Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 20: Mirror Invasion Part 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#26 of Chakat Universe

War has come the Federation and by a force it never expected.

Unexplored Planet in the Yoshiru Sector:

Date 04/14/ 2344

In a tropical pink colored forest seemed calm and peaceful with the standard sounds of the animals breaking the silence. Then a grunt and a chopping noise was heard and some leaves fell to the ground to reveal a lion morph. It was female, young, and a little buff. Her fur coloration was was light gold and tan from her muzzle down her front cover her crotch and inner thighs and her fingers. It was easy to tell because despite the fingerless gloves, a pair of boots, a knife strapped to her thigh, an equipment belt, a backpack, and a pair of dog tags she was completely nude. Shani was certainly an odd one. She was raised in a normal lion morph household but that didn't stop her. Despite her tomboyish personality she loved her feminine body and rarely wore clothes. The current record was school time. As soon as she was off the bus off went the clothes. The best her parents could figure was a bit of throwback genes causing that and were resign to it. But in the settled world all had laws against full nudity. Never mind that taurs could go full nude biped morphs couldn't so she wore the smallest bikini shorts possible and technically be in the law. But that was one of the reasons she bought a ship to explore recently discovered planets. Nobody cared what she wore or didn't wear and she LIKED exploring so a win win and she made some decent money surveying the planets. She stop and put a hand through her moehawk style hair and scanned the horizon with her gold and green eyes. Despite the odd floral colors this planet had potential for a colony. She took a sip from her canteen when she heard movement. She ducked behind a tree and soon saw a pair of figures emerge. They looked like Starfleet from the outfit. 'What are they doing out here?' Shani wondered.

"Yeah the signal is in this area something is defiantly here that shouldn't be." One said.

"Okay who ever you are come out now!" the other ordered. They were authority and she hasn't done anything wrong. So she moved from behind the tree and both point in her direction. Both were human males and she could see them leering at her nude body.

"I have a permit to explore unclaimed planets officers. I am surprised to see Starfleet out this far and this planet is still unclaimed according to records." She said and the head guy grinned.

"Well we are expanding and have claimed this planet and you're trespassing. Your sentence is to be my slave girl."

"That's against the law." She stated.

"We are making new laws cat. And you are going to be fun." They closed in and Shani had enough. With a quick swing she kicked the closest one in the head and took out her stunner and shot them both then keyed her comm to call her ship to the nearest clearing she saw and she went that way. In minutes she got to the clearing and her ship the Shani's Freedom. Well it was a Runabout. Ad hybrid between a short range shuttle and a starship. But it was big and cheap enough for her. She launch the ship and break orbit. She was going to report this to Starfleet Command or the Federation Council on this. And alert came up and sensors showed a ship. Likely a destroyer by size was moving to intercept. The IFF though was strange. Instead of F.S.S. It was I.T.S., 'who uses that IFF?' she thought. The Freedom lurched as she was hit by the destroyer. She fired back but the Freedom's weapons were more for fending off pirates not a warship but she had to try. She sent out a distress signal and was almost making it to a safe distance to warp when the Freedom was hammered and vent ruptured and an alarm bellowed. She checked the readout and her warpcore was in danger of breaching. She was trying to fix it when she got a glance of the destroyer. It was bulky looking like a strangely laired cake with a pair of nacelles attached. It was turning for the final pass when Shani noticed shimmering. Then another ship appear and opened fire on the destroyer. It hit the ships shields. A second volley got through and hit the ships sublight and warp engines And the destroyer limped away. Shani went bad to trying to fix the core as the comm turned on.

<Runabout your core is about to breach, prepare for transport.> Shani pounded the console and stood up and felt the beam over. Shi found herself on a transporter pad and a gold furred chakat in a starfleet uniform. The Chakat tapped the commbadge and said.

"Captain we got her we can break off."

<Acknowledge Red.> The Chakat then looked seriously at Shani.

"You okay miss? Did they rape you? We can get some clothes for you."

"No they didn't except for destroying my ship. I worked hard for that ship. And say what they heck is up with Starfleet to have guys like that?"

"They are not Starfleet, at least not ours. Long story short, The Federation is being invaded by what appears to be a dark version of itself. We are out here on recon trying to figure out where they are basing themselves and their strength. I'm LT. Commander Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze."

"Shani Venture."

"Nice to meet you Shani, wish it was under better circumstances. I'll take you to the Captain." The two leave the transporter room and Shani notices the chakat look behind hir. "You sure you're fine? Your completely nude."

Shani sighed. "Yes I am fine I prefer being nude. It's why I chose a career as a planetary scout so I can be as nude as I want." Red chuckles and responds.

