Dinner Guests

Story by Kitsu-senpai on SoFurry

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#2 of Dining for one

Lex awoke with a start, his stomach was throwing pangs throughout his body leaving him feeling empty and unsustained. Looking around the room Lex saw the discarded pizza boxes and the empty ouzo bottle from the night before and began to realise what had actually occurred the night before. He felt little remorse for his act or predatory only a slight twinge when he felt the bulging rim of his now drooping belly. He caressed it lovingly, feeling the bulge where his feline prey now sat slowly digesting. It had given him satisfaction for once, finally he could say he had had his fill in one sitting and his feeling of elation when he ejaculated had been the best yet.

The TV had gone to static, it being 3am nothing was on so in his boredom Lex, clambered onto the coach, his now swollen belly hindering his attempts to move. After several motions Lex managed to prop himself up on the sofa, looking downward at his belly he ran his hand once again over his bulging gut, following its contours from his chest towards his navel, his fingers searching out every stretched piece of smooth bear fur possible. Running downwards he felt his over hang had extended somewhat, covering his abdomen, but oddly enough not his cock. Whether it was his grogginess or his mistake, he felt as if his shaft had grown larger, in girth and length. He moved from the sofa with a degree of difficulty, adjusting to his new weight, to his bedroom. Turing on the table lamp on the way in he looked in his mirror at his member to see if it'd indeed grown.

'It must just have been my imagination' he thought as he manoeuvred for a better perspective.

'It can't have seriously grown, genitals just don't do that'

However the lamp light wasn't helping, its dim bulb threw the light on his shaft making out an engorged, thick marrow sized cock hanging between two melon sized testicles.

'This can't be right' Lex said out loud. He walked over the main light, switched it on and returned to the mirror. But before he could get a proper look Lex's findings were confirmed, his cock had gained an extra four inches in length and his balls another four around. As he pawed his flaccid member, he could feel an emptiness building in his stomach again, followed however this time by an odd sensation in his balls. They ached, as if he had had sex, GOOD sex at that- the kind of feeling that you'd emptied yourself considerably after a good hard fuck.

'God I'm hungry! I need something soon!'

Lex marched back into the living room and searched through the leftover pizza boxes to no avail.

'DAMN! I need something NOW!'

His hunger had begun to assert itself again, and without fully aware Lex grabbed the phone from the table, dialled for a random take-out and ordered the largest portion he could.

'Yeah and how quick can I get that?'

'Usually its with you in twenty dude, but you've bought from here before so it'll be there in like ten'

'Great thanks, always a pleasure' Now in the knowledge he was going to get food, Lex calmed slightly. His thoughts cleared and soon he realised that answering the door naked might be unadvisable.

Lex went to his wardrobe and put on a pair of jogging bottoms, pulling them snugly around his now barrel sized thighs, only to get them just over the head of his cock when the doorbell rang.

'Shit- I'm coming!' Lex yanked the bottoms feverishly over his member which flopped heavily underneath the cotton, his furry flesh resting uncomfortably against the fabric. Upon opening the door Lex saw not one but two delivery guys with is mammoth order, standing waiting to enter.

'Sorry guys- c'mon in, set it down over there'

The men entered, one a burly looking husky the other a slightly toned yet muscular cougar. After the two set the stuff down the large bruin grabbed his wallet and paid the order, unconsciously paying for his meal his brain had been taken over by his now famished stomach. He hurriedly gave the husky the cash giving him an eye up and down that was returned in kind. The husky paid little attention to his struggling partener focusing his gaze on Lex's taut trousers. He leaned over and whispered into the bears ear

'I think I can wave the charge if you let me have a free sample if you catch my drift?' Without hesitation the Lex nodded slightly, so that the cougar wouldn't catch on.

'Dean- can you do me a favour? Go to the truck and get my bag?'

'This isn't going to turn into another one of your little free sample sessions is it?'

Taken slightly aback Lex turned to look at the cougar.

'Look, dude I will only say this once- he is a sucker for a big cock and to be fair your's is huge. But lets get one thing straight here guys, I'm not sitting in the truck all night whilst you two play gourmet sausage taster- I want in!'

'Fine with me Deano- I'm game if you are big boy' The husky winked at Lex who recovering from the initial shock started to form his own ideas about free samples and taste testing and gourmet dishes.

The cougar left to the truck and the husky took his top of, revealing a slight paunch and thick arms with pecks to match. Returning through the door the cougar closed it and stood behind his colleague placing a hand over the husky's nipple giving it an affectionate tweek. Lex soon had found his in, he had found his way to getting what he wanted- food and sex with none of the nasty after taste or awkward morning conversations. His stomach was in full control one of the two would be going in to him whilst the other received his now heavy balls. The sensation he had felt earlier had intensified and had spread all the way to the tip of his penis making it tingle with excitement. The bloody within him had begun pumping feverishly into it making it swell slightly and stretch his already taut bottoms.

'Now there's a show' remarked the husky with excitement.

'Perhaps it needs unwrapping? Dean wanna do the honours?'

