Filling the Gap Year

Story by Kitsu-senpai on SoFurry

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All through his life up until he had finished University Max had worked hard to gain what he wanted and now that it was all over and done with, he had decided to go on a gap year in the forests of Brazil to shake off his life and start anew ready to face what was to come. For his trip max had to train hard and build himself up so he could endure the hardships to come. His beagle body had been average for his age all through his life, and in order to prepare for his trip he trained hard to make himself as capable as possible to cope with the strains of the journey. The hours he spent in the gym and running was testament when the time came to go. His chest had grown outward in both directions stretching from a slight 36 inches to an empowering 46 inches of pure pectoral muscle. The beagle's arms and thighs had grown allowing for his body to become well proportioned but there were some adverse effects when he noticed his clothes no longer fit, when he flexed in front of the mirror.

On tightening the muscles in his arms and thighs his shirt tore around the biceps revealing bulging patches of fur where shirt should have been. Below his inner thighs were had made his jeans creak as he moved. Turning round to walk out his bedroom door he took 2 steps and heard a tear as his jeans split between his thighs revealing his taught, firm fur.

''Damn' he thought, 'looks like I need a new wardrobe for Brazil'

As he bent down to pull off the now ripped clothes he heard a final split as his underwear tore in two pieces showing off his large ball-sack and engorged penis. In his training he hadn't paid too much attention to his genitals but now looking downward and then into the mirror he noticed how much more powerful and attractive he had become.

'Fuck me, why had I not noticed this before? Damn!' his cockiness showed as he flexed in the mirror moving around to appreciate the full extent of his Adonis shaped body. Looking at his watch he checked the time 'Shit I'm gunna be late if I don't get what I need now!' Running for the wardrobe he got the loosest fitting clothes he could find then grabbed his car keys and went into town. On returning he finished his packing and readied himself for his flight, forcing the extra clothes into his suitcase was easy now that he had the mammoth body he had worked so hard to obtain. Just as the zip and padlock were fastened on the suitcase the taxi horn sounded, which signaled a rush to get his stuff together and go as fast as he could.

The next few hours were an excited blur as he waited in the lounge for his flight, noticing the variety of furs looking at his body and eying him up and down. A fair few males checked him out especially; making him uncomfortably aroused making them show more interest at the sight of a slight movement in his trousers. Moving from the lounge to the flight he received yet more attention as he was moved from his original seat to another for being too big for the row.

'Damn, this is so inconvenient! There had to be some draw backs to building myself up like this.'

He sighed in exasperation and sat down in his new seat, pulled out his sleeping mask from the pocket in front of him and went to sleep for the rest of the flight.

* * * * * * *

When he arrived he headed to his hotel, eager to get into the local forests and jungle areas to explore. Dropping his bags in his room and setting up his back pack, grabbing what he needed for the jungle. He rushed out of his hotel and started out of the town towards the tracks that lead into the heart of the forests. A few ours of walking through the moist, hot jungle made him sweat profusely showing through his shirt, stretching it to breaking point, showing off the flesh underneath. Trying to move around a tree proved hard as he stretched backwards to avoid a branch his shirt buttons popped off and the arms burst their seams leaving the shirt in tatters around his hot sweaty body. His chest heaved up and down repeatedly as he panted for breath, sending the blood pumping around his body faster, swelling his penis in his underpants making them tight against the walls of his shorts. His balls were already clinging to his cock as the heat had made him sweat but now they had swollen thanks to the added moisture leaving Max hornier then ever before.

Removing the tatters of his shirt he moved onward into the jungle, evading the undergrowth and logs that littered the jungle floor. Suddenly the heated beagle heard the call of some monkeys overhead and gazed upwards as he walked. Without realising he stepped into a pothole and tripped down a verge into a bed of vines. Struggling to free himself Max wore himself out quickly thanks to the heat making him sweat even more, revealing the shape of his engorged cock in his now straining shorts. One final movement broke the back seem on his underwear and his shorts, showing off his defined ass from behind the rips of cloth. His penis and balls dropped lovingly into the enlivening air, breathing with relief at the escape from the constricting shorts.

'Crap, now I'm gunna have to buy more clothes when I get back!' Max was hadn't considered walking into town naked but then again more pressing thoughts came to mind, like how to escape.

After sitting in the vines for an hour to recover he tried again to move only to be reminded the he was trapped still. Unbeknownst to him something had been watching his beefed body struggle and had moved ever closer to its huge prey. Moving with silence and cunning the large body moved effortlessly through the vines towards Max, who continued to struggle unknowingly. The villainous body began to subtly wrap itself around the beagles taught calf sending an immediate panic within his mind.