"Okay, heck you remind me of a friend I know. Having you on board is going to be interesting."

"Why is that?"

"You're a beautiful lioness and display it for all to see. So if you see me with an erection please don't mind." They enter a turbolift and the conversation continued.

"Didn't know I would that kind of effect on chakats before. Well my heat is in a few days and I owe you so why not have some fun. But don't expect anything long term. I hope to find a male suitable for me."

"Got it. No problem, I have several mates and I think they would be ecstatic to hear me have a fling for once." Before Shani could pry more the doors open to the bridge. It was an older bridge layout, about the same age as her runabout but she did noticed a few newer consoles. "Shani Venture meet Captain Bombshell Hamilton, Child of Reefswimmer and Uilleam Hamilton. Shi's the one in charge of the Mercenary Combat Ship Sunovagun.?h The other Chakat was white and black with blond hair and raised an eyebrow at Shani's attire or lack of.

"Welcome aboard, sorry we couldn't get here sooner."

"Crap happens but how does a merc ship get a starfleet crew?"

"I rescued them from an invaded colony when their ship went down. While normally I would drop them off at a base or another ship, Starfleet hired me to scout out where these guys are coming from and their strength and decided to assign them to me. Sadly though those orders mean you are stuck with us for the time being. Red can show you a room that you can stay in. What were you doing out here anyway?"

"Well since I like being nude and most planets have taboos for us bipeds of going full nude I decided to explore space and planets. Go to places where no one will care what I wear or not wear and turned it into a career. Exploring planets for colony viability or resource mining."

"Okay makes sense. In fact I may have a use for you."

Shi gestured to a console displaying a map of the region. "Despite the last couple weeks of scouting we have only run into their scouts. We heard reports of Admiral kline and parts of his 1st fleet have repealed a couple of invasion forces but those were groups of a battle ship or that battle carrier class with a destroyer or two so no big battles. We don't even know where they are staging from. Now it seems they have an interest here so maybe we can get some intel from a camp. Our sensors show that they have one on the southern hemisphere."

"That's where I was exploring before all of this.' Shani stated.

"Good then you know the land. You up for a night op?" Shani gave a dark grin.

"Oh hell yes."

"Good. We have a few hours so get rested and you will guide Red and hir team to the camp." The meeting over Red showed Shani the ship and her quarters on board. Shani looked around after Red left and it wasn't bad room but was sad that most of her mementos when down with the Freedom. Well might as well get some rest.

Red entered hir quarters and stripped off hir uniform and relaxed on a couch. Darnspark appeared from the bedroom with a pair of glasses and handed one to Red before laying next to hir. After coming on board Bombshell tried getting hir quarters but shi refused wanting to stay with Red. Sensing the futility of fighting it Red told Bombshell to drop it and so far it has worked out. "Thanks Spark. I needed this." Red said and took a sip.

"It felt like you needed it. So what happened this time? I know we engaged something."

"Yup, one of their Destroyers we think. It was harassing the runabout. We picked up her owner and she's now part of the crew. Word of advice, she is a nudist so don't be surprised to see a nude lioness about."

"Oh is she cute?"

"She is but seems only interested in males not herms. I just barely got some time with her for heat needs. So don't expect much prospect. And besides you're still to young."

"Hey I'm almost 17."

"Still a minor and still illegal. Be patient young one." Red snuggled closer. "I really appreciate your presence on board. This whole situation has kept us busy and your meals and assistance elsewhere."

"It feels nice to be wanted. I want to live with you after this. You have been the only person who really has cared about me. I don't want to leave that."

"Well considering we haven't found any other relatives I say that's a good bet. Won't be the first time the family has took in a stray." They laid there till time came for Red to prepare for the ground mission.

Red and hir team were suited up and ready to beam down. Shi glanced over to Shani and saw her in armor that the Sunovagun had in it's armory. Red guessed she could be practical but shi did read the fact that the lioness was nude underneath. Shaking hir head shi checked hir phaser and everyone tested their comms and headed down.

The forest was dark with the moons covered by clouds. After a quick sweep of the area they were clear and Red said over the comms. <Okay Shani it's your show now.> The lioness nodded and the team stealthily approached the camp. It took them a couple hours till they saw the tents. They saw only two guards and both out of site of eachother. 'PERFECT.' Red thought. With a hand signal shi tells the team to stay put. Shi then walk up to one of the guards and quickly gained control of his mind. Shi then mentally command him to get a data padd with all the information of the Stellar Empire's activities. Shi walked with the guard so hir strain would be less. Shi waited outside another tent watching for the other guard or someone to come around. None did and the guard gave hir a data padd. Shi then returned him to his post and wiped his mine of hir presence and head back to the team. Shi waved the padd at them and the team headed out till they were at a safe distance and beamed back up. Bombshell took the padd as the team took off the armor. Shani looked over to Red and asked. "How did you do that." Red smirked at her.

