Trouble at Roger's House.

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#1 of Roger That!

Another random story. Enjoy.

                Life is

funny. Someone told me that once. Being in high school at the time, I sort of

shrugged it off as the rant of a discontented twenty something. I came to

realize that he was making a general statement about life in general, not

necessarily his.  Life is very funny, and

I don't necessarily mean that in a humorous way.                I first

learned this when my best friend, Roger, got sick. We hung together a lot. He

was as healthy as me, but one day we were hanging out when his stomach started

hurting. To save you a lot of unnecessary detail, we called his parents who

picked us up and ran him to the doctor. 

From there he went to the hospital to have his appendix out.                With us

were his younger brother and sister. They were both well behaved cubs. This

wasn't always the case, as they both used to bug the hell out of us when we

were trying to play video games. I doubt they meant any harm. I think they just

thought it was cool have a couple of "older" guys hanging around. Besides, they

both adored their brother, and I think they understood the seriousness of his

condition.                Emergency

surgery was thankfully short, and they got it out with only minor problems. He

went to recovery and from there to a room. Roger's mom and dad decided to stay,

and wondered if I would be willing to stay at the house with the siblings. That

threw me for a loop, because I'm hardly babysitter material. I mean, I've

watched my own brother before, but that was different. On the other paw, at

least I knew them and they knew me. I said it was ok if it was ok with my

parents. It turned it was.                 John

was the youngest of this cubs. He was an active little lynx who rarely stood still.

Marie was Roger's only sister. She was in between in age. She was a pretty

little thing who rarely talked unless she knew you. Then you couldn't get her

to shut up. I figured one night wouldn't be a problem.                Roger's

dad drove us to the house. He gave me a once down on the alarm system, showed

me the fridge, and told me I could either sleep on the couch or use Roger's

room. While it was a bit weird sleeping in his bed, I opted for it for the

privacy and for his personal TV and game systems.                The two

were all excited to have me over, and I figured getting them to bed was going

to be an ordeal. It was. We ordered pizza, watched television in the living

room and when eleven o'clock came around I sent them to bed. There was nothing

but whining. Their constant barrage was wearing thin. I finally threatened to

call their dad. They shut up and ran for their rooms.                Satisfied

the rest of my stay would be easy, I went to Roger's room, got undressed down

to my boxers and climbed into his bed.  I

lowered the lights and started playing one of his game systems. I hoped he

didn't mind. About a half hour into it, I saw a ghostly shape in the doorway. I

paused the game and squinted into the darkness. It was Marie.                "Hey!

What are you doing still up?"                "I'm

worried about Roger."                "He'll

be fine!"                She just stood there by the bed,

looking sad. "Are you sure?"                "Pretty

sure kiddo. The doctors said he'll be fine."                She

still just stood there. "Mike. When I can't sleep from bad dreams, I sometimes

come down and stay with Roger."                "So?"                "Roger's

not here."                "I

know"                "Can I

stay with you?"                I

rolled my eyes. I was just getting into the game. "Fine. " I moved over and

made room for her. She climbed up and snuggled close. It made me a little

uncomfortable. But if she would happen to fall asleep, I could carry her back

upstairs. I did my best to ignore her.                She

curled up and watched me play, keeping her mouth shut so as to not distract me.

I guess she had done this with Roger, so she knew the drill. Ten minutes later

she shifted, and I hoped she was feeling sleepy. That was before I felt her

hand tiptoe into my boxers. I froze, as you can imagine. The worst part was,

her soft fingers were getting my cock excited.                I was

totally freaked out. I finally set the controller down and looked down at her.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She pulled her hand back. At the

same time I cursed myself for saying anything. It had felt pretty good. But

this was my best friend's sister! And I might say - little sister!                "Sorry.

I sort of forgot that you weren't my brother."                What

they hell did they do together? My cock got harder thinking that my best friend

had been keeping secrets from me.                "Marie?

What do you and Roger do?"                She was

suddenly shy. "Nothing."                "Your

hand was getting rather personal. I don't consider that to be nothing."                "I said

I was sorry."                I was

stuck for something to say. "I didn't mind. You just surprised me."                She

looked up to see if I was lying. I think the look on my face spoke volumes.

"Really?"                "Well,

I guess I didn't think about you that way?"                "What

way?"                "Look

Marie. I like you, but you're my best friend's little sister. I Don't want to

give anyone the wrong impression."                She

giggled. "You mean Roger never told you?"                "Told

me what?"                Her

hand went back into my shorts. This time she smiled a little as she returned to

stroking my cock. "We have fun when we can."                Fun?

This wasn't the type of fun brothers had with sisters! But I was hardly going

to complain right now. This was better than doing it myself. "Just what do you

call fun?"                She

giggled. "Are you really that stupid?"                "No,

but I guess I want to know what I can expect."                "Well,

you're bigger, but I think that I can handle you!"                My eyebrows

went up and my heart rate increased. "Handle me?"                "Yes

stupid. You know. You put your cock in me and we fuck?"                "You've

done that with Roger?" My voice was rising in pitch.                "Sure.

