Curse of the Three Horns

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#8 of Miscellany

Another random story.... That is all.

The heat was mildly oppressive and

the smells were a garish mixture of smelly bodies and aromatic spices. The

street was packed with vendors and buyers, all mingling amidst the shouts of

hawkers and mad men. Through it all ambled the oddest couple to have walked

through the bazaar in a decade.                She was

young and pretty, enough to attract even the most jaded eye. Her clothing was

simple white cotton, but the gold earrings and the ruby necklace were obviously

above her level. Most likely stolen. The greediest and vilest of the men in the

street assessed her for both her body and the value of her gold.                 They

hardly considered the value of the animal she rode. At first glance it seemed

to be a stupid looking steer, dull of eye and comical of face. A quick check in

the rear showed that he still had his balls, making his docile way even more

remarkable. It was either drugs or magic that allowed this girl to ride such a

beast, and it was even more amazing that he walked through the crowd as if he

wasn't alarmed by the great noise.                She slipped

off her place on his back; right at the juncture of his great neck, and slid to

the dusty street. She made her way to a sweetmeat vendor and pulled out several

copper coins. She made her purchase and walked down to a meat vender, buying a

large portion of cooked meat. She emptied out her purse and gave the contents

to him. He smiled, showing less teeth than he was born with and hoisted the bag

up to her after she remounted.                "Little

missy, you have a big appetite. Maybe you should share this with your pathetic

excuse for a cow."                She

smiled, showing perfect white teeth. "That is an excellent suggestion! I will

do just that!"                The

bull snorted and moved ahead, shoving aside cursing men and sending a flock of

excitable chickens in every which direction. He plodded on, street after street

until they had made it to the city gate. A few guards were lounging there.  One was particularly rude.                "Hey!

What kind of fucking horse is that?" The others snickered.                "The

best kind!" she said with dignity.                The

soldiers didn't dare do what they felt like doing, not in broad daylight, but

they gave the girl looks that said everything. All the men did. They looked on

her as a plaything, a bauble, a mere piece of flesh meant to satisfy their lust

and greed.                 As they

walked past one of them poked the beast in the tail. A foot flew out and sent

him sprawling. Since it was crowded, the only thing the poor man could do was

lay there gasping in pain as the crowd roared with laughter.                The

girl leaned down to the bull's ear. "Nice kick!" The bull snorted and ambled on

until they were out of sight of the city. A shadow flitted from rock to tree,

following their every move.                It was

approaching dusk when the girl called a halt to their progress. She climbed

down and set up the food on a flat rock the size of a rug. She had just laid it

out when she felt a knife in her back. She didn't move.                "Here

now. Looks like you've been expecting me. You went and got me a nice supper

ready! How thoughtful. But you know, I think I'll have me dessert first."                She

could smell his breath wafting over her shoulder. "This food is not for you!"                "Like I

care? You should have learned to travel with more than an emasculated steer for

company. You see, I intend to fuck you, kill you, take your gold and eat your

food."                "Really?

All that? Let me see if I get this straight. You're going to rape me, murder

me, take my jewelry and then you're going to eat this food which I bought?"                The man

snickered evilly. "That's pretty much it."                That

was when he felt the breath on his neck. He swatted backwards. "Beat it you

stupid cow. I'll deal with you later."                When

the heat on his neck persisted he turned to confront the annoying creature. He

found himself standing face to face with it. Only the face was looking down at

him. Its hand, the left one, came down and grabbed him by the head. The eyes

were glowing red. And it spoke.                "The

little missus is under my protection you filthy piece of shit. If you had gone

without threat of harm, you would still have a chance of being alive in the

morning. But you have openly stated your evil intent in front of Zeus.

