The Ghost of Magnolia Lane

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#6 of Miscellany

Just a random story that climbed out of my skull.


know, I'm fairly normal. At least, I always thought so. But that all changed

recently. And the circumstances surrounding it are less strange than you would

first presume.                I

moved. Not across town but to a new town, to pursue a new job. I have money,

but I'm not a spend thrift. I decided to look for a nice, smaller home to call

my own. There were plenty of offerings, but none that seemed to stand out as

much as this beautiful little two story brick in a gated community. Normally

such civilized snobbery involved two story Mcmansions, but this house was

smaller than the normal offerings and tucked away in the woods. Apparently it

had been on the market a little while and the bank wanted to unload it. It was

a great deal for me.  We closed and I

moved in.                That's

when things got weird. My neighbors were quick to come over with house warming

gifts. All they were really doing was snooping. I didn't mind. Let them get

their curiosity satisfied and then maybe they would leave me alone.                I was

asked a thousand and one questions. Was I married? I told them no, but that I

had a girlfriend back home. It was a lie, but if they had any sisters, or

cousins or daughters or any such nonsense to throw at me, that forestalled it.

I was just out of a relationship and in no rush to enter another.                During

these mostly one-sided conversations, there were allusions to the previous

owner of the house. No one said anything directly, and when I pressed the

matter, they would clam up. All this did was pique my curiosity. I went to the

Recorder's office and looked up the former owner. Armed with a name, I ran it

through the internet. What I came up with both freaked me out and intrigued me.                The guy

who had lived here for many years had recently (eight months ago) been arrested

for crimes of a sexual nature. This amounted to bestiality, which, in the

neighbor's eyes, accounted for the variety of animals he had kept.  The funny thing was, if this guy had managed

to keep a menagerie here in this community long enough to get it on with them,

I would have been surprised. Even this little, out of the way place was probably

always under observation by the local gossips.                I let

the matter drop. It wasn't like this guy was going to be impacting my life. It

was my house and I was now the proud owner and of everything that came with it.

The grounds needed some work, but overall, it had a lot of property and some

beautiful gardens. The first night I was completely moved in, I sat on the back

deck with a couple of beers and my camera.                Why the

camera? I liked photography and this place was home to a lot of birds,

squirrels, chipmunks and other cute little woodland creatures. As it was

starting to get dark, I figured my chances were slim, but it never hurt to be

prepared. I had put the lens cap on and had it sitting on a little table when I

saw the movement out of the corner of my eye. I grabbed the camera and put it

in active mode and waited.                Whatever

it was that I saw was moving in the trees at the farthest point of the yard,

near the wall that surrounded this place. It looked for all intends and

purposes like a ghost. It was pale, so pale in fact that I was willing to say

it was white. But its ghostly movements were purposeful and deliberate. It

seemed to stand there looking in my direction for a few minutes before

wandering away. I snapped a few pics before it wandered off to the right and

disappeared.                I went

in to look at the images on the compute. There were of poor quality due to the

dim light, but the shape was unmistakable. In the morning I went to the

community manager and flipped printed copy in front of him. "What the hell is

this?"                He

picked it up and smiled. "Oh, that's Zoe. She is sort of the community mascot now."

His voice hushed a little. "She was brought in here against the rules by the

former owner of your house. We've kind of taken to her, and since she can't get

out, and no other deer can get it, we've decided to allow her to stay. Everyone

seems to like her."                So it

was a deer. A doe. An albino doe.  I must

say I was intrigued. I'd love to get some good quality photos of her. I decided

then and there to start putting out food to attract her. The evening, after I

had spent the day getting my bedroom sorted out and a few boxes unpacked, I

filled up a bowl with corn and set it a few feet off the back deck.                I

didn't have to wait long. The ghostly shape split from the foliage and slowly

approached the house. I was hardly surprised at her lack of fear. If everyone

here was pampering her, she had to be living an idyllic life. Heck, I was taken

with her right off the bat. She was a pretty thing. She wasn't something you

would see in nature much because she'd never survive long.                I had

the camera out. I had the back lights on to compensate for the setting sun, and

my shutter was clicking like it had a nervous twitch. I was so busy looking

through the viewfinder than I didn't even notice her walk past the offering of

food and step up onto the deck.                When I

did, I was immediately freaked. Not scared mind you, but properly freaked. I

had no idea she was this tame. She walked up to me and stopped, sniffing the

air. Another step forward and she licked my hand. I nearly recoiled from the

wet tongue. She seemed to be unalarmed by my wary posture.                 Turning,

