Pulling the Wool over my Eyes

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#10 of Miscellany

Another random bit. Hope you enjoy.

                Oh hi! My

name is Darla Wolston. Yeah, that's right, I went to Rockville High School.

Funny how no one remembers it except for that one winning year. Really, I can

take sports or leave it, but since the football team needed cheerleaders, I

went for tryouts. Since I was one of the prettiest sheep in school, I

automatically got put on the squad.                 The

football team sucked. There were no other words for it. We were a farm team,

literally. Our school was so boondocks that even other farm schools had trouble

finding us. The players were mostly herbivores. The few that weren't; a

Doberman, a puma and a badger, were mostly on the team because the old coach

though they might instill some fear in our opponents. Billy the badger had

asthma, so that killed that. The other two couldn't hold the entire team

together.                Over

the summer between by junior and senior year, the coach suddenly retired. He

was replaced by a Mr. Wolfram. Yeah, he was a Lupine, a big burly, no-nonsense

sort of fellow. Word had it he was former military. He looked it. We didn't

have many of his kind around here, so we all found him to be huge and terrible.                But he

wasn't the only surprise waiting for us on the first day of school. We got a

new kid. He was tall, handsome to the point of being pretty, and made all the

girls swoon. His teeth , when he smiled, were as sharp as knives. He happened

to smile a lot. He had more brawn than the three best football players put

together.                So, do

I need to say that he was drafted onto the football team and made the

quarterback? The new coach had no qualms about making the announcement without

making any of the usual consultations. But even the boys in the school thought that

this new kid was pretty cool, so no one complained.                The new

kid, his name was Samuel. He dressed cool, looked cool, and played it cool. Of

course, all the girls wanted to see him without his clothes on, and I was right

in there with them. Those orange and black stripes were for us like seeing an

exotic super car in the parking lot. We knew we couldn't sit in it, but we

wanted to see as much of it as we could. What? Oh, yeah. Samuel was a tiger!                What

was he doing way out here? We all wanted to know the answer to that. But he

never said a word, the teachers claimed ignorance, and the principal was as

tight as a clam about it. Samuel spent a lot of time with the football team,

and they came to adore him. But he had a few quirks. One of them was that he

hung out an awful lot with Mr. Wolfram. Of course, it took a while for all the oddities

to add up. By then we were on our way to being state champs and no one really

cared.                Well, I

cared. I wanted to be the first to get under that big fellow. School rules say

no mixing between the species, but we did it all the time. All we had to do was

leave for school early and do it in the car, or afterwards at someone's house

whose parents weren't home yet. I didn't consider myself a slut. But I did like

getting laid. And...if you stayed away from your own kind, you never needed

protection. It was perfect.                Samuel

had an obvious chunk of meat in his pants. It was big enough to attract notice,

even with his pants on. I assessed it and figured I'd regret it, but I was

still determined to get him in my own pants. The question was, how would I get

his notice? If he wasn't in class, he was practicing football, and if he wasn't

on the field, he was in the coach's office. No one knew where he lived, which

was a bit weird. In fact, no one had ever seen his parents. But out here, you

tended to mind your own business.                These

mysteries and more confronted us as a whole. But as a football player, he

united us behind him. He took a small, unknown school and blasted us to the

forefront. It was hard to not like him despite the oddities. The same went for

the coach. He was solitary, but then that wasn't all bad. He wasn't likely to

get in your face about anything. I found out the hard way.                Me and

Rogan were getting it on in the boys locker room. I guess maybe my bleating got

a little loud. I don't know for certain. But in the end, Mr. Wolfram found us.

Rogan just stopped in mid thrust and stared. I about broke into tears. But that

big tough wolf just smiled a little and said, "Carry on!" He turned on his heel

and left. He could do no wrong in my eyes after that. But that was before the

other thing.                I spent

a lot of time chasing after Samuel. He was nice to me, but he never made a move

to drag me into a corner to ravish me. Ok, so that sounds corny, but despite my

best flirtation, he never made a move. It was frustrating.                One

day, I decided to ramp up my efforts. It was after school, and we were out on

the practice field. The girls had their routines to do, and since I was part of

the squad, I was out there too. But I kept my eye on Samuel. Watching him never

grew old. No one could tackle him because he simply wouldn't let them. It was the

way with the other teams; our opponents. It was like no one could touch him.                After

practice, he followed the coach to his office, opting out of the showers that

the other players were heading to.  I

followed him; them I guess, into the school and to the coach's office. The door

closed after them. Seeing no other alternative, I waited outside.                It grew

