Mr Smith Learns a Lesson

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#6 of The Life of Diogenes

Sorry for any editing errors. I only had time for a once through. Busy week, and busy weekend. Oh, and this story got away from me. Didn't mean to make it so long.


walked away from the scene with mixed feelings. But he kept his resolve; no one

was going to be torturing anyone on his watch. He hooked his arm into Kakhra's

and walked away. She looked him over, assessing his present mood.                "May I

ask something?"                "What?"

He was more terse than he meant to be.                "I

heard you. You said you loved me."                "I said

in my own way. I'm not certain what I feel."                "Yes,

but you said you loved me. Why would you say that?"                He

stopped walking. "Because I could never find a person to love me. So I created

one that I could without fear of rejection. That was you. So I guess you're as

good as it gets for me."                She

shocked him by roaring and pouncing. "I am not as good as it gets. I'm better!

Just because you can change my appearance doesn't mean you can change my heart.

I have loved you from the day you created me. I know nothing else!"                Diogenes

held his tongue. He didn't know what to say. Sadly, his body was at no such

loss. He felt a rise in his middle section, right where she happened to be

sitting at the moment.                She

grew even angrier. "Is that all I'm good for? Getting you off? Blowing your

wad? Giving you your jollies? Dumping your balls, being your little fuck..."                He

silenced her with a kiss. "Yes. All of those things and more. Do you think I

had any idea that what I dreamed became real? You made my nights more pleasant,

and gave substance to my day dreams. But never have I experienced you like I

have now. So why are you so angry?"                She

began crying. "Because now that you've come here, you can have whomever you

want!"                "You

know, you're right. I can." And he gave her a huge hug.                 She

sniffed back tears. "But I thought you'd be more interested in everyone else."                "I am

interested, you silly feline. But once they're free, who will be there for me?

You !"                She

expressed all of her frustration, love and relief in a way he had never dreamed

of before. While he could easily have thrown her and pinned her, he was much too

caught up in the fierceness of her love making. So he lay there as she poured

every ounce of herself into showing him how much she cared.                It was

later that they still lay where they were, wrapped up in each other's arms. She

was cuddled in close to his side. He was fighting the urge to go again. He

didn't want her to think that was all she was good for, but the fact was, that

had been the reason for her creation. He was remembering the first time, in his

dreams, when she first appeared. It was funny how those things were getting

clearer now, and his former life was fading. But then, to hell with that life.

It had only been work and misery.                He

couldn't help wondering what other felines there were here. Pomeroy had been a

pleasant surprise. The big fellow was handsome, but he had been a he. Despite

his attraction to him, Diogenes didn't feel that he had any homosexual

feelings. In fact, come to think of it, he found he didn't have any distinct

sexual orientation at the moment. That gave him pause for thought; that didn't

seem right. What he now had was a complete sexual orientation. He was an equal

opportunity lover!                "Kakhra?"                A

sleepy voice whispered up to him. "What is it?"                "How

many felines are there here?"                "Oh,

you and your stupid questions. There's probably one more than you can count."                Her

answer wasn't as cryptic as it sounded. There was probably more dream creatures

being created every minute. He was still interested in find out.                "I want

to see the felines of this world!"                It was

a terrible thing to ask for. In the next instant the couple was surrounded by a

sea of furry bodies, ranging from house cats to lions and tigers, pumas and leopards,

ocelots and cheetahs; even a few saber tooth cats, the great

Smilodons.  Kakhra reached down and

pinched his ass.                "Really?

If you're going to occupy yourself thusly, I think I get to have some fun too!"                He

stood and pulled her erect. The crowd was buzzing with conversation. He

bellowed above the noise. "Listen up!" His voice carried like a sonic boom.