Therefore you will die."                The

thief wet himself. A minotaur was a thing of legend. This one was not. Somehow

the bull had vanished to be replaced by this, this, monstrosity.  He could feel the terrible strength in that

hand and had to wonder just how much force it would take to crush his skull.                The

girl walked up and did a high kick right in the thieves' crotch. "I don't like

you. You're rude."                The minotaur

was holding the terrified thief in the air. His feet were dangling a foot and a

half off the ground. A slow drip of urine stained the sand. A large hand ripped

the clothing from him and tossed it on the ground. "Sorry missus, but you'll

have to sort through that mess yourself. From the sounds of it he has coin, and

of course his pretty little knife. That should fetch a few coppers more in the

next town."                She

made a face at the damp clothing but quickly sorted through it. She stared at

the hanging man. "Cocky aren't you? Carrying this much money makes you a mark

more than my jewelry does me. But I will thank you now, for there won't be a

chance later."                The

Minotaur made a little bow. "You may eat without me. I will return when I am

done. As you know, I have no idea how long this will be."                 He

walked off still carrying the man in his ham hand. The man was whimpering,

totally lost in the terror of his situation. It hardly mattered to him that his

intentions up to just a few minutes ago had been less than noble and much along

the same lines.                The

girl ate to the sounds of screams and cries. It had bothered her initially,

those first few times. But no one made the men follow her. They did it through

their own greed and evilness.  This one

pleaded and screamed and choked and... Well, you get the idea.                When

the Minotaur came back, he was dripping in sweat. There was also the smell of

blood about him. He said nothing, but sat down and began eating.                "I hope

you washed your hands!"                He held

them up. They were fairly clean, though not what a civilized person would call

washed. It was obvious he had wiped them on his hips. "Princess, when we get to

water, I promise you I will wash. But for now, I need to eat. Carrying you all

day and then dispatching the ruffians who mean to do you harm is tiring work."                She

clammed up while he ate. When he was done, she asked, "So, how long did this

one last? I don't pay attention anymore."                "Oh,

long enough for me to fill him up twice, from both ends. I thought I might end

up with teeth marks on my poor cock, but his jaw was stretched so tightly he

couldn't bite."                She

shuddered a little. "Yes, I can picture that." His cock in this form was a

living entity, as big around as her arm. She had seen it often enough, as he

was constantly horny. That was part of the curse. She did what she could for

him, but her body was much too small to take on something like that. So where

all the men that tried to attack her. In their cases they didn't have a choice

in the matter. Once they made the mistake of threatening her, they were subject

to the conditions of the curse too. Idiots!                She

patted his arm. "Marlon, I do feel for you. How many does that make now?"                He

numbered off on his thick fingers. "Sixty Seven. Thirty three more and then the

curse will be broken."                She sighed.

"Then we can be together again like we should be. Do you think you will still

love me then?"                It was

his turn to sigh. "Yes princess, I will always love you. Why do you think I go

through with this day in and day out?"                She

knew he loved her, despite their age difference. He was her body guard, and

three times her age. She had grown up with him and as a child often does, she

fell in love with him too. It was wrong; they both knew it. But since he kept

his feelings hidden and she wasn't completely aware of hers, it had worked.

Right up until...                "I know

what you're thinking. I never should have killed your father."                She

grimaced. "You didn't kill my father you dolt, you killed the king. The king

was trying to kill me because he found out I was a bastard."                The Minotaur

snorted. "Bastard? I hate that term. You are the daughter of Zeus. I killed the

king to protect you from him. This punishment is the god's way of sparing my

life and yours as well. Otherwise we would both be dead and nothing more than rotting

flesh."                She

sighed. "I know. Still, it was horrible watching him die."                "And

you would rather that it had been you that had been thrown onto the burning

coals? He got what he deserved, the stinking pile of shit!"                "Oh

shut up, will you? It's long ago done."                "But

not forgotten. I see it in my dreams every night."                "I

know, my great big hero. I long for the day when we finally have peace."                She was

stroking his back. He longed for that, because he just could never get the

itches back there. But at the same time, it caused his cock to sneak out of its

hiding spot. She watched, both fascinated and repulsed by the huge organ. It

was covered in reddish stains.                 "You

know, if I ever consent to having you bed me, you will wash one hundred times

before you stick that in me!"                He

chuckled. "You mean my normal, human one? For you I will wash a thousand times.

