Diogenes Takes Control

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#5 of The Life of Diogenes


decided to take a break. He was rather pleased with himself.  If what the residents here were telling him

was true, he could finally make a difference to someone's life. True, he was

still determining how real this world was, but from the way it made him feel,

he found it hard to disregard as entirely make believe. He knew his old dreams,

though they were foggy, and they never had the strength of realism this place

had. It was like his dreams were only pale images of what was going on around

him now.                Dragons!

Lions! Cartoony characters he would never have dreamed of as sexual playthings.

People certainly had a lot of fantasies he had never ever considered before.

But now... That got him thinking of his Kakhra. She was based on his cat. He

hoped someone was taking care of her during his, uh, absence. She had a feeder

and a big litter box, but that wouldn't hold her forever.                His

thoughts seemed to react with his environment. The leopardess appeared out of

nowhere.                "Yes

master!" Her voice was all bounce and mirth.                "Sorry.

I was just thinking about my cat. I didn't mean to disturb you."                The

leopardess stretched and extended her claws, examining each one minutely. "I

hope she'll be fine. But here I'm your cat, master!"                "Don't

call me that. I'm not your master."                "True,

you did set me free. But I owe my being to you, and my freedom. I guess I don't

know what to do without you. But I do know what to do with you! They don't call

felines pussies for nothing!"                Diogenes

laughed long and hard. He had never felt so free as he did here. It was like

founding his own country and setting his own rules. The only problem he could

foresee was that he had no idea how many subjects he would eventually have. It

depended on so many factors. Heck, they might not even be limited to animal

forms. There could, and probably was, human forms, and plants forms, and fish,

and whales and...                He had

to wonder what a plant form might be. But he didn't wonder to hard. Who knows

what might pop up. He wasn't sure he was ready for that just yet. He took up

his old mistress on her offer, and they spent a lot of time enjoying each

other's company. They talked in the afterglow of their encounter.                 "So my

lovely dark mistress; how am I to set everyone free? I hardly would like to

think I must have sex with them to accomplish something so noble!"                The

leopardess snuggled in close. "Me too. I'd like to keep you for myself. But I

can't answer that. You are an anomaly here, and as such, the normal rules don't

apply. I don't even think they exist for you."                So

you're saying I could just as easily make you a human?" He didn't wait to hear

her reply. She was suddenly a dark human girl, with dark pattern skin, green

eyes, and luxurious black hair. She felt the change, but lacking a mirror, she

could only imagine what she looked like. He did her the favor of producing a

mirror.                "Roaw!

This isn't as bad as I imagined! And I still feel like me!"                He was

looking her over. "I have good taste! " And so saying that, turned her back. "I

find I prefer things pretty much as they are. I'm glad the three boys didn't

mind the upgrade to their appearance. They seemed a little too innocent looking

for this place and all they had been through."                Kakhra

stared in the mirror again. "You know, I don't think I've ever had this perspective

on how I looked. I am lovely!"                "Of

course you are. Why wouldn't you be?"                "Not

everyone here has been so kindly graced. You have kindness in your heart. Not

all creators are created equal."                That

got him thinking. Who would want an ugly dream partner? What would be

considered ugly? He had to think what he, Diogenes Smith, would view as

unpleasant.                The

funny thing was, while he had aesthetically pleasing taste, he found the only

things he didn't like were bad people, and therefore, bad intentions and

actions. Besides, he could do a makeover to anyone here.                "Kakhra,

how would a person differentiate a creator from a, well, whatever you are?"                "They

would normally be the only ones initiating physical contact, but you have

blurred the lines now. Why?"                "I

would like to look in on some of their doings. It seems that there are a few

people out in the world who need to be taught a lesson!"                She

shrunk back from him. "Are you suggesting that we hunt down the creators?"                "Only

those that are here and now. I won't bother anyone who is behaving, but if I

find someone abusing another person from this world, I'll deal with them

myself."                "But

can you affect another creator?"                "I

guess there's one way to find out!"                So off

they went in search of a creator. He had no idea how to begin, but Kakhra did.