'What the hell, of fuck a snake- fuck I'm dead!' Panic setting in, he struggled more as the snake effortlessly wound itself around his large body, until it came face to face with Max's engorged cock. Its coils were winding their way around Max's body all the while it stared at the muscular piece of meat in front of it. As the coils spun around the beagle's body they started to squeeze his sweating body, putting pressure on his arms holstering them to his chest. The lower part of his body had yet to be ensnared save for the snake's tail which hung loosely around Max's thighs rubbing gently against the fur closest to his balls. His cock swelled having felt the smooth skin of the snake, which in turn moved the snake to mimic its prey and blow itself up in size to match. Max watched over the coils of the snake as the head lurched side to side inspecting his member all the while inching itself closer.

Suddenly the massive python lunged at Max's cock, 'Shit this is it! First the strike then the squeeze then I'm snake chow!' The snake opened its massive jaws and sunk its huge mouth around Max's cock and closed it so that its teeth could not penetrate the beagle's soft flesh. Max opened his eyes to see the snake clamped down on his own trouser snake and found an arousal beginning as the snake began to try and eat his cock, making for an intense sucking motion. As the snake sucked his member swelled to its full size, filling the snake's mouth so that it had to dislocate its jaws slightly to fit it in. The sucking became more intense leaving Max to drown in the sweat from the heat and the lust building in his head. His thighs tightened and began to motion his hips backwards and forwards, thrusting into the snakes massive maw, all the while unobservant of the actions of the snake's tail.

The tail had itself finished stroking the patch around the beagle's balls and moved over his perineum, massaging his greatly as it moved its engorged body over his own. In no time it had reached his firm, sweat leaden buttocks and had begun to part his cheeks revealing his entrance to the jungle air. At this point Max had been completely consumed but lust and heat from the snakes powerful sucks, leaving him lost in ecstasy only to be brought back to earth when the leviathan sized tale had begun to part his pucker. A bead of sweat dripped from his back, heading downwards into the small and then into the crevice that the snake had made. Max wriggled and struggled in refusal so being entered but he was held fast by the snake's massive coils. The tail probed his ass, tenderly gauging the amount of pressure needed to enter as more sweat built around the crack providing a natural lubricant for it. The scales of its tale rubbed lovingly against Max's perineum sending shudders through his spine and into his chest. His cock began to swell more, as it gained more size in the snake's sucking mouth. He couldn't believe what was happening, was he being eaten or toyed with? Max couldn't tell but wanted swift release, thrusting his pelvis ever harder so that the python's head became larger and over filled with cock meat.

The snake, unhappy at losing control tightened its grip on Max stopping him from thrusting, and with one vengeful stroke of Max's balls thrust its tail into the beagle's sweaty ass probing his inwards with such tenacity Max nearly blew his load. It had to come soon for him or else he would lose his erection so he wriggled more so that the snake would insert itself further, and in doing allow him to reach climax before he was eaten. The python obliged and slipped its tail into Max's anus further reaching and stopping at his prostate sending surges of pleasure throughout Max's body making him quiver and moan deeply. Nearly at his climax, Max wanted more of the snake but was rejected that pleasure as the python receded out of his anus until he was fully retracted giving the beagle an unsatisfying emptiness to his body. Without a moments hesitation the snake dislodged its jaws and began to withdraw itself from the muscular dog's body.

Seconds later Max was nearly free and felt unfulfilled as he needed release badly. The snake had left two large coils around his arms and wrists, stopping him from moving them to help relieve himself. But it wasn't over yet. The python's head moved with gentle grace to where its tail had been passing it on the way as it snaked agonisingly slowly up Max's thigh, past his ball sack, over his perineum and to his now relaxed ass crack. In one swift flicker the snake lashed its tongue lovingly over Max's anus, sending even more shivers up his back and into his body. The sweat from the jungle heat over powered Max and left him exposed to more sexual gratification from the snake. He couldn't understand why he hadn't cum yet, he was so nearly there that it was painful to hold on any further. As the python's tongue worked his ass the tale wrapped around his cock, slowly rubbing it up and down giving Max the chance to thrust into again. This left him at the mercy of the large beast again, as he concentrated on cumming before he met his end.