she ambled to my back doors. They were French style, each with those long

handles you just push down to open. The doe nuzzled one a moment before finding

the spot she wanted. In the next instant, the handle was depressed and the door

swung open. In all my days, I have never heard of a deer opening doors. And the

most amazing thing was, these doors swung outward.                 She

stuck her head in, followed by her neck and then the rest of her. The last

thing I saw was her tail, standing tall, and quivering just a little. I stayed

in my seat. The last thing I wanted was to freak her out while she was in my

house. I could imagine all kinds of things, from broken TVs to her crashing

through a window and getting cut up.                I

finally got up the courage to look in. She was gone. Great! Now I had to go look

for her. I opened both doors wide, despite the mosquitoes, in case she made a

bolt for the outdoors. I tiptoed around, looking from room to room. I finally

found her in my bedroom, which was the designated master bedroom. She was

sniffing my laundry basket. There was a quite a pile or smelly clothes. Hey! I

hadn't had time to hook up the washing machine yet.                She

looked up, seeing me clearly in the dim light of the house. I flipped on the hall

light, hoping maybe she would follow it out. Later it dawned on me that that

worked better with bugs. I could see the light reflected in her eyes. She was

staring right at me for the longest time.                I was

just beginning to think I was going to have to try herding her out of the room

and then out of the house when she did the damnedest thing. She turned and

climbed up on the bed. That wasn't the weird part. She then got down and

flopped on her side, just like she was used to kicking back like that.                 My mind went back to the guy who formerly

owned the house. There had been mention of bestiality. Apparently there was

some credence to that story. I mean really; why else was this girl here? I was

torn. I really should get her out of the house. On the other hand, I was

beginning to grow some nice wood and I hadn't gotten laid in months.                 I

stepped out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. I was still unpacking stuff,

but it didn't take me long to find an old tube of lube. I had meant to through

it out before I moved, but I was thanking my lucky stars I hadn't.                  Now you

may wonder at my sudden interest in having sex with an animal. Well, up to

moving here, I had never even considered it, much less ever heard about it. I

would never have tracked one down and ted it up, if that's what you're

thinking. But the fact was, this female was laying on my bed and I could only

think she had one thing in mind. She probably missed her previous s owner and

was comfortable with any male in the house. Besides, like I said, I was feeling

pretty horny. Screwing a deer in my own house wasn't going to get me in

trouble.                 I t was

then that I suddenly realized why this other guy had made this room his private

bedroom. It had no windows! He could do as he pleased, away from the prying

eyes of the overzealous neighbors.                As I

came back into the bedroom, she lifted her head and watched me as I approached

the foot of the bed. I still wasn't too sure of this whole thing. Maybe I was

wrong. But I figured I'd give it a try. I put out my hand and stroked her

haunches. After a few minutes of this, she seemed to relax and rolled over on

her back. I had to stifle a laugh. She looked like a dog waiting to have its

belly rubbed.                 I ran

my hand across her underbelly, feeling the soft fur tickle my palm. When she

didn't pull away, I ran my hand to her backside. I had never made inquiries

into the private parts of animals before. Her vulva, or at least I assume that's

what it was, were tight ridges of flesh, lightly furred, and very warm. I spread

them a little, shoving in my middle finger. It didn't work very well until I

applied some of the lube. Once my finger was slick I was able to penetrate up to

my knuckle.                By now,

with her apparently willing to have her body molested by the likes of me, I was

sporting a raging hard-on. Working my finger in, I was debating whether or not

she could handle me. My cock was long-ish, around eight and half inches, but it

was also rather thin by comparison. Still, I didn't want to hurt her, just so

that I could get myself off.                I

stripped, and all the while, she just lay there looking at me. I lubed up my

cock, still wondering whether I should d this. If I injured her, I would think

it would be apparent how and where she got it from.  But the other side of my brain pointed out that

a deer could give birth to a fawn, and that was no small thing. It was now or

never!                I

climbed up, treating her like she was a woman. I turned her on her side. I

straddled her lower leg, pushing the upper one forward to keep those pink

hooves out of my way. I lined up my cock and pressed it against her opening.

