No Money, But Two Bucks to Spend

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#7 of Miscellany

Another one I cranked out to compliment tthe other deer story. Kind of the flip side, you might say. Title is a little lame, but I couldn't come up with a catchy one on short notice.


know, my job has taken me to quite a few places and allowed me to experience

some pretty interesting things. Some of them have been quite memorable. A few

have been close to unbelievable. One or two I have never discussed with a

single soul. This story is about one of those unmentionables.                My name

is Alan. I work for the forestry service studying vectored diseases. What's

that? It's the study of how disease is spread by things like ticks and insects.

I study not only pathogens that affect animals, but also plant illnesses, like

Dutch Elm Disease. I know it sounds boring, but it's really not.                So

anyway, I was in a wildlife preserve run by the state, and not too far from my

house, looking into an occurrence of... oh never mind. I'm sure you really don't

care. Needless to say I was looking into an outbreak of a particular disease.

It wasn't unusual for me to travel alone, and this was no exception. I carried

a firearm, but it that was mostly following regulations. I wasn't big into

killing.                I hiked

for several miles off the standard trails, using my GPS to guide me. I was

familiar with these woods, but you can never be too careful. After about two

hours, and several stops to examine the area I was in, I heard a noise. I

wasn't alarmed exactly, but I did put on my guard. It was approaching the end

of September and that meant several things. In this case, the noise sounded

like a snort from a deer. Bucks were probably getting into rut and that could

mean trouble.                I pulled

the gun out of its holster but kept the safety on. I didn't need to be shooting

at things that didn't deserve to die. I jumped up on a fallen tree and scanned

the surrounding woods. The noise repeated itself. I looked in that direction

and couldn't see anything at first. Then I saw some movement at ground level. I

walked along the trunk until I was in a better position to see. I nearly

laughed when I did.                Two

bucks had gotten themselves into a competition to see who was the better male.

Head butting was the most common form of contest between them, but it was known

to be fatal in several odd manners. These two had managed to force their

antlers together in such a way that they were now locked together. And I mean

good and tight.                The

proper thing for me to have done was to walk away. I know it sounds cruel, but

it was sort of a Darwinian thing. If these two were so stupid as to get their

antlers locked, they deserved t die. But I just wasn't that heartless. The

problem was, what could I do? As it was, they both smelled me and freaked. They

stood; lungs heaving, eyes wild with fear as I approached. However, there was

no team effort and all they did was pull against each other.                I

carefully walked around them. They were both fairly young males. They both had nice

racks, though one of them had lost a tip in their fight. The bigger one was

jerking his head from side to side, trying to get loose. The younger one was

standing on wobbly legs and finally collapsed back to the ground, nearly taking

his comrade with him.                The

bigger buck was getting very anxious, not surprising since technically I was a

predator. I was wondering how long they had been this way when I noticed his

penis as it slid out. I assumed it was a stress reaction or some sort, but for

some reason seeing it made me a bit horny.                 I

problem was, there was nothing I could do about it. Then I backtracked my

thought processes. Maybe there was. I dropped my backpack and equipment on the

ground and jumped back up on the fallen tree. Sure enough, I found what I was

looking for. I returned to my pack and extracted a hatchet. I walked a few

hundred feet to a large tree. I carefully cut out a portion of bark and peeled

it off the inner wood.                I walked

back and set the bark down on the ground, making sure to keep the inside

portion facing upwards. I took off my jacket and unbuttoned my shirt. I would

have completely undressed, but it was a bit chilly and I figured my boots were

a necessity.                 I picked

up the bark and scraped the inside, where it was wet and glistening. I don't

know why I bothered, but I told the buck what it was.                 "This

here is Slippery Elm bark. There isn't anything much slicker you'll find in

these woods except for slime mold.  The

early pioneers used to gather it and ship it back east. It had a lot of uses,

but mostly in medicine. This isn't going to cure what ails ya, but I promise

you both I'll get you both separated when I'm done."                I

rubbed some on his asshole. His tail kept flipping down, and I swore under my

breath. "Look you stupid animal; either you cooperate or I leave you to die.