He likes that a lot!"                I was

sure he did. Some friend he was. But then again, how does one go about telling

you that he's screwing his little sister. I suppose it was one of those secrets

you really had to keep.                 "So

what do you get out of it?"                "Duh. I

like it too, but I don't get it much because you guys are always hanging out

together. Plus of course we have to hide from everyone."                I

stopped talking and thought. The family really trusted me, and here I was in

bed with Roger's sister. I mean, it started innocently enough on my part, but

now I wanted to fuck her silly. Her paw was working my cock better than I

could. Of course, it helped knowing it belonged to a cute little sexy lynx.

Funny how quickly my opinion of her changed. She was a few years younger and

not fully developed, but that seemed to spice it up.                At this

point I was stuck as to what I should do. Apparently she had no such qualms.

She worked down the top of my boxers until the top of my cock was exposed.                 "Ooooh.

Yours is a lot different than Rogers! This should be fun!"                She was

right. Roger was a lynx, and I was a puma. 

I was a full head taller than he was, so sizably so more than Marie. I

hoped she knew what she was getting into. I lifted my hips and she finished

yanking them off. It was just noticing that she had on a long t-shirt, and

nothing else but a pair of white panties.                I was

ready to help her undress, but she seemed to know what she was doing. She

leaned over me and put her lips to my cock. I could feel her tongue pass across

the opening to my urethra. It sent a thrill through me. She engulfed the head

of my cock and slathered it with saliva before sucking. She had the suction

power of a vacuum cleaner!                I fell

back against the pillows and groaned. She settled in on top of me and went to

work. I didn't think she would get the whole thing inside her, but she was going

to give it her best try. I dug my paws into the sheets as she engulfed my cock

with her mouth, working it straight into her throat.  I didn't even know that was possible!                I so

wanted to grab her head and hump her face, but part of me didn't want her to

choke, so I let her go. Anything I would get from this girl was more than I

would have gotten if I was at home, so I let her do as she pleased.                She

apparently wanted my cum pretty badly, because she was stroking may ball sack

and the base of my cock with one of her paws. Occasionally a finger would rub

across my ass. This girl was hard core! I soon felt that telltale feeling

inside. I knew I was going to erupt and I wasn't sure she was prepared for it.

But since she seemed to sense it coming, I let her go her thing.                 My hips

came off the bed, and at the same time her paws went under my ass.  She rocked her head back and forth until she

was literally pumping the fluid out of me. She pulled up so that the head of my

cock was in her mouth and she sucked every last drop out and waited for more.

She kept sucking like she was a calf on a teat.                I

finally pulled her off. "God damn Marie, leave me a little something left to

work with when I get older!"                She

giggled, sputtering a little of my cum onto my belly. "You're fun!" She sat up,

pulled off her shirt and threw it on the floor. Next went her panties. She

stood on the bed looking down at me.                 "I bet

you'll fit tighter than Roger!"                "Marie,

I don't know if I'll fit at all! Have you really screwed around with him?"                "Sure

thing! It's a lot of fun. I told you already!"                It was

hard to imagine her in any kind of sexual way. Sure she was female, and her

breasts were nice, if a bit small. But she just had to much girlish energy. I

could imagine her still playing with dolls rather than fucking someone like me.

Or Roger.                She was

stroking life back into my cock. Oh, I wasn't flaccid, but at that in between

stage where it was firm but not stiff. You know what I mean. If I was going to

get into this underage hole, I was going to need all the rigidity I could

muster.                That

then lead me to thinking a little bit more about her.  The few girls that had gotten it on with me

were my age. I had figured out what they liked in the way of a little tongue

and finger action. Now I was left pondering if Marie would like some of the

same.  I still had no idea what she and Roger

had been doing , but from the way things were going, I had to think it was

pretty intense.                Figuring

 I didn't have anything to lose,  I grabbed her and pulled her up to my face.

Despite the dribble on her chin, I had no qualms about giving her a kiss. She had

none in returning it. It was feeling pretty good as our tongues met. She was

one little fireball!                She was

trying to line up with my cock, and as much as I wanted it, I felt I owed her a

thing or two before we got to that point. I put my paws down to her crotch,

slipping in a finger and halting her progress. She whined a little, but relaxed

and relented. I worked my finger in, immediately wondering if she was going to

be able to take someone like me. Roger was smaller in all ways, but normal for

a lynx. Still, I found her hole so small that it was a wonder that he could fit

in.                I wasn't

going to be forcing the issue. The last thing I needed was to rip her open and

have to explain it to her parents. I worked in my finger, and she squirmed on

top of it. Her soft furry lips were firm and tight. I felt a little dirty doing

this, but since she was obviously into it, I carried on. She was soon humping

my finger like it was a little cock. She was dripping wet. It was totally nuts

and I was totally loving it. I had intended to get my mouth down there. It

appeared she wasn't going to give me a chance.                I

hooked my finger so that it was rubbing on the inside ridge, where her pelvis

bone was. I held my finger so still and rigid that after a while it cramped up.

