Where the Wild Things Are.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#1 of A Real Animal Lover

A requested twist on a few earlier stories I wrote. Names have been withheld to maintain anonymity.


a joke that maybe you've never heard before.                A group of doctors is sitting in a bar

drinking. After getting lubed up, one of them, Bob, admits to the following.                "Guess what guys. Today I had

sex with one of my patients."                Another looked up and smiled drunkenly.

"Yeah, I think we've all done that once or twice in our careers."                The doctor on the end slammed

his drink down on the bar. "Yeah, that may be so, but none of us are

veterinarians like Bob is!"                You

know, the first time I heard it I about choked. It was long after this story

happened but the memory was still fresh in my mind.  I've never told anyone about this. The

repercussions would have been too severe. But now, as time has faded the memory

a little, I figured I'd put it down on paper so that I didn't forget all the

details.                I was

just out of veterinary school. That was a long time ago, back in the seventies.

Back then I was young and stupid, not brain stupid, just life stupid. I was

looking for a job when an offer came my way. It sounded pretty good for a young

buck like me. If I accepted it, I would be in charge of a small private zoo in...

Well, never mind where it was at.                It was

one of those zoo/safari places. You know; the ones you could drive through and

see most of the animals in the "natural" habitat. Their staff vet had suffered

a sudden stroke and was incapacitated from working another day in his life.

They needed someone fast, and they chose me. I was honored at first until it

dawned on me they only chose me because I was young and would come cheap.

Still, I could claim to my peers that I landed a job as head vet of a place,

something they wouldn't get for years.                The

place was big, but mostly because it was open land. There were zebras and

lions, a giraffe, and antelope in the "safari" part, bison and pronghorn in

another, and then a lot of other animals in cages. I soon found out why the other

vet had a stroke. I was the only veterinarian here! With some seventy large mammals

to care for, and a good one hundred and twnety smaller ones, I soon found my

skills put to the test.                Things

hardly went smoothly. My assistants, such as they were, consisted of two guys.

One was a crack rifle shot, and he was employed to fire tranq darts into animals

needing either care or exams. The problem was, once he made the shot, he was

hardly helpful in loading the animals up and transporting them to the clinic.

The other fellow had a stutter and rarely talked. He at least had some muscles

on him. Still, when quitting time came around, both of them were out the door.                So.

This leads me up to my story. The place had a female mountain lion, also known

as a puma. She was on my list of scheduled teeth cleanings. Her name was Olive

and she was in a typical enclosure on the west side of the zoo.  She had been brought here as an orphan, and

had been rather standoffish and at times nasty to the zoo workers.She had gotten even touchier as of

late. That made what I had to do even more nerve wracking.  This may come as a surprise to you, but

cleaning the teeth on any wild animal can generally only be accomplished with

them being out. So she got tranqed, loaded onto a trailer, and brought to the

operating room.                However,

by the time this happened, it was getting late. Needless to say, I wasn't

watching the clock because I was busy. So when I was done, it happened to be

precisely thirty three minutes past quitting time. You see, the big thing was,

that I didn't already mention, was that I lived on the grounds of the zoo. I

was always on duty. When everyone else left, I was still here.                So

there I was with a hundred pound puma lying on the operating table with a clean

set of teeth and totally zonked. Her weight didn't bother me, but the fact that

she was limp as a cooked noodle did. Thankfully, I had a length of burlap under

her that I could use to roll her onto the gurney. From there, it was a matter

of trollying her to her pen and dropping the cart to ground level. A slide onto

the floor of her enclosure would be easy enough from there.                 Step

one went well enough. I rolled her from her stomach to her back, over onto the

gurney.  Thankfully the wheels on the

damn thing would lock in place. Before rolling her out, I decided to do a quick

medical exam so that I would have to go through this again anytime soon. The

sedative would last for another hour if I let it run its course. Once she got

back to her enclosure, I would administer a reversal agent and stick around for

another  hour or so to make sure she

recovered from it.                 She was

healthy, with a good weight, and according to the records, she was about three

years old. They would have done well to get a mate for her. This was in the day

and age when breeding programs were still in their infancy. I took her temp,

and ran a gloved finger up her rectum just to check for polyps and such. I

couldn't help but notice her other equipment, so to speak. I pulled off the

glove, dabbed some lube on my finger and pushed it into her vagina.                You

see, I got thinking. Here I was with all of these animals, and I was now hardly

in the position to go out on dates with my own species. It wasn't like any girl

would fall for the pickup line, "Wanna came back to my place? It's a real zoo!"

My quarters were fairly Spartan and smelled a bit like, well, everything here.                I was

surprised by how tight she was. I mean, maybe not for a puma, but in comparison

to a human. She weighed as much as a few of the girls who I went to school

with, and their holes were great, but not like this. As I stood there fingering

the unconscious animal, I felt my cock stir in my pants. I looked around. I

guess maybe I was half expecting someone to suddenly be there. Hell, they were

gone, home and having supper. It was me, and me alone.                I made

a snap decision. I dropped my pants and shorts, then removed my lab coat and

shirt. If no one was around, I was going to be doing this without encumbrance.

Then I thought things over for a second. You see, my quarters were attached to

the clinic. Not an ideal arrangement for me, but I was beginning to see it had possibilities.

I pushed the gurney into my room, dropped it to mid level, and rolled the puma

onto my bed. It took a few moments to get her arranged on her back again, but

when I was done, she looked like she was waiting for a lover.                I had

some of the medical lubricant with me. There was no point in not using it. If I

caused any damage it would be noticed by someone, not the least being the puma.

