#9 of Miscellany
the newest and youngest reporter for the school paper had been the dream of her
short life. In fact Elsie was the first young heifer to ever get the position.
She had thought that a lot of the other boys would have been angry with her
being on the staff, but they had handled it remarkably well. OF course, schools
rules had changed so there wasn't much of a choice. Now they had given her what
might be the best interview ever. She was going to get a story from the retired
sports hero they called Caffeine. She didn't really know that much
about him, but everyone still talked about his glorious career. He had gone to
this very high school. It was a funny
thing how he never appeared in the big newspapers anymore. He used to be the
most popular bull of his time. He had dropped from sight, from what she had read.
Now she got to interview him, and apparently
an exclusive one at that. She was so excited. She had
looked up information on him, because to be honest, she had no real idea who he
was. His heyday was before her time. The young bulls at school seemed to adore
him, and she wondered why they had been so kind as to allow her the interview.
She figured they would be falling over themselves to get it. A few of them had,
as a matter of fact, before suddenly letting the matter drop. When
the day came she took the bus into the city, to the high-rise building where
the former star lived. She was figuring on having trouble getting in, but all
she had to do was show her school ID card and the building manager pointed her
to the elevator. When the door opened, he inserted his key, punched the button
for the top floor, and stepped back out. He was smiling at her as the door
closed. She smiled back. It
wasn't hard to find the former star's door. It was right in front of the
elevator and emblazoned with his real name, Taurence Ceratollian. She had seen
photos of him from his heyday, when he was younger, and he was quite the
looker. He had muscles that rippled under his skin and polished horns big enough
to hold one of her on either side. He wore gold chains and fine clothes. Her
heart was racing in anticipation of meeting him. She
pushed the button by the door, hearing a faint ringing inside. Despite the
solid construction of the building, she could feel heavy footfalls heading
toward her. They stopped and a heavy click sounded just before the door opened.
When it did, there was a huge form filling it. It was him; older by many years,
but still fairly handsome and muscularly built. He had to dropped his head to
look at her. "Well,
well, well, what have we here?" his low voice boomed out. "Excuse
me Mr. Ceratollian, but my name is Elsie Campbell. I have an appointment to
interview you for my school paper." "An
appointment? I don't think you do little missy. I don't do interviews." Her
face fell with a crash. He almost chuckled at her sudden change in emotion. "Oh
alright. Get in here. But I'm telling you that I don't know of my manager
making any such arrangements. But then, perhaps I didn't get the message. I'd
hardly want to be known as not being able to treat a lady with the proper
respect." Her
heart was thumping and her mind was temporarily foggy as she stepped inside.
The place was huge! The main room was a bit disheveled, with clothing on the
furniture. She made a quick inspection of the bull she came to see and saw he
was only wearing boxer shorts under his robe. She could have hoped for a little
more clothing, but if he really hadn't been expecting her, then that would
account for it. He
pointed her to a chair and he dropped onto the huge couch. She tossed a pair of
pink undies on the floor and sat down. She pulled out her note pad and pen and
wrote the date at the top. "So Mr. Ceratollian, where shall we start?" He was
leaning back against the couch, arms behind his head, looking at her. "I don't know kid. You came to
me. This is your interview. Ask away!" She
fumbled in her head for the right questions. She suddenly discovered that she
had come ill prepared. But she had done a little research on him and knew a few
things to ask. "So Mr.
Caratollian, how did you get your nickname Caffeine?" His
eyes widened and his nostrils flared. His pupils dilated before he finally
answered. "I could give you several reasons for that. If you want something you
can print, then just say it was because I was always such a head rush to the spectators.
That was what my manager used to tell me to say." She
jotted that bit of information down. "So what was your favorite sport? I
understand you played quite a few." "Understand?
Kid, I played them all. As for a favorite, I guess I would pick wrestling.
There is nothing like full body contact to really test your strength and get
your blood flowing. I beat everyone I came up against. Tartan the Great,
Deonus, Gregory Lestallius, even the famed Jourtrest. My record remains
unbroken to this day!" She was
writing furiously. She had only marginally heard these names before. Sports
talk just wasn't her thing. She was
going to have a lot of research to do before she wrote her article. He
continued. "I take it you really didn't look me up before you came?" She
felt ashamed. "No I didn't. I kept waiting for one of the boys to take the job away
from me." "So
they allowed you come in their place? I figured the young males would have
killed for a shot at this. Well good for them and good for you!" He was
smiling, showing huge white teeth. "Thanks!
