness of the dog's black member inched its way further inwards until Lex began to buck his hips. Moaning in deep pleasure, he grunted and fucked the inflated dog hard making every inch of himself and the canine wobble as the pair's fat flesh jostled lovingly together. This sent waves of intensity into Lex's mind clouding his brain with pleasure. The beast at this point took over. Near orgasm Lex got off of his boss and placed his cock into the chubby maw of the Jack Russell, spewing forth more cum into the helpless dog. Muffled groans of fear and pleasure were the only things to be heard in the apartment as the dog filled up again.

'Now I think you're sufficiently big enough to feed me' remarked the bear as he turned around so his ass faced the hapless hound. Lowering himself down his ass squished easily over the dog's bloated head as it wriggled inside his crevice. The muscles in his anus locked in place and Lex let his full weight push down on his victim, slowly pushing himself on top of his boss. The cm that filled him made it easier to slide inwards, as the soft flesh gave little resistance. The duck tape, that'd long broken, felt good as it entered through his pucker, tickling his insides as the dog's arms made their way into him. The dog squirmed slightly as it did so, exciting Lex's prostate so much that he expelled more cum onto the bed. Having reached his stomach and hips the dogs cock was pulled into Lex's ass for a second time only to be let off like a tap into his hole. The dog's cock slid easily inwards dripping a mixture of his own and the bear's seed over the bed.

Lex savoured every pleasurable inch as his abdomen once again distended, this time larger then ever as the dog entered his stomach. From the inside his boss was soon losing his breath as the thick musky smell enveloped his senses, suffocating him slowly in a mixture of erotic pleasure and fear of dying inside his former underling. Outside the bear slid his legs out from under him sitting fully in the bed, so his ass was positioned horizontally. With both hands he pushed the remainder of his boss's thighs and calves into his ass, cooing and moaning as they softly yet forcefully fed him. His belly grew outward over his thighs, splaying itself over his form, making his body shrink under it.

'This must be what heaven is' he groaned in lustful heat, as the last vestiges of the Jack Russell entered him, slipping evenly along his bowels and flopping into his stomach. This one singular motion bulged him outwards so much that he added weight made the bed give way as he creaked underneath him. He massaged one paw around his belly, the other his balls in a satisfied glow of lustful revenge and patted his belly.

'You were right about one thing sir, the company could never sustain me- not even if there were more like you to provide such motivational activity to one's personal development.'

With a contented smile Lex lay back as he grew bigger, stomach swelling as his boss moved inside him and the essences that were released fuelled his body. Revenge it seemed was a dish best served hot, steamy and relentlessly.

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