But this is not a tool for making love princess, this is a club for doling out

punishment. That is the command of the great god and I must obey if I value my

chance at becoming human again."                "Yes. I

suppose there are worse things to suffer. Look at the poor men and boys who

think me an easy mark. They suffer the greatest pain."                "Only

as much as I grant them. I doubt anyone will miss them, and probably even their

mother's would thank me for what I do."                They

curled up with each other and spent the night where they were. Come morning

they headed off again, richer by a small bag of coins and a pretty little

knife. When they passed a small deep stream, the bull waded in and rolled

around, careful not to transform. All he needed was to have to kill someone

just because of his carelessness. Anonymity was everything.                His

cock slid out and he rolled back and forth, swishing it in the cool water. He

rolled and rolled in the mud before rinsing it off again. When he climbed out,

he was cleaner, though hardly pristine. On the other hand, he was just supposed

to be  a stupid bull, so there was no

point in looking like a prize winner. He left a few reeds hanging from his

horns.                She had

joined him in the water, only she had wisely chosen to wash upstream. She had

slipped off her white cotton dress and piled her jewelry on top. He stood over

her clothing in a disapproving manner. 

His voice was silenced by the view he got of her nubile body.                 She was

tanned, a natural brownish color that anyone who grew up under the sun had from

birth. He breasts were small, and hadn't grown a bit in all the time they had

been living on their own in the wilds. That was another curse. Zeus perhaps had

thought it a blessing, keeping her young, but the fact was if she had aged into

a woman, they just might be able to couple. As it was her body was too fresh

and young and tender for anything involving the brute body of a minotaur.                 That

didn't keep him from sporting his erection again. Zeus found it funny to punish

mortals in ways that amused him. As a bull, he might just find relief with a

herd of cows, but overall the locals didn't want their cows mating with a beast

like he appeared to be. If he tried it in his two legged form, the whole

countryside would be out against them. He was reduced to being a rapist and a

murderer. That was how they had fallen into this rut. Walk through a town, make

a show and hope someone would bite. They were rarely disappointed.                 The

princess had to remain free from harm, and if she ever lost a piece of jewelry

she would remain a child forever. So he kept busy watching over her and her

belongings.  It was a cat and mouse game

and he hoped the great god was being entertained.                  He

continued to stare. She noted his gaze and smiled, not at all shy in her

behavior. She washed with a slow practiced dance, running her hands over her

body, allowing them to linger in spots where he longed to be. If she kept this

up, he was going to need a gang of toughs to handle his passions. He had to

fight down his urges as his cock slid out again.                She

waded to where he was, smiling as she squeezed the water out of her hair. "I

saw that! Do you want to try it?"                He

unconsciously transformed. "No! I will not harm you!"                She sighed.

"I know you don't. But you always look so miserable. Isn't there something I

can do?"                "Yes!

Quit washing where I can see you!"                She

pouted. "But I thought you liked the way I looked!"He seized her and lifted her up to

his level. "Little princess, you know I do and that is the problem. "His huge arms were more powerful

than an elephant. His grip was as solid as stone. She was confident that he

wouldn't drop her so she swung and wrapped her legs around his face, wiggling

her crotch on his muzzle. He sighed inwardly and complied. His tongue came out

and lapped over her freshly washed crotch. He could feel her heels tighten

against the side of his head.It didn't take long for her shaking

to start. It took much longer for it to subside. The rough surface of his taste

buds rubbed her pleasantly raw in no time. 

He relished the taste of her, but the little episode did nothing to

relieve his needs.When she was able to stand on her

feet, he lowered her back into the water. Her crotch was wet with saliva and

her own natural juices. She rubbed her hands down there to slicken them up,

then gently began stroking his cock. She still shuddered to think of that thing

going into anything but a cow or a mare. It was a grossly disproportionate

thing. It was also pretty touchy at times. She had a feeling it wouldn't take

much to set him off.Three minutes later she was proved

correct. She ducked as it exploded in a flood of cum. She dodged most of the

flow, but wasn't worried about what did hit her. A quick dunk would fix that.

