It’s All in the Boots!

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#4 of Twisted Tales

OK, so I know I said I wasn't going to post anything for a while, but due to not sleeping (even worse than normal) I wrote this in one sitting. I tried to edit it, so I hope it is readable. I have been running down the various fairy tales for ones that can be rewritten with a twist. I dropped by to chat with someone, so I figured I leave this behind while I was here.

                You all

know the tale of the miller's three sons. 

When he died, one got the mill, one got the donkey and the youngest boy

got the miller's cat. Talk about getting screwed! But as we all know, the tale

has a happy ending. But it didn't end just like it was written. As a matter of

fact, it didn't happen at all like the story says. Oh, some of it is accurate,

but overall, it was scaled back and pared down to fit into a nice, sweet, children's

nursery story.                It

should be mentioned right away that the cat was hardly a normal feline. In

those days, there was magic, and then there was magic. One simply doesn't have

talking cats telling them what to do. In the original story, as written by

Charles Perrault, the cat was given boots and a bag. That much is true.                The

youngest boy's name was Alvere. He had a few coins in his pocket, which he knew

would last him no time whatsoever. He kicked at the cat, who deftly avoided his

clumsy attempt. "Hey!"                He

paused. It wasn't every day a cat talked. "Did you just say "hay?"                "No, I

said hey! Why are you kicking me?"                "Because

I got stuck with you as my inheritance. What a waste!" Then he did a double

take. He was talking with a cat!                "It's

not my fault your father died and you happen to be the youngest. But I will

help you make the best of it. Buy me a pair of boots and a bag and I will make

your life wonderful."                He knew

he was an idiot, but he went into town and spent his few coins on a custom pair

of miniature boots and a tough leather bag. The cobbler thought he was crazy.

No one would be able to wear such small boots, not even a child! But money was

money and work was work. He told the boy to come back the next day.                During

the night, if anyone had been watching, an orange cat could be seen walking

around the unfinished boots, meowing and rubbing all over them. A faint glow of

pixie dust sparkled at times, but soon the room was dark and the cat was gone.

There were other places to be this night.                In the

morning, the cobbler finished the boots, brushing off the hair and dust and

wondering where it all came from. His customer picked them, seeming less than

delighted and walked away carrying the adorable little pair of shoes. Maybe he

wanted them for a doll?                The cat

purred with delight and put them on. "Wonderful!"                "Great."

He said dejectedly. "Now my money is gone and we will starve. But you at least

will starve in style!"                "Oh

hush.  I will find you food. And while

I'm at it, is there anything else my master wants?"                "Sure.

Make me a grand ruler and grant me more lands than I can imagine!"                "Anything

else?"                "Sure.

Find me someone to share my pallet with tonight"                She

stuck her tongue out at him. "You don't ask for much, do you?"                "Oh

shut up."                It was

many hours later and they had moved from the village towards the capitol city.

This made the boy nervous, but the cat was unconcerned. They made an early day

of it. Alvere made a fire and piled on sticks. When the cat came back, there

was in its mouth an enormous fish. "Time to eat!"                The

fish was cooked and duly consumed. Puss, as the boy was now calling the feline,

decided to guard the camp from the perimeter. The boy settled down, throwing

wood on the fire now again to drive back the cold and the dark. What he didn't

know was that she had made her way to the castle to visit the king and his

daughter to deliver some gifts. She had returned and stayed hidden from sight .                He

heard a snapping twig and jumped up. He knew that the cat would never make such

a noise.  He could just make out a form

in the flickering light. "Who's there?"                A young

girl came out of the shadows. His eyes noticed only two things at that moment.

The first was that she was nude. The second thing hardly registered to him. She

did have on shoes. He thought about this for a second before remembering his

manners. He drew off his cloak and handed it to her. She smiled and wrapped it

around her shoulders.                "Thank

you good sir! Tis cold now that the sun is down. Might I share some warmth with

you?"                He

gulped. "If you like."                She turned

and sat down with inordinate grace. He couldn't help but notice that she had

sat across from him, cloak wrapped tightly around her shoulders but her legs

parted just enough to see...                "What's

your name?" she asked. His eyes moved up to her face.                "My

name is Alvere."                "Hello

Alvere. My name is Adrienne. Are you here alone?"                He

thought about his cat. Lousy good it was, allowing people into camp. Then he

reconsidered. "I am pretty much by myself. I like your name. It's very lovely!"                "So

Alvere, what do you know about girls?"                He

gulped again. "Nothing much. It was only boys in my house."                "I see.