Everyone went silent.                "I'd

like to introduce myself. I'm Diogenes Smith. I don't know much about this

place and you don't know much about me. But from what I understand, I'm called

a creator. And it seems I have to power to set you free. So...who would like to

be free?"                Pandemonium

broke out. A wave of feline bodies pressed down on them. Kakhra was feeling

claustrophobic within seconds. Apparently word was spreading like wildfire, and

most, if not all who were present, were aware of who he was. To be called forth

from their respective places had to be the most exciting thing to ever happen

to them.                The

problem was now down to whom he would choose. She had her own choice already

made if he would allow it. His deafening voice carried over the murmuring of

the crowd.                 "I'm

going to thin you out for now. I guess you're all excited, but I can't handle

this many at once. I'm going to pare you back until I can deal with this much

choice. With a wave of his hand, all the other leopardesses vanished. Kakhra

let loose a sigh of relief.                With

another wave, every lion in the crowd vanished. 

That left a lot remaining. There were tigers and tigresses, and a horde

of smaller felines, right down to the cute little house cats. Kakhra was hoping

he had no intention of trying anything with them. Despite what was said about

being able to handle a lot of abuse, she couldn't imagine his present form

tackling some poor little thing like that. There were creators who had no

qualms about it.                In the

next instant, he waved his hand and every normal house and small cat

disappeared. This took some of the wild cats as well. That still left a

dizzying array of fine felines to choose from. Luckily for her, the one she

liked was in that group. Diogenes continued to pare the group down until he had

just one. The leopardess was both elated and saddened. Apparently he saw the

same qualities as she did in this wonderful person. That meant he was going to

get her and she wasn't.                The

person in question was a fantasy mix of tiger stripes, the black of which was actually

composed of cheetah rosettes. Instead of orange, the colored fur was a rosy

red. Her eyes were sunlit pools of turquoise and her mouth was purrrrrrrrfect. But

who knew what hid beneath those layers of clothes, for she wore a dated costume

of unknown origin. Diogenes was walking around here, examining her in minute

detail.                He

never was much for fashion, but he approved of her clothing. "Steam Punk...yes?"                She did

a little bow. "Yes milord!"                "My

name is Diogenes. Please use it, or call me nothing at all."                "Well

Diogenes, I know a little about you. Sometimes there is little to do here, so

you can rest assured the news of anything important travels like wildfire. What

can the humble Madame Voltura do for you?"                "Humble?

Dressed like that?"                She

looked down at herself. "Do you think I chose this get-up?                "

that you mention it, I suppose not. But I happen to like it!"                She

eyed him carefully. "Just what are you into?"                "At the

moment, you."                "Not

yet you're not. I'll have you know my creator was a female..."                "So?"                "I'm

not your run-of-the-mill female."                "I

never said you were."                She

sighed. Kakhra saved her from any further explanation. "Madame Voltura is a bit

more on the homosexual side of life..."                "Oh."                There

was awkward silence.                "Listen

up creator man. I am what I am. I didn't chose it, it was chosen for me."                "Which

means what?"                "Which

means if I had a choice in things, I might be more attracted to your offer. But

I'm just not into males, even one as handsome as you."                "Is

that so?" He leaned forward and kissed her passionately. She allowed it for a

moment before slapping his face.                "How

dare you force yourself upon..." SHe stopped a moment. "What?"

She was staring at him. "I don't know. Suddenly I find you attractive. I mean, I thought you were handsome, but now...I don't know.                 "I'll

help you figure it out. I just released you from your servitude, so you can make up your mind

any way you want."                "What?

Just like that? Rumor had it you needed to engage us on a more personal level."                "I

think that might get to be a little tedious. I happen to like sex, and I happen

to really like sex here, but if I am to help everyone, I don't think screwing

everything that moves is a good idea. I mean, really? Little house cats? That's

just stupid. I'm sure I could shrink myself, or make them bigger, but what's the

point?"                "You

don't sound like much of a creator..."                "Why?"                "Because

creators are selfish and egotistical."                "Yes I

suppose you're right. Well, that being said, I guess I'll leave you now."                He

turned to go. A lovely hand reached out to stop him. "Don't go."                He did

an about face. "Make up your mind. If I was going to lord it over you, I'd be

doing it. I have given you a choice now. You can tell me to go to hell if you'd

like. I don't own you nor do I control you."                "You're

not kidding are you?" She turned her gaze to Kakhra. "He's not, is he?"                The

leopardess was drooling slightly. "No he's not. As his creation, I can tell you

most emphatically he is not."                 "Ok.

