Trouble at Roger's House, The Back Story

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#2 of Roger That!

A little go-with that was requested for the last story.


suppose you're still curious what went down that night, aren't you. Fine. But

keep this just between you and me please. Marie was sound asleep on top of me,

snoring ever so slightly and drooling a steady stream of salvia on my chest. I

was still hard inside and wishing we could screw at least once more.                I was content

to lay still for a while for two reasons. The first was that I liked having her

where she was. I had never had a girl fall asleep anywhere near me. We did what

we did and went our separate ways. It gave me the feeling that she totally trusted

me. Yeah, I know. She was probably thinking more of her brother, but I didn't

care. Secondly, I was enjoying stroking her hair and rubbing her ears. Oh, and

yeah, did I mention how her body was wrapped snugly around me in a nice,

intimate way?                I put

my hands on her ass and started to rock her gently. I was torn between waking

her up and letting her snooze. Either way I figured I was going to be the one

getting the benefit. As it was, the slow, light movements were a real turn on.

The fact that her ass cheeks fit perfectly in my paws was another. I ran a

finger to her back hole and gently stroked it.                I did

this for a quiet eternity. The whole time she just sort of lay there, freely moving

in my arms like she was in the surf at the beach. It was as if her body was

completely relaxed and floating. Summing it up, it was incredible. But I could

feel that the wave action was going to be getting a little choppier. I couldn't

hold out forever. Hoping she wouldn't be upset, I picked up speed and force and

started to work her over my cock in a proper manner.                She

finally stirred a little. Eyes fluttered open and the first thing she did was

freak just a little. She pushed off, staring me in the face. Then she smiled

and dropped back to me chest. "It's you Mike. I forgot already."                I

couldn't help but wonder. "Marie, have you and Roger really been doing this?"                She

yawned sleepily. "I told you like how many times already?"                "Yeah,

I know. But I just don't get it. How did it start?"                She

grunted a little and shifted herself until she seemed to like her new position

on top of me. Then she sighed. "It started a few months ago. Mom and Dad were

out for the evening and a thunderstorm came along. I don't like storms, and

normally I go to Mom and she'll let me sleep by her or something."                She

stopped talking for a moment. "Go on."                She did

a few pushes against me, wiggling in the most divine manner.  "So I went to see if Roger would mind. He was

up playing his games so he just sort of patted the bed and I came up and

snuggled next to him."                I was

all ears. "Then what?"                "Well,

I got comfortable. I guess maybe too comfortable. I sort of just got settled

in."                I was

getting impatient. I was suddenly more interested in the story than I was in

the fact that I was presently inside her. 

"And?"                She

looked mildly embarrassed. "Well, I started paying with myself. I had been for

a while you know, and I just was sort of nervous about the storm and

everything. So I was fingering myself."                I could

just imagine that. Roger probably wouldn't have noticed, not at first. He was

an avid gamer. "And Roger finally paid attention to what you were doing?"                "Yeah.

I didn't notice that he had paused the game."                "What

did he do?"                "Nothing.

He just sort of started at me and said... What the hell are you doing?" She

giggled. "I pulled my hand from my panties and turned beet red. I told him I

wasn't doing anything."                If I

wasn't already hard I would have sprung the biggest boner ever. "What did he do

then?"                He just

sort of smiled and leaned down and kissed me. 

I thought he was going to just kiss my head, but he moved lower and got

my lips instead. I was shocked, but it felt nice so I kissed him back. The next

thing I knew his paws were on me. Not rough, just sort of soft and gentle. I

was freaked out. But at the same time it felt nice. "                She

paused a moment in reflection. "I always liked Roger. I never thought of him as

a boyfriend or anything, but at that moment I did. It was so cool!"                I sort

of shrugged internally. Roger was

cool hence the reason we were friends. But yeah, I found it hard to think of

him and her getting it on. Then I glanced down and did a few controlled

squeezes on the muscles that controlled my cock. I guess I could see it. She

grinned and squeezed back. It was totally awesome! But it got me thinking. This

had been his and her secret. Now that I was in the mix, what would happen?                 I

decided I would cross that bridge when we came to it. "So did you fuck the

first night?"                She

giggled again. "No. It got pretty intense, but no fucking. Roger said something

about a cherry, and then had to explain to me what it was. He said that if we

went too far, I would bleed."                "Yeah.

