Leaps and Bounds (and gagged)

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#6 of Twisted Tales

Wrote this rather quickly, as is my nature. Hopefully there are no glaring errors for you impromptu editors to deal with. Again, here I am messing with your childhoods.

I'm sure a lot of you will remember this opening

line. Once upon a time there were four

little Rabbits, and their names were --            If you will recall, they

were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They all lived with their Mother in

a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir-tree. And this is the story

at hand. The tale of a tail make of fluff and fur and the cute little bunny boy

it was attached to.            Now, before I go much

farther, you have to remember that these were not ordinary rabbits. No,

ordinary rabbits didn't wear clothing or talk. These bunnies were bigger, and

smarter, and more intelligent than run of the mill rabbits. Why else would

someone write a story about them if they weren't? So let's keep that in mind and

continue with those parts you're familiar with."Now, my dears," said old Mrs. Rabbit one morning,

"you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr. McGregor's

garden: your Father had an accident there. Now run along, and don't get into

mischief. I am going out." Then old

Mrs. Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella, and went through the wood to the

baker's. She bought a loaf of brown bread and five currant buns.Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail, who were good

little bunnies, went down the lane to gather blackberries;But Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away

to Mr. McGregor's, and squeezed through the gate!When he got through, he paused, listening. He

cocked his ears to and fro, trying to pick up the slightest sound. When he was

certain he heard nothing, he ambled over to the garden and settled down for a

nibble. First he ate some lettuces and some French beans; and then he ate some

radishes. Then, feeling rather sick (as he forgot he didn't like radishes), he

went to look for some parsley.But round the end of a cucumber frame, whom should

he meet but Mr. McGregor!Mr. McGregor was on his hands and knees, but he

jumped up and ran after Peter, waving a rake and calling out, "Get back here!"Peter acted most dreadfully frightened; he rushed

all over the garden, dodging the awkwardly aimed swings with the rake and

looking for a suitable place to hide. He lost one of his shoes among the

cabbages, and the other shoe amongst the potatoes.After losing them, he ran on all fours and went faster,

so that I think he might have got away altogether if he had not unfortunately

run into a gooseberry net, and got caught by the large buttons on his jacket.

It was a blue jacket with brass buttons, quite new.Peter gave himself up for lost and shed big tears. A

few sparrows flew down to urge him on, but by then Mr. McGregor arrived. He

came up with a sieve, which he intended to pop upon the top of Peter; but Peter

wriggled out just in time, leaving his jacket behind him. The chase was on

again!He rushed into the tool shed and jumped into a barrel.

It would have been a beautiful thing to hide in, if it had not had so much

water in it. Mr. McGregor was quite sure that Peter was somewhere in the tool shed,

perhaps hidden underneath a pile of burlap sacks. He began to turn them over

carefully, looking under each.Presently Peter sneezed-- "Kertyschoo!" Mr. McGregor

was after him in no time at all. With a deft grab he got Peter by the scruff of

the neck. He hauled him to a standing position, water dripping, and clamped a

neck collar on him. "This time I was prepared for you!"Peter tried to free himself to no avail. Mr. McGregor

pulled him over to a crate and pushed him down. While he sat on him, the big

human securely tied Peter's paws and feet to eyehooks in the floor. The last to

be secured were his big feet, because the last thing he was still wearing was

his pants. With an unceremonious yank, his lovely trousers were pulled off and

flung on the floor.Mr. McGregor stooped in front on him. "Oh ho little

bunny! Did you think you'd get away today? I don't think you tried hard enough.

Good thing for you I happen to like bunnies. But then need a good tenderizing

before they can go into a pie. I guess I should save my wife the trouble!"He undressed right there in front of Peter. Soon

there was a pile of human clothes on the wooden floor, covering up Peter's

small trousers. Worse yet, he was now staring at a sizable cock hanging in

front of his face. The human grabbed his ears and pinched. As his ears were

sensitive, the next instant he yelled in pain.His cries were cut off by something big, hot and

hard being shoved in his mouth. His eyes watered as the human's cock pressed

into his throat. It weighed down his tongue and rubbed the roof of his mouth.

The human grabbed his ears again and used them to move his head back and forth.