Let's see now, what else should I ask you?" "Are
you asking me what you should ask? There
was a moment of silence as she scrabbled to get her thoughts in gear. He broke
in on that. "Look honey, I've got things to do today. Maybe I'll just give you
a few highlights." "Oh
thank you so much. That would be great!" "Ok
kid. Sit back and get writing. You see, when I started this whole sports thing,
I was probably your age, only I was a lot bigger than the other bulls. Heck, I
was bigger than the stallions and the bison and the... Well you get the idea. I
was bigger than a lot of my teachers. I went out for wrestling, track, and a few
other team sports. I found I didn't play well with others. It was mostly
because I was so good at everything that I had no patience for those who
didn't." "Those
early years I concentrated on my playing. I was pumped up with hormones and
unleashed them through my activity. It wasn't until I got a contract to play
professionally did I learn there were other ways of burning off the excess
chemicals in my blood. Marty, my
manager at the time, got me hooked up with everything I needed to be a star. I had
a penthouse, a limo, food, alcohol, drugs and..." He trailed off, looking at her. "Yes?" "Well,
I don't know if I should continue. You seem nice and young." "I know
a few things!" "Suit
yourself. He got me girls. Nice full breasted heifers, sleek mares, even a few
exotics like elk and antelope. I had never even thought about sex before. Funny
that; now that I look back on it, I was constantly horny. It was probably why I
was so driven." She was
writing furiously. Still, she could feel the color coming up in her cheeks. But
she wasn't going to leave now, not when they had just started. She could just imagine him in the act. Some of
the heifers at school were pretty promiscuous, so she could just imagine how
they would be with him, with their big tits swaying back and forth. She was
still self conscious about how small her's were. They were udderly ridiculous. She was
smiling at her pun as he continued. "I
got into the action pretty deep, if you know what I mean. " She smiled, having
no idea what he meant. "Anyway, it was girls, girls, girls. As I grew older,
the girls, they got younger." She knit up her eyebrows trying to figure that
one out. How could someone get younger when everyone else got older? Everyone aged
at the same time. "Don't
believe me? Hey Orla! Get your scrawny ass out here!" A door opened and a young
heifer came out. She looked to be about fifteen. She came over and sat on his
knee. "Now you see, Oral here, she came to me about a year ago, didn't yah?" The
girl nodded. "And she has stayed ever since.
She likes it here with me, and I in turn show her as much of a good time
as I can." The reporter was scribbling furiously, in part to hide her
confusion. When she looked up she was horrified to see the big bull open his robe.
The young heifer called Orla was pulling his cock from the depths of his
shorts. When
she had it free, the huge thing stiffened into a veritable tower of flesh. She
watched it with morbid fascination. This was part of the interview she was
totally unprepared for. She watched red-faced as the girl leaned over the
immense organ and slipped it into her mouth. He rested his hands on her head
and began working her up and down its length. It was soon obvious that she was
fighting back her gag reflex. Her throat bulged from her head to her chest as
the thick organ was rammed down it repeatedly. Eventually
he pulled her off. The poor girl was gasping for breath. Her eyes were tearing
up and her cheeks were red. Her jaw popped as she closed her mouth. Taurence
patted his lap and she scrambled to climb up.
The robe she was wearing was torn off unceremoniously by the bull and
tossed to the floor. The heifer had just about as much breast develop as did
she, the reporter. Gloria couldn't help but stare. But
what really caught her eye was the look on her face. It was something akin to
terror, only terror that has been mitigated by the passage of time. She spread
her legs as he lifted her up. From her position across from the couple, she
could see the pink slit that was here private area being pulled wide open. As
he lifted her up, she followed the tip of his enormous cock as it touched, then
stabbed into that opening. The girl sucked in a breath but stifled a whimper. It was
like watching a telephone pole sink into the ground, only upside down. Elsie couldn't remove her eyes from that spot
as inch after inch of massive cock sunk into her body. Finally, there must have
been room for no more, because a good four inches of it was still outside. Her
glance went from her crotch to the girl's face. She half expected to see the
tip exiting her mouth. All she
saw was a grimace and tears. The girl
had her hands on his knees, tightly gripping them to the point that her
knuckles were white. The bull didn't seem to notice, or if he did, not to care.