As it was he was making the water white with his fluid. It drifted downstream

as it sank to the bottom.A big hand ruffled her damp hair.

"Thank you little one. That will last me for a little while. I hope your loins

are similarly satisfied?"She giggled. "Yes, thank you very

much. It's not like the real thing, but it will do for now."They dried for a while before

setting off. It was none too soon, for a caravan passed them by. As usual, they

got stares, but for the most part they were directed to the young girl. She

leaned in and whispered to her mount. "Hey, I bet you never thought of using a

camel!"  The bull snorted and continued

on his plodding way. The next town was a rowdy place,

full of thieves and cut throats. That made it both dangerous and perfect, for

they wanted someone to follow them. They had to be careful not to have a whole

horde after them though. That was why she made a show of spending all of her

money. There wasn't enough for a group of robbers to both trying to split,

except maybe her body. Even then, there were easier marks than a pretty, poor

girl on a bull. She sold the knife and took all of

her money to buy more food. She bought a big bag of fresh dates and a smaller

one of figs. Some dried salted fish from the distant ocean rounded out her

purchases. She had to shuttle aside looks and a few gropes before she made it

back on her ride. One man, more persistent than the rest, made a grab for her

and was rewarded with a horn stabbed into this chest. While it didn't pierce

his skin, it left a bruise and him lying on the ground gasping. A few others

appraised her from afar but kept their distance. The two traveled for a while until they found

a small hill along the road. From atop it, they could see for miles. Still,

Marlon made a point. "We can be seen as well. I would prefer to take the

shelter of this outcrop here."  Since the

road seemed clear in both directions, they stopped for the night.  The fish was brought out and consumed,

followed by the fruit. The dates were sweet and sugary. The figs were moist and

tasted like nirvana.  The evening air was

cool and only the sounds of the insects broke the silence. His shift from minotaur to bull was

so fast and quiet that she missed it. The next instant there was a knife at her

throat. She sighed. It had been such a pleasant evening. Why did someone have

to go and ruin it? She glanced down to see a rather smooth, unblemished hand.

It had all its fingers and even a few rings. Stupid fellow!He didn't say anything at first.

She finally started the conversation. "What do you want?"She felt his hand groped her chest.

His grunt was noncommittal.  "You ain't

much of a woman, but if you have a hole, I can poke it. Looks like you and that

stupid animal ate the food. So I guess that means I take you, then your gold

before going my way."She was remaining perfectly still.

"You're not going to kill me?"He considered. "Not sure. I guess

it depends of you. Give me what I want and I'll leave you alone afterwards.""Now why would I do that? I have no

reason to want a cretin like you bedding me, not for all the money in the

world!""Then I guess I take it by force!"He felt a hot breath on his

shoulder. He turned and screamed. The bull, though not longer a bull, was

staring him down. "See here you. The little lady is under my protection and one

does not make threats to her. That will cost you."The princess whirled to stare at

the newest intruder. He was younger than most, with fair skin barely unbroken

by violence. His eyes were blue and his hair as black as midnight. Overall he

was a fairly handsome youth. She almost felt bad for him."Can you go a little easy on him?

He doesn't seem so bad."The minotaur's eyes lit up like

fire. "Go easy on him? You know I can't!""Yes you can. The punishment is

supposed to fit the crime. So go a little easy on him please.""Whatever you say. Remember, by the

time I'm done, they are usually asking for release from this life. It seems to

please the great god so I will do nothing to damage my chances of getting out

from under this curse."The young man tried to struggle,

but his cloths hit the ground in shreds. A light jingle of silver came to their

ears. They were into money again, and they now had a nice shiny knife as well

as a few rings she pulled from his fingers. She put them on, but they rolled

around her thinner fingers like hula-hoops.  "Goodbye thief. Thank you for the parting

gifts."His eyes went wide when the

monstrosity carried him into the darker recesses along the hillside. The huge

thing talked to him as it walked. "You know, I almost feel bad for you. But I

must do what I do the gain back my life. And you see, I must protect one who is

dear to me. She is also dear to her father who happens to be the one who laid

this curse. If I don't do my job, not only would I die, so would you. I like to

save my own skin for a better day. So that means you have to go. It's really

nothing personal."Marlon dropped the man to the

ground. He tried to get up and run but a hoofed foot came down on him. "Listen.

