Do Over Chapter 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#35 of Chakat Universe

Seriously injured from a bobby trap Kassa gets a reset on her life.

DO OVER By Admiral Q

Kassa awoke confused and with a tube in her mouth. 'Why did she have a tube in her mouth?' she thought. 'Oh yeah, the explosion. 'Man I must have been hurt bad. But I don't feel any pain right now.' She manage to open her eyes and saw the typical sickbay ceiling. She looked around a bit before a nurse came over. "Good you're awake Commander. Can you lift your hand?" Kassa tried lifting her right hand and manage to do it but weakly, it felt different to her. "Okay, that's a really good sign, I'm going to remove the life support tubing okay?" Kassa manage a nod and experience the feeling of something being removed from her throat. With it out shi licked her chops a few times trying to get the feeling out as the ships doctor came up to her. "What's the last thing you remember Commander?" "My team breaching they door and an explosion. I guess I was messed up bad?" The doctor nodded. "Very bad Commander. You were in a coma for a week before you really went bad and we had to try the recent procedure on you. Congratulations, you're the first successful test of the Improved Ocean Walker Process." "The what!?" Kassa asked. "About a decade ago a A human male was in a middle of a transport when terrorist bombed the station and his bodies data was lost and they had to use a Chakat pattern. That lead to the Oceanwalker process." "So you're saying I'm a clone of someone now?' "No we have improved the original design based off stories of of an independent freighter crew who kept their genetic body but got an age and body reset. since your body is on file with us we manage to give you a genetic twin of yourself." "You have a mirror?" The doc quickly went and got a hand mirror and presented it to Kassa. She took it and looked at her face. It was a face she hadn't seen in fifteen years at least. All the gray hair in her muzzle fur was gone and a beautiful vixen looked back. She moved her head from side to side and all the signs of age were gone. She moved the mirror out of the way and looked down at her self. She was laying on her backs with a larger sheet over her to cover her privates while she recovered. Taking the sheet off she found her lower torso clean and white with no sign of gray or age. Same with her upper torso but when she got to her breasts she noticed a difference. Not only were they firm and perky again but they were BIGGER. At least two cup sizes. "Uh, those weren't that big when I was younger?" "Yeah, the reports we got from the study is that the side effects are larger assets to say the least. You are also taller than you use to be. But otherwise quite healthy." Kassa tried to get off the bed and nearly fell to the floor. The doctor and nurse kept her up. "Careful, this is in essence a new body for you have to figure out how it works again." It took her a few minutes to not look like a foxtaur who had too much to drink. "Man I haven't felt this good in ages." She kept herself fit, she had to for her role as security chief for the F.S.S. New Keiv but age was starting to effect her. She was thinking of retiring in a few years. "I bet Jill and the others would flip when they see me. Where's the rest of my team?" The doctor looked down. That could not be good. "I'm sorry commander the others didn't make it." Yup it wasn't, Kassa took a bit to process that then sat on her haunches. Jill, Roland, Glittergold, and Sequia all dead. They were a great team. Been together for years before joining the New Kiev on her first tour. They have been the closest thing to family she had since her parents died long ago. Now they were gone. Why did she make it? Just because she was protecting their six? And Glittergold's family, by the makers what were they going through. All the joy she just had was gone. "Has the funeral happened?" She asked. "No, they were waiting to see what happened with you commander." "I want to be there and I think I want to go to my room now if that's alright?" "Of course commander, just take it easy the next couple days. You are off duty for a week and go see the counselor every day." "Very well doctor." She left the sickbay and walked to the turbolift and a few minutes later she was in her room. She walked to the window and stared out for she doesn't know how long till the doorbell chimed. "Who is it?" "Sunflower Kassa, may I come in?" "Come on in." And Glittergold's mate came in. Shi was an interesting chakat with a black upper torso and head with a gold lower torso and hair thus hir name. Shi took one look at Kassa and commented. 