Where The Wild Things Are, Another Day.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#2 of A Real Animal Lover

A continuation that seemed to be in order for the first story. And to the person who tagged "Animal Abuse" on the first one, thanks for the laugh. It's apparently a tag never used on SoFurry before!


there! Yeah, it's me again. I was going to tell you about some of my other

experiences, but a few of you seem to have gotten caught up in what happened

with Olive, the cougar. I was going to get to that after I told you about a few

other experiences, but I guess I can skip ahead to her again.                Like I

said, she had a change of heart were I was concerned. While she still held a

lot of her caretakers in contempt, she held me in some place of honor. Not

content with resting on my laurels, I visited her for the next several days and

petted her through the cage. I would have risked going in, but the park rules

were rather strict against doing anything so bold, and dare I say, stupid.  Regardless of anything else, she was still a

wild animal.                Since

she was three year old, I knew that if she hadn't started her estrus, she would

be very soon. In fact, it might account in part for her present friendliness.  There was always a chance I would have to

wait until she came into it again. Then I remembered something I had in the

clinic and rethought my strategy.                 I read

up on the species, since our classes on such creatures was limited to the other

big cats as they were more common in zoos. She was going to be a challenge to

mount due to her nature. If you know anything about big cat mating, the female

crouches while the male mounts. I suppose it's because crouching helps to keep

the female steady. A male is always bigger and heavier.  For that reason I always admired does taking

the weight of the buck.                A look

in the mirror was hardly necessary to show me that I wasn't built like a

feline. If we were going to do this, there was going to have to be some

adjustments made. Part of me just wanted to drug her and do it like last time.

But the adventurer in me said I should go for the gusto. It was one thing to

molest the cat while it was helpless and another to do it while she was awake

and willing. Still, I was no fool.                In the

evening, when everyone was gone, I returned to her cage and scratched her chin

and head. She was purring like mad. I was getting horny thinking about that

tight little hole under her tail. In the middle of her scratching, she dropped

to the ground and got into the crouch position. Her feet pawed at the ground

just like a domestic tabby. It was comical, and yet it was also a turn on. She

was interested in me.                She was

too far away for me to do anything much through the bars. I scratched her rump,

but at the cost of putting my arm in all the way. I dug my fingers into the

base of her tail, causing her to lift her rump higher. She was horny all right.

I grabbed her tail and tried to pull her back towards the barrier, but to no

avail. She was a hundred pounds of unmoving muscle.                She

finally seemed to get the idea and got up and moved closer, lying along the inside

of the cage. I resumed my ministrations, working my fingers under her tail. I

could feel a touch of moisture leaking from her furry vulva, and my finger went

in easily. She growled as I pushed in, her rear feet working furiously. It was

like she was doing a little dance.                That was

enough for me. I knew that in general, big cats will mate often but for short

durations. If you've ever seen a big cat penis, you'll know that sex for the

female is a real pain. It's this sensory overload that sends them into

ovulation. I was unclear how she was going to react to me. If she got pissed

off I was in big trouble.  Even a male

puma knows enough to clear out away from an angry female.                I

played with her for a few minutes and she seemed to love every second of it. I

could almost hear a cry of dismay when I pulled my finger out and stood. She

looked back, still crouched. I could swear she was pleading for more. "Sorry

girl. I'll be back in just a few minutes. I must be crazy trying this, but

seeing as you're willing, I'm going to give this a go."                When I

returned, I had a treat for her, a pit of raw beef. I tossed it in. At first

she sniffed it and proceeded to ignore it. She was looking at me. I was in my

boxers only; I mean, there was no point in having anything else on. I also had

the lube in my hand. I had about ten foot of string tied to it and secured it

to the bars. If I needed to escape, I was dragging any evidence of me being in here

with me.                 She ate

her snack and resumed her position by the bars. I worked my finger in again and

proceeded to pleasure her. She seemed content with this, and unlike during a

normal mating, she stayed put in one position as long as my finger was moving.

After about fifteen minutes I pulled out. She snarled a little and looked back

at me, her feet dancing in anticipation.                 I

sucked in a deep breath and walked around to the door. I opened it and locked it

solidly behind me. This was the moment of truth. She stared at me and pawed the

ground without moving from where she was. 

Her purring was incredibly loud. Her eyes were wide and her body rumbled

like a street rod on a fast idle. I knew she was ready and willing, but I was

still scared out of my wits.                 I got

down on my knees behind her. I lifted her tail and draped it over my right leg.

