Red Whine, A Second Glass

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#2 of Bottled Whine

There were a few requests for another story based on Red Whine. So here it is.

                Hi! Remember

me? I'm Greg. I told you before about my shitty little brother Daryl. Yeah,

that's right, the little thief that kept getting me into trouble. Remember?

Yeah, I thought you might. I think a few of you expressed the opinion that what

I did to the pain in my ass was wrong. Maybe it was. Call it tit for tat. I

think I gave him a choice. So maybe it wasn't a fair choice, but who ever said

life was fair?                Besides,

he was a little more cautious around me now, so at least I had that going for

me. He didn't back talk as much and if he did, I just stood and rubbed my

crotch. He would clam up immediately. Mom and Dad never noticed my actions. But

they did notice the change in Daryl. They never questioned it, considering that

his behavior seemed improved. The fact was, he was still an asshole. I was just

managing to keep him in line.                One

weekend, they announced that they were going away on a couples retreat. I didn't

have anything going on, so I figured that staying home to babysit the bozo was

no big deal. I had no intention of molesting him. I figured that was the stuff

I would reserve for punishment. As it was, I had a few girls I was seeing, so

my nuts were hardly in a backed-up condition.                He, on

the other hand, I happened to know wanted to go to a party. Mom and Dad had said

it was out of the question. They didn't trust him any farther than they could

throw him. He had started to make a scene, but I rubbed my cock and he shut

down. All they saw was me glaring at him. If they only knew the truth.                They

left, and Daryl went to his room to sulk. Of course, I wasn't an idiot. His

room had been my room once, and I had used the side window (the rooms were

upstairs) to gain access to the porch roof and from there to the trellis. If he

was half the sneak I knew he was, he had done the same thing before. It would

work right up to the day the trellis couldn't handle the added weight.                I stood

out in the hall and listened. Nothing happened for a little while. I figured

that he was going to wait until he thought I wasn't paying attention and make

his escape. I have to admit; standing there without creaking the floorboards

was a job. But in a short amount of time, I heard his bedsprings as he got up

and walked across the floor. The sound of the window opening came to my sensitive

ears.                I

waited about two seconds before whipping open the door. Two things happened at

once. He startled, and since he was about a third of the way through the opening,

he jumped up, striking the window. That knocked it loose from the friction

holding it in place, allowing it to come down hard on his back.                It

knocked the wind out of him. He was now partially inside and partially

outside.  His hips and legs were dangling

just a bit on the inside. His toes weren't even touching the floor. I stepped

over and tapped on the glass. "Going somewhere little brother?"                He

squirmed angrily. "You stupid shit! Why did you do that?"                I

looked at the window and smiled. In the next instant I pushed the latch that

kept the window up when you wanted it left open for air. It effectively pinned

him where he was. "Because you have no permission to leave the house.

Therefore, you were breaking the rules."                "I was

going to go outside in the backyard!"                "Really?"

My tone was sarcastic. "Is there something wrong with the back door?"                When I

said "back door", I felt a twinge in my pants. Then I smiled. It was punishment

time. I stepped out into the hall, leaving him yelling and cursing at me.  I stepped into the bathroom, found a small

bottle of lotion and came back to his room. He was still spouting obscenities. He

couldn't really see me, so he had no immediate idea what I was doing. For all

he knew, I had left him trapped there. His punishment wasn't going to be that

easy                I

dropped my clothing on the floor. I wasn't worried about being seen, as this

side of the house faces back towards the woods. I rubbed my cock a few times,

but it hardly needed coaxing.  IT was

already stiff. I walked to the window and with one swift motion, pulled off his

shoes. It was at that moment that he realized the helplessness of his

situation. He should really learn not to piss me off.                His

basketball shorts were all too easy to remove, as were his boxers. I now had an

excellent view of his fluffy tail and the superb hole that lay underneath. His

fluff covered balls and sheathed cock were just under that. I was so very

tempted to give them a smack, but opted to take out my anger in more

constructive ways.                To make

sure he knew what was up, I put a dollop of lotion on my middle finger and shoved

it up his as. He started struggling and hollering. I stopped just long enough

to yell out to him. "There isn't anyone who's going to hear you, you know!"                Figuring

I was just wasting time, I slathered the stuff on my now red hot cock and

placed the tip against his ass hole. He tightened up involuntarily. That was

all the better, because girls couldn't do that. Well, I guess they might, but I

had not bothered them for any rear door action. Why bother? I had it right

here.                I didn't

bother trying to force it right away. I decided to let him tire out fighting first.

