Dining In

Story by Kitsu-senpai on SoFurry

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#1 of Dining for one

A bead of sweat trickled slowly down Lex's neck disappearing underneath his taut shirt, as the heat of the day pounded his bruin body in his office cubicle.

'20 more minutes and its time to get outta here!' he thought, relishing the straying chill of the desk fan attached to his monitor.

'I've just gotta hold out till 3pm, then I can get home, get naked and relax in front of the game with a beer and some ice-cream.' This had been the one thought that had kept him going since lunch when he had missed out on the last pudding cup at lunch. Is large body felt unsubstantiated and his appetite was horrendous leaving is stomach growling like, well a bear, for the better part of the afternoon.

'Nothing is going to stop me, I'm making for the stairs and then the car park and I'm home free. Twenty minutes and I'm free and easy.' These were those famous last words as his boss, a puny, yappy little Jack Russell came around the corner to his desk.

'Lex? LEX! Do you not understand that it is time to work! Not time to day dream! Time is money you know, and I don't pay you to sit on you fat ass to daydream about your next meal!'

'Sorry sir, it won't happen again. I'm just coming to the end of this article; it'll be on your desk before I leave.'

'It damn well better be, or else you will find that your bloated, bulging mass of fur and clothing will be out of a job!'

With that the annoying distraction scooted off towards the elevator doors holding a briefcase and a pair of sunglasses. 'If it isn't there by 3pm and I don't see it before I go on holiday tomorrow then consider this your last day!'

Lex got his head down and finished what seemed to be the enormous task of writing is weekly culinary column, a small portion that took up a part of the paper known as the filler section, primarily because nobody read it and it filled the space- much the same way everyone felt about Lex.

It didn't matter to him though, Lex had the joys of being able to eat what he wanted when he wanted and just write a simple 500 word review then get paid- pretty easy really. 3PM and Lex managed to get his stuff in order and make it to his car.

'Oh shit, I forgot my frigging keys again!' Walking back up to the office he passed the kitchen on the fourth floor that was usually occupied by the guys from the other offices and users of the building, in this case it was those who belonged to 'IBEaton', a Laboratory that specialised in genetic modification. The fridge he noticed had been left ajar and spotting his chance for a quick snack he dove in and rummaged around. Although nothing really substantiated his hunger, Lex had noticed an odd looking, unlabeled coke bottle in the salad drawer. Having consumed quite a spicy wrap, he grabbed the bottle and glugged the contents and went on to get his keys and go home.

As he drove home he felt and odd sensation in his stomach, making him feel far hungrier then before.

'Now c'mon its not even that time of the year yet! I can't be THAT hungry can I?'

As he pulled into his parking space his landlord stormed out of the building hurling abuse at him for something and walked off down the street waving about an ice cream cone.

'Mmmmmm I could go for one of those!' His stomach growled loudly as he walked the stairs and entered into his apartment. Without even hesitating he slung he keys on the floor and slammed the door, sweat pouring over his body showing off his arms and chest, near bursting out of his shirt. His clothes felt restrictive and his body ached to be set free so before getting to the fridge, his trousers were on the floor and his shirt on the chair so he stood only in his tight boxers. His cock had become engorged after being released into the open air, swelling itself as it relaxed having been released somewhat into the cooler air. Lex's balls ached too, he always got horny at the prospect of food and this was no different. However he had felt more inclined to eat more and more in the last 20 minutes then he had all day, giving rise to a need to chow down the jack off to his favourite porn.

Opening the fridge Lex stood and gazed at everything he had, his stomach moaning for satiation and sustenance. He couldn't decide so he sat down, his cock now becoming erect at the prospect of a full meal; grabbing food with his large bruin paws he shoveled food into his gaping maw relentlessly, all the while his horn becoming uncontrollable. He needed more! His belly was rapidly becoming larger and larger, slumping over the rim of his boxers and bloating his body to a fuller proportion then ever. He swelled as he ate, becoming bigger with every gulp of food. Soon enough though he had cleared the fridge and lay back on the floor in ecstasy as his balls throbbed for release, with a now fully erect 10inch bruin cock ready to explode.

Lying back he stroked his member, running his hands slowly over his shaft from the base of his balls to his tip, tormenting himself as he so often did. Pre dripped lovingly from the tip onto the kitchen floor as his large body writhed slowly through the crumbs and debris surrounding him. Something however didn't feel right. Lex couldn't shake the need to eat and soon ignored his cock in favour of more food. He cleared through the cupboards and still nothing. He needed more, and couldn't understand why.

'Pizza, Chinese, Indian-ANYTHING! I need some bloody food to fill this gut of mine!' His belly now sagged over the fly hole of his tented boxers, propped up only by his penis, which had begun to be caressed by his stomach rubbing against his tip.

Grabbing the phone he hit speed-dial for a pizza and waited impatiently for it to come. 15 minutes later the door bell rang and Lex opened it wildly to the pizza guy. A medium, built cat that had been suffering with the heat too, only too evident from the sweat patches on his pizza sauce stained shirt.