This position was ideal for a cat, but not for a cat and a human. But I was in

her territory and I had to follow nature's rules. I lube up my cock and pressed

it against those tight, furry lips. I watched it disappear as her dancing

increased and then suddenly stopped. I grabbed the base of her tail and pulled

her backwards. She didn't resist in the least, though as before, she hardly

moved either. A hundred pounds of cat is a tough thing to move one handed.                I was

able to scoot closer, pushing in as far as I could. I could see her front claws

working the ground. I was praying that she didn't find a reason to use them on

me.  This wasn't easy by any means, but

it was trippy as hell. I preferred her as I first had her, but when in Rome, or

in the wilds so to speak, you did what the lady wanted.                The

lack of tiny painful spines on my cock meant that she was able to tolerate me for

a longer period of time than she would of a male of her own species. I leaned

in and gently grabbed her rear legs to use as leverage points. I could feel her

purring right through her body as I proceeded to give her her first real foray

into the world of mating.                Sadly

for me, I couldn't really get any real action going. It was just too tough with

her body so close to the ground. I'm not complaining precisely, just

commenting. I so wanted to flip her on her back again.                 She scared

me nearly shitless when she abruptly jumped up and yanked herself off of me.

She snarled a bit and then settled down a few feet away. It was typical cat behavior,

but it meant that I had to get up and move. She was worth it I guess. I stood,

stretched to get the circulation back in my legs, and started it all over

again. I scratched her back and the base of her tail in preparation for going

back in. That was when she rolled over and exposed her tummy. She was purring

like a tabby. I took a chance and rubbed her stomach. She purred even louder. I

got the idea to work my way up to her chest and neck, pulling the rest of my

body on top of her.                 At no

point did she exhibit any signs of irritation with my moves. I finally got to

where my cock was almost in position, so I sat up and took the plunge. She held

stock still as I worked it in. I then returned to rubbing her belly and chest.

She purred luxuriously, though with a volume that sounded, at this distance,

like a passing freight train.                Now I

was able to really screw her with a big more energy. While I was sure that this

was abnormal for her, I have a feeling the drug I slipped into her meat was

helping to override her natural tendencies. Yeah, I did that. Thorazine wasn't

a common vet drug, but for some reason the cabinet had some in it. I didn't

want her zonked, just amiable. I would have found it hard to explain even a

single claw mark to my superiors.                 She

wasn't acting dopy. Not by a long stretch. She was acting like the biggest,

friendliest kitty in the world. One that liked having its itches scratched. And

I was scratching the biggest itch she had right now!  I pressed down and forced myself in as far as

I could go. I knew a male puma would have no qualms about pressing his

advantage. I did the same.                 I'm

sure we looked strange, and not just the human/feline factor. Her body was

built far differently than mine was, with my legs extending back a good long

ways. Her body was long, and from tip of her tail to the tip of her nose was a

good seven to eight feet.  If nothing

else, this kept me away from her fearsome teeth. Strangely, and perhaps because

she was on her back, that mouth seemed to have a smile.                I

changed my focus to the point of connection between our bodies. As before, she

was tight. But unlike before, I could now feel a myriad of constrictions and twitches

coming from her. Every once in a while I would hit a sensitive spot, and her leg

would jerk and dig at the air, occasionally raking my belly. Thankfully, her

claws remained retracted during these little spasms.                Figuring

she could take my weight (I only weighed about 165 pounds back then) I lowered myself

on top of her hips, pressing a large part of my weight there, while holding the

rest up with my arms. She didn't flinched an inch, so I cut loose a little more,

still careful not to get her upset. Apparently things were rolling along just

fine, because outside of the constant purr that was rumbling through her body,

she was content to lay there and take it.                I soon

forgot that she was essentially a wild animal and got into the groove of our

love making. In the wilds, she would have mated numerous times over a period of

hours. She was going to have to be content with one long tryst. Or maybe two,

if I was up to it.  I started grinding

away, pulling back and making long deep thrusts. It was a feeling I have experienced

in only a few animals. She was my first and from then on always my favorite.                Eventually,

I was beginning to feel the buildup in my own body waiting to be released.

