Three's Company

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#10 of Tales from The Hub

I hope I got the tenses and POVs sorted out on this one. It get's a little iffy going from character to character.

                Hey! Yeah it's me again. You know, Veracity. I know I don't count as much with a god running loose, but tough shit for you.  Life has gotten a bit more interesting, and while I hate boredom, I think I may have bit off more than I can chew. I have a big mouth; it goes with the rest of me. I mean everything about me is big. But then, you know that.                 Anyway, I was nervous and though I hate to admit it, a bit frightened. If this thing I had somehow caused to materialize inside the warehouse was really our creator, then who knows what damage he could do? And now he had wandered off with my partner. No, not my sexual partner. Serrena was sticking close. I mean Bolshoi, or Veronica, or whatever the hell she really called herself.                 Speaking of Serrena... I needed to unload some stress. I was hoping she was up for it. Of course, it hardly mattered. I liked it when she fought back, but she had gotten rather submissive all too quickly for my tastes.  Maybe if I made it a challenge... But then I reconsidered.                 I should probably head back up to the living quarters. Whatever was going on down in the bowels of the building was none of my business. Besides, I was thinking Archimedes might want a heads up. Not that I felt I owed the son of a bitch anything, but since his girlfriend was getting porked by the lord of all, he might want to be prepared for the worse.                 Serrena seemed a bit subdued, and I can only think she was hoping for another round of abuse. I wanted to wait and get a good session going on, but I made a snap decision and bent her over right there in the open warehouse. I probably came too fast to suit her (it was too fast to suit me!) but it was enough to ease the tension in my body.  We made our way upstairs and found the Carn sitting on a couch in his robe listening to the news. I never listened to the stuff unless there was something specific I wanted to know. As it was, I was more apt to be making the news than listening to it.                 "Hey Arch! Bad news! I think you may have lost your girlfriend."                 He looked at me and frowned. "What the hell did you do Veracity?"                 "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."                 "Try me."                 "I seem to have somehow brought to life our creator..." I let my words trail off.                 His face betrayed his amusement. "Very funny. Seriously, has something happened to her?"                 Serrena shook her head. "That's hard to say. I guess it depends on whether or not she can survive under the ministrations of the creator."                 He stopped and stared at her. "You two aren't joking, are you?"                 "No. We found some ancient equipment, fiddled with it and in the end, brought back he who was the originator of life on this sorry rock."                 "Assuming I believe you, then what is he doing with Veronica?"                 "If I were to guess," I said smugly, "I'd say he's getting himself a piece of action. But the hell if I'm going to interfere with his designs. I've already had this guy in my head, so the heck if I'm going to deal with that again."                 He just sat there bemused. "You are either both incredible liars, or something is going on that I don't think I wanted to know. I suppose I will just have to sit here until the truth rears its ugly head."                 He didn't have long to wait. I mean, right then the two of them appeared. And damn if they both weren't buck naked. Veronica at least had clothes she could have put on. But the little human thing, he was even more of a sight, being as he was nearly furless. "I am neither the truth nor do I have an ugly head!" he said bemusedly.