You never took advantage of any of the girls younger than you?"                "No!"

He puffed himself up and sounded properly indignant.                 "Relax!

I was just teasing. Still, you can't be so dense as to not know it happens?"                He

frowned. "Yes, I've heard some of the other boys bragging."                "And

you were never curious?"                "I

didn't say that!"                "Good!

I think I have an excellent way to keep warm. Grab your blanket and spread it

on the ground. And be careful!" she yelled, "don't get it too close to the

fire!"                He

still managed to drop it twice in his nervousness. He had never been this close

to a naked girl before. She had asked about his experience with girls. She

hadn't asked about sheep. He and some of the other boys would chip in and buy

beer (or steal bottles of it) and take it to the meadows. There, they bribed

the old shepherd so that he would look the other way.                The old

man didn't care one way or another. He dipped into his sheep whenever he

wanted. If the boys wanted to provide him with alcohol and entertainment, who

was he to complain? Both were free! The only time he would yell at them was

when they started roughing up the lambs. "You boys don't need to ruin good

lambs for market by tearing 'em up. Ewe's is good enough!"                Alvere

had once or twice (or maybe more) looped a rope around one of these youngsters

and dragged them to a tree. It was fun just getting your cock inside. Once you

did, they were noisy little cusses until one boy figured out a cock in the

mouth would shut them up. And it felt good too!                He was

suddenly aware that he had a bulge in his trousers. So was the girl. "Looks

like someone needs attention!"                He

blushed, though it was lost in the darkness. It might just as easily been the

firelight. "What would you know?"                "I know

what I know, and I know what I like! And I think I like you Alvere. Besides,

I've been around a bit. I know exactly where you can put your stiff little

cock."                                He

wasn't smart, but he wasn't stupid either.  He dropped his old worn trousers and kicked

them away. He was left standing there in his soiled shirt. He looked neither

dashy or romantic.                 His

cock was standing to attention. Adrienne pulled him over to the blanket, but

instead of yanking him down, got on her knees in front of him. He groaned as

she sucked his cock into her mouth. He had never tried the lamb's mouths when

they were molesting them, so this was entirely new.  He suddenly realized what he had been missing.                Her

tongue was rolling around, making him groan. He grabbed her head and worked it back

and forth, gently at first, then with more confidence. Her nails bit into his

butt cheeks as they merged their movement and picked up speed. With a cry, he

launched himself down her throat and spewed his seed into her stomach.                He fell

to the blanket in an undignified heap, eyes glazed. She was licking her lips

and smiling. "Not done already are you?"                Her

question was moot, as she was already stroking him back to life. He had to

wonder how a girl this young, and she looked younger than he, had managed to

get so good in such a short amount of time.                She

pushed him onto his back and draped herself over his hips. It was no position

any lamb had ever been in. Now that he thought about it, it might be

interesting to try. But for now he had this girl. She slipped over his cock

with surprising ease. He had heard stories...of blood and pain and screams. There

was none of that here. Just warmth, and slipperiness and tightness. She was

just like the lambs! The only thing missing was the curly hair.                It was

weird, having her on top, doing the work, He thought about trying to be macho

and throw her down, but he was simply enjoying himself too much to bother. He

did manage to wonder where she came from. Puss must have rounded her up

somewhere for him. If that stupid cat could find such a nice little fuck like

this, maybe those other things he had asked for were possible too.                She was

rising and dropping down on him with a steady, heavy rhythm. It was a good

thing she was light, or his hips would have been aching. She also had this

unique little grasp when she would pull up. He could tell it was purposeful. In

the lambs, it was the way they were regardless; cramped up and tight from the

ramming they were receiving. You could tell they weren't into by the way they

arched their back. She was doing it on purpose and seemed to be enjoying it.