I didn't falter in my duty however and was rewarded when she went a little berserk.

In no time she was grunting and puffing, grinding down and nearly ripping my

finger from my paw. With a little yelp she collapsed on top of me, panting

heavily.                 I pulled my hand out, making her jump. I had

to work my fingers for a couple of minutes to get the feeling back in them. My

middle one was sore.  I could live with

it. Besides, there were other things to attend to. Seeing as my cock was hard

as a rock, I shifted her body until I had her where I wanted her.                The tip

of my cock slid in. After that, it was a matter of pushing down on her body while

I drew up my knees to push. I was going farther in, but at a slow and

painstaking pace. If she could take my whole cock, then I would buy her any

present she wanted! Well, any that I could afford I suppose.                I was

expecting her to complain. After all, this was bigger than anything she had

handled before. Of course, I was assuming. I had no idea who and what she had

been doing. She pushed herself up on her paws and smiled down at me. "You feel

pretty big Marcus. I think this is going to be fun!"                Fun? I

knew it was going to be fun for me, but not if I ripped her apart. "Are you sure

I'm not hurting you?"                For an

answer, she pressed down with a mighty shove, gaining a few inches of depth

before stopping. "Nah. I'm tougher than I look."                I was

thinking the opposite. She was soft and tender. And delicious. And tight as a

knot hole. I was about half way in now, and so I pushed a little harder,

feeling her respond by doing the same. Like I said, if she could take all of

me, I'd buy her something special.                We

worked at it for a while, and to be honest, if she hadn't gotten me off

already, I would have blown before the fun really started. We worked at it

until finally I was in. She had to feel like she had a Billy club stuck up inside

her. I felt like my cock had merged with her tight, wet hole. Only the barest

portion of my red-hot love rod was sticking out. I could feel the tip of it

pressing against her cervix. Now that I was where I wanted to be however, I was

almost afraid to move.                Thank

goodness she wasn't. She sat up and moved her legs along my side. She seemed so

small sitting there. But what she lacked in age and stature she more than made

up for in vitality and sensuality. She put her paws behind her head and began

rocking back and forth; rising and falling in slow, measured movements. I don't

think she had a choice. There was going to be no speedy finish to our sex. She

was just too tight!                She

leaned back and moved herself like a little dancer. Her hips gyrated to some

sort of internal music that was playing in her head. Even her ears seem to move

to a rhythm.  It was then that I remember

that she was in gymnastics. There was something to be said for athletic girls!                She was

certainly better than any other girl I had ever laid before. First off, I was always

the one of top. Having her in that position was pretty intense. Secondly, she

was almost in her own little dream world. It was like I wasn't even there. Some

guys might have taken that as an insult, but me, I just chilled and enjoyed the

show. Her eyes were closed and her fingers were playing through her hair with

all the grace of a swan. I patted around on the side table until I found my

smart phone. The next instant I had the best pic you could imagine. She never

noticed.                I didn't

intend to show anyone. I intended to download it and save it to a hidden file

on my computer. I had no intention of telling anyone, and if she was this willing,

I hardly needed to blackmail her. No, I took it because there would come a

point in my life when I would want to look back and make sure I hadn't dreamed

this all up. This pic was my flash frozen memory. Sort of a freeze frame if you

will.                The

longer this went on, the easier it got for her to move. Still, the slide up and

the slide back down seemed to occur in slow motion. I could feel every ridge

and muscle inside her. When we ended up being finished, whenever that happened

to be, I was considering getting down on my knee  and proposing to her. As it was, I was going

to swear off all other girls if I could only have her.                Her

body was nonstop motion. After awhile she opened her eyes and stared down at

me. Without a word she brought her arms forward and placed them on my chest.

She leaned down until she was laying flat on top of me. Her toes dug in and her

tongue found my nipple. Her hips worked to press her back while her arms pulled

her forward. Her speed increased with each pass until she was going so fast I

was sure the friction would fry her hole.                Her

paws shifted to my shoulders, which instantly smarted from her nails. My cock

was soon feeling raw. It was a sensation overload; I was sure that when I came

I was going to be getting pretty uncontrollable. She seemed to ignore anything

about me except the part she was impaled on. I could feel the head of my cock

knocking on her little baby maker. She had to be leaving bruises! Any harder and

I was going to be forced into a space reserved for unborn cubs!                I

finally had to do something. I grabbed her shoulders and pounded her down in

time with her movements. That made her squirm even more. God, I was so horny I

had to get off. I grabbed her in a death grip and slammed her down repeatedly...

and with force. I figured that if she hadn't broken yet, she could take a

little more. I felt the rise in my nuts as my sperm was loaded and fired. It spilled

forth like a fire hose.                She

went rigid for a second before I could feel the tremors travel through her

body. They were focused where my cock was, buried deep inside her. When she was

expended, she fell in a heap on my chest. Ina few minutes she was snoring. That

wasn't going to be the case for me. My cock was still buried, and now my hormones

were in a rage. She might be waking up again very, very soon. I smiled and

stroked her hair.

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