'Wow that procedure really did the trick didn't it?" Kassa sighed. "Yes it did. I'm alive, young, and healthy while your mate is dead. My team is dead. WHILE I'M FREAKING ALIVE! OH MAKERS SUNFLOWER! I AM SO SORRY!" Kassa could just barely hold back the tears and then felt Sunflower hug her. "There is nothing to be sorry of Kassa. Yes I miss my mate and it hurts bad. But you know what makes it feel better? Knowing that you are alive. Glitter and the others would want you to live. For them since they can't anymore. So yes mourn for them it's okay let it out my friend. You have me and I have you." And Kassa did cry and Sunflower joined her as they mourned the death of their friends and family. Two days later the memorial was begun. Kassa was there in her dress uniform which she had to resize for her new body. She stood next to Sunflower and the kids shi had with Glittergold. Kassa stood their and saluted while the chakat next to her cried as the tubes containing Kassa tactical team were launched from the shuttlebay on a path to the nearby star as a fighter wing missing a man in the formation flew by. Kassa had heard that they got the guys responsible and were already on their way to trial. Kassa secretly hoped for the death penalty with them and went to hug her friend again as the memorial ended. The next day Kassa was in the office of the counselor Chakat Joyleap. "So how are you doing today commander?" "I think better. I still ask why I lived and they didn't but I don't think I'll ever get an answer, but I can't help asking." "Perfectly natural reaction to something like this. They best thing to do is go on with your life. So the question becomes is where do you got from here?" "Well Sunflower is taking the kids to Chakona wand live with hir family. Shi offered me a place there but I refused. For me, I'm done with starfleet. I can't imagine going on without the team. And while Sunflower's offer was tempting but I will go back to my home village and start anew." "Sounds like a soild idea. Starfleet is losing a good officer but you have to do what's right for you. Just make sure you live not survive. And if you ever need a talk my comm is open and I know some local counselors." Kassa nodded and looked back out to the stars. A couple weeks later the New Kiev stopped at Chakona and Kassa said her goodbyes to Glittergold and the kids. She spent a lot time with them and helping Glitter with the kids figuring it was the least she could do. It was a tearful parting and Glitter gave her the number for the clan house so they can stay in touch. Kasa was going to make sure she had a comm unit to reach hir. She spent some time with Glitter's clan. The openly accepted her and left figuring that no matter what she was family and nothing she could say or do would change that. She promised herself if her plan didn't work out she would return to stay. With Sunflower gone she focused more of refreshing her hunting skills. She had the time since she resign from the fleet after the memorial. And in no time the ship was in Earth orbit. She grabbed hir stuff. A replicated bow and quiver of arrows that she designed herself and many personal items and especially the pictures of her team. Bags packed she beamed down to the nearest hub to her village. She took a cab to her home village and when she got to the outskirts nothing looked different off hand. She left the garage area where she sent the PTV home and took a nice walk and refamiliarized herself with the area. She ran into the first building of the village sooner then she thought she would. A good sign in her eyes. Foxtaurs looked at her with curiosity. She was younger,bigger, and bustier than the last time she was here. She entered the Elder Building where the village had meeting and the Council of Elders made decisions. There was always at least one elder on post for any need. And she recognized the Elder talking with a young secretary. "I never thought I see the day that Jalana Kinderstick made Council Elder. The world must be near the end." Kassa said and the elder foxtaur look to her with a scowl then with confusion and shock. "Kassa Russetback, is that you?" She nodded and the elder rush to her and hugged her. "It is good to see but by the makers what happened to YOU!? You were older than me." "Long story but I came to have it formalized that I'm living here again. I assume my parents place isn't vacant anymore?" "Of course I can take care of that but you owe me an explanation so you come to my den and explain the new look. And yes your parent's place is taken. The family using is taking good care of the old place and suits them well. The realtor would know whats available. Tell her I sent you.' "Thanks old friend. Also besides you family I don't want anyone knowing how old I really am. I am truly looking for a new start." "Okay I'll just say your a grand kid of a friend looking to connect with her family roots. You are now the right age to be your own granddaughter>" "Okay that works, thanks Jalana." The two old friends hugged and broke up and Kassa went to the building across the street from the Elder Building. Inside she saw a brown furred vixen sitting behind a desk. "Hello, welcome to Yellow River Village Realtors. How may I help you today?" "Hello Elder Kinderstick sent me. I'm looking for a vacant den on the edge of the village." "Let me see if we got any." The vixen went to the screen next to her and looked at it for a couple of minutes. "Okay we have a couple, follow me." The first one was too small for Kassa's liking. The second one too close to the village. The third one they were checking out. The Living room was nice and spacious so she could practice her moves during the winter. It had a decent kitchen