Mr Smith Finds Room for Two

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#7 of The Life of Diogenes

As always, if you find I missed a tag, feel free to add it.

"Hello Madame Voltura. I see you've

made friends. Good!""Mistress, I'm so sorry. I, I,

I..."                 But the

elvish looking woman was looking at the two other felines.                 "How

lovely are you two! And my, what a big strong handsome tiger you are! Too bad you belong to

someone else. I never took the time to get acquainted with the male of any

species. They are such brutes and pigs in my world."                Diogenes

cleared his throat. He felt like a kid in the candy  jar, having just got caught filching a piece.

There was an uncomfortable silence. The woman smiled.                 "If you

think I'm angry, please note that I am not. What would I do if I was? Punish

you?"                Kakhra,

figuring someone had to talk, stepped forward. "We are so very sorry milady. I

am a denizen of this world, but he is not."                She

looked a little close at him. "No? He suits this place well. Do you have a

name?"                "Diogenes

ma'am. Diogenes Smith."                "Smith?

How very bland. At least your mother had the grace to give you an unusual first

name to offset the commonality of your surname."                "And

you are?"                "Dying."                Madame

Voltura screamed. "No!"                "Oh

hush dear. We both knew this day would come. It comes for all of us. I was

coming to tell you, and to release you if I could."                "Mistress

no! I'll not have you go!"                "I

would stay if I know that. But I am what I am. And speaking of that;

what are you exactly Mr. Smith?"                "A

person?"                "Very

funny. You seem an anomaly here. Why were you engaged as you were with my

creation? I am not angry, mind you. It's nice to see her getting out and

exploring. But what you three were doing is, as far as I know, impossible.

Trust me, I have seen others I'd like to bed, even males such as yourself. This

world is full of sensuality."                "I

really can't answer that properly. Kakhra is my creation. I came here... Well, I

don't know. I have no idea what happened to me in real life. Before, I only

ever came here when dreaming. But it was never this real before. And I can do

things.'                "What

things?"                Kakhra

blurted it out. "He can free us for our commitments to our creators, he can

modify this world and all in it as he wishes, and he can even control other

creators!"                "Control

other creators? This is not good."                "Why

not?" he demanded.                "You

silly, stupid man. This world is only a dream, no matter how real you make it

seem. People come here for many reasons. Sometimes those reaons are pure, and

sometimes they are not. But who are you to judge what someone does in their own

dreams?"                "Well

for one, I don't like torture."                "Nor do

I. I take it you found something you disapproved of and did something about

it?"                "Yes."                "An

what if I did something you didn't approve of?"                Well,

uh. I don't think you could. I mean, you're so beautiful!"                "How I

look on the outside has nothing to do with what is on the inside Mr. Smith.

Take me to this person you found to be so disagreeable."                He

hesitated, not wanting her to see what he had done. He suddenly felt very

small.                "Mr.

Smith, I am eighty seven years old. I doubt you are even close. If you want an

idea of who you're messing with, allow me to show you."                She

grew and changed into the most horrific, red-skinned demon. She stood towering

over the three of them, snorting smoke. Her voice grew deep and threatening.

"You see Mr. Smith, we all have dark sides. Here, we can express them harmless

to the people we live with, and eat with, and work with. Can you imagine the

world if we didn't have a place to vent."                He

nodded and in a flash, all three were back where they had first found the ogre

and the unicorn. The elf was back to being an elf. She look upon a rather nasty scene. It was the creator who was chained down, and the other was

working him over in much the same fashion he had done to her. Their places had

been swapped from his original fanatsy.                "Oh

dear. Is that you Mr. Montgomery?"                The

unicorn nodded it's head.             "I told you you need to deal with your wife in a

better fashion. Now this other gentleman has gone and reversed your situation

here. I'm so sorry!"                The

unicorn finally found its voice. "Believe it or not, this is better! I feel bad

taking out my frustrations on this here sweet creature of mine. So we are

presently evening the score. I hope I don't wake up for another three days!"                "Are

you sure Mr. Montgomery? I don't think this other gentleman, Mr. Smith, quite

had the right to punish you in this manner."                "Smith?

