Diogenes and the Things Deer to Him

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#4 of The Life of Diogenes

Just letting the stories come as they will. No real rhyme or reason.


had never considered himself a voyeur, and had rarely ever watched pornography.

But sitting there, in what at least seemed like real life, watching a dragon

and two big felines going at it was pretty intense. In fact, he couldn't think

of any human that he would have enjoyed watching more than he was these three.                He

wasn't certain why, but there seemed to be a certain joy in their movements; a

certain freedom to do as they pleased. From what he had seen of the few porno

films he had watched, the actors just seemed either bored with what they were

doing or just plain sloppy.                He

himself was feeling the need to join in. They way they were going at it however

was perfect with just three. He was wondering who in this world he might call

on next, but was unsure how to proceed. He contemplated what other form or

forms he might be interested in. He had no clue if there any limits to the

bounty this world might offer.                He got

thinking about how Pomeroy said that his body could take all kinds of abuse.

While cruelty was beyond his nature, he had to admit a certain curiosity about

the physics that ruled this place. After all, he was presently witnessing a

dragon cock fitting into places it shouldn't.                That

led him to other ponderings. What kinds of things did people dream up? What was

the weirdest? But weird was in the eye of the beholder. He was about to call up

something that he found strange, but hesitated in case he might inadvertently

create something on his own. After all, he had created food. Might his thoughts

generate more creatures as well?                Therefore

he sat in silence until the three were finished. By now he was back to being totally

horny.                 "Kakhra!

Or any of you for that matter. Is it still possible for me to create new

forms?"                They

looked from one to another. "Why would you want to?"                "I

don't. I want to investigate what already exists, and I want to make sure I

don't make matters worse by creating more."                "Oh, I

see. I think you would need to put forth purpose into a new creation. If you're

looking to find someone, I think that all you would need to do is think about

them. If they exist, they will appear as did the dragons." Dressen nodded in

agreement.                "Yes! I

was sitting there bored one second and in a room full of my fellows the next. I

think that all you would need to do is..."                He

stopped talking because he was looking down at a collection of cartoony looking

woodland creatures. "Well I'll be damned..."                The

creatures were looking around in amazement, and perhaps in mild terror.

Diogenes knelt down to their level. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised." The

little fawn backed away. So did his little bunny friend. The skunk raised its

tail and held its ground.                The

fawn spoke in a faltering voice. "What kind of dream is this? No one has

summoned us in forever and now we are to be subjected to this kind of torture?"                The

tiger sat down on the ground. "I didn't mean to frighten you. I was curious if

anyone had ever created something like you before. I suppose a childish dream

must on occasion develop into a real entity."                The

rabbit came forward and tapped his big feet nervously on the floor. "What the

hell are you talking about? And who the hell are you?"                "My

name is Diogenes. And you would be Thumper, Flower and Bambi, am I correct?"                The

three looked at each other. "Yes," they said cautiously.                Dressen

puffed out some smoke in laughter. "Chill you guys. He's a creator."                The

fawn's eyes lit up. "For real?"                "Yes

for real!"                "I've

never seen another creator before!" He reached out and touched the tiger. "You

feel more real than my own master. Of course, I haven't seen him in ages." The

rabbit and the skunk nodded in agreement.                "Can I

ask you three what you did for him?" Diogenes was suppressing any expectations.


drew himself up as tall as he could manage. "Whatever he wanted!"                "Like?"                "What

do you think?" the fawn yelled angrily. "Each and every time it was supposed to

be a breaking of our innocence and our gentle and kind natures. He was too

stupid to realize that after the first time, the matter became moot. Do you

want to know how many times I had to put on a show for that jerk?"                "No,

not really. So you don't have any innocence left.  How would you like freedom? It may help make

things better."                The

fawn looked to the dragon. "What's this nit going on about?"                "He has

the power to release us from our slavery."                "Bullshit!"                "Truth!"                The

little deer turned to the tiger. "Listen buddy, if what he says is true, I'd

suffer through anything once to be free."                "Well

too bad. I wasn't thinking of making anyone suffer. I do have these itches that

keep appearing, and I find it helps to have them scratched in just the right

way. Are you interested?"                "Like I

said... But you don't look like the type who'd be interested in ass fucking a juvenile