quiet, but then, after a little bit there was a noise inside. I couldn't tell

what the noise was, but I knew it was odd. My curiosity got the better of me

and I tried the door. It was unlocked! I opened it and slipped inside. The

inner room was empty except for the desk, chair and bookcases.                 The

door to another room was open, spilling light into the one I was in. The noise

was coming from in there. I tiptoed to the door and looked inside. What I saw

both made my heart sink and gave me a thrill at the same time. Samuel was bent

over a couch, his pants down. Mr. Wolfram was fucking him. I never would have

taken either of them for being gay, but right here was the evidence.  Like I said, it made my heart sink.                Here,

all this time, I had been wasting my effort trying to seduce a gay guy. I felt

like a fool. I watched them going at it for who knows how long. Then, just as

they seemed to be finishing up, I regained my senses. If they caught me I was

done for. I took one last look and then slipped back out the way I came.                I

decided to keep the information to myself. There was no point in ruining the

present level of school spirit by telling everyone what I had seen. It wasn't

that we couldn't tolerate gays, just that so many girls had their heart set on

him. And all the guys might get threatened by the news.                So it

was funny when Samuel looked me up a week later. I would normally have been

overjoyed, but now his presence wasn't cutting it for me. But I figured I'd be

polite. In his husky voice, he pulled me aside and asked why I had suddenly

been avoiding him.                What was

I going to say? I figured I'd just be brave and tell him. I walked outside and

around a corner. When I turned to face him, I could tell already that he

somehow knew what I knew.  I smiled and

told him what I saw. He took it better than I thought he would.                "Look

Darla, I'm not that interested in girls. But then you know that.  Of course, being interested in the guys on

your football team makes for a tricky time. So I pretty much stay out of everyone's

way. And yeah, me and coach have something going on. I need someone to scratch

my itches."                I

almost felt sorry for him.  Still the

thought of such a wonderful guy getting it in the ass made my heart falter. I

was so hoping to get him in me. Now it turns out someone was getting into him.

My brain replayed the incident I had witnessed. I drove it back down.                "Look

Sammy, I don't mean to judge, but why is a big tough guy like you getting

fucked by an old guy like the coach? Surely you could find someone like you

that's a bit younger?"                     "Like

me?" He looked confused for a second. Then he smiled. "Indeed. Like me. I'll

tell you what Darla. If you want the truth; the whole damn truth, then come to

the coach's office after practice tomorrow. But here's the thing. Only come if

you have every intention of keeping your mouth shut. You've done pretty well so

far, so I think you have a good heart. But if you spill a word of this, I can't

say what will happen to you. This matter is that serious."                I could

hardly wait until the hour came for the big reveal. I was waiting in the office

when they got off the field. Samuel looked at me a smiled. The coach was a

little less inviting. "What the hell is this little ball of wool doing here?"                "That

little ball of wool happened to sneak into your office recently because you

forgot to lock it."                Mr. Wolfram's

eyes got really wide. "Did I now? So what does she know?"                "Not

enough at this point. I figure she should know it all. She has been kind enough

to keep what she knows under her hat."                The

coach stood over me. "What do you think you know, you little morsel?"                I

stuttered. "That you and Sammy are gay!"                "Gay!"

He spit out? Then he looked at Sam. "Gay?"                Sammy

was grinning. "Hey, what else was she supposed to think? I was bent over the

couch and you were fucking from the back. I am the quarterback, and you are the

coach!"                The

wolf stopped for just a moment. He looked down at me and began laughing. "Ho ho

ho ho! Ha ha ha ha! Oh God! Me gay?" He had tears in his eyes. Then he turned

to Sam. "Oh course kid, you know, if things were switched around, I'd probably

still fuck you!"                To say

I was lost was an understatement.  I had

no idea what was going on. Sammy tapped the coach on the shoulder. The wolf

nodded. Sammy kicked off his shoes, peeled off his socks, dropped his pants and

bent over the couch. Mr. Wolfram dropped his pants too, exposing a sizable red

cock. I was instantly taken in by it. Everything I had felt inside me to this point

could not compare to his magnificent specimen. It was too bad it was being

wasted on Sammy.                I had

let my gaze wander, so that when I cleared it to view the room at large, all I

could see was the striped tiger ass hanging over the end of the couch. That ass

which should be suspended over me! Now it was going to get reamed by that piece

of meat from an older man. What I wouldn't give to have either of those males

inside me! How could they say they weren't gay! Look how they were!                Coach