At the same time he ground his hips into his face."Little bunny, this is wonderful. I might have to

tie you up and keep you hidden for times when I need a little fun. The old wife

isn't what she used to be."Peter couldn't answer. His vocal chords were close

to being assaulted at that moment. The human pounded away for a small eternity

before his finally seemed to be getting ready to finish. He held Peter's head

still and using only his own body forced himself into the bunny's mouth like he

was pounding nails into a fence post. Tears were streaming down the rabbit's

eyes and onto his cheeks. He would have bitten his lip if he were able.Peter could feel a series of convulsions pass

through the hunk of flesh protruding into his mouth. The next instant he felt

the gush of fluid spraying down his throat. He shuddered as the stuff flowed

into his stomach. Rabbit's were supposed to be vegetarians!The man pulled his cock out of his mouth and

grunted. "God that was good!" Peter stared through foggy eyes at the thing. It

was still hard, and now it was wet and dripping. The man moved and disappeared

behind him.He felt a tug on his tail, strong enough to lift

him partway off the crate. He could feel the man drop to his knees, and the

next instant Peter felt a stab in his butt. His eye went wide and a shrill yell

escaped his lips. A big hand clamped over his mouth. "Shhh! I don't need you

bringing the missus out. This would be a pain to explain!"Peter quieted down. What else could he do? The

human had him in his grip and he was sure that he would do what he wanted as

long as he could. Peter would be lucky if he survived the day. He went limp in

the strong grip and waited for the end to come. It wasn't quick, that was for certain.

Mr. McGregor seemed to delight in his present situation. The crate was creaking

under their combined weight. It was creaking in a steady rhythm, as were the

grunts the man was making.They were in time to his thrusts; sharp jerky

movements at his hips. Peter could feel his ass stretch and his belly seemed to

be caught in a whirlpool. At times he felt like his insides were in danger of

getting pulled out. He fought weakly against the restraints but they were too

secure for such a weak thing like him.McGregor kept it up for a long, long, while. In the

end (no pun intended) he picked up speed, causing the wood of the crate to

crack and groan and splinter. Peter felt much like the wood. The groan that

escaped his lips was loud enough to be heard all the way to the house. Again, a

hand came down on his mouth. "Shhhhh!" Like he

could help it!The man stiffened up as his body poured more fluid

into Peter, this time from the other end. Somewhere in the middle all this

stuff had to eventually meet, thought the rabbit. As the cock withdrew from his

poor little butt, the rabbit sighed. But now was going to be the part he knew

he would hate.Mr. McGregor stood and proceeded to undo the

restraints. Peter sat up gingerly and rubbed the circulation back into his paws

and feet. The man looked down at him with a curious grin."You know Peter, you're a sick little bastard, you

know that don't you? I mean, I like getting my nuts off and everything, but

hell, you're a glutton for punishment. Does your mother know where you go when

she's gone?"Peter popped his jaw a moment, getting the joints

back into place. "Of course not. She says, "Stay away from R. McGregor's place.

She still thinks you ate dad."The man grinned. "Of course I didn't! He just

happened to find a different calling. You'd hardly recognize him in a dress and

heels!"            Peter shrugged. "I suppose

so. I think I'd like to meet up with him again someday."            The man shrugged too. "That

can be arranged. So, I think you had better get going. Help yourself to something

from the garden. And don't forget your clothes. I don't need to try explaining

a random shoe to my wife, and you don't want to have to explain a missing one

to your mother."            Peter nodded.            The man bid him farewell.

"So, see you tomorrow?"            Peter grinned and nodded

eagerly. "You bet!"

Trouble at Roger's House, The Back Story

                I suppose you're still curious what went down that night, aren't you. Fine. But keep this just between you and me please. Marie was sound asleep on top of me, snoring ever so slightly and drooling a steady stream of salvia on my chest....

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Trouble at Roger's House.

                Life is funny. Someone told me that once. Being in high school at the time, I sort of shrugged it off as the rant of a discontented twenty something. I came to realize that he was making a general statement about life in general,...

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Three's Company

                Hey! Yeah it's me again. You know, Veracity. I know I don't count as much with a god running loose, but tough shit for you.  Life has gotten a bit more interesting, and while I hate boredom, I think I may have bit off more than I can...

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