Let's say I believe you. What do I get out of this?"                "You

already got it. I gave you freedom."                "But

what if my creator returns? What if she wants me back?"                "Do you

want her?"                "Well...I

think so."                "Then

return, but as a free spirit."                "You

make it sound easy."                Diogenes

sucked in a breath. "Look. If you want to sit here and debate things, find

someone else. I pulled you from the crowd because I found you to be

interesting."                The

leopardess mirrored his words. "Interesting. Yes, she is very interesting!"                "What?"

That was from Diogenes and Madame Voltura the same time.                "Hey! I

happen to like her too!"                Voltura

looked from one to the other. "A creator and his pet want to take on me? I

agree. This could be very interesting. In fact, as I think on it, this opens up

so many possibilities." Then she frowned. "But we aren't allowed to mingle with

our own kind!"                "You

are if you're free."                Voltura

stepped forward and grabbed Kakhra by the shoulders and planted a kiss on her

lips. The leopardess melted in her arms. Diogenes got a hard on watching. She

broke the embrace and worked her way down to her hips. The leopardess collapsed

on the floor. When Voltura finished there was a literal black puddle on the

floor that had once been Diogenes' creation. She was now a quivering mass of

feline flesh.                "Apparently

this works on more than my old mistress. I think I'm going to miss her."                "Who

says you have to leave her. Just take a more active role."                "Active?

Buddy, you've not seen me in an active role yet. And I've never had the chance

of bedding male. Now that prospect sounds more appealing."                "So?"                "So why

don't we try it out? I'm finding that I'm suddenly less averse to things as I was

before."                A small

voice called up from the floor. "Can I join? Please!"                Voltura

smiled down at the limp leopardess. "Honey, haven't you had enough?"                "Of

you? I don't think so!"                Diogenes

put on his best hurt face. "Am I yesterday's news already? What happened to

loving me?"                "I do

love you. You say you love me, but that hasn't stopped your promiscuity."                "Touché!"

He actually looked dejected.                "Oh,

I'm sorry Diogenes! I didn't mean to sound mean. I was just pointing out..."                "I know

what you were doing..."                Voltura

laughed. "Ignore him girl. He's just playing with you. I think he already had

an idea into what you liked. After all, he did create you. You are a mirror of

his desires. I don't mind entertaining two guests. But perhaps we could have

something a little cozier?"                Diogenes

looked at her, thought up an appropriate setting and poof; they were surrounded

in steam punk opulence.  Everything was

in copper and brass...and feather beds and silk. Cut glass decanters of brandy,

surrounded by equally tasteful glasses, feathers, artwork; and a collection of

"toys" that had Voltura didn't recognize.                "I love

what you've done with the place, but what exactly are these?"                She

held up an obvious dildo.                "Oh

nothing. Parting gifts if you will."                "And

you'll think I'll need them? It's not like I haven't used them before."                "Well,

I won't be able to satisfy your needs all the time!"                "Oh? Is

that the way this is going to be?"                "Oh God

I hope so!"                The

unique feline's laughter filled the room. "I must say Diogenes, I think I like

you. So I can have you, and her, and anyone I want, and still be faithful to my

mistress creator?"                "I don't

see why not?"                "Hmmm.

Well let's get busy. I'm sure you have a lot on your platter."                "I have

not intention of hurrying this. I don't care what I have on my platter!"                Voltura

raised her eyebrows. With a smile she began unbuttoning her clothing. It was

then that he noted the number of them. A lot. And she was painstakingly undoing

each one. Diogenes was a patient man, but this was driving him crazy! She had

to have a hundred buttons. There were buttons on her vest, and buttons on her

shirt. There were buttons on her velvet pants, and buttons on her knee high

boots.                Kakhra

moved next t him. "No one outside of her creator has ever seen her naked. Isn't

this exciting?"                Diogenes

shrugged. "I think it's tedious."                The

leopardess hit him hard. "You have no sense of adventure! Watch her. She moves

like the wind. She has the fluidity of water. Don't tell me you don't what her

even more for the show she's putting on!"                Kakhra

was right. His impatience was a waste. He was looking forward to the

destination, and was missing the trip. In fact, it dawned on him that a lot of

the beings here were without clothing. His lithe leopardess was. Maybe he

should consider some clothing for her. After all, black went with everything.                She was

suddenly dressed in a combination of black leather and white lace. She looked

down, mildly startled.                 "Hmmm.