was quick to slam into Sammy. From my seat, I didn't get to see things as they

happened, but I could tell when he was in. Sammy gripped the cushions and

sighed. I was sort of disgusted. A few of the guys had tried poking me in the

rear, and I had told them what they could do with it. But he looked like he was

enjoying himself so much that I was beginning wonder if there was something to

it.                I was

even wondering if Sammy would consent to screw me while the coach fucked him at

the same time. The more I watched his rippling muscle, the more I returned to

wanting him. Even when the old wolf finished pounding away and pulled out,

leaving a trail of white, did I still have the hots for him. That was until he

stood and faced me. My heart sank to the floor.                He saw

my expression and nodded. Now his voice was a little higher. "Hi Darla. Not

what you expected is it? It's kind of hard to be gay when you're a female who

likes boys."                My

mouth was open. "But your cock!"                Sammy

reached down to his pants and pulled out a dildo. "It get's tiring having this

thing stuck inside your pants all the time. But to carry out a good charade,

you have to make sacrifices."                She

handed the piece of latex to me. It was vulgar in its size. I was so disappointed

that this hadn't been real. "But why? Just to play football?"                She

laughed until she hit the floor. Mr. Wolfram was just standing there, naked and

amused.  "No Darla, this has nothing to

do with football. Do you remember the Milford bombing last year?"                I did.

It was before Sammy had come to the school. It happened in one of the bigger

cities a long ways away. "Sure I do. The daughter of the owner of the Pantheris

Corporation was killed in an attack. Her car blew up with her in it. Killed her

instantly."                "Yep!

Except I wasn't in the car at the time. Father figured that if it was known

that I survived, another attempt would be made on my life. So I was hidden

away. I was told I could go where ever I wanted. Father figured I go overseas,

but I decided that the best place to hide was out in the open in the middle of

nowhere."                I was

processing this as fast as I could. "Are you saying you acted like a guy to

fool everyone?"                "Yes! I

didn't want to hurt anyone, but I had to hide in a way no one would think of.

Even if I got "famous" out here, the chances of someone figuring out who I really

was, was slim."                I

grappled with that. "But then why are you getting fucked by the coach?"                Mr. Wolfram

smiled. "I'm no coach Darla. I'm her body guard. The school was gracious enough

to give me the job. Sammy's father gave the former coach a big payoff to retire

early, and if Sammy get's through the year intact, then the school will get

more money than they will know what to do with. Being her body guard has its

drawbacks, but it has its perks as well." He raised his eyebrows and winked.                I was

staring at the lower half of a half clothed tigress. I was envious of the muscle

and beauty in her form. God! I was getting hot looking at another female! "Wha'is

your real name? Wait, I think I remember. Samantha Listrado?"                She smiled.

"Very good! You see, even out her people have heard of me. So it was important

to keep up a solid ruse to keep folks off track. I was doing pretty good until

you came along. I could tell you really wanted a piece of me, and if I had been

male, you can bet I would have been plugging your pretty little, uhm, hole!"                I

blushed. I blushed even more when she finished undressing. As she pulled off

her shirt, I could see her chest was taped down flat. Mr. Wolfram carefully

undid the massive layer restraining her. Eventually, two beautiful breasts

popped into being. It was amazing how quickly she had gone from looking like a

member of one sex to another.                "So you

see Darla, this is why there has been so much hush-hush on things. I can't let

you tell anyone, but I think I can count on you to keep quiet."                I wasn't

so inclined. "Do you know how many wet dreams I've had about you? Do you? And

now you've destroyed them. I think you owe me something. "                "What's

that?"                My

smiled was huge. "I want invited over to your little parties from now on. I may

not be able to tell anyone about them, but the hell if I'm missing out on this

sort of fun!"                "But

Darla, I'm not a guy!"                "You're

right. You're not. But I have been thinking about strange things ever since I

thought you were gay. So I think that I can try a little fun with the

quarterback, and with the coach too. Besides, it might do you good having a

girlfriend. I'll make the others think that you're not gay, and I'll be queen

of the sidelines."                Sammy roared

with laughter. "Ok Darla, you've got a deal. But you need to remember one more

thing."                "And what's

that?"                "I'm

not really a teenager. I turned twenty two weeks ago. Does that bother you?"                I

looked at the wolf. "How old is he?"                He

answered. "Forty three"                "Then I

guess if I can deal with an ancient relic like him, I can deal with the likes

of you!"                Sammy

put her paws on my shoulders. "Good for you. I hope you know what you're in

for."                Before I

could answer, I was pushed over. I still had my cheerleading outfit on. I felt

the material over my crotch being pushed aside. That was followed by something hot

and hard. Sammy leaned down and looked me in the eyes. "I'd take a deep breath

if I were you. You may not have room or the time for one once he gets going." I gripped her arms and tensed p. This was

happening much sooner than I expected.

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