'That'll be 9 bucks dude'

'Great, here.' Stuffing a 20 into the cats hands Lex eyed the young guy momentarily as a though brushed through his mind. Whether it was his need to eat, or the intoxicating smell of the pizza he didn't know. But what he did know was that the kitty had to stay.

'Hey why don't you once in and catch some of the game? You look like you could do with a break.'

'I shouldn't, but fuck it! Im wasted and can't be assed with this shit today-it's too hot'

The cat sat on the couch as Lex dropped the pizza on the table in front the TV and went to get the last remaining beers from the kitchen floor. The strange feeling from earlier had caught him again, he needed more food and pizza wasn't about ot satisfy him.

'I could... No Way! I can't-can I? I'm sooo hungry though. Fuck it!'

Lex moved to the liquor cupboard and opened the bottle of ouzo he had gotten last vacation and tipped out half the contents of the beer, replacing it the spirit.

'Now these are imported and are quite strong, so go easy kiddo' he said casually as he gave the cat the beer.

'No worries dude, I chug these regularly.'

'Then you won't mind a little race then?' Lex remarked coyly

'Go for it old-timer! If I can chug this faster then you, your pizza's on me!'

With that the cat put the bottle to his lips and started to down the beer as the bear looked on with lust. His balls ached again, penis was ready to explode, Lex waited anxiously as the cat finished the drink, retching slightly at the tastes of beer and ouzo.

'Fuck what was in that?'

'I told you they were imported, so god knows!'

That cat sat back and took of his shoes and began to watch the game. The alcohol had begun to take effect as his eyes drooped more whilst he watched the burly guys on the tv screen wrestle with one another for control. Lex waited more and slowly ate the pizza on the table, tormenting his stomach sending him wildly into a lust driven stupor. The cat soon fell asleep and before he knew it Lex had grabbed the pizza and started smearing it over the cat's body. The sauce and pepperoni dripped down the shirt. Lex then whipped of the cat's trousers to see his physique. 'Not bad' he thought to himself, 'shouldn't be too hard going down.' With that he pulled down the cat's trousers and started to play with the genitals on display, sucking lavishly for sustenance. He soon got what he wanted as the cat writhed unconsciously as he came in Lex's mouth.

Not content with this the bear pinned the cat to the sofa rubbing more pizza sauce over the unconscious teen. Then lashing his tongue away from the now flaccid penis, Lex began to lick the cat up and down tasting him as he did, feeling more and more overcome as he went on.

'That's it! I can't do this anymore, I have to have him!' With that the bear ripped off the cat's clothes and placed his mouth firmly on the cats, sending not only his tongue into the cat's mouth but his body in prime position to receive him. Pulling away the bear sat the cat up on the table in front the sofa, reclining as he readied himself. The cat's body slumped forward over the bear's enormous belly, sweat glistening over his food stained body, and with one swift movement Lex wrapped his arms around the cat's frame, opened his jaws wide and started to push the teen down his throat. The cat moved swiftly as the bear's huge paws pushed him further as the swallowing motion secured his head in the back of Lex's gullet.

Still drunk and unconscious the cat had no choice but to be enveloped by the bear's aching body. Lex thought he owed the cat one last pleasure and inserted one of his large fingers into the cat's ring and began to massage his prostate. The body writhed again with pleasure sending Lex into frenzy, putting more pressure on the organ as his prey moved and writhed as its shoulders moved passed his jaws giving way to the slick sweaty, torso and then the lower regions. At this point Lex had let go on inhibition and had pawed his way to the drawer but he couch for a dildo and had began to insert it with force into his ass. The could feel himself being filled from both ends and arched his back in ecstasy as his cock and balls throbbed harder under is now bloated belly.

The cat's erect cock brushed downwards sending another shiver through the prey making Lex push harder, sliding the rest of the body easily down his bulgy throat. He felt the cat slip effortlessly into his stomach bulging him outwards ripping the elastic on his underwear so his not massive cock hung heavily under his bloated body. His stomach felt full and his body somehow in need of release.

Removing his dildo slowly and clutching his thick member he caressed himself slowly, teasing more pre onto the sofa as his feelings of satiation had come to fruition. He started pounding his cock harder and faster until his body tensed and he released wildly over the floor and table slumping backwards in relief. Drifting off into a stupor he felt something in his stomach move slightly and jostle around.

'No regrets, you were simply too delicious to let you go to waste'. His belly moved more frantically but subsided as the prey was asphyxiated by his internals. Stretching out the bear drifted into sleep feeling the odd twinge in his enormous belly as the body inside him twitched and released its essence unto his body. Before he finally drifted off he felt that odd sensation hit him as if it to say 'you may be full now, but later on...' Lex closed his eyes and went to sleep content that his meal had made him full, still a thought lingered at the back of his mind 'I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.'

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