Interesting. You see. Sometimes what you don't see is more exciting than what

you do see. That way, you don't take it for granted!"                "True.

And that last thing I need to do while I'm here is get too jaded. Then I'll be

as bad as every other creator."                "Not

you dear. You have a heart of gold!" She gave him a passionate kiss.                He

smiled and playfully batted her away. "Not now...I'm watching!"                She

moved down to his neck and nibbled away. "Can you see now?"                "Yes...but

I can't concentrate."                "Good.

That's the point!"                He

laughed and pushed her away. She giggled to. "You know, this world isn't all

about sex. You can have a good time in all manners of interaction."                He

sighed. "I know. But can you let me have this one in peace?"                "No.

Because I'm joining you. When she's done stripping, I am so getting off on her.

It's only fair. She has been around for decades and no one outside her creator

has ever had the opportunity seeing her naked, much less going to bed with

her."                "Decades?"

he asked absently, watching the fascinating feline twirling as she removed bits

and pieces of her accoutrements.                 "Decades.

Some say that's why her creator made her this way. Some of us are young. But back

in the day, I guess they had more imagination."                "Have

you ever seen Voltura's creator?"                "As a

matter of fact, yes. She has been known to simply walk through the world, arm

in arm with her pet...err...creation. I have never seen happier eyes than those she

has. It was as if she had no cares when she was here. She was beautiful too,

for a human. I can't say how she looked in real 

life, but she had silver flowing hair and smooth porcelain skin. She

looked like an elf, and I know what elves look like. There are plenty here."                "Decades...I

wonder how old she is now? The description hardly means anything. I mean, I was

me. I never thought about being anything else. Now? Heck, I guess I could be

anything. That would open up more possibilities."                "You

silly man! I told you; size and form doesn't matter here. You could have made love to

one of those tiny little cats you waved off if you had wanted to force the issue."                Diogenes

stifled a nasty comment. "That may be so. But I'm not the type of person who

would feel right screwing a poor little house cat while I was in this huge tiger

form. No matter how mutual the pleasure might be, I couldn't get it out of my

head that I wasn't raping something clutched in my paws. Heck, I can make my

cock bigger than those little felines."                "And

yet it'd fit. At the smem time you could make it small enough to suit your sense of propriety. It doesn't make sense, but it doesn't have to. It just is."                "And I

am just as I am. However..."                "However

what?"                "That

doesn't preclude me changing to a smaller size, something more equal to

theirs."                "Hmmm.

You have a point. You know, I think a lot of them would like that."                "That's

what I was thinking too." His voice drifted away as he looked at Voltura.                She had

removed a goodly portion of her costume. Her chest was now bare, exposing the

most hypnotic pair of breasts he could ever imagine. They were covered in fine,

soft fur. At first glance, the casual observer might assume that she had been

tattooed, but tattoos would never show through fur. No, what they would see was

a pattern in her fur the formed a spiral, starting at the widest point of her

breasts and working in to the nipples. It was in that same rosy pink color. No

matter how you looked at them, they brought your attention back to the center.

Black nipples might sound strange, but on her, they were magnificent. Even

Kakhra was drooling.                Voltura

continued to carefully disrobe, coyly hiding her body from time to time. Diogenes

had been to a strip club only once. He had found the dancer's movements to be

overt and tasteless. This was something not even in the same ballpark. It was a

scene plucked from One Thousand and One

Nights. The more he watched, the less he wanted her to finish. She was art

in motion.                The

leopardess was growing a bit jealous. "I could do that too you know."                He

didn't take his eyes off of Voltura. "Oh, and you will, you will." He waited for

her to hit him. All he got was a purr.                "Do you

mean it?"                "Oh God

girl! If she doesn't hurry up, I'm going to take it out on you right here!"                "Shhh!