                Arch gulped and remained motionless in his spot. Whatever the creature was standing there next to his (former?) lover was the oddest looking thing he had ever seen. It wasn't tall; it wasn't imposing, in fact, it looked kind of small and useless. Yet, somehow Veracity's voice had conveyed just a hint of fear. Whatever this thing was, it was going to be a force to be reckoned with.                 She (Veronica) was staring at him with a look he knew all too well. Whatever had happened down there, she was no longer interested in him as a lover. A lot of females went for money and power. This creator thing didn't look like he had either. But he must have some hold over her, because her eyes sparkled when she turned them on this newcomer.                 "Should I leave?" he said with as little emotion as possible.                 The strange hairless freak held up his hand. "No. I think not. If I am going to get things done in the short time I have on this world, I would say that every able bodied person who would like to see things improve should lend a hand. And that goes for you Archimedes."                 The Carn stifled a comment. He could guess how he knew his name. But he wasn't certain he wanted to be associated with any sort of revolution, especially now that it seemed to be getting deeper and deeper in becoming a reality. But he got s slight thrill out of "the short time I have" comment. That meant he might still have a chance of wooing back the sexy Vulp.                 "No offense, whoever you are, but you hardly look like anything I would put money on and expect to win."                 "You'd probably be right any other time. I have no intention of making anyone do anything they don't want. But if this Brotherhood is what I think it is, then I will take it down myself if I have to. I didn't create this world to have it subjected to the likes of religious zealotry. Nor did I create it to be run by thugs and criminals."                 The last words stung. Archimdes  got up angrily and stepped towards the creature. Veracity went to intercept him, but the human stopped him. Arch stood and looked down at the creature. "I don't like your attitude you stupid son of a..."                 The rest of his curse was stifled by a knee in the groin. In the next instant he found himself on the floor, a knee in his spine and both arms twisted behind his back. Worse yet, he could feel a growing stiffness creeping up his buttocks.                 The creature whispered in his ear. "Don't ever threaten me. I'm in a body I'm not used to and the emotions in it are running overtime right now.  And don't ever question me. I may have a lot of catching up to do here, but I know more about the universe than any other being I have ever run across. And by the way, apparently my body thinks your body is very nice. I just might have to try it out sometime." He said this with a touch of humor, knowing full well his body was reacting to the close proximity to another.                 Sadly for Arch, his dander was up. He struggled and yelled back, "I'd like to see you try it you bastard!"                 Several groans came on the wake of that, from Veracity, Serrena and Veronica. Arch felt his arms pinned even more tightly. The cock presently lying between his ass cheeks moved down a little further. "I told you not to doubt me my handsome little kitty cat. If you need a lesson, I can give it to you. I hate burning up energy and lifespan on such an endeavor, but I will do whatever it takes to get you to understand me."                 Arch wasn't so much afraid of getting fucked in the ass; he had dealt with that sort of stuff before. Besides, this guy didn't have as formidable an organ as did Veracity. But what amazed him was the sheer strength this thing had. He was nearly ripping his arms out of their sockets! "I give! I give!"                 The grip relaxed and the cock slid out from where it had very nearly nudged open his rectum. Even his lovely tail was smarting from the pressure. Whatever this guy was, he was definitely a force to be dealt with. "If they say you are the creator, then who am I to disagree?"                 "Good answer! Though I got just the slightest taste of what screwing you might like, I think I'll primarily stick with the female class. If nothing else, they offer a bit more variety, if you know what I mean."                 Arch was winding his arms, loosening the cramps that had been forced into them. "I get it. I also get that I'll need to look for a new partner." Veronica blushed before speaking.                 "Sorry Arch. It's nothing personal. I just sort of connected with Jenar and it looks like he did with me. You know how it goes. I can't say that it will last, but while it does, I taking as much of it as I can!"                 So the creator had a name? Who knew? "If he's that good of a bed mate, maybe I should let him have his way with me..."                 The creator gave him a look. "Maybe. To be honest with you, I never felt the inclination for same-sexin my old life, but for some reason, the thought doesn't seem to bother me now. Of course, there were the old biases back then. Even the keenest mind can't always tune out the hate that religion brings with it. So who knows Arch, maybe later you, Veronica and I can have a little fun, just to show there are no hard feelings!"                 I just rolled my eyes. I had Serrena, but if I had done either of those two, all the creator would have to fuck would be three loose holes. By this time I needed to get it on good so I left with my sex toy. I'll tell you about it later. Right now I think you should concentrate on the important figure in all this, Jenar.                 Those three sat down and had a talk. It went like this.                 "So Arch. I understand that you're in charge of one of the crime families."                 