'Gladly' purred the cougar as he pulled his top over his head revealing a black, smooth furred figure, adorned with well chiselled pecks and abs. His arms had wrapped around the bruin's chest as their lips locked in a passionate embrace. Lex felt the cougar slip his long tongue into his mouth. The warmth of it sent his mind into overload as he gripped the cougar by the face and began to kiss him feverishly.

'Well somebody seems to be more then ready' the Husky, had by this point removed his trousers and had begun to strip off his tented underwear. He ran his hand over his body slowly as the other two embraced, slowly teasing his twitching member.

'I need to be in you big boy! I want to feel my balls slap against you cushiony behind!' shouted Dean.

'Well you'll get there once I've lubed him up good with my tongue Deano' At this point Lex was in heaven as the pair worked their way around his now struggling bottoms, helping them off with difficulty. Suddenly Lex heard a tear and looked down to see the front of his pants ripped and his thighs and cock poking through the hole.

'That was easy' said Dean who began to lick the head of Lex's cock. Suddenly the feeling in his balls intensified and his cock grew another 5 inches longer, swelling at the same time becoming wider the ever before. His member throbbed sending pulsing pleasure through his body as he felt two extra sets of hands massaging his now basketball sized balls.

'Oh big bear I'm gunna eat you up good' Dean placed his maw over Lex's head managing to take it in. It hit the back of his throat before he knew what hit him and gagged slightly before swallowing 3 inches worth. He could feel the hot, thick, sweaty member slide further down his throat as his gag reflex moved more bear meat further into his mouth. Dean managed some small muffles of pleasure as he worked the cock in and out making it swell and pulsate. Lex's mind was awash with pleasure but his stomach had started to become irritable having been taunted and ignored by the arrival of food. Dean sucked harder making Lex quiver more drastically almost to the point of no return, until he was released by the cougar-

'Now I don't want you going yet, I have to let my colleague Guy have some fun too you know'

The Husky's hands moved around the back of Lex's massive gut and had worked his hands around his ball sack, massaging it gently, feeling his gigantic nuts in awe. His tongue lashed over them as Dean began to lick the slit of Lex's cock. Guy caressed the ball sack with great attention, stroking it gently around the nuts and moved upward towards the bear's perineum. At this point Lex shuddered as the combined effort of Guy and Dean satisfied his sexual urges. Guy ventured his fingers backwards towards Lex's pucker, fingering it gently. He moved the fingers lovingly around lex's pucker making it tense slightly.

'Now c'mon big bear, if you want the love then you've gotta be prepared to received a little attention.' With that the Husky leaned forward and placed his snout along Lex's ass and began to lavish it with his tongue, poking it in and out of his hole making it moist and wet, ready to receive Dean when ready. At this point however Lex's sexual urges began to subside as his hunger returned, having received two sharp pangs from his stomach and balls. Without a moments hesitation his large hands pressed down on Guy's head so his nose entered slightly into his ass. He felt the hot breath of the husky up his tunnel and the tongue lash deep into his ring. Pushing harder, he clenched his ass his pucker, trapping the husky's snout in his ass. Guy was overcome with lust and had started to jerk off madly unknowing of what was to follow. Leaning backwards, Lex began to sink his ass over the husky's mouth so that Guy's now closed eyes entered slowly into his hole eventually covering his head up to the neck. At this the husky frapped off harder wriggling widely within the bear. Lex enjoyed the feeling as his ass manoeuvred the dog further.

Dean only heard the lustful and muffled moans of his partner, taking notice only in his leviathan task in front of him. His tongue worked hard around the bear's tip, feeding it often into Lex's slit. Not content with this the bear opened the cougar's mouth by pushing his now half erect penis down his throat and into the depths of the feline gullet. Dean purred lustfully as he worked the bears meat with his throat until he could feel the bear extend further into his stomach, stretching his throat wider. Without warning Lex tensed and spurted widely into Dean as Guy's snout hit his prostate, sending wave after wave of pleasure through him. The cougar had no chance to swallow, as the bear's massive penis filled him completely. His gut distended immediately as he was filled to the brim with bear seed. Further it extended until he could no longer take it and pushed at the bear's crotch in an attempt to breathe and release the pump-like cock.

'Dear god Big bear! Your Seed is tasty! I need more!' At this point Dean slid his tongue inside Lex's slit widening the inviting slight just so his whiskers tickled the inside flesh of the bruin's member.

Lavishing it further the Lex focused on sliding a hand over the cougar's head so that its nose met with the inside wall of his seed ridden tube. Dean gave in willingly licking with such ferocity that his hands reached immediately for his own cock, whacking it in his palms madly. He slide slowly into the gaping slit as the residual cum made it easier for his decent.