The tiger? He made his point early on. He was right. If I ever get out of here

again, I'm going to tell my wife just what she can do with herself. I was

simple transferring my aggression here, instead of standing up to my problems.

Marelyn deserves so much more!"                 The

woman glanced at the black stallion. "Mr. Smith dear, are you going around

changing people's genders too? You had better reign in such power. You'll have

everyone turned on their heads in no time. Of course, I can't stop you, but I

would counsel you to be careful. This world is very complex. Your answer is to

bring it in line with your own beliefs and feelings. That is simply not fair."                He

lowered his head. "I didn't mean to do anything wrong."                "Many

of us don't. It's no excuse. Release Mr. Montgomery and his creation."                "She is

already. What she does, she does out of her own free will." With a flash, the

shackles were gone.                "Now

change him back."                The unicorn

spoke up. "Could we wait a bit please? I was just getting into this. It's way

more fun than what I was doing before." He sounded hopeful."Oh Mr. Montgomery, if that's the

way you want it, who am I to argue? Just don't stay too long. A body will waste

away if you spend too much time here."                "And

that would be bad? Let the old biddy deal with things." But he took her warning

to heart.                "Mr

Smith?"                "Yes?"                "You

are a remarkable man. Are you an artist or a writer?"                 "No. I was tailored to work in an office.

Imagination was pretty much beaten out of me at an early age."                "But not

entirely. It seems to me that you are something special. No one has ever had as

much power here as you do. That could prove to be dangerous."                "Might

I ask how?"                "You

may. But I will not tell you. Until you show better judgment, I will decline in

answering your question."                "Hmmph.

A lot of good that will do me when you die. You'll take the answer with you."                "Why

Mr. Smith, you are much wiser than you first appear. Indeed. So I will offer

you a trade."                "What

for what?"                "I am

dying as we speak. In my unconsciousness, I have traveled here to say goodbye.

This has been a source of happiness for me for years. Now, I must lose it. I

doubt there will be anything left of me to remember it, but for now, my

departure brings me sadness."                "And?"                "And? I

liked to stay here forever."                "So

stay."                "No one

can do that Mr. Smith. Until now, I thought it was impossible. But you

there is a glimmer of hope. So if you try and keep me here, I will guide you in

the use of your power."                He

created a chair out of nothingness and sat down. "I like the way you think. But

I am uncertain how I would go about doing that."                "Me

either."                "And..."                "And, I

want something else. But I will not demand it."                "What?"                "You

said you've never had a male before. I'm male..."                "Why

Mr. Smith! You're so forward! You've got yourself a deal. Just remember, in

real life, I'm a wrinkled old crone."                "And in

real life, I'm a balding, nothing-to-look-at accountant. It's what we are here

that counts."                "That

may be. But you had best worry about what you're going to do for me right now Mr.

Smith. I can feel my heartbeat slowing."                He

froze. He had no idea what to do. He suddenly panicked. Then, in a moment of

desperation, he made a motion. The elfish woman screamed and twisted into his

body. She disappeared into his massive tiger frame."                Voltura

raced forward and beat on him. "What did you do?"                Before

he could react, the lady stepped from his body. It was the freakiest thing he

had ever felt.                 "You're

either brilliant Mr. Smith or you're the biggest fool in the world."                "What

did I do?"                She

snorted. "You don't even know? Men. Shoot first and ask questions later. You

just absorbed me into your body. Your real body! If you ever leave here and

wake up back in the real world, you'll take me with idiot!"                Even as

she was saying this, he could feel the connection. "Sorry."                "What

is done is done. I have an open mind to new things. I hope you do to." "What do you mean?"                "You

see Voltura there?"                The

feline took a bow.                "Yes,

of course."                "Look

at her. She is as perfect for my needs as anyone could be. But she isn't

everything wrapped into one. She has faults, and does not embody perfection. Perfection is an

endless pursuit. So what you need to do is to quit trying to change things to please

yourself. You can choose to please others, if that's your choice, but never the

other way around...not unless you ask them first. You may find that this world

has a lot to offer you...and you'll never grow bored, if you take everyone as they