"I was experimented on by some crazy scientists and one of the side effects is telepathy. Though that level of control I just did can be draining." Shani did notice hir eyes looked tired.

"Well it saved us a lot of hassle but you better get some rest commander."

"Intend to do just that. Night all." Shi heads out to hir quarters and once their shi plopped onto the mattress and felt Darnspark lie next to hir so shi hugged the younger chakat and fell asleep.

The next morning Bombshell and Red met in Bombshell's quarters. "This was a great find Red. Not only did you get the current positions of their ships in the sector you have a location of the staging area. Maybe THE staging area. We could nip this invasion in the butt fast."

"That's good Bomber, makes the exhaustion all the more worth it."

"So that's how you got it, well with this were heading to the 1st Fleet staging area. Boyce now has a target for the fleet so go ahead and take the day off." Red nods and heads back to hir quarters to rest. As shi laid down Darnspark appeared.

"What are you doing back so early?"

"Still wiped out from the mind control yesterday. Oh we are heading to the fleet for a major push. With luck we end this war quickly."

"Good, they deserve all they are going to get." Red sensed some dark emotions from that but didn't care. Darnspark had reason for it. Red felt hir eyes close and nothing more but maybe a caress on hir flank.

Vox woke up this morning and stretched to get the kinks out of their body. After a minute of that went to relieve their bladder. Thankful for still having a cock he did that and washed up. He look at the mirror and saw his face. A Mix of cat and fox with his fur and Fish's hair made it a beautiful face. The face wasn't a stranger to him anymore. It was his and Fish's. This relationship did take a strange turn when he accidentally absorbed his girlfriend. Now their relationship is great after a main adjusting period. They were one now, and while great has caused some issues when they both want to do something different. The technique they keeps their minds separate also keeps them from communicating mentally so communication has been of great importance in their life and has cause some looks when they discuss in public. He walks back into their room, while a lot of times they slept with the family group at times they need to sleep alone and the family accepts that. Vox smiles, a few years ago he had no family and lived alone on his home world. Now not only did he have a family adopt him but was there for him and Fish when they merged. Life was good. He has even got use to answer to their body's name of Diamondstripe and even the weight of their nice rack of breasts. From someone else's point of view they seemed like a chakat and in essence they are now only when you look close would you see a difference. Their muzzle is more fox like and their legs more slender than a chakat but according to their doctor there are chakat features in their body and thankfully the chakat breast support was one of them. There are quite a few things he will not wear and bra's were among them. He will wear girly T-Shirts as a compromise but no bra's, corsets, or panty hose. He grabbed a shirt and put it on then he realized what shirt it was. It was tan with splashes of Red and gold with an image of a Pegasus with the words Summer Storm written on it. He recognized it as a shirt Fish got for her birthday before the merge. She was a big fan of 'Change In Life', a rather appropriate show name right now. The show was REALLY old and a spin off of an older show about talking ponies in a fictional land. Summer Storm was one of the characters in the series. Vox was forced to watch the show now that he and Fish share a body and it wasn't bad. Though Fish had him watch the original show and he even admits while girly it was a good show. While the shirt was meant for Fish it still fit them, if a little tightly but that Fish liked very much and slowly got him to like it. He reach into their closet and tried to get their equipment belt but he dropped it. He reached down to pick it up, and that's when Fish woke up. Without his input their head came up and BANG! They hit the metal rack that holds up the clothes. "OW!" The say in unison and hold the back of their head. "Uuggghhh! Heck of a time to wake up Fish."

"Sorry love. So what were we doing in the closet?"

"Getting our belt. We have an appointment love."

"Oh right. I SLEPT THAT LATE!" There was a knock on the door and they heard Dallie's voice.

"Hey you two alright in there?"

"Yeah we just banged our head." Vox replied for them. Vox puts on the belt and opens the door to see the gold furred Chakat still there. Dallie looked over them and nodded and gestured with heard head.