Finally the snake retracted its tongue and nuzzled Max's ass, gently beginning to bury itself in his body.Max's ass puckered and contracted as much as it could to bar the snake entry, but its powerful head ventured inwards pushing him open and forcefully inching its body inside him. Max couldn't believe what was happening, the snake began to move its jaws open to stretch the ass muscles apart so it could fit further down his tunnel, slowly moving itself inside the beagle until it's head had become fully submerged in Max's fleshy cavity. It squeezed itself inside the dog's body pushing Max's ass to its limit as the football sized girth of its coils lubricated from the sweat of its prey's body helped it to venture further into the darkness. Max still couldn't moved but with every thrust of the snake's body he came closer to explosion, pre dripped everywhere bringing with it a sense of elation that something so large was forcing its way into his body. The snake's head ventured further without any thought to what lay at the end of the tunnel, moving expertly through Max's bowels pushing itself onwards through the mire of Max's intestines.

The python's body worked smoothly inwards with the help of its smooth scales, brushing gently past the dog's anal flesh, stopping every now and then to force the hole wider so that it could fit its mammoth girth down the rabbit warren that was Max's ass. He struggled and moved forcing the snake to tighten what was left of its grip until he was subdued, only making him more sweaty and lubricating his now cavernous ass crack into a smooth and easy pathway for the snake to seek out more room.

On the outside max still couldn't reason why the python had entered his body, was t looking for food or warmth to hibernate or was it simply attempting to live out some deep seated wish to feel what it was like to be the prey, entering down the well lubricated and muscular tunnels of another being. Either way Max knew its eventual destination and did not doubt the snake didn't either but for that moment he was enjoying the thought of his body accepting something so huge that he ignored what was to come later on when this was all over.

Max's belly and abdomen had become huge and disproportionate to the rest of his body, bloating his stomach and lower portions outwards. The pressure it placed on his bladder and testicles was immense, and soon Max started to feel faint from the pleasure. The sweat beaded profusely from his back now, down to his ass pooling lovingly over the last vestiges of the snake's body. The python's head soon came up against more resistance as it relentlessly pushed onwards, all the while motioning its body at the entrance to Max's ass and over his prostate. Outside max looked down to see his belly swollen and heavy, his balls and cock engorged by the pressure upon them. He was almost free from the snake's coils to be able to relieve his lust. As the last of the snake trailed away from his arms, Max grabbed the snake's tale and held it in place with the last of the strength left in his muscles and started pumping like crazy. On feeling the movement the snake charged onwards faster the before eventually coming to the mouth of the stomach to which it pushed into and filled Max with it enormous body. The tale let go of his cock and rubbed gently over his balls and lovingly flowed with the last of the body into his ass penetrating the anal crevice, leaving it to slowly close up as the snake got smaller from the outside.

On the other end the snake had become disoriented by the gases it had encountered and soon fell motionless in an oxygen deprived stupor as the acids in Max's stomach digested its body. The last of the snake could be felt stopping in his intestines and flowing almost automatically to the rest of the body in his stomach. The beagle's body had become heavy and heavily charged with lust making for a desperate need for release. With on final thrust into his own hands Max let himself seed the jungle floor as wave after way of pleasure oozed put of his body. Six waves went by and more kept coming, leaving Max in a sexual haze unlike he had ever experienced until eventually he fainted from the pleasure.

The next morning he woke up to find his belly still massively bloated and in need of deflation thanks to the unwitting snake's movements to probe him. The vines around him in the struggle had become loose and broke away easily, dropping Max to the floor with a thud. He lay there unable to move, prevented by his enlarged belly that bloated his fat meat outwards so that it looked even bigger then before. Max thought to himself about the previous day's events- had the snake set out to eat him, or was it exploring him to see what its prey would react best to before its death? Either way it had left him fully and bloated but more sexually charged then ever and in need of anal satisfaction like that. His body had never tasted pleasure like it and so he decided to wait out his digestion until the next thing came along, be it man or beast, to satisfy his pucker and gorge itself on his now mammoth cock.

'When I get back to the hotel, I'm going to need more then clothes to get me sorted' he thought with wicked pleasure. 'I wonder if snakes grow that big back home.' His thoughts drifted towards more large reptiles and his insatiable need for filling.

'I'll have to make sure I check when I get back...' with that in mind Max rolled his large body over and noticed a familiar, fairly long and thick train of flesh stalking in the bushes, this however had a larger hump in its mid section, showing off an admirable bulge like his. Both bodies lay in the sun and heat of the jungle. Maxed moved so his rectum faced in that direction and allowed his thoughts to drift-

'Give me a day or so mate, and you never know you might meet a friend of yours.' And with that he fell asleep ready to awake for another deep jungle experience.

Stuffed Toys

Den had always been a bit on the scrawny side even for being a rabbit. All through elementary and junior high it didn't matter so much as he was still about the same as the rest but it wasn't until high school that he began to notice just how different...

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