He had his big hands on her hips and was doing just about the same thing he was
doing before with her head. He was pushing her down; down hard. As he pulled
back and pushed down again, Elsie noted the bulge appearing and disappearing in
the girl's, what was her name; oh yeah, Orla's belly. Elsie
sat there, not knowing what else to do. This was hardly something she wanted to
report for the paper. But she was morbidly fascinated by the event unfolding in
front of her. She had never seen a cock before, much less one this big and doing
what it was now doing. She could see a full grown cowgirl handling it maybe,
but a young heifer like this seemed to be ill prepared for dealing with it. They
went on for what seemed like an eternity. Since she didn't know what to expect,
she sat there in silence as he grunted and groaned. Then, all at once he
stopped. He lifted the girl off. Elsie watched as she rose into the air, her
eyes getting even wider. She could find no explanation for this if he was
finished with his molestation of her. She saw
his cock slip out and spring back towards his belly. He had her hoisted in one
hand. With the other, he pulled back her tail and gave it a yank. Orla didn't
make a sound, but Elsie make an involuntary yip. That had to hurt! But in the
next instant, something happened even more dastardly. His cock rammed back into her body, though
this time, from her seat across from them, she could tell that is wasn't in the
breeding hole. He had shoved it up her backside! Her
butt muscles clenched in sympathy for the girl. She had heard of some of the
young bulls at school doing that to each other, but she had never believed it
was possible. Now she knew that not only was it possible, it could be done with
either sex. She had no idea why someone would want to use that hole, when the
other was properly designed for mating. That
was before she saw Orla's body slide all the way down on his cock. Apparently
there was more room in the recesses of her bowels for his meat than in her
front. This time the girl's ass was resting all the way down. A look at her
face showed she was holding back tears. But she refused to say anything. The
bull went to work. He had his hands under her arms, and was pounding her down
with a look of pure unabashed pleasure on his face. From time to time his
fingers would dig into her sides, making her yelp and tighten up. Apparently he
found this to be exciting, because then he would put more effort into, what Elsie
could only think of as, raping her. Despite
her disgust, she could only remain seated where she was. After a while, he
stood, carrying the young heifer with him. He had more than enough strength the
stand and still maintain his hold her. And furthermore, he seemed to have more
power in his movements. Soon, his head was tipped back as he ground his body
into hers. She was flopping wildly, apparently knowing that fighting back was
useless, and perhaps worse than complying. His
hands went to her hips and sunk into her flesh. Bruises from previous
experiences where now plainly evident, once a person knew what to look for. The
girl finally couldn't hold back and began crying and bellowing in a high
pitched fashion. He seemed to like that and ramped things up until with a roar,
he slammed himself into her like a bull seeing red. When he
was apparently finished, he pulled out, leaving a river of whitish fluid to
flow onto the floor. Elsie was disgusted. She was also beginning to see why the
bys at school had allowed her to come. It was just a big joke to them. She was
more than ready to call this interview to a close. He
dropped the girl on the couch and turned to Elsie. "Now that is a fine piece of
ass! Yeah, you see girl? I got older and my taste went younger. I guess maybe
I'm reclaiming all the stuff I missed when I was young. Sadly, it's hard to
find willing little things like Orla anymore." The girl was sobbing on the
couch, her legs drawn up to her chest. Elsie
was unsure what to say. After that spectacle, she only wanted to head out the
door and never look back. Whatever she had been expected to write, there was
nothing she could put down on paper that could then be put into print. It was
too disgusting. She watched as he walked over to a table and pulled out a box.
He sprinkled some white powder on the tabletop and snorted the stuff straight
into his nostrils. When he stood, there was a layer of white around is black
nose. He sat
back down on the couch, half ignoring the girl laying there. "So? Any more
questions?" "Uh, I
don't think so. I think I learned a lot today, and I can do some background
research when I get home" He got
up and with a bow, escorted her to the door. At the door, he looked down at
her. "You have nice eyes. I bet they match the rest of you." Her discomfiture
increased as he leaned over her to the door. In the next instant there was a
click. She turned to leave and nearly ran into the closed panel. She turned
with fear in her eyes. "I
suppose that you were sent here under false pretenses. That's too bad for you,
and great for me. You see, girls are getting a little hard to come by anymore.
A little fresh meat spices things up." He was holding the key to the inside
lock. He
turned and walked towards the bedroom. "Oh, and by the way, my nickname wasn't
ever Caffeine. That was a spin from my manager years ago. What they really
called me was "Calf Fiend".