"Okay well breakfast is ready if your hungry." They followed hir to the dinner table where the rest of the family was. They sat down on a spot and said morning to all. Vox then looked around the room. He saw Larsa helping Jewel with her bib. Larsa formally joined the family after the freighter crash that destroyed her village and Jewel while technically her grandchild was in many ways her daughter. And Diamondstripe smirks as they see a bulge in the vixen's belly. Larsa took an anti aging potion so she could be there longer for jewel and Dallie who stole her heart. Looking around again they see Tamaria, a former mouse herm kidnapped and forcibly changed into a nudist, heavy lesbian unicorn. She literally had nowhere to go but fully accepted with the family. Heck in her previous life she was a bouncer for the club connected to Double H and after rescue Alexis wish shi could allow Tamaria back in but the rules of Double H are very strict on the gender issue. It's a haven for herms and she hasn't one anymore but when she went to the connected dinner she was greeted with love. Now she has a job as a pole dancer which allows her nudity and keeps her active. Next to her was Alexis. The herm wolf is the branch head of the local Double H and was long friends with Dallie. When the place was bombed shi stayed here till it was repaired. When shi went on a recruitment tour to replace losses hir and Red's relationship became intimate and set the seeds for later. After hir ex-boyfriend gang raped hir shi once again found shelter with the family at Red's insistence and join the family on their trip to a family reunion and during to the surprise of all Red got hir pregnant. After some thought shi accepted Red's offer on denmateship and since both Fish and Vox saw hir so happy. Then there's Goldstrike, a Chakat from another universe who lost hir memory and with the Federation's dimensional travel still experimental and currently goes to only one dimension had no way to go home. Shi was accepted in and eventually became Coaldust's denmate and they are planning a having a child soon. The last they heard it might be Goldstrike who would be the mother when they try. Seems Coal is asserting hir masculinity for a change. Even Flameria was a refugee in a way. She was grieving the lost of her sister when Red crashed on her world and gave her something....Someone to live for. Then their was themselves. Vox who had lived alone on his homeworld till it was explored by the Federation and took him in and Fish who had no home or family just a career found a place here and the family was immediately at

their side when they merged. Then of course There was Red hirself. An accident transports him to this world and a transporter malfunction left him with a clone of Dallie's body. After a hard adjustment period he became Redstreak and affected all their lives. Over half the family is here because of Red and even Clarrisa, a foxtaur vixen who literally owes her life to Red's accident and is now considered extended family. This is a family forge of Hardship and love and Vox couldn't be happier anywhere else.

As breakfast was coming to a close Dallie asked them. "So what are you two up to?"

"We have an appointment with the doctor, just a check up to be sure everything is fine."

"You need a ride?"

"No we are renting a PTV." Fish check the time for them. "In fact we better get going. See you all later." They brought their dishes to the sink and left the house and walked to a public PTV hub a few blocks away and rented one. As it took them to the doctor's office they check the net on news. And the big news is the conflict in the colonies. There was no chance of the government keeping the fact a colony and a Star Corps cruiser were attack by an invading force. And so fqar the news has been good. They had fended off attacks on a couple of colony worlds but a handful a freighters have disappeared and there are always the young colonies that have little or no contact with the core that could have been taken. They knew Flameria was very concerned with Narnia. Her world has tried to catchup tech wise with the Federation but they are helpless against an attack. They look out the window and both were very concerned. Not only for Red who the plan to formalize a mateship with when shi got back but also Midsnow. That white furred Chakat quickly got to mean much to them. Maybe because shi quickly accepted their dual nature and wanted to know both of them. Fish has seen how love can sneak up on someone. Maybe when this conflict is over they may have two mates. They defiantly wanted to explore more with Midsnow. The PTV stopped at the doctor's office and they went in and let the secretary knew they had arrive and took a pad. While they waited Vox saw a architect magazine and picked it up and started reading. The more he read the more interested he got. He kept reading till he saw his hands close the magazine. "Sorry love but the doctor's ready to see us." He heard Fish say. It reminded him of another quirk of their union. While everyone else just one voice from their mouth no matter who spoke they however from there point of view they heard the voices they had before their union. "You seem very interested in that magazine."

"Yeah, it fascinated me. All that goes into building things. Perhaps I found a career love but that can wait till later." Calmwaves greeted them and started scanning as shi asked if they had anything strange and how they have been since last time. They haven't noticed anything and relayed family events. After studying the scans for a few minutes.

"Well this was interesting. It seems that your core has altered a bit. I am finding DNA of Fish in there perfectly blended and thankfully stable as scans of your pre merge core shown. Looks like your body truly is an offspring of both of yours." Shi tap some controls and the screen changes. And shi stares at the readings for a bit before addressing them. "Looks like your brain waves are separate and stable. No worries about your minds merging. I say you're good for the next six months. If it's the same then I say we can end these check ups."

"That's good to hear. Sorry doc but we don't want to see that often."

"An understandable statement. You both have a good day." they said their goodbyes and after hanging out at double H for a couple hours they went back home and Vox began checking out building design sites on the net. For once he felt he had something to work for.