Girls do that. But it you eventually went all the way, so what difference did

that make?"                She put

her finger to my mouth as she ground herself down a little on my cock. "Because

he didn't want anyone to find out. So we just had some fun for a while. I heard

mom and dad come home, so I hightailed it back up to my room. The storm had

settled by then anyway."                "Mom

looked in on me and I feigned being asleep. The next morning she congratulated

me on weathering the storm on my own. She had no idea how distracted I was at

the time! But Roger wanted to go all the way, and I was pretty cool with the

idea. How many times would someone like me get a chance to screw someone like

Roger?"                She

looked down at me and puckered her lips. "Or someone like you! The boys my age

are all stupid little pricks."                I

sucked in a breath from my impatience. She forestalled my complaint with a

kiss. "It was a couple of nights later. He got an old bath towel from the car

cleaning supplies and washed it with his clothing. He wanted something he could

throw out in case I bled a lot. In the meantime, I kept sneaking into his room

as much as I could. He even stopped playing some of his games just to play with

me!"                I made

the mental connection. He had dropped out of the online playing community in

the past few weeks, maybe even a month ago. I had no idea why. The reason was

quite clear now. "So what did you play?"                She

leaned down and licked my nose. "Licking and kissing and fingering and pawing;

what else?"                I could

just see them together in my mind's eye. Roger getting it on with his little

sister! I was about ready to finish this conversation and move on to something

esle. I wanted to get off right now! My cock was quivering in place, running at

a fast idle. And all this time the little perv never had the decency to mention

it.                 Yeah, I

know. I was cutting him some slack. How would you go about telling people that

you were suddenly screwing your little sister. Incest was a big deal. So was

underage sex, but we were both under the age of eighteen, so it didn't matter

as much for us. That's not to say our parents wouldn't skin us alive and use us

both for hall rugs!                 "How

was your first time?"                She

jumped up and down in excitement. My cock moved with her. I wanted her to never

stop. "It was great! It did hurt a bit, but Roger kept fingering me to get

that, what did he call it...?"                "Hymen?"                "Yeah!

That thing. I think he liked calling it a cherry. Popping the cherry he kept

saying."                "How

many time did you do it?"                "That

night?" Her eyes were bright and lively. I nodded.                "Three.

After that, Roger got limp and couldn't go anymore. That's what's nice about

having a hole. It's always ready!"                I about

choked. "Yes, I suppose so. Just don't be too willing to use it. You should

stick with people you know." Here I was giving lessons on sex etiquette to a

minor!                 She

snorted. "So far it's just been Roger, and now you. You're a lot different than

he is. You're bigger all around. I think that I'm glad he popped me. I think

that if you had tried it, there would have been a lot more blood."                "So it

was messy?"                She

shrugged. "The towel was an old brown one, so it's hard to say. There was a

stain on it, but Roger said I did pretty good. He had seen worse."                 I knew

what that was about. He had nailed a sophomore named Chelsea, a hot little

ocelot, who made it sound like she was all experienced and everything. Turns

out it was all a show, and when she and Roger had gone out, he had brought a

bottle of liquor with them. She got looped and went all sexy on him. He had no

idea she was a virgin and went straight to work. Turned out her hymen was

pretty tough and thick. It was no match for Roger. By the time he blew his

load, the blanket they were laying on was a mess. He freaked and called me. I

ended up getting a nickname from him, C.U.C. I still use it online as my user

name. It stands for Clean Up Crew.                Oh, and

just in case you're wondering, I had a go at Chelsea. Marie was better. For one

thing, I don't like drunk girls. I didn't know it until then. She was hell in

high heels the next day. Luckily, she didn't remember most of it, so we

ad-libbed a good portion of it. She seemed to be o.k. with our story. Still, it

was a lesson well learned. Stay away from drunk ocelots.                "So how

many times since then?"                "Oh,

maybe a dozen. It's not like we can just make that many excuses to be together

you know."                I knew.