Soon they found an old man happily plugging away on the ass of an ass. As they

both seemed happy with their little act, they were left undisturbed. The

leopardess explained the two. "The creator Is an old farmer, and he has always

had a thing for his animals, but was afraid of showing it. Here he can do

whatever he likes, but he is always kind. Sometimes I think that his servants

here are actually his real animal, if that's possible. Diogenes had no idea if

that was or wasn't.                After a

few unsuccessful attempts, they found the most horrific of scenes. A beautiful

unicorn, all white, with a lovely flowing tail and main, was chained in a

stinking stable. Behind her was an ogre, obviously the real inward appearance

of her creator, despite what he might look like in the other world. The things

he was doing were unspeakable, leastwise for poor Diogenes.  He couldn't imagine doing what he saw to

merely humiliate and degrade a person, even one that might not be real.                He balled

up his paws into rock solid fists and strode into the scene. The ogre, with its

characteristic stupidity, gazed at him in confusion. The tiger ended his slow

working mental processes with a fist to the head. The beast fell to the floor

unconscious.                The

unicorn was hardly excited. For all she knew this was some worse dream

concocted to make her life even more horrible. She could just imagine the claws

sinking into her flanks as this huge (handsome, but savage looking) beast

repeating raped her. It would only be different in that at least this abuser

had some looks.                She

knew she was right when he approached her from the rear. She didn't even have

the strength to lift her tail in submission. Then she heard the chains rattle.

Then she heard a rending of metal as the chains snapped. She looked back to see

the tiger tearing the manacles on her legs. She felt a slight thrill. When he

got to her front and did the same there, she gave him a lick.                 "Thank

you, but I think you're wasting your time. I don't know who you are, but you

can't get away with attacking a creator!"                "That's

no creator. That's a molester; a filthy nasty excuse for an intelligent being!"                "Perhaps,

but when he awakens, I'll be back in my chains again."                Diogenes

looked at the ogre. He was snoring, which make him wonder just what condition

the creator was in right now. Sleeping in a dream? He had done that, and

figured once you were in a dream, simple things like this meant nothing. He

walked around the ugly beast. He wanted to teach this guy a lesson, but how?

Abusing an ogre hardly seemed like a practical thing to do. Especially a male

ogre...                The

creator finally woke up, in the dream. Apparently getting knocked unconscious

in a dream was enough to keep you out in real life. He was dazed, and trying to

comprehend why he was bent over. His hands were on the ground...except his hands

weren't hands. They were hooves. And in front of him stood his pretty unicorn.

Except that he slowly came to see that it was in fact a mirror. He was now the

unicorn. His four legs were shackled and he could plainly see the terror

developing in his own eyes.                That

fear increased when a tiger came into view. He had never seen anything like

this before. And the thing talked!"                "I

don't like you. It's nothing personal, because I don't know who you are. But I

think that if you're going to dish out punishment where none is deserved, you

should be able to take it. I had a conversation with Marelyn and... He paused

because the other creator had a blank look on his face.                "You

mean you created her and you never even knew her name? I find that to be

unforgivable. I wasn't clear on my own creation, but I didn't torture her in

any way. In fact, I think in my own way I love her." Kakhra wasn't in sight,

but he heard her voice. "I heard that!" She sounded excited.                He

ignored her. "So as you see, you are now in Marelyn's shoes. I think that maybe

you need a dose of what you've been giving her. I don't personally have time to

dole out the proper punishment, but I have been granted the right to first

blood. Have you ever seen a real tiger's cock before?"                The

creator shook his head.                 "Well,

you might think that it looks like this," he said, willing his slightly

oversized cock into view. "But you'd be wrong. All felines have a rather nasty

barb system. It looks like this." He adjusted it to look almost like a real

tigers. "Kind of ugly, isn't it? Don't worry. I won't use it on you."                 The

other creator could see the terror in his own eyes dissipate.                "No,

you see, I think a combination of the two is in order for you. And just so you

know, at the beginning here, your present form is a virgin, just like you

dreamt up for Marelyn each and every time. That means I'll have the pleasure of

breaking you open and making you bleed. I think that should give you a taste of

what you've been doing to others."                The

terror in his eyes increased tenfold.                Diogenes

wasn't sure he had it in him to be cruel. But after what he had witnessed, he

found it less being cruel than getting even. The bible said an eye for an eye,

so his method of punishment was fitting. He was debating whether his

participation was appropriate. Part of him was afraid he would be into it too

much, leading him down a one way path. Then he smiled. That might be, for only

those who deserved it.                 Steeling

himself, Diogenes grabbed the "mare's" tail and immediately found himself a little