Red was fastening the last straps of hir light armor when the ship went to red alert. They joined the fleet a day ago and now Boyce was ready to attack. Red and hir team were heading to the major sections of the ship, bridge, engineering, sickbay, and armory. Shi ordered Darnspark to sickbay to not only be safer there but shi could help the doctor as a go for. Hir light armor was on and with a nod to Jacob a tiger morph who was among the team from the Guardian and was now guarding the armory shi went to the bridge. All of the Bombshell Bombers were manning the ships stations and hir engineers were assisting Crazahan and the medic also in sickbay with Darnspark. Shi took hir spot next to the turbolift and hope shi didn't have to move from it.

From the outside you saw quite a sight. 50 ships ranging from frigates to battleships came from the Starfleet proper and part of the 1st fleet. You had another thirty ships re-purposed from the Star Corps. Mainly explorers who were the size of the light cruiser but the firepower of the frigate but they would be good support ships and troop carriers which some did. But their main strength was the aged cruisers like the sisters to the Guardian and they had the the Cradle class ship. Based off the main Battleship class The Galatica class these were much larger and the spar connecting the head to the rear was much thinner and the nacelles attached to the rear instead of the body. The reason for that was the middle was entirely devoted to the cradling a vessel for repairs. Any ship the Federation has ever built can fit in this cradle area and the ship has all the supplies and parts including an industrial replicator to make repairs on s ship that's too far from a repair dock or like now extended fleet operations. This one was the F.S.S. Blueclaw, named after the famous Rakshani would reveal the plot of certain houses to start a war with Earth and since she was an engineer by trait it made sense. Though some of the house were a little miffed since the last Blueclaw was a Rakshani warship. Next to the behemoth was the pride of the Fleet. The F.S.S. Pegasus herself with her new design style that's slowly making it's way in the fleet. And last but not the least is the bulk of the Sonovaguns and a handful of other mercs hired by Starfleet to assist since the fleet is still spread out from it's peace time duties. Many have taken to planetary patrols but in all honesty the Federation simply was not ready or even consider a war of this scale. Before now no one could match them toe to toe. The closest were years away with one of them a friendly power. But Pegasus had 100 ships with her so a fairly sizable force and in an impressive display of discipline the combined fleet moved as one as they head far enough away from planet to warp to their destination. Within a couple hours they drop out of warp to a previously unknown system. It was a blue star and the nearby planet had a copper look to it that made it exotic. From the Pegasus bridge Boyce oversaw the fleet. Over at science was his first mate and wife M'Lai, down below overseeing the troops the Pegasus carried was midnight and Rosepetal was with the damage control teams. Thankfully his children were safe with Forest back on Earth. He had them removed when the invasion was confirmed and Forest would take good care of them. "Sir we have found the enemy forces." M'lai reported and the screen changed to a closer view. They found 30 ships of all ranges and their own mobile repair platform. His fleet defiantly had a number advantage. If he was them I order a evacuation and do holding maneuvers till evac was complete but the enemy force was staying close to planet side with their tenders near the middle. That told Boyce one thing. They had some ground defenses.

"Pegasus to fleet, enemy has some ground defense so keep your eyes open. Troop ships and tenders stay back. Karis Wager and Jolly Roger stay with them. Everyone else close in." The Federation fleet closed in and both sides opened fire when they were in range of eachother. Beams and trops flew and struck shields and then a pair of large energy bolts fired from the surface hitting a frigate and taking down her shields. She tried to break off but a phaser volley slammed her and her hulk drifted to the planet as escape pods launched. One of the Federation;s heavy cruisers tried to position itself between the planet and the fleet and exchange fire with the ground based weapons. Fighters dogfight between the larger vessels and the Pegasus exchanged fire with the battleship leading the defense fleet when a small frigate flew around and unleashed a volley on the bigger ship before flying away. Bomber had the ship just fly around harassing the bigger ships. As she swung around they saw the cruiser break off from it's attack on the surface and several fires licked her side and belly and a another cruiser took her place. With the number advantage smaller ships could gang up on the larger ships thus freeing the cruisers to try this move. Eventually the surface batteries went silent and what remained of the defense fleet tried to flee but in the end only a couple of batter destroyers warped out But not all the hulks were enemy ships. Red saw a couple destroyers a cruiser and several frigates in the debris field and saw the flaming cruiser limp to the Blueclaw. Shi heard Kline Order the fleet into the defense formation and had a couple ships on rescue and recover duties. Then Red saw the troop transports get into Transporter range and new the real battle had just begun.

Do Over Chapter 1

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