The Carn was furious, but he knew the title was accurate. "Yeah. But then, the law here isn't all that good either. And then there's the Brotherhood, and..."                 "And that makes it alright? I had higher hopes than this for my world. Still, my job once I completed things was not to interfere. Yet here I am, interfering. Let's hope it's for the better good of all."                 "What do you intend to do?" asked Arch.                 "I intend to re-establish the standard protocols that I set in place so long ago. However, they will need to permeate and infiltrate the subsequent laws and rules that have been legitimately been put in place over time. I do not wish to supersede the wishes and desires of the people. "                 "That sound like a tall order!"                 "No as much as you think. I wrote the first laws on this world. They were written to include everyone, from the highest to the lowest, thought back then, everyone was equal. But I'm no fool. I figured the smarter ones would rise, and the less fortunate would sink. It's the nature of things. We had a man called Darwin who coined "the survival of the fittest". Now that doesn't mean the strongest or the smartest, only those who can survive where they are, when they are there."                 "You mean like the Outlanders?"                 "The who?"                 "You don't know about the Outlanders?"                 "I suppose not. There was any number of families living out on the edges when I left. Has something happened to them?"                 "I don't know other than to say that only the freaks and perverts live out there."                 "Hmm. That doesn't sound all bad. I don't suppose they have any qualms about doing things their own way?"                 "They only do things their own way!"                 "So then don't be too fast to put them down.  At least you know what to expect from them. That means honesty, even if you don't agree with their lifestyle. Here in this city, I would suspect you have to watch your back constantly."                 Arch rubbed his tail. "Oh yeah. You never know when someone is going to nail you in the ass!"                 "Oh do shut up. I told you not to mess with me. Now you know better. Besides, I think I can make it up to you later if you'd like."                 "We'll see."                 Veronica had been content to let the males debate among themselves. She was feeling bad for her former lover, and was wondering when she might pull her new one aside for a little more action. But he seemed to be interested in the smallest details of what was going on here. She finally got up and went to fix some food. By the time she was done, the males were winding down. She spread out a small feast to two very appreciative mouths. Two bottles of wine were opened and set out as well.                 Jenar took one of them and sniffed the opening. "Hmmm. Not bad. I wasn't certain that the vines would take. It's good to see that they did." He inhaled deeply. "You know, I haven't had wine in so long, I have forgotten what it tastes like. Of course, each vintage and vineyard is different, but still..."                 He grabbed a glass, holding it up and staring at it for a moment before pouring. He took a sip and smiled. "Not bad, not bad at all!"                 Arch made a snide remark. "I suppose you invented wine too?"                 "Invented it? Hell no! It was around for a few thousand years before I was around. It dates back to ancient times on my world, though I have found other worlds that learned similar techniques."                 Veronica became alert at that. "Other worlds? With people?"                 "Other worlds with their own types of people, yes."                 "Will you tell me about them?"                 "Oh lord no. There just will not be enough time for that. I may see abut downloading that information, but we will need to check your total memory potential first. I don't want to turn you into a zombie."                 Arch was unimpressed. "Screw the other worlds. I'm living on this one. What can you possibly hope to do? You're small and kind of weird looking. No one will take you seriously."                 "And I hope they don't. The worst thing you can do is underestimate your opponent."                 Arch rubbed his shoulders and smiled. "You're right about that. I did and look what it nearly got me!"                 Veronica finally told us both to shut up. "The food is getting cold. Now eat!"                 The sound of munching and crunching and slurping and; well you get the idea. The room was awash with less than proper etiquette. The wine was downed and a third bottle was opened. By the end of the meal everyone was feeling pretty heady.                 Veronica was hanging unabashedly onto Jenar, and Arch was peering fuzzily through his half lidded eyes. He was feeling a little horny, and his gaze wandered from fox to human. She leaned over to the human and whispered something. He smiled and whispered back. They got up, Veronica leading, and motioned for Arch to follow. He got up, a little more than wobbly on his two legs and careened after them.                 He lost them in the halls, but he figured he knew where they were heading. It was the room he had been sharing with her for the past while. True, he had better rooms in his own house, but she refused to stay there, so he had compromised by spending a lot of time here. When he got there, the door was closed. He boldly opened it up and was immediately set upon.                 His robe was pulled off and he found Veronica on her knees, her mouth over his cock. He looked around and spotted the new being, Jenar, sitting on a chair looking smug. Maybe the guy had a voyeur fetish or something. As it was, he was getting pulled into the sensation of being pulled in; into Veronica's sweet little mouth.                 