deer. But then I don't know you. How do you like it?"                "Whoa

now. What about your friends. Shouldn't this a one for all and all for one

deal?"                Thumper

and Flower came forward. "Count us in. What's the worst that could happen?"                All

three went from looking cute to bending over with their tails raised. Diogenes

just couldn't bring himself to act on it. He touched the deer, then the rabbit

and finally the skunk. They each fell down in turn. It took them a moment to

get up, largely because their body mechanics had shifted considerably.                 Bambi

was standing, very wobbly, on two legs. He was older looking and complete with

antlers, yet still maintained his fawn coat, complete with spots. Thumper was

handling his transformation better, because his feet helped to stabilize him. Flower

was examining his new body with delight.                Bambi

said what they were all thinking. "I don't know who you are, but count me in on

anything you want!"                "Well I

think that would be obvious. I mean, I can't really do it with a bunch of kid's

cartoon characters, but with a little update and I think you're ready to roll!"                Indeed,

they were less cartoony and mush more realistic looking. The deer had strong

legs and arms, and while not overdone in any respect, was a much more mature

and appealing fantasy. So were his companions. Diogenes had quickly overcome

his hesitation with male on male interaction with Pomeroy, and was eagerly

looking forward to more variations.                Now he

had three to deal with. He could think of several scenarios, but found only one

to be to his approval at the present time. He laid it out for them, and while

it raised some eyebrows, they found it much less objectionable to the things

they had done in the past.  The promise

that they would be enjoying themselves sweetened the pot.                Diogenes

was rather surprised to learn that so many here suffered so much.  Apparently people took out there aggression

here, which might be good in his own world, but not so good for the folks that

populated this unusual place.                He

created a suitable setting, adjusting the area around them into a private, and

perfectly sculpted place for their activity. Bambi was to be the focus. Flower

was set on a bar stool fixed to the floor. The deer was standing before him.

Thumper was on his knees under the deer. Diogenes was in back.                The

deer started off by taking in Flower's cock and sucking it. The skunk about

went catatonic. He had enough sense to grab the deer by the horns and hang on.

After that, Thumper took in the deer's cock, coaxing it out of its hiding

place. The deer let out a groan. Diogenes lifted the deer's tail, stretching

his ass until the bright pink was visible. He pressed his cock against it and

pushed, willing an easy entry.                 It slid

in with an ease that made him wonder. He was sporting a sizable cock; not

stupidly huge but bigger than was necessary. Heck, he had no idea how long he

might be in this world, so if he could make himself happy whilst here, he was

going to go for it. Having been average in everything his whole life, he was

now in the position to change all that.                He

pushed in, reveling in the tightness of the deer's ass. He had never been all

that gone on the back door thing, but here it seemed normal. Of course, he had

no idea how many males or females there were in existence in this world. Poor

Dressen had been neither. What a way to live, if living was the proper term for

these creatures.                He soon

forgot about worrying and concentrated on the matter at hand. Or rather, both

hands. He had his paws locked on the hips of that sexy deer. He could see the

skunk, arms locked around those antlers, thrusting his hips ever so slightly

into that cervine mouth. Bambi had his newly created hands braced against the

stool.                A look

at Thumper spoke volumes that the rabbit could handle more than carrots. In fact,

his present demonstration was that he could swallow them whole! Diogenes was

almost envious of the deer.                He

worked in a few experimental pushes, seeing how his partner would react. He had

every intention of being nice, but at the same time he had the need to unload.

This ménage a trios, plus one, was something that had never penetrated his

fairly simple dreams. Now he was penetrating more than he had ever thought

possible and the alterations to this combo were too numerous to count.                Satisfied

that everyone was happily occupying their niches, he proceeded to ram it home.