too short to reach. The ogre had been pretty big and tall. He considered a

moment before choosing to shrink the mare. After all, when he was done, there

would others to take his place. A smaller equine might be appealing to them.                He

lined up and slammed his cock in. He actually winced, for he knew the spine

coated piece of meat was going to hurt...the mare. The creator let loose a whinny

that was painful on the ears. The tiger just kept pushing it in until his

striped belly fur was smack dab against the mare's haunches. He found to his

dismay that his present cock wasn't nearly as sensitive as the one he had been

sporting. Apparently it was producing some pretty intense feelings in his

unwilling partner.                The

unicorn was violently trying to break free. It was amazing how those who could

dish it out couldn't take it. The subdued creator would have been better

holding still. All that wiggling was making the tiger all the hornier. He

decided he had better get this over with. It was meant as a punishment, not a

self gratification for himself.                 He

could already feel the blood dripping down, and despite knowing that it wasn't

quite real, he still felt it was unnerving. It did seem to help with reducing

the friction just a little. He could have fixed that himself, but remained

firmly entrenched in his plan. He sunk his claws into the rump of the unicorn

and pounded away. After a while, he willed his ears to grow deaf so he didn't

have to listen to the pitiful noise.                The

trembling from the equine body was translating into a whole different set of

sensations. Diogenes started to really put hip thrusts into his movements,

grinding upwards with preternatural force. Soon the rear hooves of the unicorn

were lifted off the floor with each thrust. Even with his paws holding the back

end, his violence was taking precedence. Finally, with a huge roar, he slammed

it in with the speed of a cheetah, leaving no doubt he was getting off on his

duty.                He held

still while he filled up the bruised and bleeding insides of the mare, claws

digging in but not breaking the skin. He could feel the strong pulses of his

balls pumping hot fluid into the quivering equine body. Diogenes almost felt

bad, but not enough to discontinue his punishment for the creator. This was,

after all, only the warm up.                He

pulled out slowly, prolonging the contact between soft equine flesh and stick

bristly penis. The mare was stomping its feet and its teeth were chattering.

When the tip of his cock came out, the mare nearly collapsed on the floor.                "Now

you know what you've been doing. It's not fun, is it?"                He

stepped away and whispered into the shadows. "You're turn!"                Out

stepped Marelyn. Only now, instead of a pretty white unicorn mare, she was a

huge, fire eyed, black coated demon of a unicorn, thanks to Diogenes. "How long

do I have?"                "Who's

counting? I say until you grow tired of it is soon enough."                "Grow

tired? You have a lot to learn. We never grow tired!"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />                The two

doctors were comparing notes. "This is most unusual! I wonder if there is some

kind of new virus going around."                "He's

been tested. It's much like that other case, that Smith fellow. Coma with no

known injury, with the rapid heart rate and involuntary muscle movement. The

only difference in this fellow is the persistent bleeding from the rectum.

There doesn't seem to be a reason for it, but it acts like trauma. It reminds

me of the skin lesions on Mr. Smith."                 "Curious

indeed. We'll run him through the scanner and see what shows up. Otherwise,

we'll keep him under observation for as long as necessary."

Diogenes and the Things Deer to Him

                Diogenes had never considered himself a voyeur, and had rarely ever watched pornography. But sitting there, in what at least seemed like real life, watching a dragon and two big felines going at it was pretty intense. In fact, he...

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The Fantastic life of Diogenes Smith gets Better.

                Diogenes was laying on the bed with his thickly muscled arms embracing a leopardess on one side and a gorgeous male lion on the other.  He was feeling rather content. As he drifted into a light sleep, he wondered if he actually needed...

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The Fantastic Life Of Diogenes Smith Continues...

               Diogenes was running headlong down the street. Sex with that, that thing had been terrific, but the lion had scared him out of his mind. Now he was running headlong down a cobblestone street, with gas lit lanterns and strange beings on...

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