I'd say your choice has already been made for you. I'm the only one who can

change that for you."                He

still struggled, but he was weakening. I could have gone after the other one,

but he was already on the ground. I have a feeling that would have been more

difficult. I lubed up my cock, wiped my hand on my pants and grabbed him by the

tail. I slipped off like greased lightning.                I had a

feeling that would be the case. I took off my shirt and snapped it underneath

his belly, grabbing the sleeve as it came back up the other side. I locked the

material in my fingers and pulled him backwards a few inches. I then awkwardly

worked my penis under his tail until I felt soft tissue. With an upward stab I

pushed into his ass.                         He let

out a cry; sort of a hoarse grunt and tried to get away. If he hadn't been

locked with another buck, I would never have been able to restrain him. As it

was, he was going nowhere. I pushed in hard, throwing him off balance. He fell

forward on his front legs, pulled down by the weight of the other male.                This

gave me a moment to get his tail out of the way. Once that was done, I pushed

in all the way, making him grunt and bellow. Now I wasn't equipped like he was

when it came to length, but I was sizably thicker. He knew it when I was shoved

up deep in his ass. I could feel his hind quarters quiver as I forced myself

all the way in.                 Now at

this moment, you're thinking to yourself, why would a wildlife person such as

myself do such a thing? The answer is complicated, but it's a bit like

this.  I like animals, more so perhaps

than I like people. As the dominant species on this planet, we do a lot of

collateral damage by our mere existence here. I have never hunted in my life,

and while I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, I do my best to eat food that is

sustainable.  I'm sort of a live and let

live kind of guy, but I figured there was little harm to come from my dalliance.                Therefore,

having a little fun like this was acceptable to me. If you think of all the

animals that get hit on the road and are left in pain for hours until they die,

then you'll come around to my way of thinking. I get a little something I want

and in return these two boys would get to live on a little longer to propagate

their species. Sure I could have separated them without doing this, but then

again, I could have just let them die. If you don't like it, take your moral

high ground and leave.                The big

buck quit struggling, perhaps aware that it hardly mattered what he did. On the

other hand, maybe he liked it. I know I did. I never considered myself of one

sexual orientation or another, so I hardly thought of what I was doing as gay.

Bestiality? Well that much was obvious. I figured once you went with animals,

the other concepts were pretty much moot.                I got a

good grip on his thighs and went to work. He tried to move on occasion, but the

other male was lying exhausted on the ground. I'd say the one I was presently pounding

was about two hundred and twenty pounds while his smaller rival was around one

hundred and seventy. Trust me, if you have that much dead weight hanging on

your antlers, you're not in the position to move.                I got

into a groove, were I would pull back until my cock was just out, and then I

would push back in with a firm shove. His tail kept getting in the way, but as

I was enjoying the feeling, I did my best to ignore it. His grunts as I pushed

in were little auditory enticements to keep going.  I had the audacity to wonder what the other

buck was thinking. He had to be wondering what was up, with his larger

companion wiggling and grunting.                I

plowed on for a few minutes, aware that I wasn't going to last long. I hadn't

topped off the tank in a while, so a hole this tight was rubbing me in all the

right ways.  Sure enough, with a burst of

energy, I slammed it home until I was filling his narrow confines with cum.                I

leaned against his butt for a few minutes while I caught my breath. I finally

pulled out and pulled up my pants. I wasn't too worried about cleaning up. By

the time I got home after a day in the woods I was often covered in mud and

dirt. Today, it was going to just be a different kind.                Once I

was done, the big buck fell over to the ground. If he stayed there, he was

going to make the next part easier. I got out my folding camping saw and went

to work on their antlers. I had to cut three sections off before I managed to

get them loose. The big guy struggled to his feet and stood there swaying for a

moment. Then he hobbled off into the deeper sections of the forest. I watched

him go, wondering if he would still have an interest in does after this.                 The

other one was still lying on the forest floor. Being the smaller of the two,

his ordeal had taken more out of him. He looked up at me, wondering if I was

going to act the predator and take his life. I don't think he had enough sense

to understand that he was free.  I had

several water bottles with me so I opened one and forced it between his lips.

Once he figured out what it was, he eagerly lapped it up.                 I

suppose they had been here long enough to get dehydrated. I figured that once

he had his strength back he would get up and go. Not leaving his recovery to

chance, I decided to stay with him. I searched around for an open area and

found some tall grass and pulled it up. 