I greased up her hole and my cock and climbed up on the bed. I was nervous; not

about being discovered though. There was absolutely no one here. I was

concerned because I was doing this with fewer qualms than I should have. My

main concern was her. I knew that if I didn't fit I would have to stop and take

her back to her enclosure.                As it

turned out, I did fit. I positioned her rear legs as to remove the danger of me

getting scratched with her claws. While she might be out, there was no

guarantee that I still couldn't get a nasty cut from them, retractable though

they may be. I wasn't interested in having to play doctor to myself. Her tail

was draped to one side. That left her tan furry lips perfectly exposed.                I

worked the head of my cock I, watching her lips stretching ever wider as I

pushed in. It was so damn tight I nearly blew right then and there. As it was,

I watched inch after inch slide in. Now, I'm going to be truthful and mention

that I'm just an average guy. Still, watching about seven inches of your cock

plow into a big, wild cat is something you'll never forget.                 Feline

anatomy was something I studied in vet school, because most of us were going

into private practice. A few like me had aspirations of being something a bit

more exotic. Still, a cat penis was a cat penis and they were all rather wicked

things. I couldn't help but wonder if this ole girl was feeling anything right

now. If she was, I'll just bet it was better than having the equivalent of a porcupine

shoved up there.                I lay

there for a moment, savoring the feel of her. Cats have a higher body temp than

humans, so believe me when I tell you she was hot. There wasn't a lot of

anything else though. The tranq was doing its job and she was just laying

there, unmoving. I shifted my weight and went to it. The first few thrusts were

made haltingly, as each inward push pulled some of her outside apparatus

inside. But, as the hole loosened a little, my movements became smoother, and

her parts remained where they should have been.                 I soon

became absorbed in what I was doing. Screwing a big cat had never been on my

list of things to do, and now I was extending my vision to the other animals

here. True, this might be a onetime occurrence, but who knew what the future

would bring? Real lions? The donkeys in the petting zoo? There was quite the

variety to choose from.                I

leaned down over her, watching her head bob and weave in time to my pelvic

thrusts. Her tongue was hanging to one side, and I occasionally checked to make

sure she was still breathing. I figured with this much stimulation, that

wouldn't be a problem, but she was still my patient and I her doctor.                 Like I

said, it wasn't a problem. I screwed her for about ten minutes before I blew a

load deep inside her. This time, however, I swore I could feel a response from

her body. I glanced at her face and saw her tongue was now inside her mouth. I

could feel a slight purring from inside her chest. I pulled out and freaked

out. She was coming around. I guess it wasn't unexpected, but that meant I had

to get her to her cage as soon as possible. I pulled on my clothing, yanked her

over to the gurney and flew out the door like a freight train. It was a good

thing the cart had straps, because I might have lost her half way there. As it

was, I made it, fumbled the key in the door and got her safely to the ground

without incident.                I

stayed outside for an hour until she got to her feet. I hadn't even bothered

with the antidote for the drug she had been given. She was up, and roaming her boundaries

on wobbly paws. She would come over and stare at me for a few minutes and then walk

around some more. I made checks on her every hour, and eventually we both went

to sleep.                I came

by in the morning, wondering if anyone would somehow notice that I had tapped

her hole. Hell, no one was that interested in her. She got fed and as usual,

they shoved her raw meat through and left. That lack of interest changed

however. There were already visitors there by the time I got around to see her.

Of course, there was a fence between her cage and the visitors to keep people

from doing something stupid.                I was

in between taking a good look at her when a little girl started to ask me

questions.  I felt obliged to answer

them. It wasn't often the crowd got a one on one with the staff, and they ate

it up. I sort of forgot where I was at, and leaned against the cage. They were

engrossed in what I was telling them about the species, all the while thinking

to myself that should have showered this morning. (I woke up late. Imagine

that.). As it was, no one noticed the tawny

cat sneaking up on me until it was too late. I heard a gasp, then felt a rough

tongue on my back, where the shirt had pulled loose. I about jumped out of my

skin. So did the crowd. I turned and there she was, sitting there, bright eyes

and about as curious as a cat with a new toy. I cautiously put my fingers

through the bars and she pushed up against them, purring insatiably. Soon I had

half the park visitors over watching, as well as most of the staff.Olive had never taken to anyone.

Now, after a teeth cleaning, she seemed to be my best buddy. I was growing ever

more uncomfortable with the situation. Her behavior made sense I guess, but

only if you knew what had happened. That was never going to come to light. How

could it? I would get fired and arrested and my life would be ruined. Everyone ended up blaming it on the

drugs and figured she'd revert to her old self. For the others, she did. But

not for me. Whenever she saw me, she would make a racket until I came over and

scratched her ears. Sometimes she would roll over on her back, but I wasn't

stupid enough to stick my hand in that far. She was still a wild animal. But it

did give me thoughts of trying my little escapade again, only sans drugs. I

would have to monitor her for estrus. If I was going to be heroic (or stupid) I

was at least going to be prepared. Either she'd be willing or she wouldn't, but

I intended to stack the deck in my favor.

Leaps and Bounds (and gagged)

I'm sure a lot of you will remember this opening line. Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were --            If you will recall, they were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They all lived with their Mother in a...

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Trouble at Roger's House, The Back Story

                I suppose you're still curious what went down that night, aren't you. Fine. But keep this just between you and me please. Marie was sound asleep on top of me, snoring ever so slightly and drooling a steady stream of salvia on my chest....

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Trouble at Roger's House.

                Life is funny. Someone told me that once. Being in high school at the time, I sort of shrugged it off as the rant of a discontented twenty something. I came to realize that he was making a general statement about life in general,...

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