are. Do that, and they will do the same for you."                "But

everyone already seems to know about my power. Everyone will want me and

they'll be willing to do anything for me to help them."                "I'm

sure that is so. Denying them help would be wrong, but be careful what you help

brings. There must alays be rules here or the fabric of it will break apart,

like a canvas in a thunderstorm."                "Occupational

hazard?"                She smiled, knowing what he meant. "Painting

is a passion. So yes, I've lost a few to the elements."                "You

know, I've never asked your name."                "No you

haven't"                Silence.                "Well?'                "Well...what's

your name, if I might ask?"                "You

might."                "Might

what?" he said, getting flabbergasted"You might ask my name.""Oh never mind. You're one of those

people aren't you?""Yes I am. And you will learn to

appreciate it too."He was very precise in his next

question. "Are we going to connect as humans, or as we are?""Mr. Smith, you are very

impertinent.  What's wrong with an elf

and a tiger?""Nothing I guess. It's just that I

can make allowances if necessary.""No such thing! It's you and I as

we presently are. That is what I got myself in for and that is what I will

carry through with. ""If you say so ma'am. I easily out

weight you.""So confident! Just how many of the

beings here have you already corrupted?""Corrupted. I've set them free! Is that wrong?""Oh, we'll talk about it later.

Maybe then you'll be a little more informed. Be it understood that I have no

reservations about coupling with you. I have lived my life, so if I happen to

die here, by any means, it will be no great loss." Then she paused."Mr. Smith? Is there a Mrs. Smith?""No.""I didn't think so. You have a lot

to learn about women. For example, if a woman tells you she'll go to bed with

you, you don't debate her on fine points. Unless you don't find me attractive?"He about choked. "No, no, no!

You're so lovely you make my eyes hurt."She batted her eyes. "Now that's

better. A little flattery will go a long way.""It wasn't flattery. It was

honesty."                She

smiled even broader. "All the better then Mr. Smith."                "Diogenes.

Please call me Diogenes."                "If you

insist. I guess you at least found an honest woman."                His

eyebrows went up, but he said nothing. At a loss, he made a mental image of a

forest, one with smooth tree trunks, hanging gray moss, and carpets of flowers

and ferns. In the next instant, it was there. They were the only ones standing

in it.                "Very

nice! I take it you were looking for a suitable place for our rendezvous. It

seems a bit trite, but we can go with it."                "If you

have a better idea..." He let the thought trail off.                 "As a

matter of fact..." In the next instant the place grew dark. When he light

returned, it was a sumptuous Art Deco hotel room, complete with wet bar, satin

sheets, music and a view overlooking a large metropolitan city.                "Really?"

he asked.                "Certainly.

Haven't you ever wanted to travel back into the past? Here you can. Sure it's

not real, but who cares?"                "A

tiger and an elf in a hotel room making out in what? The 1920s? I must say, it's beyond my ability

to think up. So why not?"                "Good!"

In one fluid movement she doffed her clothing. It hit the floor with barely a

whisper. Her real body was old and dead, or at least dying now without her, but

here she was as exquisite as sculpted alabaster. The only touch of true colors

were the rosy nipples and the lightly color patch of crotch hair. While the

long hair on her head was nearly white, that between her legs was a cropped

patch of pale emerald green.                As a

tiger, he wasn't obliged to wear clothing here. His fur was sufficient. So he

had nothing to remove. But Voltura's demonstration had been correct. There was

something to be said for giving a show. Still, the elf was fascinating in her

own right. He hoped she could really handle what he could give.                She lay

on the bed and motioned to him. "Don't waste time. I have no idea how much I

now have, but thanks to you, I have more than I did before. And while time here

is relative, in the real world, it ticks by inexorably. If your body dies, I

can't say what will become of us. So make this good Mr. Smith."                 He felt

out of place, but did as he was directed. He could smell her as he climbed on

top, straddling her to keep his massive weight off her delicate frame. She

evoked memories of woodlands and greenery. It was such a sharp contract to

their surroundings. But he didn't argue. What he had to figure out was how to

initiate their tryst.                She

saved him the agonizing decision. She reached up and with a strength that

surprised him, she pulled him down. She leaned into his whiskered face and

kissed him.                 "Hmm.