That made him enjoy it even more.                She

went into a crazy little dance on his crotch, ending it with a cry before

collapsing on his chest. He was nearly there, so he pulled up his knees and

slammed away until his balls exploded inside her.  She whimpered and dug her nails into his

skin.                They

fell asleep by the fire.                In the

morning, with the first rays of light, Alvere was looking forward to getting

some more action. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of Puss

sitting there in the act of taking a bath. Particular attention was being given

to some very private areas.                 "Oh,

good morning master. Did you approve of the friend I found you? Did she provide

plenty of warmth and entertainment?"                He

smiled. "Yes she did. She was very nice. Will she show up again?"                "She

might," she said with a smile. Then she ran off with her bag. She didn't return

for some time, and if you know the story, she had captured some lovely partridges

and had taken them to the king, presenting them as a gift from her master,                 By the

time she got back, it was late and he was angry. "I've had no food today. Where

have you been?"                She

growled a little at him. "I've been looking to your future." She then stalked

off;  tail high, to patrol the area for

dangers.                 He was

sitting there grumbling by the fire when he heard footsteps. He looked up and

saw the girl again, just as she was the night before. She had apparently been

following them.  She smiled and sat down,

handing him a piece of cheese. "Here, you look hungry and I don't need you

running out of steam on me tonight." He bit into it and nodded.                This

time she was on her knees, with her head down, while he pounded her from

behind. It was a lot like doing a lamb, only she was more stable and less prone

to being knocked over.  He grabbed her

hips and plowed into her like there was going to be no tomorrow. She had her

hands planted to stabilize her body, but her head was rubbing violently on the

blanket. When he came, he pushed himself almost to a standing position. Her

legs came off the ground, leaving her feet momentarily off the blanket.                He

dropped back down to his knees, panting. He slipped out, but for the moment he

was too satisfied to care. She got up, lifted her ass and sat on his lap. He

could feel his cock ram back in and gasped. Whatever she was doing, it was

freakishly good. She humped his lap for a few minutes, growling and crying out

until she fell forward again. It was then that he saw the tinge of  blood on his cock. It wasn't much, but it was

there. In the firelight, he could just see some around her rear hole.                "Did

you just..?"                She

wiggled her ass. "Yeah. Sometimes I like it rough."                They

had more connections before they were both exhausted. Come morning she was

gone. Puss was back, stretching and walking gingerly. "So young master, how is

this new girl working out?"                "I like

her. How long will she keep showing up?"                "I

suppose as long as you like. Well, shall we be off? I need to look into getting

you a castle."                Hopefully

you know the story of how Puss defeated the ogre. If not, reread the original

story. If you'll recall, the ogre, after a few impressive transformations,

turned into a mouse and she ate him. That's it, nothing kinky or weird. Well,

an ogre turning into a mouse is pretty weird, but then again...                The cat

had of course been referring to her owner as the Master of Carabas. In a

cleverly designed scheme, she soon had everyone in the area referring to this

unknown lord by that title. The castle now was to become her master's but as he

was still a ways away, so they were going to have to wait one more night.                The

same routine transpired. The cat chose a grand location near a river and the

road. This was where they set up camp. After their meal, she slipped off into

the darkness. Alvere waited expectantly by the fire. He was beginning to wonder

about this girl. It seemed odd that she would travel the same places he did,

yet not accompany him during the day. He was suspicious, but as there was no

one to discuss his musings with. Maybe it was because she had no clothes to

wear.                 Sure enough, the girl showed back up. As

usual, she was wearing only her shoes and nothing else. He had to remark about

this. "Why do you travel naked? If you have shoes, why not a dress?"                "I go

to bed naked. Then I get up and put on the shoes. These shoes draw me to you ...I

think so anyway because I always end up here, where you are."                He

smiled. She sounded just a little crazy. That; or she was lying. It hardly

mattered to him. He had grown rather fond of these late night meetings. So was

she, for she was quick to undress him and pounce on his cock. She licked it

until his sperm spill out, after which she lapped it all up. She returned to

sucking it until it grew hard again. Then she rolled on her back and pulled him

with her. "I want you to fuck me like you've never done it before."                He

wasn't certain what that meant. So, he dropped down, kneed her legs apart, and

rammed it in with more savagery than he felt. He liked her and didn't want to

hurt her. But she seemed into it. She grabbed his shoulders and hung on. He

thought of little lambs and naked girls and the stories the older boys had told

and was soon pounding away like a madman.  And so they carried on into the wee hours of