If nothing else, he wasn't likely to hurt himself stuff as he was. I just

leaned against the wall and allowed my weight to push against him. The lube did

its job because I slid in rather quicker than I wanted. So I pulled back out

and started over. I did that like fifteen times before I pushed it all the way

in. I knotted up and groaned with the pleasure of the feeling.                I

looked out past the curtains. I could see his hands balled up and flailing

uselessly in the air. I sort of felt bad, but only for a second and only with

the slightest of twinges. He was a total jerk and if he was so stupid as to try

something on my watch he deserved whatever he got.                Since we

where now conjoined in the most intimate of manners, I quit leaning against the

wall and instead leaned back away from him. My knot pulled back and I could see

his sphincter bulge from the pressure. But his ass was too small to let go of

it. I just stood there. Watching his legs kick. He had no purchase to which to

get me very hard, and all he was doing was making it worse on himself. I think

he realized this and stopped. I leaned in and started fucking him. Both of the

girls I was seeing it turned out had been busy this weekend, and I had not

jacked off in anticipation of seeing at least one of them.  So Daryl was going to get quite load before I

was done.                I

grabbed his hips and lifted up the back side of his body and drove it home. It

was like fucking a girl, only this was a whole hell of a lot tighter. I might

have to mix things up a little with the girls, but then again, I might have to

just make this my special time with my little brother.                 My hips

were working away like a jackhammer. I could feel his muscles tightening up

with unbelievable tension.  My knot had

filled him up to the point that he was going to be gaping open by the time I

was done.                I

reached down under his hips and coaxed his cock out. As it was the tip was protruding,

either from some masochistic pleasure he was getting, or from the motion of his

body. My fingers were still soft and a little slick from the lotion. I gave it

a few tugs until it was hard. I leaned towards the window and yelled. "Nice little

hard-on, you freaking perv! You like this, don't you?"                He

struggled again, but gave it up as futile. 

I gripped his cock firmly, not hard and mean like, but with the idea of

jacking him off. I was beginning to wonder what his ass would feel like while he

was cumming. I would have used two paws, but his cock wasn't that big. So I

used my free paw to hold his tail, using it as an anchor for my activities.                 About

ten minute later I was feeling that wonderful heat in my balls. I looked down

and saw his toes were curled up like elf shoes. 

His insides were getting hot, and the space I was occupying in his ass

seemed to be getting smaller. It was time to let go.                I let

go of his cock and grabbed his hips again. I remembered all the things that he

had done to piss me off and I unleashed myself as punishment for every one of them.

I felt like Mom's sewing machine running on high. I got so aggressive that my

cock pulled loose and I began ramming my knot in and out. His screams just

might have carried to the next house as this rate.                I

finally blew the biggest wad ever. It screamed through my cock like a freight train.

I was soon pumping him full, and at the same time, I could feel that he was

cutting loose to. He was shooting all over the window sill. I did my best to extend

my orgasm, finally faking the tail end of it with conscious squeezes of my

muscles.                I

really wanted to just start the whole thing over again, but I doubted he would

survive another round. I was pretty sure his breath was coming in short gasps

from the pressure of the window. I pulled out and clicked open the latch. I had

to grab him to keep him from falling out onto the roof. I pulled him back into

the room and tossed him on the bed.                When he

got his wind back he turned and started to curse me. I was standing there right

in front of his face. My cock was at mouth level. He looked into my eyes and

wisely closed it. "Look Daryl. Every time you do something stupid. I am going

to be on your ass about it. More to the point, I will be in your ass. I'm

beginning to really like this shit. It's kinky. But as long as you'd don't fuck

up, you won't get fucked, I'll promise you that. So you see, you have incentive

to straighten up. Me, I'm hoping you don't!"


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