Not too different from Voltura, if a little bigger. And you do have a unique

male smell to you. I find it exotic."                Her

hands traveled down his belly to his crotch. He couldn't help himself. His cock

sprang forth with a will of its own.  Her

gentle hands cupped it and stroked it with an assured touch.                "I'm

surprised. I thought most males preferred the rule of bigger is better. While

I'm sure this is bigger than what you have in real life, I think it will be

just perfect."                "Don't

you mean purrrrrfect?" he teased.                "Perhaps

I do." He suddenly felt his cock grow so rigid it hurt. Her hands seemed to

have electricity running through them. His passion for her jumped to unlimited

bounds. He was aware that she had done something, but he wasn't sure just what

that had been.                Like he

needed extra help in feeling horny! His only reason for ever coming here in his

dreams was to wake up in the real wrold and need to wash the sheets. That made

him wonder what was going on with his real body, where ever it was. But he didn't

wonder too much. There was too much going on here.                Her

body seemed small and fragile underneath his. Her arms however, had the

strength of his. She pulled up her knees and pulled him down. "I doubt you'll

hurt me big guy. So don't go easy on me!"                He had

his orders. Forgoing any diplomacy or decorum, he kneed her legs wide open and

pushed in. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as his cock split apart her

lips and penetrated into her pink depths. It dawned on him that while it seemed

only marginally different from anything else he had so far done here, the fact

that this was a real person, albeit in the dream world, it was more like he was

really having sex with an actual person. He found it somehow more exciting.                She

gasped involuntarily as his cock stretched her tight. Having played with toys

in partnership with her creation, this woman now found that having a real male, who in essence

was now in charge, was quite different. She nearly cried out, in part because

of the discomfort, but mostly because she herself was no longer in control. Her

heart speed up and her pulse quickened. If she had been in her real body, it would have been too much for it to handle. However, she was a woman of her word.

She'd ride it out until the end.                Diogenes

pushed in hard, wondering belatedly if she had a maidenhead. Apparently she did

not, despite being a virgin in real life. Here, obviously, she wasn't; not

precisely. So if there had been anything to worry about, it hardly made a

difference. He dug his claws into the bed and pulled his whole body into his

effort to sink in deep. He hit bottom and ended up pushing her whole body

forward a few inches. He only stopped when he heard her suck in a breath

through clenched teeth.                 "Sorry."                "Nonsense.

I can take it. It's just that... Well, this is new for me. I suppose you must

feel something through that cock of yours..."                He

mentally scratched his head. "Of course I do. Much like I'd hope to think you

do inside you."                She

sighed. "You see, a strap on is just a strap on. Only the other person can

feel anything significant."                "Oh, I

see." He considered a moment before trying something unusual. In the next, she

let out a groan.                "What

did you do?"                "I

have merged our pleasures into one. What I feel, you feel. What you feel, I

feel. I figured we're in the same body right now, so we might as well act as

one. Don't you agree?"                She

concentrated on the sensations surrounding his cock. No wonder guys were always

trying to have sex! She often had similar feelings inside her, but she could

feel that there was a constant urgency inside his male body. It was a

biological imperative. It was very nearly the driving force in his life,

whether he recognized it or not.                He

sucked in a breath. He suddenly felt a presence inside him that was very

unfamiliar. It took a moment to recognize that is was his cock inside her. She

was taut from having his disproportionate cock inside her. So what was great

for him wasn't quite the same for her. That was good to know.                She

noticed the same thing. It was no wonder there was often trouble in the

bedroom. Her friends had regaled her with tales of their husbands; how some

were great and others flops. Communication seemed to make the difference

between the two groups. She went to open her mouth. He beat her. She could feel

his size drop marginally. He stopped right where she thought it was perfect.                "It's

like you read my mind!"                He got

a huge tiger smile. "Yes, it is, isn't it?"                He

pushed against her again, shoving himself in tight and forcing her body upwards

on the bed. She retaliated by pushing against the headboard and forcing herself

onto him.                "Mr.