At his rear, Lex's other prey had moved ever further into his ass, now down to his chest, Guy had yet to cum and was still masturbating and wriggling inwards. Lex's stomach would finally become full again at the now adamant meal that was heading towards it. With a great gaping yawn and a hard push from the bear, the husky's lower body was swallowed down to his cock which rubbed against his fleshy ring. The husky gave up as his arms and hands were locked place, he wriggled further into Lex's bowels sending more pleasure to his host. Soon his cock and upper thighs were sucked into the puckered maw leaving his bushy tail and legs poking out. Lex pulled slightly on Guys lower half as he removed the dog's jeans, making it easier for him to slide inward. Thinking only of himself he placed a large paw over his prey's tail hole, probing it until he could feel the prostate. He massaged it vigorously giving the entombed hound course to roger his anal walls until Lex could feel the sweet warmth of dog cum within him.

'Oh god yes! This is it! This is why I'm here, I'm going to take you into me and feed my gut the meals it's always desired!' With that he removed his sausage sized fingers and pushed with such force that the husky moved into him so far that his feet and tail brushed lovingly around his enclosing pucker. Lex's prostate was massaged well as Guy slipped through his sphincter and into Lex's gut bulging his belly lower then ever before over Dean's head.

'Good God, you just keep getting better don't you!' I need more of you in me now!' Dean pulled his face closer to the slit and began to lap up the semen like milk, savouring ever drop.

'I'll gladly oblige' began Lex who let of his second wave of cum so that it splashed over Dean's face who had now forgone lapping in favour of guzzling down pint after pint of bear seed. In doing so his belly swelled outwards, filled with warm cum, so much so that his abs had disappeared leaving no trace of his once Adonis-like physique. Not content with the amount he was getting, the feline pulled the massive cock over his face and nuzzled the inside wall once again. Without warning Lex received the strange sensation from earlier in his stomach now in his balls. His tip angled itself over Dean's skull as the cougar frapped even harder releasing cum over the carpet, swallowing his head easily. Lex couldn't take the emptiness and longing anymore. With one hand on the feline's torso and the other embedded in his ass, he pushed with both hands so that Dean slid into his shaft.

Lex's penis swelled with its new prey, bulging outward so it no longer resembled a penis but a massive snake engorging itself on its meal. Dean soon succumbed to the predator's will, allowing the next yawn from the tip to take in his shoulders and think muscular arms. Beads of sweat ran down Lex over his belly to his groin. He had worked hard to feed himself and was almost there, the pleasure alone was so intense, and his wait to be filled was almost over. Lex moaned in pleasurable agony as he felt the husky twitch and writhe inside him as he slowly digested with the first prisoner of his gut.

Focusing on Dean the bruin worked the cougar's ass with his fat fingers, searching hard for his prostate, so that he could repay him for his meal. With some luck he placed his index finger squarely on the feline's button making him purr inside the bruin's member sending vibrations all along the shaft. Without a second thought Lex pushed hard as Dean's sleek fur allowed him to flow faster into the lubricated walls of his shaft.

Within moments Dean's cock rested on the lip of Lex's cock which soon started to thrust forwards and backwards in an attempt by the cat to fuck the bear's own shaft. More of the cougar moved into Lex as he could feel every inch slowly and easily move into him. Dean moaned and purred more as he fucked the bears cock wall until his face arrived at an opening. He could feel the ends of his legs and feet in the cold of the air behind him, and so wanted to be in his host's body that he moved his shoulders allowing him to clear his head from the shaft into the testicle where the cum laden chamber awaited him. Outside Lex could feel Dean lap up his semen in his balls and tried in agony not to cum. With one final push the cougar's feet slipped away from the night into the gaping jaws of Lex's penis only leaving a black tail, which swished playfully as it was eventually swallowed.

With so much weight in him Lex could no longer stand up and so slumped on the floor legs spread, his arms propping up his penis so that he cougar would move more quickly. With heavy sagging his balls grew almost three times their size as Dean wriggled more sedately within the bruin.

'You're both mine now, one in my belly and one in my balls.' Muffled moans were his reply from his sack and stomach as Lex sat back and whacked off his massive member in the floor, rubbing it with vigour and pleasure at being so full. He came all over the carpet, covering the table in a layer of thick bear seed. With a moan of contentment he lay back and massaged his now gigantic overhang where the husky lay with one hand, allowing the other to move around his left testicle.

'I know they say one is naturally bigger then the other, but I wouldn't mind the other to match...' he thought out loud. HE felt a small twinge in his other testicle, a longing for more sustenance. He picked up another take-out menu and looked up and down it.

'To be fair though, if I'm ordering take-out I need a lot to fill me, maybe I could get something for desert?'

With that Lex pawed around for the phone. He noticed it out of reach on the other side of the room where it had been discarded.

'Oh well, maybe when I've got more of an appetite- don't want to spoil myself'

He moved slowly towards the couch where he propped himself against the cushion marvelling at his now mammoth gut and protruding flaccid member.

'I have to take car in what I eat from now on; I'm no longer doing it for a job- although it certainly does seem fulfilling.'

Relaxing more he stroked his twitching balls as the last vestiges of seed dripped onto the carpet, patted his belly and drifted off into a deep slumber as both Dean and Guy nourished him.

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