We can do this the hard way. I prefer it. Or we can do it the easy way. The end

result is the same... for you."The man tried to dart between his

legs. He ran face first into a third leg that shouldn't be there. He bounced

off it, hitting the sand in a daze. The minotaur grabbed him and threw

him over a boulder. He spit a few times in his palm and rubbed the tip. When

his hand slid across it easily he dropped it down with a thud on the man's back

before dragging it backwards to the hole it was destined for. The man began to

cry out. "You can't do this!""I can't? Why not? You were going

to do it to my little princess. Would it have mattered to you if she had

pleaded for her life?" There was no response from the man."Right. You wouldn't have. It's

always the strongest who make the rules. In this case, I out trump you. So I

get to do what I want. Did you know man that I could sport an erection every

minute of my life? It takes willpower to keep it down. The god thinks that's

hilarious I guess. So when I don't have to, it's a real treat for me."He didn't wait to see if the man

would have anything else to say. He pressed the gnarled tip of his cock against

the man's ass and shoved. As was normally the case, nothing happened right

away. The muscles protested at the intrusion of course, but a persistent

pressure would eventual overcome that. Two things happened when it did. There

was a scream and a groan. I'll let you sort out who made which. The minotaur grunted with

happiness. This wasn't what he longed for in life, but it had to do, so he made

the best of it. He forced inch after inch inside, feeling the opening stretch

tighter and tighter. He was taking it easy. There was nothing to keep him from

ramming it in until there wasn't room for an ant in the space. Right now maybe

two ants would have a chance.He wished a bit for a mirror, so

that he could see his victim's face. He could picture the eyes bugging out

about now. He pressed onward until there seemed to be nowhere else he could go.

He just stood there for a moment, feeling the man squirm and try to get

free.  It meant that Marlon didn't have

to work as much for his release. Let the man struggle! Tiring of that after a few minutes

he hoisted the body up, holding it tightly to his chest and belly. With slow

strokes he worked the man like he might a butter churn. At one point he felt

the body go limp. Normally, he would have waited until he was awake again

before progressing, but he was "taking it easy on him."He used him like a toy until he

felt his big balls tighten up. He blew out so much he found he had to pull out

due to the pressure. A flood of fluid spilled to the ground. He slid back and

resumed his fucking. Finding it boring manhandling a limp body, he dropped to

the ground with the body under him. With his full weight pressing down, it didn't

move hardly an inch.He could feel the consciousness creeping

back into his victim a little while later, but whatever screams were to be had

were seemingly swallowed up by the sand. The minotaur worked a way for what had

to seem an eternity to the one underneath him, but he finally blew his load

again. He crushed the body, grinding it into the sand. When the flow stopped,

he pulled out sharply, watching with satisfaction as the cum flowed out and

onto the ground. He stood there for a moment before finally walking away.The next morning the two, the girl

and the bull, were walking down the road. She was somber for once. "You know, I'm

rather sad you had to kill him."The bull shook its head."No you aren't sad or no you didn't

kill him?"The bull snorted. She seemed to get

the idea. "You didn't kill him? How decent of you. But then I guess that just

means you still have thirty three more to kill. I hate making you wait."The bull stopped. He snorted a few

times and then nuzzled her hand. She smiled. "Thanks. I like you to. This isn't

all bad I guess. Besides, whatever will we do with ourselves when the curse is

finally lifted? I've gotten to the point I don't know anything else."For an answer, the bull dropped his

cock. It was red and long.The girl giggled embarrassedly. "Yes,

I suppose there is that. After all, it does seem to be your favorite horn."

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