Smith, where have you been my whole life?"                "Ma'am,

for part of it I didn't even exist. I seem to have missed much."                He was

wishing he was back to being in human form. She had such a divine body that it

seemed wasted on his tiger form. But she had declared that they would do it as

they were.                He

placed his paws on the bed at her shoulders. His claws anchored them down. With

a massive push, he started drilling her, slowly at first, but as he could feel

her body respond, he increased his movements. He was now in the enviable

position of working on two levels of pleasure. While he could ignore one or the

other, the benefits from having both were too good to ignore.                She

could feel the sensations her was feeling from being connected with her body.

For the time being, she shifted to his point of view. Truthfully, it was

presently more exciting. In fact, she was suddenly imagining being a male. All

she wanted to do was screw, screw, screw. It was a wonder men had any room in

their brains for a concrete thought! But at the present moment, thinking was

overrated and unnecessary.                 She

willing spread her legs wider and lifted her hips into his thrusts.  Her legs were stronger than they looked. For

someone to be able to remain rigidly in place while being pounded by the might

of a male tiger was incredible, even in a dream world. With her body properly

pinned, he couldn't help but cut loose. He stifled a roar as he built up steam.

He could feel two sets of nerve endings being rubbed and it was driving him nuts.                She too

was overwhelmed. As her body got used to being invaded by a huge, hot-blooded

cock, she allowed the sensations to flow across their connection. Soon she was

lost as to which feelings where hers an which were his. They meshed completely

as one.                Her

legs started to cramp, but she wasn't aware of that yet. All she was aware of

was how incredible it was to be the submissive creature in the encounter,

especially to so fantastic looking a beast as Mr. Smith. She shivered in

contemplation of having an orgasm while this brute was pounding away. She

normally stopped and enjoyed the thrill of the convulsive pleasure, but he

wasn't going to stop. She had no idea what that would do to her overall pleasure.                 She found out. When she came, it was in the

height of his furious pounding. It triggered her into a paroxysm of twitches

and cries. He didn't stop. His own pleasure was washing over her like

increasingly stronger waves crashing into shore. It got to the point she could

no longer stand it. She tried pushing him away. His paws were secured by his

claws and the force of his weight on them. She tried to lower her legs and

found them tight. No matter what she tried she couldn't relax them.                She

started to scream. Her head was rocking back and forth. He had to feel what she

was feeling. Why didn't he stop?                It was

exactly that reason that he didn't. He was sure he would never ever get a

chance like this again. Maybe it was because he was male, or maybe it was

because he was bigger; in the end it didn't matter. He plowed into her,

generating his own form of electricity between their bodies. It felt so

incredible that he forced himself to stop just shy of a climax. He rode that

final wave like a surfer on the biggest heavy of his life.                When he

could take no more, he crashed into her like the surf, spilling foam and energy

everywhere. Her nails dug into him as wave after wave of his cum flowed. When

he was done he collapsed on top, spent. His weight was finally sufficient in

causing her legs to buckle. She hung onto him as if he were a life preserver.                She

finally found her voice. "Mr. Smith. If this is the way you are all the time,

then I cringe to think what you will do to the others here. Perhaps we can

arrange some sort of deal?"                The

tiger pushed off her to look her in the face. "Madame, you have a deal."                "But I

haven't proposed one yet!"                "After

that? You can ask for anything!"        "Be careful Mr. Smith. Anything covers a great deal of territory!"


Mr Smith Learns a Lesson

                Diogenes walked away from the scene with mixed feelings. But he kept his resolve; no one was going to be torturing anyone on his watch. He hooked his arm into Kakhra's and walked away. She looked him over, assessing his present...

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Diogenes Takes Control

                Diogenes decided to take a break. He was rather pleased with himself.  If what the residents here were telling him was true, he could finally make a difference to someone's life. True, he was still determining how real this world was,...

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Diogenes and the Things Deer to Him

                Diogenes had never considered himself a voyeur, and had rarely ever watched pornography. But sitting there, in what at least seemed like real life, watching a dragon and two big felines going at it was pretty intense. In fact, he...

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