Gruff enough?

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#5 of Twisted Tales

Ok, so I'm still posting. Sue me. A psychotic brain has to let off steam, now more than ever. Here is another fractured fairy tale. Just don't be surprised if I do have lapses in posting.


Norwegians have a tale about a troll under a bridge. Well, there was a troll,

and he was ugly, but he didn't quite deserve the reputation he ended up with.                 There

once lived a quiet little troll. He lived under a bridge alongside a river. He

loved it there in the shade, for trolls were none too fond of strong sunlight.

He would come out at night when the glaring orb was on the other side of the

earth and few folks were out and about. As I'm sure you can understand, people

thought the troll was evil merely because he happened to be ugly.                Now

trolls do have a little magic. It's mostly of the harmless kind, like knowing

the lore about plants and mushrooms and being able to disguise themselves as

rocks or boulders. This is how the troll got to have a little piece and quiet,

for even when the boys from the local village came to fish, they would sit on

him and never know the difference.  It

didn't bother the old troll, because he too liked to fish. All he ate was fish.

He would slip into the water at night and wait, still as a stone, until a large

trout or salmon swam by. Then, bam, he would grab it in his strong hands and

devour it.                Now,

another little bit of magic that trolls had was in understanding many forms of

communication, from the buzzing of bees to the chatter of humans. They often

didn't listen, because they had sensitive ears and often tuned out the constant

drone around them. But there were occasions when the noise got to be too much,

especially if it was of a certain type. In this case, it was the one defect

with making living under a bridge your permanent home.                Foot

traffic wasn't bad, but sheep and horses and goats and cows tromping over could

get very irritating. If they passed quickly, then there was no problem. But if

they lingered too long, then the troll got a little angry.                 There

were three particular goats that gave him fits. He had figured out long ago

that they must have known he was under the bridge, for they would dance on the

boards, making a terrible racket. One day, he had enough. When he heard them

crossing he jumped out, regardless of whether or not he was seen by any humans.                The

three goats paused and stared. "Troll toll!' he yelled.                The

smallest looked frightened. "Don't eat us!"                That

took the troll aback. "I'm not going to eat you! But since you can't seem to

pass over my bridge without making so much noise, I think that you owe me

something for crossing it!"                The

middle goat came forward. "But we have nothing. We are simple goats!"                "Simple

goats? I think not. Many goats cross this bridge, but only you three take

delight in stomping across daily. What need of you to cross so often? What s

there on one side that you don't have on the other?"                "Why,

we live on that side," said the largest of them, pointing back the way they had

come with his head. "This side has the better greens to eat."                The

troll thought and thought. He wasn't against folks eating, but he hated the

noise these three made. "That may be, but since you are callous in your

methods, I feel I have the right to exact payment from you. So cough it up!' He

balled up his fist and tried to look mean. He didn't have to try.                They

backed away in terror. "Please don't eat us! We really don't have anything for

you!"                The

middle goat paused."Well, may I do." You see, of the three, she was a nanny, not a

billy.                He

glared at her. "What could you possibly have?"                "Nothing

concrete I'm sure, but nonetheless, something that might interest you."                "Go

on."                "Well,

the boys in the village delight in tying me up and practicing mating with me.

It's not so bad, even if I am out of season. Are there any lady trolls here

abouts, or could I interest you in a little mating practice of your own? I'm

sure it gets lonely under the bridge."                That

threw the troll off his guard. He hadn't seen a female troll in years. Every

once in a while he did get a hankering for a little one on one fun. He had

never considered doing it outside of his species. He looked her up and down. If

she was willing, what did he have to lose?                "Done!

Follow me under the bridge."                The

nanny nodded to the others, who took off across the bridge and to the green

meadows. She stomped after the troll until they were hidden in the shadows of

the bridge. She was sort of a no-nonsense sort of female and turned around,

displaying her hindquarters to him.                 He

looked at her backside and twitched his face. Her breeding hole was too small

for the likes of him, even if it was just barely. If he penetrated her it would

be amidst bleats and cries that would draw everyone for a mile around. Then he

thought of something. "Wait here!"                She

turned and watched him lope off.  He

walked along the stream and reached down, plucking a plant from along the

water's edge. He came back and stuck it in front of her face. "Marsh Mallow."  He washed the roots in the stream, and then

squeezed the roots onto his enormous cock. A trickle of juice rained down.                "There.

That just might do it!" He grabbed her haunches and pressed his oversized meat

into her hole. It slid in, but at the cost of the silence under the bridge. She

was so loud in her cries that he was forced to clamp a ham hand over her mouth,

effectively silencing her. He would have felt worse, but it had been her

suggestion after all. With one hand quieting her, and the other on her hip, he

shoved and shoved until he could go no farther. Yeah, he missed the female

trolls alright. He just might have to tear up roots and go looking for one.                He had

forgotten what this was like. It was all coming back to him now. As for the

goat, she hadn't felt a pressure in her belly like this since the last kid she

had birthed. Now it felt like one had climbed back inside. A troll might not be

much bigger than a human, but in some respects they out matched them. This one

could screw a pony!                She was

thankful he had bothered finding something to make this easier. As it was, each

pass he made felt like an old man's wooden cane being thrashed about inside

there. When he pushed in hard, she felt like her opening was being pulled

inside. She wasn't sure how much of this she could take, not like she had a

choice. His grip was iron.                He was

grunting away happily, remembering how it had been when he was young. This

little goat was a pretty good substitute for the real thing. He screwed her

with a passion for the next ten minutes until he felt his insides boil up. With

a grunt and a push, he pressed himself against her as his seed flowed forth.

She could feel the pressure build. It only subsided when the troll pulled out.

A cascade of semen flowed to the bank and into the water.                He let

her go, but all she could do was fall in the mud. "Gracious me! When was the

last time you mated?"                He was

watching the cum flow from her backside. "Many, many years. Thank you little

nanny. You may go now."                She

turned to him. "Oh, I think not. If you think that I'm going to get pounded

like that every day, you have another thing coming!"                He

looked down at her. "What do you suggest?"                "There

are two more of us you know!"                "But

they are billy goats!" he cried.                "Yes,

and they have a hole too!"                "What

do you mean?"                She

stood on wobbly legs and wiggled her backside. "The boys use both holes."                He

looked at her and pondered. "The one under the tail? That's not for mating!"                "No,

but what would you care? A hole is a hole. I think it would serve them right!"                "Hmmm.

I don't know if that would work..." He was squinting down at hers. "Well, there's

no time like the present!"                He

grabbed her again and pressed his cock against her rectum. He grabbed her tail

and yanked it upwards, stretching it to accept his size. Once he was in, his

hand had to clamp down on her mouth again, for the air was filled anew with her

cries. He found that surprisingly, this hole was very similar to the other,

leastwise in a goat.                He

worked away for an indeterminate amount of time, stabilizing her body as he

fucked her ass with glee. Yes, this would do nicely in the other two goats. He

couldn't wait to try them out. But in the mean time, he was more than happy

where he was. This she-goat was a wonderful little novelty. He was glad she had

suggested this. It was a really sweet thing for her to do. He only hoped that

when all was said and done, his manners in this hadn't been too... gruff.                               

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