He had never been a sportsman, the hunting type, but he was thinking up some

pretty wild things they could do along those lines. As it was, he was rather

happy doing what he was doing now.                 The

matter he found the strangest though was that everyone here seemed so

different. Not weird different, which was true nonetheless, but each one acted

as an individual entity. He wasn't sure what he would have expected, but he

figured they would all be rather bland and two dimensional. But his cock was

surrounded on all sides by hot pink flesh, and his paws had a grip on soft

brown fur. It couldn't get much more real than that!                Flower

was sitting there, eyes closed, paws working the deer's rack like the handle of

a tire pump. Apparently that was good enough to inflate his libido (among other

things), because all of that pressure he was building up erupted with a

vengeance. He let go and held onto the stool as he pumped the deer's mouth for

all he was worth.                With

the skunk out of the way, Diogenes lean in and grabbed the antlers. "Hang on!"

were the words he whispered in that cute brown ear as he prepared to pick up

the pace.  Thumper grabbed a hold of the

deer's thighs in an attempt to stabilize himself as the pace quickened.  He soon found himself being deep throated by

the sheer force of two bodies against his single one. Despite this, he found

the sensation to be invigorating. It was absolutely better than anything he had

endured before.                 When the

deer let loose, he was going to stay until his friend had spent every drop of

his fluid. That was when his cock was pulled unceremoniously out of his mouth.

Thumper fell backwards as the deer was suddenly lofted skyward.                 Diogenes

had felt the deer tighten up. Without warning he hauled him up in the air and

used that wonderful cervine body to stroke his own cock. He had his big strong

paws underneath his armpits, and was pushing him down until they both thought

something would break. Of course, it was all a dream, so to speak, so that

would only happen if you wanted it to.                Diogenes

was aware of this, and wished for nothing more than for the hole to stay and

firm and tight as it was at that moment. He also wished the best for his new

friend, hoping that he was feeling as good as he was. Thus, the two nearly went

mad with the exponential buildup of pleasure.                Bambi

was bleating in an undignified manner, each ram of the cock loosening his vocal

cords. Diogenes was literally crushing him with his powerful grip.  Soon the deer's head was jerking back and

forth, no longer under his control. Through it all, the tiger just kept going,

squeezing out more and more time from his new favorite dream.                The

deer was nearly in tears. He wasn't in pain, which was what he had expected.

No, he was in lust. He was in such joy that he did have words. He simply went

limp, allowing his new master to do as he was doing. Even when the big fellow

dropped them to the floor and turned his body one hundred and eighty degrees

until they faced one another, he didn't object.                Not

even when the tiger sped up to a blur did he complain. If this was what he

could expect from now on, then his existence now had some worth. Some might

find this degrading, but not him. He could feel the care this creator was

taking, even with the abuse he seemed to be dishing out.                 When

the end came, the tiger looked like he was trying to tear the deer in half. Two

legs and two arms were flopping about like they had no bones in them. His head

was only remaining still because his antlers were locked into the floor.

Diogenes willed a little life into his limp partner. A reddish pink cock

emerged once again.                 He got

the attention of Thumper, who hadn't gone very far. The rabbit got the idea. He

climbed up and wiggled his furry butt over the waiting cock. The deer just

about blew his load right then. The friction in his ass was almost too

pleasurable to bear any longer, and now his own cock was buried deep. With a

roar, Diogenes let loose with the force strong enough o render an elephant

immobile. The rabbit hung on for all he was worth as that pounding reached a crescendo.                As the

violence of the act subsided, Thumper found he had to take over. In true rabbit

stle he shifted into fast mode and soon had things smoking hot. By the time the

deer let loose, he felt as though he would never ever be able to stand again,

on four feet let alone two.                Diogenes

surveyed the aftermath of his pleasant perversion. "Well deer me! I went from fawning

over a little deer to fucking a buck! This just keeps getting better and


The Fantastic life of Diogenes Smith gets Better.

                Diogenes was laying on the bed with his thickly muscled arms embracing a leopardess on one side and a gorgeous male lion on the other.  He was feeling rather content. As he drifted into a light sleep, he wondered if he actually needed...

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The Fantastic Life Of Diogenes Smith Continues...

               Diogenes was running headlong down the street. Sex with that, that thing had been terrific, but the lion had scared him out of his mind. Now he was running headlong down a cobblestone street, with gas lit lanterns and strange beings on...

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The Fantastic Life of Diogenes Smith

              A man was running through the streets. In itself, this was not unusual. The fact that he was naked and clutching his clothes was a little more out of place, but still, it happened. No, it was the fact that the man was just that; a bone...

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