Be patient. I think she's about done." That much was true. The last little bit

of clothing was on the floor, or strewn across the furniture. Diogenes was

standing there, cock hard and his mouth agape. Even his leopardess sucked in a

breath.                Diogenes

wasn't a fan of the human body. Animals seemed to have more grace, both in

their movements and in their looks. People seemed to be fat, or skinny, or,

well just not that pleasant to look at or be with. He never thought he looked

particularly dashing. But the creator of this feline made the pinnacle of

beauty. He liked his Kakrha, but this girl topped anything he could ever have

imagined. This lady; this creator, she was a true artist.                Voltura's

crotch was nothing like Kakhra's. He had imagined for her a simple, too human-like set of genitals. They looked a bit feline, but he had only caught glimpses

of the real thing at the zoo, so his mind had erred on the side of caution. But

Voltura's were sculpted. They were beautiful. Like her breasts, the area around

what had to be a wonderful hole was surrounded. The pattern drew your eyes in.

That rosy red swirled in from her belly and her hips to collect right over her

crotch. The fur fluffed out in an unusual way to create a rose. Not flat mind

you, but a three dimensional, open rose.                 Even

more astounding was the aroma. She smelled like flowers, and jasmine, and

spices, and, and..."                He felt

her soft paw on his chin. "Close that big handsome mouth, my tigerish friend. I'll

tell you when you can open it."                He

snapped it shut. "Sorry. I've never seen anything like you before."                "Oh

come on honey. You've got yourself a great gal there. You don't need me. Just

show her some imagination. Dropping you pants and getting your jollies is all

well and good, but show you care. Take the time to show her she means something

to you."                Without

another word, she held out her paws, taking his and the leopardess's and

leading them to the bed. She undressed the tiger, and cooed over his cock. "I

thought you might go bigger. Everyone thinks size is so important.  My mistress has no such organ and we do

fine."                She

pushed him onto the bed. She turned to the other female. "Clothing? Have I had

an impact on him so quickly? Good!" She soon had the black and white outfit off

and on the floor.                "I

could have made is vanish you know."                "Oh do

shut up. You want instant gratification. Now do as your told."                "You

didn't tell me..."                " I.

Told. You. To. Shut. Up."                "Yes

ma'am!"                She

guided the leopardess up on the bed, guiding her over his face. "He may be your

creator dearest one, but that doesn't mean he has to be in charge. Expecially

now, as you're free. Make him give you something in return for all you have

done for him. "                "But I

can't do that!"                "Sure

you can. Now get that body of yours moving. I get the lower part. I am so

curious how this will feel."                Kakhra

carefully lowered herself on to his face. She was afraid of hurting him. Then

it dawned on her that while he could be hurt, it wasn't as likely in his tiger

body. She rubbed herself across his face and nose, feeling his stiff whiskers

tickle some very intimate spots. She felt his tongue come out and nearly came

right then and there. This was so naughty and out of character for her! She

liked it!                The

other feline lowered herself onto his cock. "Now listen up big guy. I've played

with toys, but never have I had the real thing. I want you to let me do the

moving. You may not be able to harm me, but I don't need you getting all crazy

on me.                With

that, he could feel the heat of her body increase. If his cock had been a

thermometer, it would have blow the top out immediately. She pushed down and

down and down. It was as if his cock was infinite; as was the depth of her body. There came

a time when he wanted to look past Kakhra to see what the other was doing. It

was driving him crazy.                  He did hear her voice. "You like? You need to

think outside the box. Well, inside the box is maybe more appropriate. I'm

telling you man, you can have a lot of fun just by opening up your mind. My

creator often would forgo her sexual fantasies for other, more intriguing

pursuits. But if you'd like, I'll show you those later. For now, we have

something a bit more personal to explore."                He

groaned as she pushed down. When she pulled back up, he could feel himself

lifted off of the bed.  She may never

have had sex with a male, but she definitely knew how to do it! He hated that

he couldn't actively do anything, except move his tongue. He decided to take out

his frustration on Kakhra.                 She was

delighted. All their activities before had been centered around his needs. Now

he was working on hers. And boy could his tongue reach the right spot! She

pressed down and ground her furry lips until they were spread wide. "Get that

tongue in there mister!" she ordered.                He

complied, finding that while Volture smelled of herbs and spices, his original

girl smelled like musk and vanilla. He didn't remember that. What he didn't

know is that as he secretly wished for something, it was happening. His tongue

went to work double time.                The

girls met above him in a furry embrace. Two mouths became one. Soft paws

stroked even softer breasts. Both girls synced up and got their bodies moving

in time to each other. It was almost as if they had forgotten about Diogenes.