The head pushed in and stopped. I was thinking maybe this other guy had a

little cock when I could feel her hole relax slightly. I slid in a few inches

before stopping again.                It was

at that moment when I almost swore off women. Jeez! It was like I was screwing,

I don't know, some little underage girl. I have never, and I mean never screwed

something this tight before. I've done anal plenty of times, and this beat any

of that.  Using her hip for leverage, I

drove it in repeatedly until I was pressed up tight against her body. I'm not

ashamed to admit that I blew my wad right them.                I was

sure she could feel my cock convulsing inside, but she just lay there. I would

have sworn she was purring like a cat or such some equivalent.  I silently cursed for not keeping myself

under control, but I think I can be excused. As the last of my sperm flowed out,

I resumed thrusting. In no time I was as rigid as an antler.                The

going was still tight, but a bit easier with the addition of my natural

lubrication. As I began pounding away, bits of frothing white worked their way

out, though they went unnoticed on her white fur. I fucked her like this for

maybe ten minutes. I figured at that point she was pretty docile, so I rolled

her back onto her back and did her missionary. I would never have guessed it

was possible, and in the wild, I was pretty sure it wasn't. A buck would never

be able to assume this position.                 I was

still wary of her hooves, which were beginning to get twitchy. I knew nothing

about mating in the wild, but something told me males were pretty quick to get

the job done. Last thing you would need would to be attacked by wolves whilst

screwing your lady love. The girl seemed to enjoy the attention and the

duration I was giving her. Apparently she had been trained well.                I would

pay anything to have a photo from that first time. I doubt anyone would have

ever believed it, blaming the image on some sick graphics artist with too much

time on his hands.  Who would ever

believe a one hundred and eighty pound guy would be fucking a one hundred and

twenty pound albino doe on his bed...missionary style? (I have pics from later

episodes if you want proof.)                I

grabbed her hind legs and lifted her backside up slightly. Leaning in, I applied

as much force as I could muster. She remained docile and seemed to really be

into this. I was already thinking ahead to other nights of fun. My cock was

raging, pounding out that tight hole with more force than I thought she could

take. It was only by accident that I got more than just this laid back attitude

out of her.                I had

to adjust my grip from time to time. My palms were getting sweating and her fur

wasn't all that great for hanging onto. I made a particularly deep plunge and

pulled back, intending to stop right at her opening. She bucked just a little,

causing me to slip out. I brashly tried to push in without checking and forced

myself into her tail hole. She let out a sheep-like bleat.                I held

still. I could feel her ass contracting around my cock. I could also tell there

were little pellets of feces in there. I hardly thought it a good idea to pull

out and carry in bacteria to her cunt, so I gave a few gentle pushes. Each time

I did it, she bleated, but she never pulled away. In no time I was in deep, my

balls brushing against her tail.                I

lasted only a few minutes after that. The entire time, with each inward thrust,

she would bleat. Needless to say, by the time I was letting loose my second

load, her vocalizations were constant. I tried to be careful, but when I came,

I couldn't help but slam it home. He mouth was open and her tongue was out. Her

eyes , instead of being wild, were almost half lidded and, if it can be said

for a deer, dreamy eyed. A deer who liked anal...who knew?                I sort

of fell on top, propped enough to keep me from crushing her. She was still

twitching around my cock. I couldn't help but do a few half hearted pushes.

This caused her to tighten up even more. I doubted I had any more in me to

give, but I rocked on my knees for a while enjoying the extraordinary tightness

of my new lover. I could see why that other guy had chosen this lifestyle.                When I pulled

out, I was a little messy. Once I was out she struggled to her feet and walked

out. Since the doors where open, I left her to her own devices and hit the

shower. When I came back, I checked the bed. It was a little messed up, so I

threw the spread in the wash pile. I pulled back the covers and went to close

the doors.                She was

outside, just within the reach of the security lights. She was obviously going

to the bathroom. Her head turned to me as she finished squatting. I had

intended to stay until she wandered off, but she came back up on the deck and

trotted inside. I shrugged and closed the doors. The ole girl was going to have

to stay all night at this point. I walked back to the bedroom to find her back

up on the bed.                "I hope

you don't think I've got more in me. You're beautiful and all, but my cock is

done." I climbed up and, not knowing what else to do, I spooned her. It seemed

to be the correct thing to do. Soon we were both asleep.

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