Throwing caution to the wind, I pounded away, relishing the feel of her

tightness surrounding me. In a few minutes we were both growling as I blew my

sperm deep inside her. I could feel her going through her own orgasm, which was

something I made a mental note of. That wasn't something they ever taught you

in vet school. I suppose such a thing had never been tested or inquired into

before.                I sort

of fell on top of her, feeling the continuing rumbling in her chest, this time

directly into my ear. She was warm and soft. I was a little concerned when I

felt her paws come down on my shoulders, but that was it. No claws, just pads

and toes.  I relaxed and nearly fell asleep.  As it was, I slid off and onto the ground,

pulling out and making her growl in annoyance. I was suddenly very much awake!                She

jumped to her feet and made a low growl from the depths of her throat. I was on

my back, realizing that I had just managed to piss her off. I was in deep

trouble. She paced around me before sticking her nose in my crotch. Despite my

present fear, my cock remained hard. Even now, in this moment of danger, my

libido was thinking only of its own satisfaction.                Olive

climbed on top of me and looked into my face. If she could have meowed, I think

she would have.  As it was, she ended up

straddling me and licking my cheek. I could feel her crotch rubbing vigorously against

my cock. Apparently once had not been enough for her.  The missionary position had worked ok, but

this, this was going to be different. That is, if she really intended to try

this out. I don't think big cats are hard wired for anything more than straight

up reproduction.                 I was

wrong. Figuring I had only my limbs or my life to lose, I worked my hand down

and grabbed my cock, working it into her hole. It took some doing, but once I

was in, there was little chance I was coming out again. Just to make sure, I

brought up my knees to better the angle I was at. She licked my face some more,

her rough tongue happily licking the sweat from my skin. Oh yes, you had better

believe I was sweating!                She

settled down on top of me and purred to her heart's content.  She tried keeping her front paws on my chest,

but it just didn't work well. I ended up with a few claw marks, and finally, of

her own accord, she dropped them to either side of me. She was now staring me

in the face as I moved my body into hers. Her tail was lashing from side to

side, something I could only feel as it whipped back and forth across my legs.

Something told me that if she were ever to be released into the wild, she would

be showing the males a thing or two!                Her

back feet eventually followed suit, leaving me in little danger of

disembowelment. I don't care what you think or say. I was still afraid that she

might snap. At least with her body no longer supported by her extremities, I

could do a little more of my own movement. I grabbed her haunches and began

forcing her down onto me, sliding her body over my cock. Her purring increased

to a growl, and stayed at that level for the rest of the time.                 Despite

having recently blown a load, I found that I was coming again. Having a

beautiful big cat on top of you, getting its insides tenderized and having it apparently

enjoying it was a major, and I do mean major turn on. I cautiously put my arms

around her and went a little crazy. She started licking my face until I felt my

skin was going to peel off. I held on as long as I could before let loose. I

was shaking her skeleton apart as I slammed home one final time that evening.                It was

later that I assessed the damage to my skin. Not bad...considering. My shirt

would hide it. As for Olive, well she was reluctant to get off. I think she was

hoping for more. I would have loved to, but that was it for me. She finally

stood, and with a snarl in my face, pulled off. Before I could move, she was

curled next to me with "I dare you to move" look. I didn't move. As it was, I

fell asleep out there in the cool night air with only her for warmth.                 When I awoke,

the barest light was creeping over the horizon. Whether she liked it or not, I

had to go. I could just see the newspaper headlines. "Vet Makes It With Cougar!"

Of course, back then everyone would take it literally, not like today when it

also refers to an older woman.  It would

have been disastrous.                 She stretched

and stirred. I gave her a pat on the shoulder. "You're a good girl Olive, but I

have to get back and get cleaned up before opening time. Maybe I'll see you

tonight?" I asked it like I was expecting an answer. She purred and whipped her

tail back and forth. I guess I would see how she was feeling. No point in

upsetting the lady for no good reason.                I

grabbed my shorts and the lube and vacated her enclosure. I was already

planning for this evening. I was also wondering how much of it had been her and

how much of it had been the medication. It wasn't a lot mind you, not for her weight,

but I couldn't help thinking that it had to have done something. I sort of felt

bad about it, but not too bad. I got what I wanted, and so did she. I mean, even

with that drug, if she had been upset by my presence, I would be getting stitches

right now. Or worse.                I turned

to give her one last look. She was in that feline position, holding one leg up while

she cleaned and bathed herself. She looked up and stared me in the eyes. Then

her purring commenced again at full volume. Yeah, I think she was happy with

our little session!

Where the Wild Things Are.

                Here's a joke that maybe you've never heard before.                A group of doctors is sitting in a bar drinking. After getting lubed up, one of them, Bob, admits to the following.                "Guess what guys. Today I had sex with...

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Leaps and Bounds (and gagged)

I'm sure a lot of you will remember this opening line. Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were --            If you will recall, they were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They all lived with their Mother in a...

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Trouble at Roger's House, The Back Story

                I suppose you're still curious what went down that night, aren't you. Fine. But keep this just between you and me please. Marie was sound asleep on top of me, snoring ever so slightly and drooling a steady stream of salvia on my chest....

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