and plenty of storage for food. A decent bathroom and a pair of large sleeping rooms. And nothing but trees around. PERFECT! "I'll take it." Kassa paid the vixen and started unpack went her comm unit went off. Her long range comm unit had arrived. She went out to get it. She set it up and sent an email to Sunflower on how to contact her. She had a meal and went to bed in her new home. The next day after a good breakfast she went out on her first hunting mission. She went out nude since she is alone and dealing with the side effect of the process not only increased her bust size but turned on her milk mode. Luckily she was taking pills to jump start the weaning process. And to be honest she was liking the feeling of being topless. She walked quietly with ears twitching and eyes scanning for any sign of prey. 'There! Tracks, likely small herd of deer. ' She followed the tracks and found the herd. She looked for a suitable target. Found it. Pull the bow and let the arrow fly. That evening Kassa returned home with a pair of deer carcasses and went to work cleaning them. The training her mother gave her coming back to her. In an hour she had both deer stripped of fur and meat. The meat she put in cold storage and the fur in the closet area and after a long bath she fell asleep. The next day shi tried fishing and caught a couple of fish and cleaned them as well. After a few days she decided to sell the fur and earn her first money outside of her retirement pension. Leneu was manning her stall in the marketplace. She was a typical foxtaur female with standard colors and brown hair but her socks were smaller than average. She bought fur from the hunters and made clothing items and even toys for kids. She knew most of the hunters by name and sight so it was surprising to see a new face among them. She was tall for a foxtaur with bright red fur pure white belly fur and bright gold hair on her head. She also had an impressive bust as she was topless. She checked her muzzle to see if she was drooling, nope thank the makers. The large foxtaur stopped at her stand. "How can I help you?' Leneu asked. "I have some furs to sell." "Let's see what you have." The vixen took a few furs out of her saddle packs and Leneu examine them. A couple of deer, some raccoon. "Not bad, not the best done that I've seen but not bad. Twenty credits for the deer hides and forty for the racoons." "I'll take that>" The two make the exchange and Leneu asks. "Hey I know all the hunter's in the village but I don't know you, you just passing by?" "No I just moved in. Kassa Russetback you?" "Leneu Hunter, welcome to the village." "Thank you." The taller foxtaur walked off and Leneu watch her leave with a curious and hungry look in her eyes. Leneu saw Kassa again a couple weeks later selling more furs and it became a routine. Roughly every other week Kassa would show up with furs to sell. But sometimes she bought something. She wore a deerskin vest that was made out of a deer she caught. But is was several sizes to small and didn't cover anything. When Leneu suggested a bigger version Kassa dismissed it and said it was fine. Leneu sighed and relented. She guessed Kassa really liked going bare breasted. Well it was a pleasant sight to Leneu's eyes. It has been a year since Kassa moved back to her home village. She made a couple of friends. One Being Leneu who has stop by a couple times and Kassa had visited her place which is her parents place. Since she had no mates and the parents the room why not. Her family liked Kassa and she liked them. She even sent a couple of toys to Sunflower's kids who now call her auntie Kassa. Yup she was stuck with Chakat relatives, could be worse and the cubs were SO cute. Today she was cooking dinner for herself when there was a knock on the door. Wiping her hands she went to answer the door. "Leneu! Well this is a surprise, come in come in." The brown haired foxtaur walked in. "Sorry for not giving you much warning but I have a favor to ask." "I'm listening." "Well my Mothers half sister and her family has come over and there is just not enough room for us all. So I was wondering if I could stay here while they visit?" "I haven't heard of the den sleeping chamber not being big enough for that. Heck your parents have a nice place." "I know but My aunt has a lot of kids and a couple of comates and even with both communal sleeping area's we are very cramped. AND my aunt can be very energetic in sex play." "OKAY getting close to TMI area. Okay I have the room I'll just add more to the meal I was making. Make yourself comfortable." Kassa raced back into the kitchen to add to the meal for her friend. Leneu having seen the living room before went exploring. The thing she noted was the lack of pictures in the room. There were a few nick knacks Kassa bought or made around but nothing tying to her past. Leneu walked past a bedroom door and not remembering going in this room she checked it out. There was a lot of stuff in here and had to be Kassa's room. She saw pictures and items hanging on the wall. But the picture's were odd. Some of them made sense, a picture of Kassa at a graduation celebration. But then she saw other pictures with Kassa but considerably older then the one she knew as she progressed down the line. Another thing she noticed was her breasts were smaller in those pictures then the pair she sees all the time. One stood out. It show a much older Kassa, one old enough to be Leneu's Grandma Hugging a Chakat and a foxtaur vixen with a human male and a wolf morph female next to them with a massive starship behind them. Under them written was their names and the old Kassa had Kassa written under her. And under them the phrase. 