All the while, she kept him moving a little, making him compensate for the little adjustments she was making. He hardly paid attention that she was directing him in a manner he could hardly discern. By the time he felt the back of his calves against someone's knees, he wasn't in a position to catch himself. Someone else did, lowering his gently onto a waiting cock. This time it slid in smoothly, thanks to a generous helping of lube.                 It still didn't prevent him from sucking in a breath. As he dropped, Veronica let loose until he was seated nicely on the human. Then she climbed up and straddled him, sliding her body over his. She hugged his neck and whispered in his ear. "I hope you're not angry with me."                 He was silent for a moment as his ass adjusted to having something protruding into it. "No, I guess not. Just disappointed. I was really beginning to like you a lot."                 He would have said more, but she pressed down, forcing not only herself onto his cock, but his body onto the cock under him. His ass was suddenly spread wide open. He could feel hairs tickling his anus. He let out a groan. She rose up and slammed down, driving him down even harder. This was a first for him.  He had been reamed in the back before. But never had he been screwed like this. It was going to be something to put in his diary.                 She was enjoying this immensely. She liked Archimedes well enough, but he was rather plain in his methods of making love. This human, he seemed to know they bodies better than they did. That made sense, seeing as he had designed them.  Arch was taller than the human, so his head and shoulders rose above him in the chair, but it didn't keep the human from performing well. His arms came around and found her thighs, helping her to move into the sandwiched body with ever greater force.                 Every once in a while the human would push up a little, a monumental job with two bodies pinning him down. He did this in time with the compressing pull of his arms, and she knew he was forcing himself into Arch as hard as he could. Despite this, there didn't seem to be any maliciousness to his activity. It was just like he was trying to squeeze every bit of pleasure he could out of the situation.                 Arch was in heaven. Not only was his cock deep inside his former girlfriend again, his prostrate was being massaged from the inside by the most fantastic cock he had ever felt. True, he had never felt all that many, but that was pointless. The fact was, after this, he might consider opening up a little bit more. It got even better as he relaxed. He soon found himself falling back against this Jenar person and allowing the feelings to take him away.                 Veronica was really getting into this. For some reason the idea of screwing a guy getting screwed at the same time was turning her on. She wasn't a back door person, but watching him draped back against her new lover was making her turn all horny. She increased her speed to the point that Jenar let loose of his grip so that she could finish without hindrance.                 Jenar was holding still, feeling her movements through Arch's body. He could feel him tensing up and waited for the tide to come in. Arch's paws grabbed his hips as he lifted slightly into her motions. He cut loose when she did, the two of them coming in a clash of bodies that nearly dragged them all to the floor.  Veronica did slide off into a heap. That left Jenar and Arch. Arch was sated, but was quick to recognize that the body under him had not dumped its load.                 He didn't have to wait long to see what was going to happen. Showing exceptional strength, the human stood, his arms pinning the Carn in place. A quick step over the nearly comatose body of the fox found the males at the bed. In the next instant, Arch was dropped onto the mattress. He felt the cock pull out and actually groaned in dismay. He found himself arranged properly on the bed. Then he was rolled over on his back. The humans lifted his legs and penetrated him again. Arch relaxed, allowing the human to do as he pleased, for he was finding great pleasure in it as well.  Jenar dropped his legs, allowing them to fall to either side. He grabbed the Carn's cock, which by now had shrunk to normal, and stroked it back to life.                 "You know Arch, I have hundreds of thousands of old pornography videos in my storage banks. I never thought much about them. They were there as part of my plan for retaining every scrap of my civilizations' accomplishment, both good and bad.  I never figured on using them as my own personal sex guide. I hope I'm doing it right!" The Carn just groaned and clawed the bed.  Jenar stroked his cock for a while longer until Veronica was awake enough to stand. Then she came over and straddled him, putting her mouth over it once again. His tongue went to work, licking her out and making her squirm. The more she squirmed, the more he could feel her sucking on his cock. Veronica was wet and hot sitting there on her former lover's belly and chest, feeling his cock in her mouth while he was putting that incredibly rough tongue to work. She could also feel her new lover driving his cock in and out of his ass. Each time he slammed it in fully, Arch's cock did a little jump.   When he picked up speed, she sensed that she might need to move. But she waited it out, keeping a solid suction on Arch's cock, as he ate her out all the while getting his ass slammed. The three of them came in a fiery crescendo or sweating bodies and flowing fluids. The entire bed was shaking and swaying in the final seconds of their mutual orgasm. A little while later, someone peeking into their door would have witnessed the three wrapped up together in a warm embrace. Jenar might be an oddity on this world, but he knew how to make friends in an awfully permanent way. 

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