I carried it back and dropped it in front of his nose. He didn't react

right away, but after a few minutes he sat up and began to chew it.                I sat

down and watched him. I assumed that once he had the strength to stand we would

part ways. I walked around the area, doing a bit of survey work so I could

claim I was doing something productive out here. Every time I came back he was

still there. He no longer seemed spooked by me, which I had no idea how to

take. The only animals that didn't show fear were either pets or the dying. He

was neither.                 I sat

next to him and rubbed the spot between his antlers. He lifted his head and

licked my hand. Not what I expected, but then, there is no way of telling how

animals are going to react.  I figured if

he was going to be docile, I would do a precursory examination on him. He

seemed healthy enough, though his weight was probably down some. He had a few lingering

ticks stuck to his ears, but they numbered only half a dozen.                His

hooves were in good condition, and his antlers were crowned with six points. A

few were now missing thanks to me. It hardly mattered in the long run. In a few

months he would lose them anyway. I patted his haunches and lifted his tail. He

didn't flinch. I rubbed his ball sack, feeling two tightly packed testicles

inside. He didn't move a muscle. I ran my finger to his ass and rubbed it. Still,

he remained motionless. I wasn't given to thinking more into something than it

deserved, but I was left wondering if he was waiting to give payment for his

life.                I

figured he could leave whenever he wanted, so I dropped my pants and scraped up

some more of the slick sappy fluid from the bark. I had to get him to a setting

position at least before I was going to be able to do anything with him. It

took a few tries to get him where I wanted him. From there it was simply

ignoring the twigs digging into my knees.                I

lifted his tail and rubbed my fingers across his ass, working in a few just for

good measure. I could feel him tighten up around them, but he still didn't

move. I was more than ready despite the short interval and push myself against

his hole and shoved. It was a bit tighter than his rivals had been. My position

on the ground was more stable, but hardly more conducive.  In retrospective, I should have flipped him

over on his back and done him that way. It might have been interesting getting

his cock to come out. I could have stroked him off.                As it

was, my present position was suitable for an extend play time. Having already

blown a load, I was content to rock back and forth and simply enjoy the feel of

his insides. I kept waiting for that moment when he had enough and struggled to

his hooves. I'll tell you right now it never happened. I plugged that buck for

the next thirty minutes. It was a good thing I was enjoying myself, because

when I was done, my knees were dented from sticks and small stones and black

with dark humus.                I

finally came in a flurry of slamming movements that launched my weight into his

with considerable impact. It was funny; I had closed my eyes and was imagining

him as a doe. Having already fucked a stag, I couldn't help wondering what a

female would be like. It was what I was fantasizing about when I dumped my load

deep inside his ass.                I sat

there panting like a runner after a marathon. I was loathe to move, so I stayed

pressed up tightly against his butt. I could feel his body reacting now that I

wasn't moving. He felt so enticingly wonderful I thought about try to get him

home. I live in the country not too far away as the crow flies. My vehicle however,

was hardly equipped for hauling a deer around. I patted his hip and talked him for

a bit. I finally sighed and pulled out. I laughed when I noticed his tail was

still standing tall. His ass was slowly closing with little starts and stops,

just like he was inviting me for seconds. The problems was, his firsts had been

my seconds. He was going to have to go find a girl and carry on the traditional

way. I stood, finished getting dressed

and walked in front of him. I grabbed his now mangled antlers and pulled him

up. His feet found purchase on the ground and he rose on four wobbly legs. He

was motionless for a moment before trying to walk forward. He was saved from

crashing into the ground by a small sapling. He leaned against it for a moment,

all the while watching me.I came over and rubbed his head

again. He seemed to enjoy it, but the fact was I need to be heading back to the

car. I rubbed his neck, patted his sides and walked away. I got to the car a

while later, threw my stuff in the trunk and drove off. I likely had a big

smile on my face the entire short ride home.So; you probably think this is the

end of the story. Not really, but I can let you think that if you like. But the

fact was I happened to know a fellow who raised deer.  And I mean all kinds of deer, from White

Tails to Elk. That being said even that was hardly going to be the end of this

story.You see, I was sitting outside that

following weekend. My house is situated along side a woods, with my backyard

being mostly trees and bushes. I was sitting on the back porch when I spotted a

brown shape coming towards the house. It was a stag, though a slightly rough

looking specimen. I figured he didn't see me up on the porch. He seemed to be

searching for something, and since I hadn't spotted a female in this area

lately, I knew he was out of luck. It was when he got closer that I nearly spit

out my beer.He had a ratty looking set of

antlers alright. It was my buddy from a couple of days before! I found it

highly improbable that he had somehow managed to follow me, but here he was! I

stood up. His head jerked in my direction. I could sense he was sizing me up.

Then, with a purposeful step, he walked right up to the edge of the porch. I

reached out a scratched his head. He nuzzled my hand. It looked like I had made

a new friend! It looked like things weren't going to be boring around here


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