The fact was, they hadn't. But he was learning a lesson himself...a lesson in

giving.                He

could hardly complain. He was cock deep in one of the most fantastic felines

that had ever been thought up. He wasn't being mean to his own, just that this

other one had been created with He was going to make it up to

Kakhra when he had the chance. It was just that he didn't have all that much

imagination. He was now envious of those who did.                Kakhra

was going crazy on his face, and if she wasn't careful, she was going to damage

herself on his fangs. Then he remembered that they could really be damaged,

even if they could be hurt. Just because they could end up alright at the end

didn't mean he wanted anyone hurt on his account. He reached up and grabbed her

hips and eased her off...just a bit.                She

hardly noticed. She was enraptured with making love to one of the only other

beings here that she had any eye for.  Of

course, to be honest, almost everyone else did. Just as many more were envious

of her. They all wanted a creator like hers. It was almost as if that person,

whoever she was, was an extension of this world, or maybe it was the other way

around.                Voltura,

for her part, was finding being with a male not nearly so tedious as she had

thought. Of course, she didn't have to hear him utter stupid male nonsense

either. This lovely black leopardess was effectively keeping his mouth busy in

the only way she thought was appropriate. She wasn't trying to think ill of

him, but her creator seemed to have no use for males. Maybe she had been wrong.This one seemed well enough

equipped to reach some very interesting spots. She was riding a real cock for

the first time in her life, such as her life was.  She was trying to figure out why it felt so

different from the various toys that her creator had available. They were all

pretty much shaped like this one; only this one was...warm. Hot even. That was

the difference. This one had life to it. For some reason that heat was

spreading through her body. It was spreading in a way unlike the passion from

her creator ran through her veins. She was embarrassed to feel this way.  But not

enough to stop what she was doing.Their session got pretty intense.

After a while, the girls broke apart from their embrace. Each concentrated on

getting off, while Diogenes was pinned under. He hardly minded. He was, in fact,

doing his best to hold back, waiting for them to achieve their satisfaction

first. He worked his tongue into Kakhra's hole and forced it in deep. She

groaned and ground down hard. Voltura was doing the same on his cock. All at

once the girls started to come. He thankfully relaxed and let their pleasure

become his. The leopardess came with a

half-purr, half-growl and slid off of his face onto the floor. That left his

arms free to grab Voltura. He pulled her down onto his chest just as she

started to tighten up.  He brought up his

knees and proceeded to pound away with a fury. He was sorry if he was hurting her,

but he had no time to think about her at the moment. He had held back long enough and now it

needed to be free.She said nothing. The only sound

she made was little grunts with each forward thrust. At the speed he was going,

she sound like a machine gun. Her head was bouncing and her tail was twitching;

her claws came out and locked onto his shoulders. With a final fury of power,

he started to cum. The power and the heat made her scream. It was a roar of

pure passion.All three of them lay there for a

while too caught up in the moment, and too exhausted to bother moving. All that

could be heard was the heavy breathing. As that settled down, a new sound could

be heard. A quiet voice, like the wind through the trees."Well. I was worried about how I

was going to break the news to you Madame Voltura, but I think I don't need to

worry now." Voltura shot off his cock and was standing

upright, looking horrified. "Mistress?"

Diogenes Takes Control

                Diogenes decided to take a break. He was rather pleased with himself.  If what the residents here were telling him was true, he could finally make a difference to someone's life. True, he was still determining how real this world was,...

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Diogenes and the Things Deer to Him

                Diogenes had never considered himself a voyeur, and had rarely ever watched pornography. But sitting there, in what at least seemed like real life, watching a dragon and two big felines going at it was pretty intense. In fact, he...

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The Fantastic life of Diogenes Smith gets Better.

                Diogenes was laying on the bed with his thickly muscled arms embracing a leopardess on one side and a gorgeous male lion on the other.  He was feeling rather content. As he drifted into a light sleep, he wondered if he actually needed...

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