the morning.                Come daylight,

Puss was sitting there looking at him. "Oh fine master, I would suggest that

you take a bath. The river is close by and there is no telling who you might

meet on the road. It would be best to be at least a little clean."                He

found the idea acceptable. He smelled a little gamey from being out on the

road. He got up and headed for the river. The cat grabbed his clothes and hid

them in a bush. She knew the king and princess, plus a whole entourage of royal

servants would be coming by. Of this, you should remember from the original

story.                Puss

stopped the carriage, and the king recognized her right way. "Whatever is the

matter, little one?"                "My

master! Oh my poor master! Thieves and brigands have taken his belongings,

right down to his clothes. Then they dumped him in the river and laughed at

him. You must help!"                The

king directed his servants to get the lad from the river and find him suitable clothes.

Once he was duly dressed, he did indeed look the part of a young prince. The

king invited him into the carriage. He was nervous what to say to one of such

royal bearing, knowing full well he himself was an imposter. But his mouth

failed him when he saw the princess. She seemed to narrow her focus at him as

well.                He was

carful with what he said. "Hello princess. You are quite lovely."                "And

you prince, are quite handsome. Have we met before?"                He

wasn't certain how to reply. This was the same girl he had been screwing for

the past three nights, yet, how could it be? She lived in the castle and that

was too far for one person to walk at night. Besides, she didn't seem to fully

recognize him. Then again, she looked a bit different in royal clothing, as

opposed to being naked. His thoughts nearly betrayed him and he had to fight

down an erection.                He too

might seem different now that he was in good clean clothing. The carriage

jerked to a start as they headed off towards his "castle". Puss had already

made proper arrangements with the staff, telling them of their new master and

how the king was going to visit. The staff spent the entire night cleaning up

the bones and mess left by the ogre and by the time the royal parade arrived,

the place was nearly perfect. Puss made the announcement of her master, and the

castle's crew all made bows and pretended they had known him for years. Whoever

he was, he would be better than an ogre. The king was impressed.                So,

cutting to the chase, the princess married the miller's son and moved into the

castle. On their wedding night, he was surprised to find that the princess was

a virgin. He had wondered about her tales of lust, but was willing to forgive

them in light of how well she was in performing. They lay there for a while

after their third or fourth time. He finally had to ask. "My dearest one, how

are you so good, being yet inexperienced and all?"                She smiled

and kissed him. "I have had many a dream, my husband, and in those dreams I did

the most sinful things. Some of them were with you, I think, or someone much

like you. The days leading up to our meeting at the river are very much burned

into my memory. I could almost swear it was you. Does that sound strange?"                "No. Call

it premonition. I'm glad we met when we did." He hugged her and thought to

himself, and I owe it all to a cat. That made him sit up. "I'll be right back."                He

found Puss sitting in her own room, one he had reserved for her exclusive use.

She saw him and smiled. "How was the wedding night?"                "Fine!

And she was a virgin too. How is that possible?"                "Silly

boy, because she never had sex before!"                "But

she is the same girl who had been coming to me at night. We had a lot of sex."                "Now

how could the princess come to you at night in the middle of nowhere? That's

ridiculous. It was only you and me out there in the wilds."                "But

she was there! I'm not crazy!"                "No,

but you're not as well versed in life as I am. Put a little magic in the boots,

and make another pair with the same magic and you'd be surprised what you can

do."                "I

don't understand!"                "I

dropped magic powder on my boots, and I dropped magic power on the princess's

shoes. I stole a pair that fit her perfectly. That way, I could change into her

form and make love to you. You wanted a companion at night didn't you?"                He

gulped. "Well, yes, but you mean I've been screwing a cat?"                She

giggled. "They don't call it getting pussy for nothing young one. I assumed the

princess's shape. But you see, I'm no virgin. If you will recall, I have had

two litters since coming to the mill. I am well rounded in the ways of pleasing

males."                "But

what about Adrienne?"                "What

about her?"                "Will

she be able to do all that stuff too?"                "In

time."                He

paused. "Came you and I do again then sometime?"                "Alvere!

You have a wife now!"                "I

know. But can we?"                She

purred in his face. "As often as you like dear, as often as you like."               

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