'The Quickstrike Tactical Team at launch of F.S.S. New Kiev' with the date 04/13/ 2342. The was three years ago. "Finding anything interesting?" Leneu heard someone say and she turned to see Kassa leaning her upper torso against the door way with arms crossed with a serious look on her face. "I was just looking around and saw the door open." She pointed to the image on the picture. "This, this is you isn't it? but how is that possible, you look the same age as me and your bigger then what is shown?" Kassa looked down and sighed. "Yes it is me. I'm older than some of the elders on the council. I never developed TAS but got a bit of wander lust so went to the academy and got into Starfleet as a planetary scout. Over the years it changed to tactical response. I was eventually promoted to Lt Commander and formed my own team. Quickstrike was my baby. I found Glittergold, Yolinda, Roland, and Jasmine and we became a good team for years and were my family after my parents died. We were chosen for the first tour of the New Kiev. And that's where it all went wrong. We were sent to a possible Pirate base and my team was setting up to breach a door when the explosive went off. They guess since I was covering the rear of the team, mainly due to command and age that their bodies protected me. But I was still messed up so much they tried a new procedure. It in essence reset my body back to this age with a handful of side effects." 'Like the massive heat afterwards, thank the maker I'm good with a dildo.' "After I recovered I decided to quit Starfleet and start anew. I didn't join a hunter team because I don't want that kind of responsibility again." "And the rumor that you are the granddaughter of a village member?" "Started by Kinderstick to explain my presence. I don't want the general population knowing what happened to me and she suggested that. I have never confirmed or denied it." Leneu hugged the bigger foxtaur. "I'm sorry to bring back such painful memories. Your secret is safe with me." "Thanks Leneu. Now let's go eat dinner." After dinner the two talked a bit before turning in to bed. Leneu offered to sleep with her and since it had been a year since she laid with anyone Kassa took it and slept better than she had for awhile. Kassa woke to the smell of cooking food and looked around. Leneu was not next to her so that had to be who was cooking. She stretched and relieved herself before heading to the kitchen. There Leneu was wearing an apron and toiling over the stove. "Ah good morning Kassa. Breakfast is almost ready." Kassa smiled and went to set the table. After a good breakfast Kassa headed out for some fishing while Leneu went to her stall. A couple hours later Kassa cleaned her fish and headed in to see Leneu reading in the living room. "How was the market today?" She asked. "Slow, only a couple of sales." "Maybe you should try selling some online. You might find more buyers outside the village." "That's not a bad idea, Thank you!" Leneu raced up and kissed Kassa before realizing what she had done and blushed. Kassa was shocked at first but smiled and headed to the cold storage. After dinner the too laid on a couch and kept warm by a fire in the fireplace. Leneu thought it was time to ask. "Kassa, would you mind having me for a mate?" "Well what brought this on?" The bigger foxtaur asked. "Well when I first saw you I was attracted to you and as I have come to know you I got to really like you and that turned to loving you. And after knowing your past clinched it. I want to be your mate if you let me?" "This came out of nowhere for me Leneu. I didn't know you were a vulpamour and had those feelings for me." Leneu saw her friend look into the fire. "When I came here I wanted to start anew. One of the things I didn't do before was have a mate. To career minded then. That is a regret I had." She then looked at Leneu. "I'm willing to try Leneu but note. I am bisexual and I want kits this time around. Maybe not right now but in the future." Leneu leaned in close and replied. "I can live with that." Then lick kissed her new mate. "Before we go further we relocate to bedroom." "Good idea.' Hte two head to the bedroom and both already nude got started with a passionate kiss and squishing their breasts together. Afer a couple minutes they had to break for air and began playing with eachother's breasts till they felt they were ready. They laid on the bed and assumed the sixty nine position and licked eachother's pussy. They licked and licked till they both came yipping in pleasure and resting before going at it again and again till they were exhausted and laid next to eachother asleep and dreaming of the future.


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