It had to be painful, being in the same house, wanting each other, and not being

able to do it. "Marie. What happens when Roger comes home from the hospital?"                "You

mean, like are we going to keep having sex? I doubt it. Not for a while. I

overhead the surgeon telling him he was going to have to take it easy for a few

weeks."                "I

guess I meant in the long term."                She

looked at me sort of weirdly. "Long term? Oh, you mean like what if he gets a

steady girlfriend sort of thing?"                "Yeah,

like that. He can't keep screwing you while he has a girlfriend. In fact, he

may have trouble getting one if he's stuck on you."                She let

loose a laugh and immediately clamped her hand over her mouth. "Sorry. I was

thinking you said stuck in me. I

wish." Then she did a little motion with her hips. "Now you; you I could deal

with being stuck inside me."                 At this

point I figured I knew what I needed. Tired of the slow, erotic little twinges

of pleasure I was getting, I opted to get a little hard core. I pulled her in,

kissed her soundly and then rolled the two of us over. I was a lot heavier than

she was, so instead of flattening her into the mattress, I sat up, arranged her

legs and leaned in. Looking down, I could watch my cock slide in and out.

Watching her furry lips spread and retract in time to my thrusts was awesome.  So was the deep red of my cock against the

pale fur of her underbelly.                I got a

grip, told her to hang on, and I cut loose like a rabbit. Yeah, rabbits are

over rated when it comes to sex. They are vibrating madmen but they have no

endurance. Me, I could do both. Learned a few things from one of the older hares

at school, I did.                I

aligned my body and pushed in hard, finding my depth marker, so to speak. I

think she could feel me tickling her tonsils! Yeah, I know anatomy better than

that. I think you get my meaning!  She

could feel the head of my cock pressing her insides right up into her chest

cavity! I could see her belly move a little in time with my pushes. I knew

there had to be room for little else in there.                I got

the perfect position, where I could drive it in deep, then pull it back until I

was almost out.  I could feel the

compactness of her body frame within the ridge of bone in her pelvis. I think I

might have mentioned it before. It made for a good, solid edge to rub up

against. This time the top of my cock was getting the full treatment.                I was

soon working away like a fiend. Her head was flopping around and her arms and

questing fingers were grabbing for me. They finally settled onto the sheets and

dug in. I drove it in with only the slightest of restraint. She was too damn

good to ruin, but by the same token, she was too damn good not to enjoy. As her

head arched back against the pillows, and as her legs pushed her up into me, I

figured she was feeling that same way. With a roar I spilled forth like a great

flood.                 She

pushed into me with such force that she managed to lift me an inch off the bed.

That was pretty impressive. I had to keeping remembering she was a gymnast. She

let out her own little howl and dropped back down in a heap of quivering

muscles. Her breath was coming in ragged intakes and harsh exhales. I could

feel her heart racing from where I was presently impaling her body.                Needless

to say we fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning, it was because I could

hear the garage door opening. My first thought was... when did we get a garage

door opener? Then I looked and blinked. It all came back to me. I was in

Roger's room! And I had just fucked Roger's sister. And their mom and dad would

be walking through that door any minute. I turned to push Marie out of the bed

but she wasn't there. I looked on the floor and her clothing was gone. The only

evidence that she had been here was the sweet aroma of her scent that was

lingering on my body. Shit!                I was

glad Roger's room had access to the bathroom. I jumped in, locked the doors and

ran the shower. It wasn't perfect, but it was the fastest shower I had ever

taken. And while I'm not one for perfumy shampoos, I figured a little flowers

would go far to hide the odor. I got dressed after I dried and came out into

the kitchen. Roger's parents were there with a big box of doughnuts and a

gallon of milk.                Marie

was sitting on a kitchen stool, talking a mile a minute. I looked at her until

she glanced my way. All she did was smile and say "Morning Mike" and went back

with her barrage of questions. I sat down and make an effort to ignore her. My

heart was racing. But as the minutes ticked by, nothing bad happened. Marie

hardly looked at me. I hate to say it, but it was driving me crazy. How could

she be this cool and level headed?                I heard

her mother congratulate her on staying in her own room during the storm. She

smiled and accepted the praise with a calm, collected demeanor. Then their focus

turned to me. "What did you do all night Mike?"                "Uh,

mostly just played a few games and such. I hope Roger doesn't mind that I was

playing with his stuff."                Roger's

dad chuckled. "No, son, he doesn't mind. He said that whatever is his, is yours.

He said something about hoping you unlocked some secret levels; whatever that

means."                I

choked on my milk. Marie stepped in smoothly. "Oh daddy, you're so out of date.

All games have levels. Some of them are hidden or secret. They can be the most

fun to play if you know how to unlock them. Isn't that right Mike?"                I

nodded and stuffed my face with a doughnut.

Trouble at Roger's House.

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